// $Id: geom_acorde.C 23412 2008-01-18 21:04:54Z mtadel $ // Main authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. * * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ TString acorde_module_path(Int_t module); void acorde_raw() { AliEveEventManager::AssertGeometry(); AliRawReader * reader = AliEveEventManager::AssertRawReader(); AliACORDERawStream * stream = new AliACORDERawStream(reader); stream->Reset(); stream->Next(); UInt_t dy[4]; dy[0] = stream->GetWord(0); dy[1] = stream->GetWord(1); dy[2] = stream->GetWord(2); dy[3] = stream->GetWord(3); printf ("ACORDE event 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dy[0], dy[1], dy[2], dy[3]); TEveElementList* acorde = new TEveElementList("ACORDE Raw"); gEve->AddElement(acorde); Int_t shape_offset = TEveGeoShape::Class()->GetDataMemberOffset("fShape"); for (Int_t module=0; module < 60; ++module) { TString path = acorde_module_path(module); // printf("%2d - %s\n", i, path.Data()); if ( ! gGeoManager->cd(path)) { Warning("acorde_raw", "Module id=%d, path='%s' not found.\n", module, path.Data()); continue; } TEveGeoShape* eg_shape = new TEveGeoShape(Form("Module %d", module)); eg_shape->RefMainTrans().SetFrom(* gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix()); // @@NEWROOT@@ Temporary hack. // Hack to set shape pointer, no interface available in TEveGeoShape. * (TGeoShape**) (((char*)eg_shape) + shape_offset) = gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume()->GetShape(); // From Matevz: // Here check ctate and assign color, I do it partially for now. Int_t word_idx = module / 30; Int_t bit_idx = module % 30; Bool_t val = (dy[word_idx] & (1 << bit_idx)) != 0; //printf("Module %2d: word_idx = %d, bit_idx = %2d => val = %d\n", // module, word_idx, bit_idx, val); if (val) eg_shape->SetMainColor(2); else eg_shape->SetMainColor(4); eg_shape->StampColorSelection(); acorde->AddElement(eg_shape); } gEve->Redraw3D(); } //============================================================================== //============================================================================== TString acorde_module_path(Int_t module) { if (module < 0 || module > 59) { Error("acorde_module_path", "module %d out of range.", module); return ""; } TGeoPNEntry* pne = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntry(Form("ACORDE/Array%d", module + 1)); if(!pne) return "missing_pne"; return Form("%s/ACORDE2_5", pne->GetTitle()); }