// $Id$ TEvePointSet* tof_hits(const char *varexp = "fX:fY:fZ", const char *selection = "", TEveElement* cont) { AliRunLoader* rl = Alieve::Event::AssertRunLoader(); rl->LoadHits("TOF"); TTree* ht = rl->GetTreeH("TOF", false); //PH The line below is replaced waiting for a fix in Root //PH which permits to use variable siza arguments in CINT //PH on some platforms (alphalinuxgcc, solariscc5, etc.) //PH TEvePointSet* points = new TEvePointSet(Form("TOF Hits '%s'", selection)); char form[1000]; sprintf(form,"TOF Hits '%s'", selection); TEvePointSet* points = new TEvePointSet(form); TEvePointSelector ps(ht, points, varexp, selection); ps.Select(); if( points->Size() == 0 && gEve->GetKeepEmptyCont() == kFALSE) { Warning("tof_hits", Form("No hits match '%s'", selection)); delete points; return 0; } //PH points->SetTitle(Form("N=%d", points->Size())); sprintf(form,"N=%d", points->Size()); points->SetTitle(form); points->SetMarkerSize(.5); points->SetMarkerColor((Color_t)2); gEve->AddElement(points, cont); gEve->Redraw3D(); return points; }