// Display some histograms from scanning. // // BIT(1) stores the original selection. // BIT(0) stores the user selection (set to same value as b1 at init). // // This allows to check all possible combinations. void show_scan_results() { TFile *f = TFile::Open("scan_results.root"); TTree* t = (TTree*) gDirectory->Get("SR"); if (t == 0) Error("show_scan_results", "Tree 'SR' with scan results not found."); TCanvas *c = 0; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tracks //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c = new TCanvas("Tracks", "Track Scanning Results", 800, 600); c->Divide(2, 3); c->cd(1); t->Draw("Sum$(T.fLabel & 1)"); c->cd(2); t->Draw("T.GetSign()", "T.fLabel & 1"); c->cd(3); t->Draw("T.Pt()", "T.fLabel & 1"); c->cd(4); t->Draw("T.Eta()", "T.fLabel & 1"); c->cd(5); t->Draw("T.Phi()", "T.fLabel & 1"); c->Modified(); c->Update(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Trackelts //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c = new TCanvas("Tracklets", "Tracklet Scanning Results", 800, 600); c->Divide(2, 3); c->cd(1); t->Draw("Sum$(M.fLabels & 1)"); c->cd(2); t->Draw("M.fNsingle"); c->cd(3); t->Draw("M.fFiredChips[1]:Sum$(M.fLabels & 1)"); c->cd(4); t->Draw("M.fDeltTh", "M.fLabels & 1"); c->cd(5); t->Draw("M.fDeltPhi", "M.fLabels & 1"); c->cd(6); t->Draw("M.fPhi", "M.fLabels & 1"); c->Modified(); c->Update(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- f->Close(); delete f; }