#ifndef ALIGENREADERHEPMC_H #define ALIGENREADERHEPMC_H // Realisations of the AliGenReader interface to be used with AliGenExFile. // NextEvent() loops over events // and NextParticle() loops over particles. // This implementation reads HepMC output formats // Author: brian.peter.thorsbro@cern.ch, brian@thorsbro.dk // Based on AliGenReaderSL by andreas.morsch@cern.ch #include #include "AliGenReader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "THepMCParser.h" #include "HepMC/IO_BaseClass.h" #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h" class TParticle; class AliGenReaderHepMC : public AliGenReader { public: inline AliGenReaderHepMC():fEventsHandle(0), fGenEvent(0), fParticleArray(0), fParticleIterator(0), fGenEventHeader(0) {;} AliGenReaderHepMC(const AliGenReaderHepMC &reader) :AliGenReader(reader), fEventsHandle(0), fGenEvent(0), fParticleArray(0), fParticleIterator(0), fGenEventHeader(0) {reader.Copy(*this);} inline virtual ~AliGenReaderHepMC(){ delete fEventsHandle; delete fGenEvent; delete fParticleArray; delete fParticleIterator;} // not deleting fGenEventHeader as it is returned out AliGenEventHeader * GetGenEventHeader() const {return fGenEventHeader;}; virtual void Init(); virtual Int_t NextEvent(); virtual TParticle* NextParticle(); virtual void RewindEvent(); AliGenReaderHepMC & operator=(const AliGenReaderHepMC & rhs); protected: HepMC::IO_BaseClass * fEventsHandle; // pointer to the HepMC file handler HepMC::GenEvent * fGenEvent; // pointer to a generated event TClonesArray * fParticleArray; // pointer to array containing particles of current event TIter * fParticleIterator; // iterator coupled to the array AliGenEventHeader * fGenEventHeader; // AliGenEventHeader private: void Copy(TObject&) const; ClassDef(AliGenReaderHepMC, 1) //Generate particles from external file }; #endif