/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2004, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //___________________________________________________________________ // // The classes defined here, are utility classes for reading in data // for the FMD. They are put in a seperate library to not polute the // normal libraries. The classes are intended to be used as base // classes for customized class that do some sort of analysis on the // various types of data produced by the FMD. // // Latest changes by Christian Holm Christensen // #include "AliFMDDisplay.h" // ALIFMDDISPLAY_H #include "AliFMDHit.h" // ALIFMDHIT_H #include "AliFMDDigit.h" // ALIFMDDIGIT_H #include "AliFMDRecPoint.h" // ALIFMDRECPOINT_H #include "AliFMDGeometry.h" // ALIFMDGEOMETRY_H #include "AliFMDParameters.h" // ALIFMDPARAMETERS_H #include // ALIESDFMD_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //____________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliFMDDisplay) #if 0 ; // This is here to keep Emacs for indenting the next line #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDDisplay* AliFMDDisplay::fgInstance = 0; //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDDisplay* AliFMDDisplay::Instance() { return fgInstance; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDDisplay::AliFMDDisplay(const char* gAliceFile) : AliFMDInput(gAliceFile), fWait(kFALSE), fCanvas(0), fPad(0), fButton(0), fZoom(0), fPick(0), fZoomMode(kFALSE) { // Constructor of an FMD display object. AddLoad(kGeometry); fMarkers = new TObjArray; fHits = new TObjArray; fMarkers->SetOwner(kTRUE); fHits->SetOwner(kFALSE); fgInstance = this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDDisplay::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { // AliInfo(Form("Event %d, at (%d,%d)", px, py)); if (px == 0 && py == 0) return; if (!fZoomMode && fPad->GetView()) { fPad->GetView()->ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py); return; } fPad->SetCursor(kCross); switch (event) { case kButton1Down: fPad->TAttLine::Modify(); fX0 = fPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); fY0 = fPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); fXPixel = fOldXPixel = px; fYPixel = fOldYPixel = py; fLineDrawn = kFALSE; return; case kButton1Motion: if (fLineDrawn) gVirtualX->DrawBox(fXPixel, fYPixel, fOldXPixel, fOldYPixel, TVirtualX::kHollow); fOldXPixel = px; fOldYPixel = py; fLineDrawn = kTRUE; gVirtualX->DrawBox(fXPixel, fYPixel, fOldXPixel, fOldYPixel, TVirtualX::kHollow); return; case kButton1Up: fPad->GetCanvas()->FeedbackMode(kFALSE); if (px == fXPixel || py == fYPixel) return; fX1 = fPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); fY1 = fPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); if (fX1 < fX0) std::swap(fX0, fX1); if (fY1 < fY0) std::swap(fY0, fY1); fPad->Range(fX0, fY0, fX1, fY1); fPad->Modified(); return; } } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDDisplay::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t) { // AliInfo(Form("@ (%d,%d)", px, py)); fPad->SetCursor(kCross); Float_t xmin = fPad->GetX1(); Float_t xmax = fPad->GetX2(); Float_t dx = .02 * (xmax - xmin); Float_t x = fPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); if (x < xmin + dx || x > xmax - dx) return 9999; return (fZoomMode ? 0 : 7); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::Init() { if (!AliFMDInput::Init()) return kFALSE; AliFMDGeometry* geom = AliFMDGeometry::Instance(); geom->Init(); geom->InitTransformations(); // AliFMDParameters* parm = AliFMDParameters::Instance(); // parm->Init(); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::Begin(Int_t event) { if (!fCanvas) { gStyle->SetPalette(1); fCanvas = new TCanvas("display", "Display", 700, 700); fCanvas->SetFillColor(1); fCanvas->ToggleEventStatus(); fPad = new TPad("view3D", "3DView", 0.0, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 0, 0); fCanvas->cd(); fPad->Draw(); } if (!fButton) { fCanvas->cd(); fButton = new TButton("Continue", "AliFMDDisplay::Instance()->Continue()", 0, 0, .5, .05); fButton->Draw(); fZoom = new TButton("Zoom", "AliFMDDisplay::Instance()->Zoom()", .5, 0, .75, .05); fZoom->Draw(); fPick = new TButton("Pick", "AliFMDDisplay::Instance()->Pick()", .75, 0, 1, .05); fPick->Draw(); } AliInfo("Clearing canvas"); // fCanvas->Clear(); if (!fGeoManager) { Warning("End", "No geometry manager"); return kFALSE; } AliInfo("Drawing geometry"); fPad->cd(); fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw(); AliInfo("Adjusting view"); Int_t irep; if (fPad->GetView()) { fPad->GetView()->SetView(-200, -40, 80, irep); fPad->GetView()->Zoom(); fPad->Modified(); fPad->cd(); } return AliFMDInput::Begin(event); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::End() { fPad->cd(); fMarkers->Draw(); fPad->cd(); AppendPad(); // fPad->Update(); fPad->cd(); // fCanvas->Modified(kTRUE); //fCanvas->Update(); // fCanvas->cd(); // fPad->cd(); fWait = kTRUE; while (fWait) { gApplication->StartIdleing(); gSystem->InnerLoop(); gApplication->StopIdleing(); } AliInfo("After idle loop"); fMarkers->Delete(); fHits->Clear(); AliInfo("After clearing caches"); return AliFMDInput::End(); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDDisplay::LookupColor(Float_t x, Float_t max) const { Int_t idx = Int_t(x / max * gStyle->GetNumberOfColors()); return gStyle->GetColorPalette(idx); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::ProcessHit(AliFMDHit* hit, TParticle* p) { if (!hit) { AliError("No hit"); return kFALSE; } if (!p) { AliError("No track"); return kFALSE; } fHits->Add(hit); Float_t size = .1; Float_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(hit->Py()*hit->Py()+hit->Px()*hit->Px()); Float_t theta = TMath::ATan2(pt, hit->Pz()); Float_t phi = TMath::ATan2(hit->Py(), hit->Px()); TMarker3DBox* marker = new TMarker3DBox(hit->X(), hit->Y(), hit->Z(), size, size, size, theta, phi); marker->SetLineColor(LookupColor(hit->Edep(), 1)); marker->SetRefObject(hit); fMarkers->Add(marker); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::ProcessDigit(AliFMDDigit* digit) { if (!digit) { AliError("No digit"); return kFALSE; } Double_t x, y, z; AliFMDGeometry* geom = AliFMDGeometry::Instance(); AliFMDParameters* parm = AliFMDParameters::Instance(); Double_t threshold = (parm->GetPedestal(digit->Detector(), digit->Ring(), digit->Sector(), digit->Strip()) + 4 * parm->GetPedestalWidth(digit->Detector(), digit->Ring(), digit->Sector(), digit->Strip())); if (digit->Counts() < threshold) return kTRUE; fHits->Add(digit); geom->Detector2XYZ(digit->Detector(), digit->Ring(), digit->Sector(), digit->Strip(), x, y, z); Float_t size = .1; Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(x * x + y * y); Float_t theta = TMath::ATan2(r, z); Float_t phi = TMath::ATan2(y, x); TMarker3DBox* marker = new TMarker3DBox(x,y,z,size,size,size,theta,phi); marker->SetRefObject(digit); marker->SetLineColor(LookupColor(digit->Counts(), 1024)); fMarkers->Add(marker); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::ProcessRaw(AliFMDDigit* digit) { return ProcessDigit(digit); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDisplay::ProcessRecPoint(AliFMDRecPoint* recpoint) { if (!recpoint) { AliError("No recpoint"); return kFALSE; } if (recpoint->Particles() < .1) return kTRUE; fHits->Add(recpoint); Double_t x, y, z; AliFMDGeometry* geom = AliFMDGeometry::Instance(); geom->Detector2XYZ(recpoint->Detector(), recpoint->Ring(), recpoint->Sector(), recpoint->Strip(), x, y, z); Float_t size = .1; Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(x * x + y * y); Float_t theta = TMath::ATan2(r, z); Float_t phi = TMath::ATan2(y, x); TMarker3DBox* marker = new TMarker3DBox(x,y,z,size,size,size,theta,phi); marker->SetRefObject(recpoint); marker->SetLineColor(LookupColor(recpoint->Particles(), 20)); fMarkers->Add(marker); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //