/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2004, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /** @file AliFMDInput.cxx @author Christian Holm Christensen @date Mon Mar 27 12:42:40 2006 @brief FMD utility classes for reading FMD data */ //___________________________________________________________________ // // The classes defined here, are utility classes for reading in data // for the FMD. They are put in a seperate library to not polute the // normal libraries. The classes are intended to be used as base // classes for customized class that do some sort of analysis on the // various types of data produced by the FMD. // // Latest changes by Christian Holm Christensen // #include "AliFMDInput.h" // ALIFMDHIT_H #include "AliFMDDebug.h" // ALIFMDDEBUG_H ALILOG_H #include "AliLoader.h" // ALILOADER_H #include "AliRunLoader.h" // ALIRUNLOADER_H #include "AliRun.h" // ALIRUN_H #include "AliStack.h" // ALISTACK_H #include "AliRawReaderFile.h" // ALIRAWREADERFILE_H #include "AliFMD.h" // ALIFMD_H #include "AliFMDHit.h" // ALIFMDHIT_H #include "AliFMDDigit.h" // ALIFMDDigit_H #include "AliFMDSDigit.h" // ALIFMDDigit_H #include "AliFMDRecPoint.h" // ALIFMDRECPOINT_H #include "AliFMDRawReader.h" // ALIFMDRAWREADER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ROOT_TTree #include // ROOT_TChain #include // ROOT_TParticle #include // ROOT_TString #include // ROOT_TDatabasePDG #include // ROOT_TMath #include // ROOT_TGeoManager #include // ROOT_TSystemDirectory #include // ROOT_Riostream #include // ROOT_TFile #include //____________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliFMDInput) #if 0 ; // This is here to keep Emacs for indenting the next line #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDInput::AliFMDInput() : fGAliceFile(""), fLoader(0), fRun(0), fStack(0), fFMDLoader(0), fReader(0), fFMD(0), fESD(0), fESDEvent(0), fTreeE(0), fTreeH(0), fTreeD(0), fTreeS(0), fTreeR(0), fTreeA(0), fChainE(0), fArrayE(0), fArrayH(0), fArrayD(0), fArrayS(0), fArrayR(0), fArrayA(0), fGeoManager(0), fTreeMask(0), fIsInit(kFALSE) { // Constructor of an FMD input object. Specify what data to read in // using the AddLoad member function. Sub-classes should at a // minimum overload the member function Event. A full job can be // executed using the member function Run. } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDInput::AliFMDInput(const char* gAliceFile) : fGAliceFile(gAliceFile), fLoader(0), fRun(0), fStack(0), fFMDLoader(0), fReader(0), fFMD(0), fESD(0), fESDEvent(0), fTreeE(0), fTreeH(0), fTreeD(0), fTreeS(0), fTreeR(0), fTreeA(0), fChainE(0), fArrayE(0), fArrayH(0), fArrayD(0), fArrayS(0), fArrayR(0), fArrayA(0), fGeoManager(0), fTreeMask(0), fIsInit(kFALSE) { // Constructor of an FMD input object. Specify what data to read in // using the AddLoad member function. Sub-classes should at a // minimum overload the member function Event. A full job can be // executed using the member function Run. } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDInput::NEvents() const { // Get number of events if (fTreeE) return fTreeE->GetEntries(); return -1; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::Init() { // Initialize the object. Get the needed loaders, and such. // Check if we have been initialized if (fIsInit) { AliWarning("Already initialized"); return fIsInit; } if (fGAliceFile.IsNull()) fGAliceFile = "galice.root"; // Get the loader fLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(fGAliceFile.Data(), "Alice", "read"); if (!fLoader) { AliError(Form("Coulnd't read the file %s", fGAliceFile.Data())); return kFALSE; } // Get the run if (fLoader->LoadgAlice()) return kFALSE; fRun = fLoader->GetAliRun(); // Get the FMD fFMD = static_cast(fRun->GetDetector("FMD")); if (!fFMD) { AliError("Failed to get detector FMD from loader"); return kFALSE; } // Get the FMD loader fFMDLoader = fLoader->GetLoader("FMDLoader"); if (!fFMDLoader) { AliError("Failed to get detector FMD loader from loader"); return kFALSE; } if (fLoader->LoadHeader()) { AliError("Failed to get event header information from loader"); return kFALSE; } fTreeE = fLoader->TreeE(); // Optionally, get the ESD files if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kESD)) { fChainE = new TChain("esdTree"); TSystemDirectory dir(".","."); TList* files = dir.GetListOfFiles(); TSystemFile* file = 0; if (!files) { AliError("No files"); return kFALSE; } files->Sort(); TIter next(files); while ((file = static_cast(next()))) { TString fname(file->GetName()); if (fname.Contains("AliESDs")) fChainE->AddFile(fname.Data()); } fESDEvent = new AliESDEvent(); fESDEvent->ReadFromTree(fChainE); // fChainE->SetBranchAddress("ESD", &fMainESD); } if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kRaw)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD raw data digits"); fArrayA = new TClonesArray("AliFMDDigit"); fReader = new AliRawReaderFile(-1); } // Optionally, get the geometry if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kGeometry)) { TString fname(fRun->GetGeometryFileName()); if (fname.IsNull()) { Warning("Init", "No file name for the geometry from AliRun"); fname = gSystem->DirName(fGAliceFile); fname.Append("/geometry.root"); } fGeoManager = TGeoManager::Import(fname.Data()); if (!fGeoManager) { Fatal("Init", "No geometry manager found"); return kFALSE; } AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBEntry* align = cdb->Get("FMD/Align/Data"); if (align) { AliInfo("Got alignment data from CDB"); TClonesArray* array = dynamic_cast(align->GetObject()); if (!array) { AliWarning("Invalid align data from CDB"); } else { Int_t nAlign = array->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nAlign; i++) { AliAlignObjParams* a = static_cast(array->At(i)); if (!a->ApplyToGeometry()) { AliWarning(Form("Failed to apply alignment to %s", a->GetSymName())); } } } } } fIsInit = kTRUE; return fIsInit; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::Begin(Int_t event) { // Called at the begining of each event. Per default, it gets the // data trees and gets pointers to the output arrays. Users can // overload this, but should call this member function in the // overloaded member function of the derived class. // Check if we have been initialized if (!fIsInit) { AliError("Not initialized"); return fIsInit; } // Get the event if (fLoader->GetEvent(event)) return kFALSE; AliInfo(Form("Now in event %d/%d", event, NEvents())); // Possibly load global kinematics information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kKinematics) || TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kTracks)) { AliInfo("Getting kinematics"); if (fLoader->LoadKinematics()) return kFALSE; fStack = fLoader->Stack(); } // Possibly load FMD Hit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kHits) || TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kTracks)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD hits"); if (fFMDLoader->LoadHits()) return kFALSE; fTreeH = fFMDLoader->TreeH(); if (!fArrayH) fArrayH = fFMD->Hits(); } // Possibly load FMD Digit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kDigits)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD digits"); if (fFMDLoader->LoadDigits()) return kFALSE; fTreeD = fFMDLoader->TreeD(); if (fTreeD) { if (!fArrayD) fArrayD = fFMD->Digits(); } else { fArrayD = 0; AliWarning(Form("Failed to load FMD Digits")); } } // Possibly load FMD Sdigit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kSDigits)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD summable digits"); if (fFMDLoader->LoadSDigits()) return kFALSE; fTreeS = fFMDLoader->TreeS(); if (!fArrayS) fArrayS = fFMD->SDigits(); } // Possibly load FMD RecPoints information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kRecPoints)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD reconstructed points"); if (fFMDLoader->LoadRecPoints()) return kFALSE; fTreeR = fFMDLoader->TreeR(); if (!fArrayR) fArrayR = new TClonesArray("AliFMDRecPoint"); fTreeR->SetBranchAddress("FMD", &fArrayR); } // Possibly load FMD ESD information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kESD)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD event summary data"); Int_t read = fChainE->GetEntry(event); if (read <= 0) return kFALSE; fESD = fESDEvent->GetFMDData(); if (!fESD) return kFALSE; TFile* f = fChainE->GetFile(); if (f) { TObject* o = f->GetStreamerInfoList()->FindObject("AliFMDMap"); if (o) { TStreamerInfo* info = static_cast(o); std::cout << "AliFMDMap class version read is " << info->GetClassVersion() << std::endl; } } // fESD->CheckNeedUShort(fChainE->GetFile()); } // Possibly load FMD Digit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kRaw)) { AliInfo("Getting FMD raw data digits"); if (!fReader->NextEvent()) return kFALSE; AliFMDRawReader r(fReader, 0); fArrayA->Clear(); r.ReadAdcs(fArrayA); } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::Event() { // Process one event. The default implementation one or more of // // - ProcessHits if the hits are loaded. // - ProcessDigits if the digits are loaded. // - ProcessSDigits if the sumbable digits are loaded. // - ProcessRecPoints if the reconstructed points are loaded. // - ProcessESD if the event summary data is loaded // if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kHits)) if (!ProcessHits()) return kFALSE; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kTracks)) if (!ProcessTracks()) return kFALSE; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kDigits)) if (!ProcessDigits()) return kFALSE; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kSDigits)) if (!ProcessSDigits()) return kFALSE; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kRaw)) if (!ProcessRawDigits()) return kFALSE; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kRecPoints)) if (!ProcessRecPoints()) return kFALSE; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kESD)) if (!ProcessESDs()) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessHits() { // Read the hit tree, and pass each hit to the member function // ProcessHit. if (!fTreeH) { AliError("No hit tree defined"); return kFALSE; } Int_t nTracks = fTreeH->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) { Int_t hitRead = fTreeH->GetEntry(i); if (hitRead <= 0) continue; if (!fArrayH) { AliError("No hit array defined"); return kFALSE; } Int_t nHit = fArrayH->GetEntries(); if (nHit <= 0) continue; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nHit; j++) { AliFMDHit* hit = static_cast(fArrayH->At(j)); if (!hit) continue; TParticle* track = 0; if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kKinematics) && fStack) { Int_t trackno = hit->Track(); track = fStack->Particle(trackno); } if (!ProcessHit(hit, track)) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessTracks() { // Read the hit tree, and pass each hit to the member function // ProcessHit. if (!fStack) { AliError("No track tree defined"); return kFALSE; } if (!fTreeH) { AliError("No hit tree defined"); return kFALSE; } Int_t nTracks = fTreeH->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) { TParticle* track = fStack->Particle(i); if (!track) continue; Int_t hitRead = fTreeH->GetEntry(i); if (hitRead <= 0) continue; if (!fArrayH) { AliError("No hit array defined"); return kFALSE; } Int_t nHit = fArrayH->GetEntries(); if (nHit <= 0) continue; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nHit; j++) { AliFMDHit* hit = static_cast(fArrayH->At(j)); if (!hit) continue; if (!ProcessTrack(i, track, hit)) return kFALSE; } // if (!ProcessTrack(i, track, fArrayH)) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessDigits() { // Read the digit tree, and pass each digit to the member function // ProcessDigit. Int_t nEv = fTreeD->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEv; i++) { Int_t digitRead = fTreeD->GetEntry(i); if (digitRead <= 0) continue; Int_t nDigit = fArrayD->GetEntries(); if (nDigit <= 0) continue; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nDigit; j++) { AliFMDDigit* digit = static_cast(fArrayD->At(j)); if (!digit) continue; if (!ProcessDigit(digit)) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessSDigits() { // Read the summable digit tree, and pass each sumable digit to the // member function ProcessSdigit. Int_t nEv = fTreeD->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEv; i++) { Int_t sdigitRead = fTreeS->GetEntry(i); if (sdigitRead <= 0) continue; Int_t nSdigit = fArrayS->GetEntries(); if (nSdigit <= 0) continue; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nSdigit; j++) { AliFMDSDigit* sdigit = static_cast(fArrayS->At(j)); if (!sdigit) continue; if (!ProcessSDigit(sdigit)) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessRawDigits() { // Read the digit tree, and pass each digit to the member function // ProcessDigit. Int_t nDigit = fArrayA->GetEntries(); if (nDigit <= 0) return kTRUE; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nDigit; j++) { AliFMDDigit* digit = static_cast(fArrayA->At(j)); if (!digit) continue; if (!ProcessRawDigit(digit)) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessRecPoints() { // Read the reconstrcted points tree, and pass each reconstruction // object (AliFMDRecPoint) to either ProcessRecPoint. Int_t nEv = fTreeR->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEv; i++) { Int_t recRead = fTreeR->GetEntry(i); if (recRead <= 0) continue; Int_t nRecPoint = fArrayR->GetEntries(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nRecPoint; j++) { AliFMDRecPoint* recPoint = static_cast(fArrayR->At(j)); if (!recPoint) continue; if (!ProcessRecPoint(recPoint)) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::ProcessESDs() { // Process event summary data if (!fESD) return kFALSE; for (UShort_t det = 1; det <= 3; det++) { Char_t rings[] = { 'I', (det == 1 ? '\0' : 'O'), '\0' }; for (Char_t* rng = rings; *rng != '\0'; rng++) { UShort_t nsec = (*rng == 'I' ? 20 : 40); UShort_t nstr = (*rng == 'I' ? 512 : 256); for (UShort_t sec = 0; sec < nsec; sec++) { for (UShort_t str = 0; str < nstr; str++) { Float_t eta = fESD->Eta(det,*rng,sec,str); Float_t mult = fESD->Multiplicity(det,*rng,sec,str); if (!fESD->IsAngleCorrected()) mult *= TMath::Abs(TMath::Cos(2.*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta)))); if (!ProcessESD(det, *rng, sec, str, eta, mult)) continue; } } } } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::End() { // Called at the end of each event. Per default, it unloads the // data trees and resets the pointers to the output arrays. Users // can overload this, but should call this member function in the // overloaded member function of the derived class. // Check if we have been initialized if (!fIsInit) { AliError("Not initialized"); return fIsInit; } // Possibly unload global kinematics information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kKinematics) || TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kTracks)) { fLoader->UnloadKinematics(); // fTreeK = 0; fStack = 0; } // Possibly unload FMD Hit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kHits) || TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kTracks)) { fFMDLoader->UnloadHits(); fTreeH = 0; } // Possibly unload FMD Digit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kDigits)) { fFMDLoader->UnloadDigits(); fTreeD = 0; } // Possibly unload FMD Sdigit information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kSDigits)) { fFMDLoader->UnloadSDigits(); fTreeS = 0; } // Possibly unload FMD RecPoints information if (TESTBIT(fTreeMask, kRecPoints)) { fFMDLoader->UnloadRecPoints(); fTreeR = 0; } AliInfo("Now out event"); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDInput::Run() { // Run over all events and files references in galice.root Bool_t retval; if (!(retval = Init())) return retval; Int_t nEvents = NEvents(); for (Int_t event = 0; event < nEvents; event++) { if (!(retval = Begin(event))) break; if (!(retval = Event())) break; if (!(retval = End())) break; } if (!retval) return retval; retval = Finish(); return retval; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //