#ifndef ALIFMDPEDESTALDA_H #define ALIFMDPEDESTALDA_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights * reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // This class implements the pedestal detector algorithm (DA) for the FMD. // It uses 51200 TH1S histograms to store the data for each channel of the FMD. // The mean and standard deviation of a histogram define the pedestal and // the noise for that channel. #include "AliFMDBaseDA.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TObjArray.h" class TH2; class AliFMDPedestalDA: public AliFMDBaseDA { public: /** * Constructor. * */ AliFMDPedestalDA(); /** * Copy constructor * * @param pedDA Object to copy from */ AliFMDPedestalDA(const AliFMDPedestalDA & pedDA); // AliFMDPedestalDA& operator = (const AliFMDPedestalDA & pedDA) ; /** * Destructor * */ virtual ~AliFMDPedestalDA(); /** * Initialiser * */ void Init(); protected: /** * Add a channel to the containers. * * @param sectorArray Array of sectors * @param det Detector * @param ring Ring * @param sec Sector * @param strip Strip */ void AddChannelContainer(TObjArray* sectorArray, UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec, UShort_t strip); /** * Fill ADC values from a digit into the corresponding histogram. * * @param digit Digit to fill ADC values for. */ void FillChannels(AliFMDDigit* digit); /** * Analyse a strip. That is, compute the mean and spread of the ADC * spectra for all strips. Also output on files the values. * * @param det Detector * @param ring Ring * @param sec Sector * @param strip Strip. * @param h Summary histogram with bins for sector and strip */ void Analyse(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec, UShort_t strip); /** * Write headers to files. * */ void WriteHeaderToFile(); /** * Called at the end of an event. * */ void FinishEvent() {} /** * Called at the end of a job. Fills in missing time-bins and * closes output files * */ void Terminate(TFile* ); private: /** * Get the histogram corresponding to a strip sample. * * @param det Detector * @param ring Ring * @param sec Sector * @param strip Strip * @param sample Sample * * @return ADC spectra of a strip. */ TH1S* GetChannel(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec, UShort_t strip, UInt_t sample); /** * Calculate the hardware index * * @param ddl DDL number * @param board Board number * @param altro ALTRO number * @param chan Channel number * * @return Index into hardware cache. */ Int_t HWIndex(UShort_t ddl, UShort_t board, UShort_t altro, UShort_t chan) const; void FillinTimebins(std::ofstream& out, UShort_t ddl); /** Current strip */ Int_t fCurrentChannel; /** Pedestal summary */ TH1F fPedSummary; /** Noise summary */ TH1F fNoiseSummary; /** Output file for zero-suppression for FMD1 */ std::ofstream fZSfileFMD1; /** Output file for zero-suppression for FMD2 */ std::ofstream fZSfileFMD2; /** Output file for zero-suppression for FMD3 */ std::ofstream fZSfileFMD3; /** The minimum timebin seen for all channels */ TArrayS fMinTimebin; /** The maximum timebin seen for all channels */ TArrayS fMaxTimebin; void MakeSummary(UShort_t det, Char_t ring); TH2* fSummaryFMD1i; TH2* fSummaryFMD2i; TH2* fSummaryFMD2o; TH2* fSummaryFMD3i; TH2* fSummaryFMD3o; ClassDef(AliFMDPedestalDA,0) }; inline Int_t AliFMDPedestalDA::HWIndex(UShort_t ddl, UShort_t b, UShort_t a, UShort_t c)const { // Save some array entries UShort_t lb = (b > 1 ? b-16+2 : b); const Int_t kNDDL = 3; const Int_t kNBoard = 4; const Int_t kNAltro = 3; const Int_t kNChannel = 16; Int_t idx = c + kNChannel * (a + kNAltro * (lb + kNBoard * ddl)); if (idx > kNDDL * kNBoard * kNAltro * kNChannel) return -1; return idx; } #endif // // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: //