#include void ReadRaw(Int_t det=2, bool verbose=false, Int_t event=0) { TString file(Form("raw%d/FMD_%d.ddl", event, AliFMD::kBaseDDL + det - 1)); std::cout << "Reading raw data file " << file << std::endl; TH1* h = new TH1F("rawData", "Raw Data", 90, 0, 90); // This method creates a text file containing the same information // stored in an Altro file. The information in the text file is // organized pad by pad and and for each pad it consists in a // sequence of bunches (Bunch length +2, Time bin of the last // amplitude sample in the bunch, amplitude values) It is used // mainly //for debugging AliAltroBuffer buff(file.Data(),0); Int_t numWords,padNum,rowNum,secNum=0; Int_t value = 0; Int_t zero = 0; // if (!buff.ReadDataHeader()) { // std::cout<< file << " isn't a valid data file!" << std::endl; // } while(buff.ReadTrailerBackward(numWords,padNum,rowNum,secNum)){ if (verbose) std::cout << "Ring: " << (secNum == 0 ? 'I' : 'O') << " Sector: " << std::setw(2) << rowNum << " Strip: " << std::setw(3) << padNum << " Words: " << std::setw(4) << numWords << std::endl; if (numWords == 0) zero++; if (numWords % 4){ if (verbose) std::cout << "Skipping trailer of " << (4 - numWords % 4) << " words" << std::endl; for(Int_t j = 0; j < (4 - numWords % 4); j++) value=buff.GetNextBackWord(); }//end if for(Int_t i = 0; i Fill(value); }//end for if (verbose) std::cout << std::endl; if (zero > 1) { std::cout << "Error: Read zero channels - should not happen" << std::endl; break; } }//end while h->Draw(); return; }