/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // //The design of this class is based on the AliFMDParameters class. Its purpose //is to hold parameters for the analysis such as background correction and //fit functions. // //Author: Hans Hjersing Dalsgaard, NBI, hans.dalsgaard@cern.ch // #include "AliFMDDebug.h" // ALILOG_H #include "AliFMDAnaParameters.h" // ALIFMDPARAMETERS_H //#include // ALICDBMANAGER_H //#include // ALICDBMANAGER_H //#include "AliFMDRing.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //==================================================================== ClassImp(AliFMDAnaParameters) #if 0 ; // This is here to keep Emacs for indenting the next line #endif //const char* AliFMDAnaParameters::fgkBackgroundCorrection = "FMD/Correction/Background"; //const char* AliFMDAnaParameters::fgkEnergyDists = "FMD/Correction/EnergyDistribution"; const char* AliFMDAnaParameters::fgkBackgroundID = "background"; const char* AliFMDAnaParameters::fgkEnergyDistributionID = "energydistributions"; //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDAnaParameters* AliFMDAnaParameters::fgInstance = 0; //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDAnaParameters* AliFMDAnaParameters::Instance() { // Get static instance if (!fgInstance) fgInstance = new AliFMDAnaParameters; return fgInstance; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDAnaParameters::AliFMDAnaParameters() : fIsInit(kFALSE), fBackground(0), fEnergyDistribution(0), fCorner1(4.2231, 26.6638), fCorner2(1.8357, 27.9500), fEnergyPath("$ALICE_ROOT/FMD/Correction/EnergyDistribution/energydistributions.root"), fBackgroundPath("$ALICE_ROOT/FMD/Correction/Background/background.root") { //fVerticies.Add(new TVector2(4.2231, 26.6638)); // fVerticies.Add(new TVector2(1.8357, 27.9500)); // Default constructor } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDAnaParameters::Init(Bool_t forceReInit, UInt_t what) { // Initialize the parameters manager. We need to get stuff from the // CDB here. if (forceReInit) fIsInit = kFALSE; if (fIsInit) return; if (what & kBackgroundCorrection) InitBackground(); if (what & kEnergyDistributions) InitEnergyDists(); fIsInit = kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDAnaParameters::InitBackground() { //AliCDBEntry* background = GetEntry(fgkBackgroundCorrection); TFile* fin = TFile::Open(fBackgroundPath.Data()); if (!fin) return; fBackground = dynamic_cast(fin->Get(fgkBackgroundID)); if (!fBackground) AliFatal("Invalid background object from CDB"); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDAnaParameters::InitEnergyDists() { TFile* fin = TFile::Open(fEnergyPath.Data()); //AliCDBEntry* edist = GetEntry(fgkEnergyDists); if (!fin) return; fEnergyDistribution = dynamic_cast(fin->Get(fgkEnergyDistributionID)); if (!fEnergyDistribution) AliFatal("Invalid background object from CDB"); } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetVtxCutZ() { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return -1; } return fBackground->GetVtxCutZ(); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetNvtxBins() { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return -1; } return fBackground->GetNvtxBins(); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliFMDAnaParameters::GetEnergyDistribution(Int_t det, Char_t ring, Float_t eta) { return fEnergyDistribution->GetEnergyDistribution(det, ring, eta); } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetSigma(Int_t det, Char_t ring, Float_t eta) { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return 0; } TH1F* hEnergyDist = GetEnergyDistribution(det,ring, eta); TF1* fitFunc = hEnergyDist->GetFunction("FMDfitFunc"); if(!fitFunc) { AliWarning(Form("No function for FMD%d%c, eta %f",det,ring,eta)); return 1024; } Float_t sigma = fitFunc->GetParameter(2); return sigma; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetMPV(Int_t det, Char_t ring, Float_t eta) { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return 0; } TH1F* hEnergyDist = GetEnergyDistribution(det,ring,eta); TF1* fitFunc = hEnergyDist->GetFunction("FMDfitFunc"); if(!fitFunc) { AliWarning(Form("No function for FMD%d%c, eta %f",det,ring,eta)); return 1024; } Float_t mpv = fitFunc->GetParameter(1); return mpv; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::Get2MIPWeight(Int_t det, Char_t ring, Float_t eta) { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return 0; } TH1F* hEnergyDist = GetEnergyDistribution(det,ring,eta); TF1* fitFunc = hEnergyDist->GetFunction("FMDfitFunc"); if(!fitFunc) return 0; Float_t twoMIPweight = fitFunc->GetParameter(3); if(twoMIPweight < 1e-05) twoMIPweight = 0; return twoMIPweight; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::Get3MIPWeight(Int_t det, Char_t ring, Float_t eta) { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return 0; } TH1F* hEnergyDist = GetEnergyDistribution(det,ring,eta); TF1* fitFunc = hEnergyDist->GetFunction("FMDfitFunc"); if(!fitFunc) return 0; Float_t threeMIPweight = fitFunc->GetParameter(4); if(threeMIPweight < 1e-05) threeMIPweight = 0; Float_t twoMIPweight = fitFunc->GetParameter(3); if(twoMIPweight < 1e-05) threeMIPweight = 0; return threeMIPweight; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetNetaBins() { return GetBackgroundCorrection(1,'I',0)->GetNbinsX(); } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetEtaMin() { return GetBackgroundCorrection(1,'I',0)->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetEtaMax() { return GetBackgroundCorrection(1,'I',0)->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2F* AliFMDAnaParameters::GetBackgroundCorrection(Int_t det, Char_t ring, Int_t vtxbin) { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return 0; } if(vtxbin > fBackground->GetNvtxBins()) { AliWarning(Form("No background object for vertex bin %d", vtxbin)); return 0; } return fBackground->GetBgCorrection(det,ring,vtxbin); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliFMDAnaParameters::GetDoubleHitCorrection(Int_t det, Char_t ring) { if(!fIsInit) { AliWarning("Not initialized yet. Call Init() to remedy"); return 0; } return fBackground->GetDoubleHitCorrection(det,ring); } //_____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetMaxR(Char_t ring) const{ Float_t radius = 0; if(ring == 'I') radius = 17.2; else if(ring == 'O') radius = 28.0; else AliWarning("Unknown ring - must be I or O!"); return radius; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetMinR(Char_t ring) const{ Float_t radius = 0; if(ring == 'I') radius = 4.5213; else if(ring == 'O') radius = 15.4; else AliWarning("Unknown ring - must be I or O!"); return radius; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDAnaParameters::SetCorners(Char_t ring) { if(ring == 'I') { fCorner1.Set(4.9895, 15.3560); fCorner2.Set(1.8007, 17.2000); } else { fCorner1.Set(4.2231, 26.6638); fCorner2.Set(1.8357, 27.9500); } } //_____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetPhiFromSector(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec) const { Int_t nsec = (ring == 'I' ? 20 : 40); Float_t basephi = 0; if(det == 1) basephi = 1.72787594; if(det == 2 && ring == 'I') basephi = 0.15707963; if(det == 2 && ring == 'O') basephi = 0.078539818; if(det == 3 && ring == 'I') basephi = 2.984513044; if(det == 3 && ring == 'O') basephi = 3.06305289; Float_t step = 2*TMath::Pi() / nsec; Float_t phi = 0; if(det == 3) phi = basephi - sec*step; else phi = basephi + sec*step; if(phi < 0) phi = phi +2*TMath::Pi(); if(phi > 2*TMath::Pi() ) phi = phi - 2*TMath::Pi(); return phi; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetEtaFromStrip(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec, UShort_t strip, Float_t zvtx) const { // AliFMDRing fmdring(ring); // fmdring.Init(); Float_t rad = GetMaxR(ring)-GetMinR(ring); Float_t nStrips = (ring == 'I' ? 512 : 256); Float_t segment = rad / nStrips; Float_t r = GetMinR(ring) + segment*strip; Float_t z = 0; Int_t hybrid = sec / 2; if(det == 1) { if(!(hybrid%2)) z = 320.266; else z = 319.766; } if(det == 2 && ring == 'I' ) { if(!(hybrid%2)) z = 83.666; else z = 83.166; } if(det == 2 && ring == 'O' ) { if(!(hybrid%2)) z = 74.966; else z = 75.466; } if(det == 3 && ring == 'I' ) { if(!(hybrid%2)) z = -63.066; else z = -62.566; } if(det == 3 && ring == 'O' ) { if(!(hybrid%2)) z = -74.966; else z = -75.466; } //std::cout<Get(path); if (!entry) { TString msg(Form("No %s found in CDB, perhaps you need to " "use AliFMDCalibFaker?", path)); if (fatal) { AliFatal(msg.Data()); } else AliLog::Message(AliLog::kWarning, msg.Data(), "FMD", "AliFMDParameters", "GetEntry", __FILE__, __LINE__); return 0; } return entry; } */ //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetStripLength(Char_t ring, UShort_t strip) { //AliFMDRing fmdring(ring); // fmdring.Init(); Float_t rad = GetMaxR(ring)-GetMinR(ring); Float_t nStrips = (ring == 'I' ? 512 : 256); Float_t segment = rad / nStrips; //TVector2* corner1 = fmdring.GetVertex(2); // TVector2* corner2 = fmdring.GetVertex(3); SetCorners(ring); /* std::cout<X()<<" "<X()<<" "<Y()<<" "<Y()<<" "<0) { Float_t x = (-1*TMath::Sqrt(d) -slope*constant) / (1+TMath::Power(slope,2)); Float_t y = slope*x + constant; Float_t theta = TMath::ATan2(x,y); if(x < fCorner1.X() && y > fCorner1.Y()) { arclength = radius*theta; //One sector since theta is by definition half-hybrid } } return arclength; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliFMDAnaParameters::GetBaseStripLength(Char_t ring, UShort_t strip) { // AliFMDRing fmdring(ring); // fmdring.Init(); Float_t rad = GetMaxR(ring)-GetMinR(ring); Float_t nStrips = (ring == 'I' ? 512 : 256); Float_t nSec = (ring == 'I' ? 20 : 40); Float_t segment = rad / nStrips; Float_t basearc = 2*TMath::Pi() / (0.5*nSec); // One hybrid: 36 degrees inner, 18 outer Float_t radius = GetMinR(ring) + strip*segment; Float_t basearclength = 0.5*basearc * radius; // One sector return basearclength; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //