// -*- mode: C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 2007 Christian Holm Christensen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ /** @file @brief Declaration of an Resolution class */ //____________________________________________________________________ // // Calculate the event plane resolution. // Input is the observed phis. // There's a number of implementations of this. #ifndef ALIFMDFLOWRESOLUTION_H #define ALIFMDFLOWRESOLUTION_H #include #include #include class TBrowser; //______________________________________________________ /** @class AliFMDFlowResolution flow/AliFMDFlowResolution.h @brief Class to calculate the event plane resolution based on two sub-events @ingroup a_basic This class calculates the event plane resolution based on the basic formulas given in Phys. Rev. @b C58, 1671. That is, the resolution is given by @f[ R_{k} = \langle\cos(km(\Psi_m-\Psi_R))\rangle @f] where @f$ \Psi_R@f$ is the unknown @e true event plane angle, and @f$ n = km@f$ Using two random sub-events, @f$ A, B@f$ we get that @f[ \langle\cos(n(\Psi^A_m-\Psi^B_m))\rangle = \langle\cos(n(\Psi^A_m-\Psi_R))\rangle \langle\cos(n(\Psi^B_m-\Psi_R))\rangle @f] If the sub-events are of equal size, and randomly chosen, then we get that @f[ \langle\cos(n(\Psi^A_m-\Psi_R))\rangle = \sqrt{\langle\cos(n(\Psi^A_m-\Psi^B_m))} @f] and it follows that @f{eqnarray*} \langle\cos(km(\Psi_m-\Psi_R))\rangle & = & \sqrt{2}\langle\cos(n(\Psi^A_m-\Psi_R))\rangle\\ \sqrt{2}\sqrt{\langle\cos(n(\Psi^A_m-\Psi^B_m))} @f} Hence, the event-plane resolution is simply the square root of the scaled average distance between the two sub-events, multiplied by @f$ \sqrt{s}@f$ The error is therefor @f$ \sqrt{s}@f$ times the variance of the cosine of the distance between the two sub-events. */ class AliFMDFlowResolution : public AliFMDFlowStat { public: /** Constructor @param n Harmonic order */ AliFMDFlowResolution(UShort_t n=0); /** Destructor */ virtual ~AliFMDFlowResolution() {} /** Copy constructor @param o Object to copy from */ AliFMDFlowResolution(const AliFMDFlowResolution& o); /** Assignment operator @param o Object to copy from */ AliFMDFlowResolution& operator=(const AliFMDFlowResolution& o); /** @{ @name Processing */ /** add data point @param psiA A sub-event plane angle @f$ \Psi_A \in[0,2\pi]@f$ @param psiB B sub-event plane angle @f$ \Psi_B \in[0,2\pi]@f$ */ virtual void Add(Double_t psiA, Double_t psiB); /** @} */ /** @{ @name Information */ /** Get the correction for harmonic strength of order @a k @param k The harminic strenght order to get the correction for @param e2 The square error on the correction @return @f$ \langle\cos(n(\psi_n - \psi_R))\rangle@f$ */ virtual Double_t Correction(UShort_t k, Double_t& e2) const; /** Get the correction for harmonic strength of order @a k @param k The harminic strenght order to get the correction for @return @f$ \langle\cos(n(\psi_n - \psi_R))\rangle@f$ */ virtual Double_t Correction(UShort_t k) const; /** Get the harmnic order */ UShort_t Order() const { return fOrder; } /** @} */ /** @{ @name Utility */ /** Draw this corrrection function @param option Options passed to drawing */ virtual void Draw(Option_t* option=""); //*MENU* /** This is a folder */ Bool_t IsFolder() const { return kTRUE; } /** Look through this object */ virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b); /** @} */ /** @{ @name histograms */ /** @return Contrib histogram */ const TH1& ContribHistogram() const { return fContrib; } /** @} */ protected: /** Order */ UShort_t fOrder; // Order /** Contributions */ TH1D fContrib; /** Define for ROOT I/O */ ClassDef(AliFMDFlowResolution,1); }; //______________________________________________________ /** @ingroup a_basic The event plane angle resolution function is @f[ R_k(\chi) = \frac{\pi} \chi e^{-\chi^2/4}\left( I_{\frac{k-1}2}(\chi^2/4) + I_{\frac{k+1}2}(\chi^2/4)\right) @f] Where @f$ I_n(x)@f$ is the modified Bessel function of the first kind. Identifying @f[ y = \chi^2/4\quad C=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}e^{-y}}{2\sqrt{2}} @f] and the short hands @f$ f2(y) = I_{\frac{k-1}2}@f$ and @f$ f3(y) = I_{\frac{k+1}2}(y)@f$ we can write this more compact as @f[ R_k(y) = C y (f2(y) + f3(y)) @f] The derivative of the resolution function is @f[ R_k'(y) = \frac{C}{2}\left[4\sqrt{y}\left(f2'(y)-f3'(y)\right) - (4 y - 2)\left(f2(y) + f3(y)\right)\right] @f] Since @f[ I_\nu'(x) = I_{\nu-1}(x) - \frac{\nu}{x} I_\nu(x)\quad, @f] and setting @f$ f1(y) = I_{\frac{k-3}2}(y)@f$, we get @f[ R_k'(y) = \frac{C}{2}\left[4y f1(y) + (4-2k) f2(y) - (4y+2k) f3(y)\right] @f] In this class, the argument @f$ \chi@f$ is estimated by finding the minima of @f$ R_k(\chi)@f$ near the average of @f$\cos(n(\Psi_A-\Psi_B))@f$. The error @f$ \delta\chi@f$ is estimated as the largest step size in the minimisation. The total error on the correction is then @f[ \delta R_k = R_k'(\chi) \delta\chi @f] */ class AliFMDFlowResolutionStar : public AliFMDFlowResolution { public: /** Constructor @param n Harmonic order */ AliFMDFlowResolutionStar(UShort_t n=0) : AliFMDFlowResolution(n) {} /** Destructor */ virtual ~AliFMDFlowResolutionStar() {} /** @{ @name Information */ /** Get the correction for harmonic strength of order @a k @param k The harminic strenght order to get the correction for @return @f$ \langle\cos(n(\psi_n - \psi_R))\rangle@f$ */ virtual Double_t Correction(UShort_t k) const; /** Get the correction for harmonic strength of order @a k @param k The harminic strenght order to get the correction for @param e2 The square error on the correction @return @f$ \langle\cos(n(\psi_n - \psi_R))\rangle@f$ */ virtual Double_t Correction(UShort_t k, Double_t& e2) const; /** Get @f$ \chi@f$ @param res First shot at the resolution. @param k Order @param delta On return, the last step size in @f$ \chi@f$ - which is taken to be @f$ \delta\chi@f$ @return @f$\chi@f$ */ virtual Double_t Chi(Double_t res, UShort_t k, Double_t& delta) const; /** @} */ /** @{ @name Utilities */ /** Draw this corrrection function @param option Options passed to drawing */ virtual void Draw(Option_t* option=""); //*MENU* /** @} */ protected: /** Calculate resolution @param chi @f$ \chi@f$ @param k Order factor @param dr On return, the derivative of @f$ R(\chi)@f$ @return @f[ \frac{\sqrt{\pi/2}}{2}\chi e^{-\chi^2/4} (I_{\frac{(k-1)}{2}}(\chi^2/4)+ I_{\frac{(k+1)}{2}}(\chi^2/4)) @f] */ Double_t Res(Double_t chi, UShort_t k, Double_t& dr) const; /** Define for ROOT I/O */ ClassDef(AliFMDFlowResolutionStar,1); }; //______________________________________________________ /** @ingroup a_basic For more on the event plane angle resolution function, please refer to the class description of ResolutionStar. In this class @f$ \chi@f$ is calculated from the ratio @f$ k/N@f$ of events with @f$ |\Psi_A - \Psi_B| > \pi/2@f$ to the total number of events. The pre-print @c nucl-ex/9711003v2 gives the formula @f[ \frac{k}{N} = \frac{e^{-\chi^2/2}}{2} @f] for @f$ \chi@f$. Note, that this differs from the @f$ \chi@f$ used in ResolutionStar by a factor of @f$ 1/sqrt{2}@f$. We can isolate @f$ \chi = \mp\sqrt{-2\log(2k/N)}@f$ from the equation above. Since @f$ r=k/N@f$ is obviously a efficiency-like ratio, we get that error @f$ \delta r@f$ is given by Binomial errors @f[ \delta r = \sqrt{r\frac{1 - r}{N}}\quad. @f] The total error @f$ \delta\chi@f$ then becomes @f[ \delta^2\chi = \left(\frac{d\chi}{dr}\right)^2 \delta^2r = \frac{r - 1}{4 k log(2 r)} @f] The total error on the correction is, as in ResolutionStar, then given by @f[ \delta R_k = R_k'(\chi) \delta\chi @f] */ class AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR : public AliFMDFlowResolution { public: /** Constructor @param n Harmonic order */ AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR(UShort_t n=0); /** DTOR */ ~AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR() {} /** Copy constructor @param o Object to copy from */ AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR(const AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR& o); /** Assignment operator @param o Object to assign from @return reference to this */ AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR& operator=(const AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR& o); /** @{ @name Processing */ virtual void Clear(Option_t* option=""); /** add a data point */ virtual void Add(Double_t psiA, Double_t psiB); /** @} */ /** @{ @name Information */ /** Get the correction for harmonic strength of order @a k @param k The harminic strenght order to get the correction for @return @f$ \langle\cos(n(\psi_n - \psi_R))\rangle@f$ */ virtual Double_t Correction(UShort_t k) const; /** Get the correction for harmonic strength of order @a k @param e2 The square error on the correction @param k The harminic strenght order to get the correction for @return @f$ \langle\cos(n(\psi_n - \psi_R))\rangle@f$ */ virtual Double_t Correction(UShort_t k, Double_t& e2) const; /** Get @f$ \chi^2/2@f$ @param e2 The square error on the correction @return @f$ \chi^2/2@f$ */ virtual Double_t Chi2Over2(Double_t r, Double_t& e2) const; /** @} */ /** @{ @name Utilities */ /** Draw this corrrection function @param option Options passed to drawing */ virtual void Draw(Option_t* option=""); //*MENU* /** Look through this object */ virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b); /** @} */ /** @{ @name histograms */ /** @return NK histogram */ const TH1& NKHistogram() const { return fNK; } /** @} */ protected: /** Calculate resolution @param k Order factor @param y @f$ \chi^2/2@f$ @param echi @f$\delta\chi@f$ @param dr On return, the derivative of @f$ R(\chi)@f$ @return @f[ \frac{\sqrt{\pi/2}}{2}\chi e^{-\chi^2/2} (I_{\frac{(k-1)}{2}}(\chi^2/2)+ I_{\frac{(k+1)}{2}}(\chi^2/2)) @f] */ Double_t Res(UShort_t k, Double_t y, Double_t echi2, Double_t& e2) const; /** Number of events with large diviation */ ULong_t fLarge; // Number of events with large angle /** Histogram of large and all angles */ TH1D fNK; /** Define for ROOT I/O */ ClassDef(AliFMDFlowResolutionTDR,1); }; #endif // // EOF //