//____________________________________________________________________ // // $Id$ // // Script that contains a class to draw eloss from hits, versus ADC // counts from digits, using the AliFMDInputHits class in the util library. // // It draws the energy loss versus the p/(mq^2). It can be overlayed // with the Bethe-Bloc curve to show how the simulation behaves // relative to the expected. // // Use the script `Compile.C' to compile this class using ACLic. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class DrawDigitsRecs : public AliFMDInputDigits { private: TH2D* fAdcVsSingle; // Histogram AliFMDUShortMap fMap; public: //__________________________________________________________________ TArrayF MakeLogScale(Int_t n, Double_t min, Double_t max) { TArrayF bins(n+1); Float_t dp = n / TMath::Log10(max / min); Float_t pmin = TMath::Log10(min); bins[0] = min; for (Int_t i = 1; i < n+1; i++) { Float_t p = pmin + i / dp; bins[i] = TMath::Power(10, p); } return bins; } //__________________________________________________________________ DrawDigitsRecs(Int_t m=1100, Double_t amin=-0.5, Double_t amax=1099.5, Int_t n=105, Double_t mmin=-0.5, Double_t mmax=20.5) { AddLoad(kRecPoints); fAdcVsSingle = new TH2D("adcVsSingle", "ADC vs. Multiplicity (strip)", m, amin, amax, n, mmin, mmax); fAdcVsSingle->SetXTitle("ADC value"); fAdcVsSingle->SetYTitle("Strip Multiplicity"); } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t Begin(Int_t ev) { fMap.Reset(); return AliFMDInputDigits::Begin(ev); } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t ProcessDigit(AliFMDDigit* digit) { // Cache the energy loss if (!digit) return kFALSE; UShort_t det = digit->Detector(); Char_t rng = digit->Ring(); UShort_t sec = digit->Sector(); UShort_t str = digit->Strip(); if (str > 511) { AliWarning(Form("Bad strip number %d in digit", str)); return kTRUE; } fMap(det, rng, sec, str) = digit->Counts(); return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t ProcessRecPoint(AliFMDRecPoint* single) { if (!single) continue; UShort_t det = single->Detector(); Char_t rng = single->Ring(); UShort_t sec = single->Sector(); UShort_t str = single->Strip(); if (str > 511) { AliWarning(Form("Bad strip number %d in single", str)); continue; } fAdcVsSingle->Fill(fMap(det, rng, sec, str), single->Particles()); return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t Finish() { gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); gStyle->SetCanvasBorderSize(0); gStyle->SetPadColor(0); gStyle->SetPadBorderSize(0); fAdcVsSingle->SetStats(kFALSE); fAdcVsSingle->Draw("COLZ"); return kTRUE; } ClassDef(DrawDigitsRecs,0); }; //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //