//____________________________________________________________________ // // $Id$ // // Script to get the various cross sections, energy loss, and ranges // of a particular particle type in a particular medium. // // This script should be compiled to speed it up. // // It creates a tree on the current output file, with the relevant // information. // // Note, that VMC _must_ be the TGeant3TGeo VMC. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Mech { char* name; char* title; char* unit; TArrayF values; int status; }; void GetXsection(const char* medName, const char* pdgName, Int_t n=91, Float_t emin=1e-5, Float_t emax=1e4) { TArrayF tkine(n); Float_t dp = 1/TMath::Log10(emax/emin); Float_t pmin = TMath::Log10(emin); tkine[0] = emin; for (Int_t i=1; i < tkine.fN; i++) { Float_t el = pmin + i * dp; tkine[i] = TMath::Power(10, el); } TArrayF cuts(5); cuts.Reset(1e-4); Mech mechs[] = {{ "HADF","total hadronic x-section according to FLUKA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "INEF","hadronic inelastic x-section according to FLUKA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "ELAF","hadronic elastic x-section according to FLUKA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "HADG","total hadronic x-section according to GHEISHA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "INEG","hadronic inelastic x-section according to GHEISHA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "ELAG","hadronic elastic x-section according to GHEISHA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "FISG","nuclear fission x-section according to GHEISHA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "CAPG","neutron capture x-section according to GHEISHA","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "LOSS","stopping power","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "PHOT","photoelectric x-section","MeV/cm",n,0}, { "ANNI","positron annihilation x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "COMP","Compton effect x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "BREM","bremsstrahlung x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "PAIR","photon and muon direct- pair x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "DRAY","delta-rays x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "PFIS","photo-fission x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "RAYL","Rayleigh scattering x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "MUNU","muon-nuclear interaction x-section","cm^{1}",n,0}, { "RANG","range","cm",n,0}, { "STEP","maximum step","cm",n,0}, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; TGeant3* mc = (TGeant3*)gMC; if (!mc) { std::cerr << "Couldn't get VMC" << std::endl; return; } TGeoMedium* medium = gGeoManager->GetMedium(medName); if (!medium) { std::cerr << "Couldn't find medium " << medName << std::endl; return; } Int_t medNo = medium->GetMaterial()->GetUniqueID(); TDatabasePDG* pdgDb = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); TParticlePDG* pdgP = pdgDb->GetParticle(pdgName); if (!pdgP) { std::cerr << "Couldn't find particle " << pdgName << std::endl; return; } Int_t pdgNo = pdgP->PdgCode(); Int_t pidNo = mc->IdFromPDG(pdgNo); Mech* mech = &(mechs[0]); Int_t nMech = 0; Int_t nOk = 0; TString vars("T/F"); while (mech->name) { cout << mech->name << ": " << mech->title << " ... " << std::flush; nMech++; Int_t ixst; mc->Gftmat(medNo, pidNo, mech->name, n, tkine.fArray, mech->values.fArray, cuts.fArray, ixst); mech->status = ixst; if (ixst) { nOk++; vars.Append(Form(":%s", mech->name)); if (!strcmp("LOSS", mech->name)) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) std::cout << i << "\t" << tkine[i] << "\t" << mech->values[i] << std::endl; } } std::cout << (ixst ? "ok" : "failed") << std::endl; mech++; } // TFile* file = TFile::Open(Form("xsec-%d.root", pdgNo), // "RECREATE"); TArrayF cache(nOk+1); TTree* tree = new TTree(Form("%s_%s", medName, pdgName), Form("%s_%s", medName, pdgName)); tree->Branch("xsec", cache.fArray, vars.Data()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { cache[0] = tkine[i]; Int_t k = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nMech; j++) { if (mechs[j].status) { if (!strcmp(mechs[j].name, "LOSS")) std::cout << tkine[i] << "\t" << mechs[j].values[i] << std::endl; cache[k+1] = mechs[j].values[i]; k++; } } std::cout << k << "\t" << (k == nOk) << std::endl; tree->Fill(); } tree->Write(); } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //