//____________________________________________________________________ // // $Id$ // // Script to try to fit the reponse function of the VA1 signals, based // on a finite number of ALTRO samples. // /** Make Va1 response @param n @param B @param dc @param errors @ingroup simple_script */ void VA1Response(Int_t n=2, Float_t B=5, Float_t dc=.01, Bool_t errors=kFALSE) { TF1* response = new TF1("response", "[0] * (1 - exp(-[1] * x))", 0, 1.4); response->SetParameters(1, B); response->SetParNames("A", "B"); response->SetLineColor(2); TF1* fit = new TF1("fit", "[0] * (1 - exp(-[1] * x))", 0, 1); fit->SetParameters(.5, B/2); fit->SetParNames("A", "B"); fit->SetLineColor(3); TGraph* graph = 0; if (errors) graph = new TGraphErrors(n); else graph = new TGraph(n); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { Float_t t = Float_t(i + 1) / n; Float_t c = gRandom->Gaus(response->Eval(t), dc); graph->SetPoint(i, t, c); if (errors) ((TGraphErrors*)graph)->SetPointError(i, 0, dc); } response->Draw(); response->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.4); response->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.4); graph->Draw("P*"); TString fitOpt("E"); if (!errors) fitOpt.Append("W"); graph->Fit("fit", fitOpt.Data()); graph->Fit("fit", fitOpt.Data()); std::cout << "Chi^2/NDF = " << fit->GetChisquare() << "/" << fit->GetNDF() << " = " << std::flush; if (fit->GetNDF() == 0) std::cout << " undefined!" << std::endl; else std::cout << (fit->GetChisquare() / fit->GetNDF()) << std::endl; std::cout << "f(t) = " << fit->GetParameter(0) << "+/-" << fit->GetParError(0) << " * (1 - exp(" << fit->GetParameter(1) << "+/-" << fit->GetParError(1) << " * t))" << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //