// Flugg tag /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WrapLookFX.hh - Sara Vanini - 24/III/00 // // Wrapper for localisation of particle to fix particular conditions. // At the moment is the same as WrapLookZ.hh. // // modified 24.10.01: by I. Hrivnacova // functions declarations separated from implementation // (moved to Wrappers.hh); // modified 17/06/02: by I. Gonzalez. STL migration // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Wrappers.hh" #include "FGeometryInit.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "FluggNavigator.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "globals.hh" #define G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG 1 void lkfxwr(G4double& pSx, G4double& pSy, G4double& pSz, G4double* pV, const G4int& oldReg, const G4int& oldLttc, G4int& newReg, G4int& flagErr, G4int& newLttc) { //flag #ifdef G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG G4cout << "======= LKFXWR =======" << G4endl; #endif //FGeometryInit, navigator, volumeStore pointers static FGeometryInit * ptrGeoInit = FGeometryInit::GetInstance(); FluggNavigator * ptrNavig = ptrGeoInit->getNavigatorForTracking(); G4PhysicalVolumeStore * pVolStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); //coordinates in mm. G4ThreeVector pSource(pSx,pSy,pSz); pSource *= 10.0; //in millimeters! //locate point and update histories G4TouchableHistory * ptrTouchableHistory = ptrGeoInit->GetTouchableHistory(); ptrNavig->LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable(pSource,0, ptrTouchableHistory,true); //updating tmp but not old histories, they are useful in //case of RGRPWR call, or when fluka, after a LOOKZ call, //descards step for multiple scattering and returns to old history //NO, after lattice-fix we don't need old history anymore! ptrGeoInit->UpdateHistories(ptrTouchableHistory->GetHistory(),0); G4VPhysicalVolume * located = ptrTouchableHistory->GetVolume(); //if volume not found, out of mother volume: returns "number of volumes"+1 if(!located) { #ifdef G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG G4cout << "Out of mother volume!"; #endif G4int numVol = G4int(pVolStore->size()); newReg = numVol + 1; } else { #ifdef G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG G4cout << "* ISVHWR call to store current NavHistWithCount in jrLtGeant" << G4endl; #endif //save history in jrLtGeant and increment counter G4int * jrLtGeant = ptrGeoInit->GetJrLtGeantArray(); G4int LttcFlagGeant = ptrGeoInit->GetLttcFlagGeant(); LttcFlagGeant += 1; jrLtGeant[LttcFlagGeant] = isvhwr(0,0); #ifdef G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG G4cout << "* CONHWR call to increment counter" << G4endl; #endif G4int incrCount=1; conhwr(jrLtGeant[LttcFlagGeant],&incrCount); //update LttcFlagGeant ptrGeoInit->SetLttcFlagGeant(LttcFlagGeant); //return region number and dummy variables G4int volIndex = ~0; for (unsigned int i=0; isize(); i++) if ((*pVolStore)[i] == located) volIndex = i; // G4int volIndex=G4int(pVolStore->index(located)); if (volIndex==(~0)) { G4cerr << "FLUGG: Problem in file WrapLookFX trying to find volume after step" << G4endl; exit(-999); } //G4int volIndex=G4int(pVolStore->index(located)); newReg=volIndex+1; newLttc=jrLtGeant[LttcFlagGeant]; flagErr=newReg; #ifdef G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG G4cout << "LKFXWR Located Physical volume = "; G4cout << located->GetName() << G4endl; #endif } }