* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:41 cernlib * Geant * * #ifndef CERNLIB_GEANT321_PAPROP_INC #define CERNLIB_GEANT321_PAPROP_INC * * * paprop.inc * * *=== paprop ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * include file: paprop copy created 26/11/86 by p* * changes: on 16 december 1992 by Alfredo Ferrari * * included in the following subroutines or functions: not updated * * * * description of the common block(s) and variable(s) * * * * /paprop/ contains particle properties * * btype = literal name of the particle * * am = particle mass in gev * * ichrge = electric charge of the particle * * iscore = explanations for the scored distribution * * genpar = names of the generalized particles * * ijdisc = list of the particle types to be discarded * * thalf = half life of the particle in sec * * biasdc = decay biasing factors * * biasin = inelastic interaction biasing factors * * lhadro = flag for hadrons * * jspinp = particle spin (in units of 1/2) * * lbsdcy = logical flag for biased decay: if .true. the biasing * * factor is used as an upper limit to the decay length * * lprbsd = logical flag for biased decay: if .true. the biasing * * factor is applied only to primaries * * lprbsi = logical flag for inelastic interaction biasing: if * * .true. the biasing factor is applied only to prima- * * ries * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * LOGICAL LHADRO, LBSDCY, LPRBSD, LPRBSI CHARACTER*8 BTYPE,GENPAR COMMON / FKPAPR / AM (NALLWP), AMDISC (NALLWP), THALF (NALLWP), & BIASDC (NALLWP), BIASIN (NALLWP), ICHRGE (NALLWP), & ISCORE (10), IJDISC (NALLWP), LHADRO (NALLWP), & JSPINP (NALLWP), LBSDCY (NALLWP), LPRBSD, LPRBSI COMMON / FKCHPR / BTYPE (NALLWP), GENPAR (30) #endif