* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/07/25 15:01:26 ravndal * CMZ to CVS conversion artefact removed * * Revision 1.1 1996/03/06 15:32:35 mclareni * Add geane321 includes * * #ifndef CERNLIB_ERPRCDES_TRCOM3_INC #define CERNLIB_ERPRCDES_TRCOM3_INC * * Sequences of the EMC routines * * trcom3.inc * DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, S, TN, T, COSL, SINL, COSP, SINP, COSL1 INTEGER NEW COMMON /TRCOM3/ A(5,5), B(5,5), S(15), + TN(3), T(5), COSL, SINL, COSP, SINP, COSL1, NEW * * trcom3.inc * #if defined(CERNLIB_INCLUDE) #include "geant321/incbeg.inc" + TRCOM3 #include "geant321/incend.inc" #endif #endif