* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:09 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.20 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GFHITS(IUSET,IUDET,NVDIM,NHDIM,NHMAX,ITRS,NUMVS +, ITRA,NUMBV,HITS,NHITS) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * * C. * Returns the hits produced by track ITRS (if 0, by all * C. * tracks) in the physical volume specified by the list NUMVS * C. * with generic volume name IUDET belonging to set IUSET. * C. * IUSET user set identifier * C. * IUDET user detector identifier (name of the * C. * corresponding sensitive volume) * C. * NVDIM 1st dimension of NUMBV and NUMVS (usually =NV, the * C. * number of volume descriptors which permit to identify* C. * a given detector, eventually smaller than NV) * C. * NHDIM 1st dimension of array HITS (argument NH of * C. * GSDETH) * C. * NHMAX maximum number of hits to be returned * C. * ITRS number of the selected track. If ITRS=0, all * C. * tracks are taken * C. * NUMVS is a 1-Dim array that must contain on input the * C. * geometric path of the detector volume to be * C. * selected. All 0 interpreted as 'all physical * C. * volumes with generic names IUDET' * C. * ITRA is a 1-Dim array that will contain on output for * C. * each hit the number of the track which has * C. * produced it * C. * NUMBV 2-Dim array that will contain on output for each * C. * hit the list of volume numbers which identify each * C. * physical volume. Zeroed when no more volumes are * C. * stored * C. * HITS 2-Dim array that will contain the NHITS hits * C. * NHITS returns the number of selected hits. In case the * C. * total number of hits is greater than NHMAX, NHITS * C. * is set to NHMAX+1 and only NHMAX hits are returned * C. * - HITS(1,I) is the element 1 for hit number I * C. * - NUMBV(1,I) is the volume number 1 for hit number I * C. * - ITRA(I) is the track number corresponding to hit * C. * number I * C. * In the calling routine the arrays NUMVS, NUMBV, HITS and * C. * ITRA must be dimensioned to: * C. * NUMVS(NVDIM) * C. * NUMBV(NVDIM,NHMAX) * C. * HITS(NHDIM,NHMAX) * C. * ITRA(NHMAX) * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : , GUDIGI * C. * Author R.Brun ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" PARAMETER (NVMAX=20) DIMENSION NUMVT(NVMAX),NUMVS(NVDIM),NUMBV(NVDIM,1),ITRA(1) DIMENSION HITS(NHDIM,1) EQUIVALENCE (WS(1),NUMVT(1)) CHARACTER*4 IUSET,IUDET C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. C Find if selected set, detector exists C NHITS=0 IF(JHITS.LE.0)GO TO 999 NSET=IQ(JSET-1) CALL GLOOK(IUSET,IQ(JSET+1),NSET,ISET) IF(ISET.LE.0)GO TO 999 C JS=LQ(JSET-ISET) JH=LQ(JHITS-ISET) IF(JS.LE.0)GO TO 999 IF(JH.LE.0)GO TO 999 NDET=IQ(JS-1) CALL GLOOK(IUDET,IQ(JS+1),NDET,IDET) IF(IDET.EQ.0)GO TO 999 C JD=LQ(JS-IDET) JHD=LQ(JH-IDET) IF(JHD.LE.0)GO TO 999 JDH=LQ(JD-1) C ILAST=IQ(JH+IDET) IF(ILAST.EQ.0)GO TO 999 NV=IQ(JD+2) NH=IQ(JD+4) NW=IQ(JD+1)+IQ(JD+3)+1 C C C Loop on all hits C C IHIT=0 DO 100 I=1,ILAST,NW C C Find the selected track C ITRT=IQ(JHD+I) IF(ITRS.NE.0 .AND. ITRS.NE.ITRT)GO TO 100 C C Find the selected volume C (if NO volumes exist take ALL hits) C NK=1 IF(NV.GT.0)THEN K=1 DO 40 IV=1,NV NB=IQ(JD+2*IV+10) IF(NB.LE.0)THEN IF(K.GT.1)THEN K=1 NK=NK+1 ENDIF IF(IV.LE.NVMAX)NUMVT(IV)=IQ(JHD+I+NK) IF(IV.NE.NV)NK=NK+1 ELSE IF(K+NB.GT.33)THEN K=1 NK=NK+1 ENDIF IF(IV.LE.NVMAX)NUMVT(IV)=IBITS(IQ(JHD+I+NK),K-1,NB) K=K+NB ENDIF IF(IV.LE.NVDIM)THEN IF(NUMVS(IV).NE.0)THEN IF(NUMVS(IV).NE.NUMVT(IV))GO TO 100 ENDIF ENDIF 40 CONTINUE NK=NK+1 ENDIF C C C C ========> Now store track number and volume numbers and fetch hits C IHIT=IHIT+1 IF(IHIT.GT.NHMAX)GO TO 110 C ITRA(IHIT)=ITRT NVMIN=MIN(NV,NVDIM) DO 55 J=1,NVDIM 55 NUMBV(J,IHIT)=0 DO 57 J=1,NVMIN 57 NUMBV(J,IHIT)=NUMVT(J) C C Get unpacked hits C Hits origin is shifted . Division by scale factor C IF(NH.GT.0)THEN K=1 DO 90 IH=1,NH NB=IQ(JDH+4*IH-2) IF(NB.LE.0)THEN IF(K.GT.1)THEN K=1 NK=NK+1 ENDIF KHIT=IQ(JHD+I+NK) NK=NK+1 ELSE IF(K+NB.GT.33)THEN K=1 NK=NK+1 ENDIF KHIT=IBITS(IQ(JHD+I+NK),K-1,NB) K=K+NB ENDIF IF(IH.LE.NHDIM)THEN HITS(IH,IHIT)=FLOAT(KHIT)/Q(JDH+4*IH) - Q(JDH+4*IH-1) ENDIF 90 CONTINUE ENDIF 100 CONTINUE C 110 NHITS=IHIT C 999 RETURN END