* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:21 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.21 by S.Giani *-- Author : FUNCTION GBFLOS(T,C) C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * It calculates a weight factor for the positron continuous * C. * bremsstrahlung energy loss. * C. * * C. * Input:T kinetic energy (GeV) * C. * C cut for bremsstrahlung (BCUTE) * C. * ETA ratio of positron to electron brems loss * C. * Output: weight factor * C. * * C. * ===> positron loss = FLOS * electron loss <=== * C. * * C. * Author L. Urban * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. ETA = GCBREM(T) IF(ETA.LT.0.0001) THEN F=1.E-10 ELSEIF(ETA.GT.0.9999) THEN F=1. ELSE C E0=C/T IF(E0.GT.1.) E0=1. C IF(E0.LT.1.E-8) THEN F=1. ELSE ALFA=1./ETA E1=1.-E0 F=ETA*(1.-E1**ALFA)/E0 ENDIF C ENDIF * GBFLOS=F END