* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:22:00 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/04 23/02/95 14.46.01 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE MATISO(IZ,IA,NI,IDISO,FSINGL,NUNIT) C C Search array MATIDS for the isotopes which have to be taken C into account for the element described by IZ and IA C #include "geant321/mmicap.inc" #include "geant321/minput.inc" C DIMENSION IDISO(20,2) LOGICAL FSINGL C IF(IZ.GT.0.AND.IZ.LE.100.and.MATIDS(IZ,1,1).GT.0) THEN ID = IZ*1000+IA IF = 0 IC = 0 IDIFF = 1000000 C C check first if selected isotope available DO 10 I=2,MATIDS(IZ,1,1)+1 IF( MATIDS(IZ,I,1).EQ.ID .AND. + (MATIDS(IZ,I,2).EQ.100 .OR. FSINGL)) IF = I IF( IABS(MATIDS(IZ,I,1)-ID).LT.IDIFF) THEN IDIFF = IABS(MATIDS(IZ,I,1)-ID) IC = I ENDIF IDISO(I-1,1) = MATIDS(IZ,I,1) IDISO(I-1,2) = MATIDS(IZ,I,2) 10 CONTINUE NI = 1 C the unit number on which the x-section is stored NUNIT = MATIDS(IZ,1,2) IF(.NOT. FSINGL) THEN IF(IF .EQ. 0) THEN C no matching isotope found. Look for closest one IF(MATIDS(IZ,2,2).NE.100) NI = MATIDS(IZ,1,1) ELSE C matching isotope found IDISO(1,1) = MATIDS(IZ,IF,1) IDISO(1,2) = 100 ENDIF ELSE IDISO(1,1) = MATIDS(IZ,IC,1) IDISO(1,2) = 100 ENDIF ELSE WRITE(IOUT,'('' MATISO: Error in neutron x-section '', + ''file detected - Z = '',I4)') IZ WRITE(6,'('' MICAP : Error in x-section file '', + '' detected -> STOP '')') STOP ENDIF RETURN END