#include "AliHBTAnalysis.h" //_________________________________________________________ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // class AliHBTAnalysis // // Central Object Of HBTAnalyser: // This class performs main looping within HBT Analysis // User must plug a reader of Type AliReader // User plugs in coorelation and monitor functions // as well as monitor functions // // HBT Analysis Tool, which is integral part of AliRoot, // ALICE Off-Line framework: // // Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch // more info: http://aliweb.cern.ch/people/skowron/analyzer/index.html // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include #include "AliAOD.h" #include "AliAODParticle.h" #include "AliAODPairCut.h" #include "AliEventCut.h" #include "AliEventBuffer.h" #include "AliReader.h" #include "AliHBTPair.h" #include "AliHBTFunction.h" #include "AliHBTMonitorFunction.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliHBTAnalysis) const UInt_t AliHBTAnalysis::fgkFctnArraySize = 100; const UInt_t AliHBTAnalysis::fgkDefaultMixingInfo = 1000; const Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::fgkDefaultBufferSize = 5; AliHBTAnalysis::AliHBTAnalysis(): fProcEvent(0x0), fReader(0x0), fNTrackFunctions(0), fNParticleFunctions(0), fNParticleAndTrackFunctions(0), fNTrackMonitorFunctions(0), fNParticleMonitorFunctions(0), fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions(0), fTrackFunctions ( new AliHBTOnePairFctn* [fgkFctnArraySize]), fParticleFunctions ( new AliHBTOnePairFctn* [fgkFctnArraySize]), fParticleAndTrackFunctions ( new AliHBTTwoPairFctn* [fgkFctnArraySize]), fParticleMonitorFunctions ( new AliHBTMonOneParticleFctn* [fgkFctnArraySize]), fTrackMonitorFunctions ( new AliHBTMonOneParticleFctn* [fgkFctnArraySize]), fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions ( new AliHBTMonTwoParticleFctn* [fgkFctnArraySize]), fBkgEventCut(0x0), fPartBuffer(0x0), fTrackBuffer(0x0), fBufferSize(2), fDisplayMixingInfo(fgkDefaultMixingInfo), fIsOwner(kFALSE), fProcessOption(kSimulatedAndReconstructed), fNoCorrfctns(kFALSE), fOutputFileName(0x0), fVertexX(0.0), fVertexY(0.0), fVertexZ(0.0) { //default constructor } /*************************************************************************************/ AliHBTAnalysis::AliHBTAnalysis(const AliHBTAnalysis& in): AliAnalysis(in), fProcEvent(0x0), fReader(0x0), fNTrackFunctions(0), fNParticleFunctions(0), fNParticleAndTrackFunctions(0), fNTrackMonitorFunctions(0), fNParticleMonitorFunctions(0), fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions(0), fTrackFunctions(0x0), fParticleFunctions(0x0), fParticleAndTrackFunctions(0x0), fParticleMonitorFunctions(0x0), fTrackMonitorFunctions(0x0), fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions(0x0), fBkgEventCut(0x0), fPartBuffer(0x0), fTrackBuffer(0x0), fBufferSize(fgkDefaultBufferSize), fDisplayMixingInfo(fgkDefaultMixingInfo), fIsOwner(kFALSE), fProcessOption(kSimulatedAndReconstructed), fNoCorrfctns(kFALSE), fOutputFileName(0x0), fVertexX(0.0), fVertexY(0.0), fVertexZ(0.0) { //copy constructor Fatal("AliHBTAnalysis(const AliHBTAnalysis&)","Sensless"); } /*************************************************************************************/ AliHBTAnalysis& AliHBTAnalysis::operator=(const AliHBTAnalysis& /*right*/) { //operator = Fatal("AliHBTAnalysis(const AliHBTAnalysis&)","Sensless"); return *this; } /*************************************************************************************/ AliHBTAnalysis::~AliHBTAnalysis() { //destructor //note that we do not delete functions itself // they should be deleted by whom where created //we only store pointers, and we use "new" only for pointers array if (fIsOwner) { AliDebug(5,"Is Owner: Attempting to delete functions"); DeleteFunctions(); if (AliVAODParticle::GetDebug()>5)Info("~AliHBTAnalysis","Delete functions done"); } delete [] fTrackFunctions; delete [] fParticleFunctions; delete [] fParticleAndTrackFunctions; delete [] fParticleMonitorFunctions; delete [] fTrackMonitorFunctions; delete [] fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions; delete fBkgEventCut; delete fOutputFileName; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessEvent(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* aodsim) { //Processes one event if (fProcEvent == 0x0) { Error("ProcessEvent","Analysis <<%s>> option not specified.",GetName()); return 1; } if ( Rejected(aodrec,aodsim) ) { // Double_t x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; // aodrec->GetPrimaryVertex(x,y,z); // Info("ProcessEvent","Event has vertex at %f %f %f",x,y,z); Info("ProcessEvent","Nch is %d",aodsim->GetNumberOfCharged()); Info("ProcessEvent","%s: Event cut rejected this event",GetName()); return 0; } //Move event to the apparent vertex -> must be after the event cut //It is important for any cut that use any spacial coordiantes, //f.g. anti-merging cut in order to preserve the same bahavior of variables (f.g. distance between tracks) Double_t dvx = 0, dvy = 0, dvz = 0; if (aodrec) { Double_t pvx,pvy,pvz; aodrec->GetPrimaryVertex(pvx,pvy,pvz); dvx = fVertexX - pvx; dvy = fVertexY - pvy; dvz = fVertexZ - pvz; aodrec->Move(dvx,dvy,dvz); } Int_t result = (this->*fProcEvent)(aodrec,aodsim); if (aodrec) aodrec->Move(-dvx,-dvy,-dvz);//move event back to the same spacial coordinates return result; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::Finish() { //Finishes analysis WriteFunctions(); return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::DeleteFunctions() { //Deletes all functions added to analysis UInt_t ii; for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleFunction %#x",fParticleFunctions[ii]); Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleFunction %s",fParticleFunctions[ii]->Name()); } delete fParticleFunctions[ii]; } fNParticleFunctions = 0; for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting TrackFunction %#x",fTrackFunctions[ii]); Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting TrackFunction %s",fTrackFunctions[ii]->Name()); } delete fTrackFunctions[ii]; } fNTrackFunctions = 0; for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleAndTrackFunction %#x",fParticleAndTrackFunctions[ii]); Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleAndTrackFunction %s",fParticleAndTrackFunctions[ii]->Name()); } delete fParticleAndTrackFunctions[ii]; } fNParticleAndTrackFunctions = 0; for(ii = 0; ii5) { Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleMonitorFunction %#x",fParticleMonitorFunctions[ii]); Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleMonitorFunction %s",fParticleMonitorFunctions[ii]->Name()); } delete fParticleMonitorFunctions[ii]; } fNParticleMonitorFunctions = 0; for(ii = 0; ii5) { Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting TrackMonitorFunction %#x",fTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]); Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting TrackMonitorFunction %s",fTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]->Name()); } delete fTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]; } fNTrackMonitorFunctions = 0; for(ii = 0; ii5) { Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleAndTrackMonitorFunction %#x",fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]); Info("DeleteFunctions","Deleting ParticleAndTrackMonitorFunction %s",fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]->Name()); } delete fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]; } fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions = 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::Init() { //Initializeation method //calls Init for all functions //Depending on option and pair cut assigns proper analysis method Bool_t nonid = IsNonIdentAnalysis(); switch(fProcessOption) { case kReconstructed: if (nonid) fProcEvent = &AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRecNonId; else fProcEvent = &AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRec; SetCutsOnRec(); break; case kSimulated: if (nonid) fProcEvent = &AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessSimNonId; else fProcEvent = &AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessSim; SetCutsOnSim(); break; case kSimulatedAndReconstructed: if (nonid) fProcEvent = &AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRecAndSimNonId; else fProcEvent = &AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRecAndSim; break; } if (fPartBuffer == 0x0) fPartBuffer = new AliEventBuffer (fBufferSize); else fPartBuffer->Reset(); if (fTrackBuffer == 0x0) fTrackBuffer = new AliEventBuffer (fBufferSize); else fTrackBuffer->Reset(); fNoCorrfctns = (fNParticleFunctions == 0) && (fNTrackFunctions == 0) && (fNParticleAndTrackFunctions == 0); UInt_t ii; for(ii = 0;iiInit(); for(ii = 0;iiInit(); for(ii = 0;iiInit(); for(ii = 0; iiInit(); for(ii = 0; iiInit(); for(ii = 0; iiInit(); return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ResetFunctions() { //In case fOwner is true, deletes all functions //in other case, just set number of analysis to 0 if (fIsOwner) DeleteFunctions(); else { fNParticleFunctions = 0; fNTrackFunctions = 0; fNParticleAndTrackFunctions = 0; fNParticleMonitorFunctions = 0; fNTrackMonitorFunctions = 0; fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions = 0; } } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRecAndSim(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* aodsim) { //Does analysis for both tracks and particles //mainly for resolution study and analysies with weighting algirithms // cut on particles only -- why? // - PID: when we make resolution analysis we want to take only tracks with correct PID // We need cut on tracks because there are data characteristic AliVAODParticle * part1, * part2; AliVAODParticle * track1, * track2; AliAOD * trackEvent = aodrec, *partEvent = aodsim; AliAOD* trackEvent1 = new AliAOD(); AliAOD* partEvent1 = new AliAOD(); AliAOD * trackEvent2,*partEvent2; // Int_t N1, N2, N=0; //number of particles in current event(we prcess two events in one time) // Int_t nev = fReader->GetNumberOfTrackEvents(); static AliHBTPair tpair; static AliHBTPair ppair; AliHBTPair* trackpair = &tpair; AliHBTPair* partpair = &ppair; AliHBTPair * tmptrackpair;//temprary pointers to pairs AliHBTPair * tmppartpair; register UInt_t ii; if ( !partEvent || !trackEvent ) { Error("ProcessRecAndSim","<<%s>> Can not get event",GetName()); return 1; } if ( partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() != trackEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ) { Error("ProcessRecAndSim", "Number of simulated particles (%d) not equal to number of reconstructed tracks (%d). Skipping Event.", partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() , trackEvent->GetNumberOfParticles()); return 2; } for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) { /***************************************/ /****** Looping same events ********/ /****** filling numerators ********/ /***************************************/ if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessRecAndSim", "Mixing particle %d with particles from the same event",j); part1= partEvent->GetParticle(j); track1= trackEvent->GetParticle(j); Bool_t firstcut = (this->*fkPass1)(part1,track1); if (fBufferSize != 0) if ( (firstcut == kFALSE) || ( (this->*fkPass2)(part1,track1) == kFALSE ) ) { //accepted by any cut // we have to copy because reader keeps only one event partEvent1->AddParticle(part1); trackEvent1->AddParticle(track1); } if (firstcut) continue; for(ii = 0; iiProcess(part1); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(track1); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(track1,part1); if (fNoCorrfctns) continue; for (Int_t k =j+1; k < partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) { part2= partEvent->GetParticle(k); if (part1->GetUID() == part2->GetUID()) continue; partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); track2= trackEvent->GetParticle(k); trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( (this->*fkPass)(partpair,trackpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut, try with swapped pairs if( (this->*fkPass)((AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair(),(AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair()) ) continue; //swaped pairs do not meet criteria of pair cut as well, take next particle else { //swaped pair meets all the criteria tmppartpair = (AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair(); tmptrackpair = (AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair(); } } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut tmptrackpair = trackpair; tmppartpair = partpair; } for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(tmppartpair); for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(tmptrackpair); for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(tmptrackpair,tmppartpair); //end of 2nd loop over particles from the same event }//for (Int_t k =j+1; k < partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) /***************************************/ /***** Filling denominators *********/ /***************************************/ if (fBufferSize == 0) continue; fPartBuffer->ResetIter(); fTrackBuffer->ResetIter(); Int_t m = 0; while (( partEvent2 = fPartBuffer->Next() )) { trackEvent2 = fTrackBuffer->Next(); m++; if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessRecAndSim", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from event %d",j,-m); for(Int_t l = 0; lGetNumberOfParticles();l++) // ... on all particles { part2= partEvent2->GetParticle(l); partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); track2= trackEvent2->GetParticle(l); trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( (this->*fkPass)(partpair,trackpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the if( (this->*fkPass)((AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair(),(AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair()) ) continue; else { tmppartpair = (AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair(); tmptrackpair = (AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair(); } } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut tmptrackpair = trackpair; tmppartpair = partpair; } for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(tmppartpair); for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(tmptrackpair); for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(tmptrackpair,tmppartpair); }//for(Int_t l = 0; lGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) delete fPartBuffer->Push(partEvent1); delete fTrackBuffer->Push(trackEvent1); //end of loop over events return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessSim(AliAOD* /*aodrec*/, AliAOD* aodsim) { //Does analysis of simulated data AliVAODParticle * part1, * part2; AliAOD* partEvent = aodsim; AliAOD* partEvent1 = new AliAOD(); AliAOD* partEvent2; AliHBTPair ppair; AliHBTPair* partpair = &ppair; AliHBTPair * tmppartpair; register UInt_t ii; if ( !partEvent ) { Error("ProcessSim","Can not get event"); return 1; } for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) { /***************************************/ /****** Looping same events ********/ /****** filling numerators ********/ /***************************************/ if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessSim", "Mixing particle %d with particles from the same event",j); part1= partEvent->GetParticle(j); Bool_t firstcut = fPairCut->GetFirstPartCut()->Rejected(part1); if (fBufferSize != 0) if ( (firstcut == kFALSE) || ( fPairCut->GetSecondPartCut()->Rejected(part1) == kFALSE ) ) { //accepted by any cut // we have to copy because reader keeps only one event partEvent1->AddParticle(part1); } if (firstcut) continue; for(ii = 0; iiProcess(part1); if ( fNParticleFunctions == 0 ) continue; for (Int_t k =j+1; k < partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) { part2= partEvent->GetParticle(k); if (part1->GetUID() == part2->GetUID()) continue; partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); if(fPairCut->Rejected(partpair)) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the if( fPairCut->Rejected((AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair()) ) continue; else tmppartpair = (AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair(); } else { tmppartpair = partpair; } for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(tmppartpair); //end of 2nd loop over particles from the same event }//for (Int_t k =j+1; k < partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) /***************************************/ /***** Filling denominators *********/ /***************************************/ if (fBufferSize == 0) continue; fPartBuffer->ResetIter(); Int_t m = 0; while (( partEvent2 = fPartBuffer->Next() )) { m++; if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessSim", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from event %d",j,-m); for(Int_t l = 0; lGetNumberOfParticles();l++) // ... on all particles { part2= partEvent2->GetParticle(l); partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); if( fPairCut->Rejected(partpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the if( fPairCut->Rejected((AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair()) ) continue; else { tmppartpair = (AliHBTPair*)partpair->GetSwappedPair(); } } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut tmppartpair = partpair; } for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(tmppartpair); }//for(Int_t l = 0; lPush(partEvent1); //end of loop over events return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRec(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* /*aodsim*/) { //Does analysis of reconstructed data AliVAODParticle * track1, * track2; AliAOD* trackEvent = aodrec; AliAOD* trackEvent1 = new AliAOD(); AliAOD* trackEvent2; AliHBTPair tpair; AliHBTPair* trackpair = &tpair; AliHBTPair * tmptrackpair; register UInt_t ii; if ( !trackEvent ) { Error("ProcessRecAndSim","Can not get event"); return 1; } for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) { /***************************************/ /****** Looping same events ********/ /****** filling numerators ********/ /***************************************/ if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessRec", "Mixing Particle %d with Particles from the same event",j); track1= trackEvent->GetParticle(j); Bool_t firstcut = fPairCut->GetFirstPartCut()->Rejected(track1); if (fBufferSize != 0) if ( (firstcut == kFALSE) || ( fPairCut->GetSecondPartCut()->Rejected(track1) == kFALSE ) ) { //accepted by any cut // we have to copy because reader keeps only one event trackEvent1->AddParticle(track1); } if (firstcut) continue; for(ii = 0; iiProcess(track1); if ( fNTrackFunctions == 0 ) continue; for (Int_t k =j+1; k < trackEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) { track2= trackEvent->GetParticle(k); if (track1->GetUID() == track2->GetUID()) continue; trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if(fPairCut->Rejected(trackpair)) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the if( fPairCut->Rejected((AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair()) ) continue; else tmptrackpair = (AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair(); } else { tmptrackpair = trackpair; } for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(tmptrackpair); //end of 2nd loop over Particles from the same event }//for (Int_t k =j+1; k < trackEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) /***************************************/ /***** Filling denominators *********/ /***************************************/ if (fBufferSize == 0) continue; fTrackBuffer->ResetIter(); Int_t m = 0; while (( trackEvent2 = fTrackBuffer->Next() )) { m++; if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessRec", "Mixing Particle %d from current event with Particles from event %d",j,-m); for(Int_t l = 0; lGetNumberOfParticles();l++) // ... on all Particles { track2= trackEvent2->GetParticle(l); trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( fPairCut->Rejected(trackpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the if( fPairCut->Rejected((AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair()) ) continue; else { tmptrackpair = (AliHBTPair*)trackpair->GetSwappedPair(); } } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut tmptrackpair = trackpair; } for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(tmptrackpair); }//for(Int_t l = 0; lPush(trackEvent1); //end of loop over events return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRecAndSimNonId(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* aodsim) { //Analyzes both reconstructed and simulated data if (aodrec == 0x0) { Error("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal","Reconstructed event is NULL"); return 1; } if (aodsim == 0x0) { Error("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal","Simulated event is NULL"); return 1; } if ( aodrec->GetNumberOfParticles() != aodsim->GetNumberOfParticles() ) { Error("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal", "Number of simulated particles (%d) not equal to number of reconstructed tracks (%d)", aodsim->GetNumberOfParticles() , aodrec->GetNumberOfParticles()); return 2; } AliVAODParticle * part1, * part2; AliVAODParticle * track1, * track2; static AliAOD aodrec1; static AliAOD aodsim1; AliAOD * trackEvent1=&aodrec1,*partEvent1=&aodsim1;//Particle that passes first particle cut, this event trackEvent1->Reset(); partEvent1->Reset(); AliAOD * trackEvent2=0x0,*partEvent2=0x0;//Particle that passes second particle cut, this event AliAOD * trackEvent3=0x0,*partEvent3=0x0;//Particle that passes second particle cut, events from buffer AliAOD* rawtrackEvent = aodrec;//this we get from Reader AliAOD* rawpartEvent = aodsim;//this we get from Reader static AliHBTPair tpair; static AliHBTPair ppair; AliHBTPair* trackpair = &tpair; AliHBTPair* partpair = &ppair; register UInt_t ii; /********************************/ /* Filtering out */ /********************************/ if ( ( (partEvent2==0x0) || (trackEvent2==0x0)) )//in case fBufferSize == 0 and pointers are created do not eneter { partEvent2 = new AliAOD(); trackEvent2 = new AliAOD(); } FilterOut(partEvent1, partEvent2, rawpartEvent, trackEvent1, trackEvent2, rawtrackEvent); for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) { if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from current event",j); part1= partEvent1->GetParticle(j); track1= trackEvent1->GetParticle(j); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(part1); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(track1); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(track1,part1); if (fNoCorrfctns) continue; /***************************************/ /****** filling numerators ********/ /****** (particles from event2) ********/ /***************************************/ for (Int_t k = 0; k < partEvent2->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) //partEvent1 and partEvent2 are particles from the same event but separated to two groups { part2= partEvent2->GetParticle(k); if (part1->GetUID() == part2->GetUID()) continue;//this is the same particle but with different PID partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); track2= trackEvent2->GetParticle(k); trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( (this->*fkPassPairProp)(partpair,trackpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut continue; } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(partpair); for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(trackpair); for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(trackpair,partpair); } } if ( fBufferSize == 0) continue;//do not mix diff histograms /***************************************/ /***** Filling denominators *********/ /***************************************/ fPartBuffer->ResetIter(); fTrackBuffer->ResetIter(); Int_t nmonitor = 0; while ( (partEvent3 = fPartBuffer->Next() ) != 0x0) { trackEvent3 = fTrackBuffer->Next(); if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from event%d",j,-(++nmonitor)); for (Int_t k = 0; k < partEvent3->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) { part2= partEvent3->GetParticle(k); partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); track2= trackEvent3->GetParticle(k); trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( (this->*fkPassPairProp)(partpair,trackpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut continue; } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut UInt_t iPF; for(iPF = 0;iPFProcessDiffEventParticles(partpair); for(iPF = 0;iPFProcessDiffEventParticles(trackpair); for(iPF = 0;iPFProcessDiffEventParticles(trackpair,partpair); } }// for particles event2 }//while event2 }//for over particles in event1 delete fPartBuffer->Push(partEvent2); delete fTrackBuffer->Push(trackEvent2); return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessSimNonId(AliAOD* /*aodrec*/, AliAOD* aodsim) { //does analysis of simulated (MC) data in non-identical mode //i.e. when particles selected by first part. cut are a disjunctive set than particles //passed by the second part. cut if (aodsim == 0x0) { return 1; } AliVAODParticle * part1, * part2; static AliAOD aodsim1; AliAOD* partEvent1=&aodsim1;//Particle that passes first particle cut, this event partEvent1->Reset(); AliAOD* partEvent2=0x0;//Particle that passes second particle cut, this event AliAOD* partEvent3=0x0;//Particle that passes second particle cut, events from buffer AliAOD* rawpartEvent = aodsim;//this we get from Reader static AliHBTPair ppair; AliHBTPair* partpair = &ppair; register UInt_t ii; /********************************/ /* Filtering out */ /********************************/ if (partEvent2==0x0)//in case fBufferSize == 0 and pointers are created do not eneter { partEvent2 = new AliAOD(); } FilterOut(partEvent1, partEvent2, rawpartEvent); for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) { if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from current event",j); part1= partEvent1->GetParticle(j); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(part1); if (fNParticleFunctions == 0) continue; /***************************************/ /****** filling numerators ********/ /****** (particles from event2) ********/ /***************************************/ for (Int_t k = 0; k < partEvent2->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) //partEvent1 and partEvent2 are particles from the same event but separated to two groups { part2= partEvent2->GetParticle(k); if (part1->GetUID() == part2->GetUID()) continue;//this is the same particle but with different PID partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); if(fPairCut->PassPairProp(partpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut continue; } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut for(ii = 0;iiProcessSameEventParticles(partpair); } } if ( fBufferSize == 0) continue;//do not mix diff histograms /***************************************/ /***** Filling denominators *********/ /***************************************/ fPartBuffer->ResetIter(); Int_t nmonitor = 0; while ( (partEvent3 = fPartBuffer->Next() ) != 0x0) { if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from event%d",j,-(++nmonitor)); for (Int_t k = 0; k < partEvent3->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) { part2= partEvent3->GetParticle(k); partpair->SetParticles(part1,part2); if(fPairCut->PassPairProp(partpair) ) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut continue; } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(partpair); } } }// for particles event2 }//while event2 }//for over particles in event1 delete fPartBuffer->Push(partEvent2); return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessRecNonId(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* /*aodsim*/) { //Analyzes both reconstructed and simulated data if (aodrec == 0x0) { return 1; } AliVAODParticle * track1, * track2; static AliAOD aodrec1; AliAOD * trackEvent1=&aodrec1;//Particle that passes first particle cut, this event trackEvent1->Reset(); AliAOD * trackEvent2=0x0;//Particle that passes second particle cut, this event AliAOD * trackEvent3=0x0;//Particle that passes second particle cut, events from buffer AliAOD* rawtrackEvent = aodrec;//this we get from Reader static AliHBTPair tpair; AliHBTPair* trackpair = &tpair; register UInt_t ii; /********************************/ /* Filtering out */ /********************************/ if ( trackEvent2==0x0 )//in case fBufferSize == 0 and pointers are created do not eneter { trackEvent2 = new AliAOD(); } FilterOut(trackEvent1, trackEvent2, rawtrackEvent); for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles() ; j++) { if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from current event",j); track1= trackEvent1->GetParticle(j); for(ii = 0; iiProcess(track1); if (fNTrackFunctions == 0x0) continue; /***************************************/ /****** filling numerators ********/ /****** (particles from event2) ********/ /***************************************/ for (Int_t k = 0; k < trackEvent2->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) //partEvent1 and partEvent2 are particles from the same event but separated to two groups { track2= trackEvent2->GetParticle(k); if (track1->GetUID() == track2->GetUID()) continue;//this is the same particle but with different PID trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( fPairCut->PassPairProp(trackpair)) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut continue; } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut UInt_t iTF; for(iTF = 0;iTFProcessSameEventParticles(trackpair); } } if ( fBufferSize == 0) continue;//do not mix diff histograms /***************************************/ /***** Filling denominators *********/ /***************************************/ fTrackBuffer->ResetIter(); Int_t nmonitor = 0; while ( (trackEvent3 = fTrackBuffer->Next() ) != 0x0) { if ( (j%fDisplayMixingInfo) == 0) Info("ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal", "Mixing particle %d from current event with particles from event%d",j,-(++nmonitor)); for (Int_t k = 0; k < trackEvent3->GetNumberOfParticles() ; k++) { track2= trackEvent3->GetParticle(k); trackpair->SetParticles(track1,track2); if( fPairCut->PassPairProp(trackpair)) //check pair cut { //do not meets crietria of the pair cut continue; } else {//meets criteria of the pair cut for(ii = 0;iiProcessDiffEventParticles(trackpair); } }// for particles event2 }//while event2 }//for over particles in event1 delete fTrackBuffer->Push(trackEvent2); return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::Process(Option_t* option) { //default option = "TracksAndParticles" //Main method of the HBT Analysis Package //It triggers reading with the global cut (default is an empty cut) //Than it checks options and data which are read //if everything is OK, then it calls one of the looping methods //depending on tfReaderhe option //These methods differs on what thay are looping on // // METHOD OPTION //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //ProcessTracksAndParticles - "TracksAndParticles" // DEFAULT // it loops over both, tracks(reconstructed) and particles(simulated) // all function gethered in all 3 lists are called for each (double)pair // //ProcessTracks - "Tracks" // it loops only on tracks(reconstructed), // functions ONLY from fTrackFunctions list are called // //ProcessParticles - "Particles" // it loops only on particles(simulated), // functions ONLY from fParticleAndTrackFunctions list are called // // if (!fReader) { Error("Process","The reader is not set"); return; } const char *oT = strstr(option,"Tracks"); const char *oP = strstr(option,"Particles"); Bool_t nonid = IsNonIdentAnalysis(); Init(); if(oT && oP) { if (nonid) ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal(); else ProcessTracksAndParticles(); return; } if(oT) { if (nonid) ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal(); else ProcessTracks(); return; } if(oP) { if (nonid) ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal(); else ProcessParticles(); return; } } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessTracksAndParticles() { //Makes analysis for both tracks and particles //mainly for resolution study and analysies with weighting algirithms //In order to minimize calling AliRun::GetEvent (we need at one time particles from different events), //the loops are splited // cut on particles only -- why? // - PID: when we make resolution analysis we want to take only tracks with correct PID // We need cut on tracks because there are data characteristic to AliAOD * trackEvent, *partEvent; fReader->Rewind(); while (fReader->Next() == kFALSE) { partEvent = fReader->GetEventSim(); trackEvent = fReader->GetEventRec(); ProcessRecAndSim(trackEvent,partEvent); }//while (fReader->Next() == kFALSE) } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessTracks() { //In order to minimize calling AliRun::GetEvent (we need at one time particles from different events), //the loops are splited AliAOD * trackEvent; fReader->Rewind(); while (fReader->Next() == kFALSE) { trackEvent = fReader->GetEventRec(); ProcessRec(trackEvent,0x0); }//while (fReader->Next() == kFALSE) } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessParticles() { //In order to minimize calling AliRun::GetEvent (we need at one time particles from different events), //the loops are splited AliAOD * partEvent; fReader->Rewind(); while (fReader->Next() == kFALSE) { partEvent = fReader->GetEventSim(); ProcessSim(0x0,partEvent); }//while (fReader->Next() == kFALSE) } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::WriteFunctions() { //Calls Write for all defined functions in analysis //== writes all results TFile* oututfile = 0x0; if (fOutputFileName) { oututfile = TFile::Open(*fOutputFileName,"update"); } UInt_t ii; for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleFunction %#x",fParticleFunctions[ii]); Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleFunction %s",fParticleFunctions[ii]->Name()); } fParticleFunctions[ii]->Write(); } for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("WriteFunctions","Writing TrackFunction %#x",fTrackFunctions[ii]); Info("WriteFunctions","Writing TrackFunction %s",fTrackFunctions[ii]->Name()); } fTrackFunctions[ii]->Write(); } for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleAndTrackFunction %#x",fParticleAndTrackFunctions[ii]); Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleAndTrackFunction %s",fParticleAndTrackFunctions[ii]->Name()); } fParticleAndTrackFunctions[ii]->Write(); } for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleMonitorFunction %#x",fParticleMonitorFunctions[ii]); Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleMonitorFunction %s",fParticleMonitorFunctions[ii]->Name()); } fParticleMonitorFunctions[ii]->Write(); } for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("WriteFunctions","Writing TrackMonitorFunction %#x",fTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]); Info("WriteFunctions","Writing TrackMonitorFunction %s",fTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]->Name()); } fTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]->Write(); } for(ii = 0;ii5) { Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleAndTrackMonitorFunction %#x",fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]); Info("WriteFunctions","Writing ParticleAndTrackMonitorFunction %s",fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]->Name()); } fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[ii]->Write(); } delete oututfile; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::SetOutputFileName(const char* fname) { //Sets fiele name where to dump results, //if not specified reults are written to gDirectory if (fname == 0x0) { delete fOutputFileName; fOutputFileName = 0x0; return; } if ( strcmp(fname,"") == 0 ) { delete fOutputFileName; fOutputFileName = 0x0; return; } if (fOutputFileName == 0x0) fOutputFileName = new TString(fname); else *fOutputFileName = fname; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::SetGlobalPairCut(AliAODPairCut* cut) { //Sets the global cut if (cut == 0x0) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::SetGlobalPairCut","Pointer is NULL. Ignoring"); } delete fPairCut; fPairCut = (AliAODPairCut*)cut->Clone(); } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::AddTrackFunction(AliHBTOnePairFctn* f) { //Adds track function if (f == 0x0) return; if (fNTrackFunctions == fgkFctnArraySize) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::AddTrackFunction","Can not add this function, not enough place in the array."); } fTrackFunctions[fNTrackFunctions] = f; fNTrackFunctions++; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleFunction(AliHBTOnePairFctn* f) { //adds particle function if (f == 0x0) return; if (fNParticleFunctions == fgkFctnArraySize) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleFunction","Can not add this function, not enough place in the array."); } fParticleFunctions[fNParticleFunctions] = f; fNParticleFunctions++; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleAndTrackFunction(AliHBTTwoPairFctn* f) { //add resolution function if (f == 0x0) return; if (fNParticleAndTrackFunctions == fgkFctnArraySize) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleAndTrackFunction","Can not add this function, not enough place in the array."); } fParticleAndTrackFunctions[fNParticleAndTrackFunctions] = f; fNParticleAndTrackFunctions++; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleMonitorFunction(AliHBTMonOneParticleFctn* f) { //add particle monitoring function if (f == 0x0) return; if (fNParticleMonitorFunctions == fgkFctnArraySize) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleMonitorFunction","Can not add this function, not enough place in the array."); } fParticleMonitorFunctions[fNParticleMonitorFunctions] = f; fNParticleMonitorFunctions++; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::AddTrackMonitorFunction(AliHBTMonOneParticleFctn* f) { //add track monitoring function if (f == 0x0) return; if (fNTrackMonitorFunctions == fgkFctnArraySize) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::AddTrackMonitorFunction","Can not add this function, not enough place in the array."); } fTrackMonitorFunctions[fNTrackMonitorFunctions] = f; fNTrackMonitorFunctions++; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleAndTrackMonitorFunction(AliHBTMonTwoParticleFctn* f) { //add resolution monitoring function if (f == 0x0) return; if (fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions == fgkFctnArraySize) { Error("AliHBTAnalysis::AddParticleAndTrackMonitorFunction","Can not add this function, not enough place in the array."); } fParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions[fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions] = f; fNParticleAndTrackMonitorFunctions++; } /*************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************/ Bool_t AliHBTAnalysis::RunCoherencyCheck() { //Checks if both HBTRuns are similar //return true if error found //if they seem to be OK return false /* Int_t i; Info("RunCoherencyCheck","Checking HBT Runs Coherency"); //When we use non-buffering reader this is a big waste of time -> We need to read all data to check it //and reader is implemented safe in this case anyway // Info("RunCoherencyCheck","Number of events ..."); // if (fReader->GetNumberOfPartEvents() == fReader->GetNumberOfTrackEvents() ) //check whether there is the same number of events // { // Info("RunCoherencyCheck","OK. %d found\n",fReader->GetNumberOfTrackEvents()); // } // else // { //if not the same - ERROR // Error("RunCoherencyCheck", // "Number of simulated events (%d) is not equal to number of reconstructed events(%d)", // fReader->GetNumberOfPartEvents(),fReader->GetNumberOfTrackEvents()); // return kTRUE; // } Info("RunCoherencyCheck","Checking number of Particles AND Particles Types in each event ..."); AliAOD *partEvent; AliAOD *trackEvent; for( i = 0; iGetNumberOfTrackEvents();i++) { partEvent= fReader->GetEventSim(i); //gets the "ith" event trackEvent = fReader->GetEventRec(i); if ( (partEvent == 0x0) && (partEvent == 0x0) ) continue; if ( (partEvent == 0x0) || (partEvent == 0x0) ) { Error("RunCoherencyCheck", "One event is NULL and the other one not. Event Number %d",i); return kTRUE; } if ( partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() != trackEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() ) { Error("RunCoherencyCheck", "Event %d: Number of simulated particles (%d) not equal to number of reconstructed tracks (%d)", i,partEvent->GetNumberOfParticles() , trackEvent->GetNumberOfParticles()); return kTRUE; } else for (Int_t j = 0; jGetNumberOfParticles(); j++) { if( partEvent->GetParticle(j)->GetPdgCode() != trackEvent->GetParticle(j)->GetPdgCode() ) { Error("RunCoherencyCheck", "Event %d: Particle %d: PID of simulated particle (%d) not the same of reconstructed track (%d)", i,j, partEvent->GetParticle(j)->GetPdgCode(),trackEvent->GetParticle(j)->GetPdgCode() ); return kTRUE; } } } Info("RunCoherencyCheck"," Done"); Info("RunCoherencyCheck"," Everything looks OK"); */ return kFALSE; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal() { //Performs analysis for both, tracks and particles AliAOD* rawtrackEvent, * rawpartEvent; fReader->Rewind(); Info("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal","**************************************"); Info("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal","***** NON IDENT MODE ****************"); Info("ProcessTracksAndParticlesNonIdentAnal","**************************************"); for (Int_t i = 0;;i++)//infinite loop { if (fReader->Next()) break; //end when no more events available rawpartEvent = fReader->GetEventSim(); rawtrackEvent = fReader->GetEventRec(); ProcessRecAndSimNonId(rawtrackEvent,rawpartEvent); }//end of loop over events (1) } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal() { //Process Tracks only with non identical mode AliAOD * rawtrackEvent; fReader->Rewind(); Info("ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal","**************************************"); Info("ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal","***** NON IDENT MODE ****************"); Info("ProcessTracksNonIdentAnal","**************************************"); for (Int_t i = 0;;i++)//infinite loop { if (fReader->Next()) break; //end when no more events available rawtrackEvent = fReader->GetEventRec(); ProcessRecNonId(rawtrackEvent,0x0); }//end of loop over events (1) } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal() { //process paricles only with non identical mode AliAOD * rawpartEvent = 0x0; fReader->Rewind(); Info("ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal","**************************************"); Info("ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal","***** NON IDENT MODE ****************"); Info("ProcessParticlesNonIdentAnal","**************************************"); for (Int_t i = 0;;i++)//infinite loop { if (fReader->Next()) break; //end when no more events available rawpartEvent = fReader->GetEventSim(); ProcessSimNonId(0x0,rawpartEvent); }//end of loop over events (1) } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::FilterOut(AliAOD* outpart1, AliAOD* outpart2, AliAOD* inpart, AliAOD* outtrack1, AliAOD* outtrack2, AliAOD* intrack) const { //Puts particles accepted as a first particle by global cut in out1 //and as a second particle in out2 AliVAODParticle* part, *track; outpart1->Reset(); outpart2->Reset(); outtrack1->Reset(); outtrack2->Reset(); Bool_t in1, in2; for (Int_t i = 0; i < inpart->GetNumberOfParticles(); i++) { in1 = in2 = kTRUE; part = inpart->GetParticle(i); track = intrack->GetParticle(i); if ( ((this->*fkPass1)(part,track)) ) in1 = kFALSE; //if part is rejected by cut1, in1 is false if ( ((this->*fkPass2)(part,track)) ) in2 = kFALSE; //if part is rejected by cut2, in2 is false if (gDebug)//to be removed in real analysis if ( in1 && in2 ) //both cuts accepted, should never happen, just in case { //Particle accpted by both cuts Error("FilterOut","Particle accepted by both cuts"); continue; } if (in1) { outpart1->AddParticle(part); outtrack1->AddParticle(track); continue; } if (in2) { outpart2->AddParticle(part); outtrack2->AddParticle(track); continue; } } } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::FilterOut(AliAOD* out1, AliAOD* out2, AliAOD* in) const { //Puts particles accepted as a first particle by global cut in out1 //and as a second particle in out2 AliVAODParticle* part; out1->Reset(); out2->Reset(); AliAODParticleCut *cut1 = fPairCut->GetFirstPartCut(); AliAODParticleCut *cut2 = fPairCut->GetSecondPartCut(); Bool_t in1, in2; for (Int_t i = 0; i < in->GetNumberOfParticles(); i++) { in1 = in2 = kTRUE; part = in->GetParticle(i); if ( cut1->Rejected(part) ) in1 = kFALSE; //if part is rejected by cut1, in1 is false if ( cut2->Rejected(part) ) in2 = kFALSE; //if part is rejected by cut2, in2 is false if (gDebug)//to be removed in real analysis if ( in1 && in2 ) //both cuts accepted, should never happen, just in case { //Particle accpted by both cuts Error("FilterOut","Particle accepted by both cuts"); continue; } if (in1) { out1->AddParticle(part); continue; } if (in2) { out2->AddParticle(part); continue; } } } /*************************************************************************************/ Bool_t AliHBTAnalysis::IsNonIdentAnalysis() { //checks if it is possible to use special analysis for non identical particles //it means - in global pair cut first particle id is different than second one //and both are different from 0 //in the future is possible to perform more sophisticated check //if cuts have excluding requirements if (fPairCut->IsEmpty()) return kFALSE; if (fPairCut->GetFirstPartCut()->IsEmpty()) return kFALSE; if (fPairCut->GetSecondPartCut()->IsEmpty()) return kFALSE; Int_t id1 = fPairCut->GetFirstPartCut()->GetPID(); Int_t id2 = fPairCut->GetSecondPartCut()->GetPID(); if ( (id1==0) || (id2==0) || (id1==id2) ) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::SetApparentVertex(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) { //Sets apparent vertex // All events have to be moved to the same vertex position in order to // to be able to comare any space positions (f.g. anti-merging) // This method defines this position fVertexX = x; fVertexY = y; fVertexZ = z; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTAnalysis::PressAnyKey() { //small utility function that helps to make comfortable macros char c; int nread = -1; fcntl(0, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); ::Info("","Press Any Key to continue ..."); while (nread<1) { nread = read(0, &c, 1); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } }