#include "AliHBTReader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliHBTParticleCut.h" #include "AliHBTEvent.h" #include "AliHBTRun.h" ClassImp(AliHBTReader) //pure virtual /*************************************************************************************/ AliHBTReader::AliHBTReader(): fCuts(new TObjArray()), fDirs(0x0), fCurrentEvent(0), fCurrentDir(0), fNEventsRead(0), fTracksEvent(0x0), fParticlesEvent(0x0), fParticles(0x0), fTracks(0x0), fIsRead(kFALSE), fBufferEvents(kFALSE), fBlend(kFALSE), fFirst(0), fLast(0), fTrackCounter(0x0) { //constructor } /*************************************************************************************/ AliHBTReader::AliHBTReader(TObjArray* dirs): fCuts(new TObjArray()), fDirs(dirs), fCurrentEvent(0), fCurrentDir(0), fNEventsRead(0), fTracksEvent(0x0), fParticlesEvent(0x0), fParticles(0x0), fTracks(0x0), fIsRead(kFALSE), fBufferEvents(kFALSE), fBlend(kFALSE), fFirst(0), fLast(0), fTrackCounter(0x0) { //ctor with array of directories to read as parameter } /*************************************************************************************/ AliHBTReader::~AliHBTReader() { //destructor if(fCuts) { fCuts->SetOwner(); delete fCuts; } delete fParticlesEvent; delete fTracksEvent; delete fTrackCounter; } /*************************************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReader::Next() { //moves to next event //if asked to read up to event nb. fLast, and it is overcome, report no more events if ((fNEventsRead > fLast) && (fLast > 0) ) return kTRUE; if (fTrackCounter == 0x0)//create Track Counter { fTrackCounter = new TH1I("trackcounter","Track Counter",20000,0,20000); fTrackCounter->SetDirectory(0x0); } do //if asked to read from event fFirst, rewind to it { if ( ReadNext() == kTRUE) //if no more evets, return it return kTRUE; }while (fNEventsRead < fFirst); //here we have event if (fBlend) Blend();//Mix particles order if (fBufferEvents)//store events if buffering is on { if ( ReadsTracks() && fTracksEvent) fTracks->SetEvent(fNEventsRead-1-fFirst,fTracksEvent); if ( ReadsParticles() && fParticlesEvent) fParticles->SetEvent(fNEventsRead-1-fFirst,fParticlesEvent); } return kFALSE; } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTReader::AddParticleCut(AliHBTParticleCut* cut) { //sets the new cut if (!cut) //if cut is NULL return with error { Error("AddParticleType","NULL pointers are not accepted any more.\nIf You want to accept all particles of this type, set an empty cut "); return; } AliHBTParticleCut *c = (AliHBTParticleCut*)cut->Clone(); fCuts->Add(c); } /********************************************************************/ AliHBTEvent* AliHBTReader::GetParticleEvent(Int_t n) { //returns Nth event with simulated particles if (ReadsParticles() == kFALSE) { Error("GetParticleEvent","This reader is not able to provide simulated particles."); return 0; } if (!fIsRead) { if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun(); if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun(); if (Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetParticleEvent","Error in reading"); return 0x0; } else fIsRead = kTRUE; } return fParticles->GetEvent(n); } /********************************************************************/ AliHBTEvent* AliHBTReader::GetTrackEvent(Int_t n) { //returns Nth event with reconstructed tracks if (ReadsTracks() == kFALSE) { Error("GetTrackEvent","This reader is not able to provide recosntructed tracks."); return 0; } if (!fIsRead) { if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun(); if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun(); if(Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetTrackEvent","Error in reading"); return 0x0; } else fIsRead = kTRUE; } return fTracks->GetEvent(n); } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReader::GetNumberOfPartEvents() { //returns number of events of particles if (ReadsParticles() == kFALSE) { Error("GetNumberOfPartEvents","This reader is not able to provide simulated particles."); return 0; } if (!fIsRead) { if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun(); if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun(); if (Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetNumberOfPartEvents","Error in reading"); return 0; } else fIsRead = kTRUE; } return fParticles->GetNumberOfEvents(); } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReader::GetNumberOfTrackEvents() { //returns number of events of tracks if (ReadsTracks() == kFALSE) { Error("GetNumberOfTrackEvents","This reader is not able to provide recosntructed tracks."); return 0; } if (!fIsRead) { if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun(); if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun(); if(Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetNumberOfTrackEvents","Error in reading"); return 0; } else fIsRead = kTRUE; } return fTracks->GetNumberOfEvents(); } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReader::Read(AliHBTRun* particles, AliHBTRun *tracks) { //reads data and puts put to the particles and tracks objects //reurns 0 if everything is OK // Info("Read",""); if ( ReadsParticles() && (particles == 0x0) ) //check if an object is instatiated { Error("Read"," particles object must be instatiated before passing it to the reader"); return 1; } if ( ReadsTracks() && (tracks == 0x0) ) //check if an object is instatiated { Error("Read"," tracks object must be instatiated before passing it to the reader"); return 1; } if (ReadsParticles()) particles->Reset();//clear runs == delete all old events if (ReadsTracks()) tracks->Reset(); Rewind(); Int_t i = 0; while(Next() == kFALSE) { if (ReadsTracks()) tracks->SetEvent(i,fTracksEvent); if (ReadsParticles()) particles->SetEvent(i,fParticlesEvent); i++; } return 0; } /*************************************************************************************/ Bool_t AliHBTReader::Pass(AliHBTParticle* p) { //Method examines whether particle meets all cut and particle type criteria if(p==0x0)//of corse we not pass NULL pointers { Warning("Pass()","No Pasaran! We never accept NULL pointers"); return kTRUE; } //if no particle is specified, we pass all particles //excluding NULL pointers, of course if ( fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0 ) return kFALSE; //if no cut specified accept all particles for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliHBTParticleCut &cut = *((AliHBTParticleCut*)fCuts->At(i)); if(!cut.Pass(p)) return kFALSE; //accepted } return kTRUE;//not accepted } /*************************************************************************************/ Bool_t AliHBTReader::Pass(Int_t pid) { //this method checks if any of existing cuts accepts this pid particles //or any cuts accepts all particles if(pid == 0) return kTRUE; if ( fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0 ) return kFALSE; //if no cut specified accept all particles for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliHBTParticleCut &cut = *((AliHBTParticleCut*)fCuts->At(i)); //if some of cuts accepts all particles or some accepts particles of this type, accept if ( (cut.GetPID() == 0) || (cut.GetPID() == pid) ) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } /*************************************************************************************/ TString& AliHBTReader::GetDirName(Int_t entry) { //returns directory name of next one to read TString* retval;//return value if (fDirs == 0x0) { retval = new TString("."); return *retval; } if ( (entry>fDirs->GetEntries()) || (entry<0))//if out of bounds return empty string { //note that entry==0 is accepted even if array is empty (size=0) Error("GetDirName","Name out of bounds"); retval = new TString(); return *retval; } if (fDirs->GetEntries() == 0) { retval = new TString("."); return *retval; } TClass *objclass = fDirs->At(entry)->IsA(); TClass *stringclass = TObjString::Class(); TObjString *dir = (TObjString*)objclass->DynamicCast(stringclass,fDirs->At(entry)); if(dir == 0x0) { Error("GetDirName","Object in TObjArray is not a TObjString or its descendant"); retval = new TString(); return *retval; } if (gDebug > 0) Info("GetDirName","Returned ok %s",dir->String().Data()); return dir->String(); } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTReader::Blend() { //randomly change positions of the particles after reading //is used to check if some distr depends on order of particles //(tracking gives particles Pt sorted) if (fParticlesEvent == 0x0) return; for (Int_t i = 2; i < fParticlesEvent->GetNumberOfParticles(); i++) { Int_t with = gRandom->Integer(i); fParticlesEvent->SwapParticles(i,with); if (fTracksEvent) fTracksEvent->SwapParticles(i,with); } } /*************************************************************************************/ void AliHBTReader::WriteTrackCounter() const { //writes the counter histogram if (fTrackCounter) fTrackCounter->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); else { Warning("WriteTrackCounter","Counter is NULL"); } }