// $Id$ //************************************************************************** //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* * //* Primary Authors: Matthias Richter * //* Timm Steinbeck * //* for The ALICE HLT Project. * //* * //* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * //* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * //* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * //* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * //* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * //* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * //* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************** /** @file AliHLTComponent.cxx @author Matthias Richter, Timm Steinbeck @date @brief Base class implementation for HLT components. */ #if __GNUC__>= 3 using namespace std; #endif //#include "AliHLTStdIncludes.h" #include "AliHLTComponent.h" #include "AliHLTComponentHandler.h" #include "AliHLTMessage.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjectTable.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "AliHLTMemoryFile.h" #include "AliHLTMisc.h" #include /** ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods */ ClassImp(AliHLTComponent); /** stopwatch macro using the stopwatch guard */ #define ALIHLTCOMPONENT_STOPWATCH(type) AliHLTStopwatchGuard swguard(fpStopwatches!=NULL?reinterpret_cast(fpStopwatches->At((int)type)):NULL) //#define ALIHLTCOMPONENT_STOPWATCH(type) /** stopwatch macro for operations of the base class */ #define ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH() ALIHLTCOMPONENT_STOPWATCH(kSWBase) /** stopwatch macro for operations of the detector algorithm (DA) */ #define ALIHLTCOMPONENT_DA_STOPWATCH() ALIHLTCOMPONENT_STOPWATCH(kSWDA) AliHLTComponent::AliHLTComponent() : fEnvironment(), fCurrentEvent(0), fEventCount(-1), fFailedEvents(0), fCurrentEventData(), fpInputBlocks(NULL), fCurrentInputBlock(-1), fSearchDataType(kAliHLTVoidDataType), fClassName(), fpInputObjects(NULL), fpOutputBuffer(NULL), fOutputBufferSize(0), fOutputBufferFilled(0), fOutputBlocks(), fpStopwatches(new TObjArray(kSWTypeCount)), fMemFiles(), fpRunDesc(NULL), fpDDLList(NULL), fCDBSetRunNoFunc(false), fChainId() { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt memset(&fEnvironment, 0, sizeof(AliHLTComponentEnvironment)); if (fgpComponentHandler) fgpComponentHandler->ScheduleRegister(this); //SetLocalLoggingLevel(kHLTLogDefault); } AliHLTComponent::~AliHLTComponent() { // see header file for function documentation CleanupInputObjects(); if (fpStopwatches!=NULL) delete fpStopwatches; fpStopwatches=NULL; AliHLTMemoryFilePList::iterator element=fMemFiles.begin(); while (element!=fMemFiles.end()) { if (*element) { if ((*element)->IsClosed()==0) { HLTWarning("memory file has not been closed, possible data loss or incomplete buffer"); // close but do not flush as we dont know whether the buffer is still valid (*element)->CloseMemoryFile(0); } delete *element; *element=NULL; } element++; } } AliHLTComponentHandler* AliHLTComponent::fgpComponentHandler=NULL; int AliHLTComponent::SetGlobalComponentHandler(AliHLTComponentHandler* pCH, int bOverwrite) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (fgpComponentHandler==NULL || bOverwrite!=0) fgpComponentHandler=pCH; else iResult=-EPERM; return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::UnsetGlobalComponentHandler() { // see header file for function documentation return SetGlobalComponentHandler(NULL,1); } int AliHLTComponent::Init( AliHLTComponentEnvironment* comenv, void* environParam, int argc, const char** argv ) { // see header file for function documentation HLTLogKeyword(GetComponentID()); int iResult=0; if (comenv) { memcpy(&fEnvironment, comenv, sizeof(AliHLTComponentEnvironment)); fEnvironment.fParam=environParam; } const char** pArguments=NULL; int iNofChildArgs=0; TString argument=""; int bMissingParam=0; if (argc>0) { pArguments=new const char*[argc]; if (pArguments) { for (int i=0; i=0; i++) { argument=argv[i]; if (argument.IsNull()) continue; // benchmark if (argument.CompareTo("benchmark")==0) { // loglevel } else if (argument.CompareTo("loglevel")==0) { if ((bMissingParam=(++i>=argc))) break; TString parameter(argv[i]); parameter.Remove(TString::kLeading, ' '); // remove all blanks if (parameter.BeginsWith("0x") && parameter.Replace(0,2,"",0).IsHex()) { AliHLTComponentLogSeverity loglevel=kHLTLogNone; sscanf(parameter.Data(),"%x", (unsigned int*)&loglevel); SetLocalLoggingLevel(loglevel); } else { HLTError("wrong parameter for argument %s, hex number expected", argument.Data()); iResult=-EINVAL; } } else { pArguments[iNofChildArgs++]=argv[i]; } } } else { iResult=-ENOMEM; } } if (bMissingParam) { HLTError("missing parameter for argument %s", argument.Data()); iResult=-EINVAL; } if (iResult>=0) { iResult=DoInit(iNofChildArgs, pArguments); } if (iResult>=0) fEventCount=0; if (pArguments) delete [] pArguments; return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::Deinit() { // see header file for function documentation HLTLogKeyword(GetComponentID()); int iResult=0; iResult=DoDeinit(); if (fpRunDesc) { HLTWarning("did not receive EOR for run %d", fpRunDesc->fRunNo); AliHLTRunDesc* pRunDesc=fpRunDesc; fpRunDesc=NULL; delete pRunDesc; } fEventCount=0; return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::InitCDB(const char* cdbPath, AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (pHandler) { // I have to think about separating the library handling from the // component handler. Requiring the component hanlder here is not // the cleanest solution. // We presume the library already to be loaded // find the symbol AliHLTMiscInitCDB_t pFunc=(AliHLTMiscInitCDB_t)pHandler->FindSymbol(ALIHLTMISC_LIBRARY, ALIHLTMISC_INIT_CDB); if (pFunc) { TString path; if (cdbPath && cdbPath[0]!=0) { path=cdbPath; // very temporary fix, have to check for other formats if (!path.BeginsWith("local://")) { path="local://"; path+=cdbPath; } } if ((iResult=(*pFunc)(path.Data()))>=0) { if (!(fCDBSetRunNoFunc=pHandler->FindSymbol(ALIHLTMISC_LIBRARY, ALIHLTMISC_SET_CDB_RUNNO))) { Message(NULL, kHLTLogWarning, "AliHLTComponent::InitCDB", "init CDB", "can not find function to set CDB run no"); } } } else { Message(NULL, kHLTLogError, "AliHLTComponent::InitCDB", "init CDB", "can not find initialization function"); iResult=-ENOSYS; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::SetCDBRunNo(int runNo) { // see header file for function documentation if (!fCDBSetRunNoFunc) return 0; return (*((AliHLTMiscSetCDBRunNo_t)fCDBSetRunNoFunc))(runNo); } int AliHLTComponent::DoInit( int /*argc*/, const char** /*argv*/) { // default implementation, childs can overload HLTLogKeyword("dummy"); return 0; } int AliHLTComponent::DoDeinit() { // default implementation, childs can overload HLTLogKeyword("dummy"); return 0; } int AliHLTComponent::Reconfigure(const char* /*cdbEntry*/, const char* /*chainId*/) { // default implementation, childs can overload HLTLogKeyword("dummy"); return 0; } int AliHLTComponent::ReadPreprocessorValues(const char* /*modules*/) { // default implementation, childs can overload HLTLogKeyword("dummy"); return 0; } int AliHLTComponent::GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& /*tgtList*/) { // default implementation, childs can overload HLTLogKeyword("dummy"); return 0; } void AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text( const AliHLTComponentDataType& type, char output[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize+kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize+2] ) const { // see header file for function documentation memset( output, 0, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize+kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize+2 ); strncat( output, type.fOrigin, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize ); strcat( output, ":" ); strncat( output, type.fID, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize ); } string AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text( const AliHLTComponentDataType& type, int mode) { // see header file for function documentation string out(""); if (mode==2) { int i=0; char tmp[8]; for (i=0; i( AllocMemory( sizeof(AliHLTComponentBlockData)*count ) ); if ( !*outputBlocks ) return -ENOMEM; for ( unsigned long i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { (*outputBlocks)[i] = blocks[i]; if (MatchExactly(blocks[i].fDataType, kAliHLTAnyDataType)) { (*outputBlocks)[i].fDataType=GetOutputDataType(); /* data type was set to the output data type by the PubSub AliRoot Wrapper component, if data type of the block was ********:****. Now handled by the component base class in order to have same behavior when running embedded in AliRoot memset((*outputBlocks)[i].fDataType.fID, '*', kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize); memset((*outputBlocks)[i].fDataType.fOrigin, '*', kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize); */ } } *blockCount = count; return 0; } int AliHLTComponent::GetEventDoneData( unsigned long size, AliHLTComponentEventDoneData** edd ) { // see header file for function documentation if (fEnvironment.fGetEventDoneDataFunc) return (*fEnvironment.fGetEventDoneDataFunc)(fEnvironment.fParam, fCurrentEvent, size, edd ); return -ENOSYS; } int AliHLTComponent::FindMatchingDataTypes(AliHLTComponent* pConsumer, AliHLTComponentDataTypeList* tgtList) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (pConsumer) { AliHLTComponentDataTypeList itypes; AliHLTComponentDataTypeList otypes; otypes.push_back(GetOutputDataType()); if (otypes[0]==kAliHLTMultipleDataType) { otypes.clear(); int count=0; if ((count=GetOutputDataTypes(otypes))>0) { } else if (GetComponentType()!=kSink) { HLTWarning("component %s indicates multiple output data types but GetOutputDataTypes returns %d", GetComponentID(), count); } } ((AliHLTComponent*)pConsumer)->GetInputDataTypes(itypes); AliHLTComponentDataTypeList::iterator itype=itypes.begin(); while (itype!=itypes.end()) { //PrintDataTypeContent((*itype), "consumer \'%s\'"); AliHLTComponentDataTypeList::iterator otype=otypes.begin(); while (otype!=otypes.end() && (*itype)!=(*otype)) otype++; //if (otype!=otypes.end()) PrintDataTypeContent(*otype, "publisher \'%s\'"); if (otype!=otypes.end()) { if (tgtList) tgtList->push_back(*itype); iResult++; } itype++; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } void AliHLTComponent::PrintDataTypeContent(AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, const char* format) { // see header file for function documentation const char* fmt="\'%s\'"; if (format) fmt=format; AliHLTLogging::Message(NULL, kHLTLogNone, NULL , NULL, Form(fmt, (DataType2Text(dt)).c_str())); AliHLTLogging::Message(NULL, kHLTLogNone, NULL , NULL, Form("%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x : %x %x %x %x", dt.fID[0], dt.fID[1], dt.fID[2], dt.fID[3], dt.fID[4], dt.fID[5], dt.fID[6], dt.fID[7], dt.fOrigin[0], dt.fOrigin[1], dt.fOrigin[2], dt.fOrigin[3])); } void AliHLTComponent::FillBlockData( AliHLTComponentBlockData& blockData ) { // see header file for function documentation blockData.fStructSize = sizeof(blockData); FillShmData( blockData.fShmKey ); blockData.fOffset = ~(AliHLTUInt32_t)0; blockData.fPtr = NULL; blockData.fSize = 0; FillDataType( blockData.fDataType ); blockData.fSpecification = kAliHLTVoidDataSpec; } void AliHLTComponent::FillShmData( AliHLTComponentShmData& shmData ) { // see header file for function documentation shmData.fStructSize = sizeof(shmData); shmData.fShmType = gkAliHLTComponentInvalidShmType; shmData.fShmID = gkAliHLTComponentInvalidShmID; } void AliHLTComponent::FillDataType( AliHLTComponentDataType& dataType ) { // see header file for function documentation dataType=kAliHLTAnyDataType; } void AliHLTComponent::CopyDataType(AliHLTComponentDataType& tgtdt, const AliHLTComponentDataType& srcdt) { // see header file for function documentation memcpy(&tgtdt.fID[0], &srcdt.fID[0], kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize); memcpy(&tgtdt.fOrigin[0], &srcdt.fOrigin[0], kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize); } void AliHLTComponent::SetDataType(AliHLTComponentDataType& tgtdt, const char* id, const char* origin) { // see header file for function documentation tgtdt.fStructSize=sizeof(AliHLTComponentDataType); if (id) { memset(&tgtdt.fID[0], 0, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize); strncpy(&tgtdt.fID[0], id, strlen(id)<(size_t)kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize?strlen(id):kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize); } if (origin) { memset(&tgtdt.fOrigin[0], 0, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize); strncpy(&tgtdt.fOrigin[0], origin, strlen(origin)<(size_t)kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize?strlen(origin):kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize); } } void AliHLTComponent::SetDataType(AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, AliHLTUInt64_t id, AliHLTUInt32_t origin) { // see header file for function documentation dt.fStructSize=sizeof(AliHLTComponentDataType); assert(kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize==sizeof(id)); assert(kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize==sizeof(origin)); memcpy(&dt.fID, &id, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize); memcpy(&dt.fOrigin, &origin, kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize); } void AliHLTComponent::FillEventData(AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData) { // see header file for function documentation memset(&evtData, 0, sizeof(AliHLTComponentEventData)); evtData.fStructSize=sizeof(AliHLTComponentEventData); } void AliHLTComponent::PrintComponentDataTypeInfo(const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt) { // see header file for function documentation TString msg; msg.Form("AliHLTComponentDataType(%d): ID=\"", dt.fStructSize); for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize; i++ ) { if (dt.fID[i]!=0) msg+=dt.fID[i]; else msg+="\\0"; } msg+="\" Origin=\""; for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize; i++ ) { if (dt.fOrigin[i]!=0) msg+=dt.fOrigin[i]; else msg+="\\0"; } msg+="\""; AliHLTLogging::Message(NULL, kHLTLogNone, NULL , NULL, msg.Data()); } int AliHLTComponent::GetEventCount() const { // see header file for function documentation return fEventCount; } int AliHLTComponent::IncrementEventCounter() { // see header file for function documentation if (fEventCount>=0) fEventCount++; return fEventCount; } int AliHLTComponent::GetNumberOfInputBlocks() const { // see header file for function documentation if (fpInputBlocks!=NULL) { return fCurrentEventData.fBlockCnt; } return 0; } const TObject* AliHLTComponent::GetFirstInputObject(const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, const char* classname, int bForce) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); fSearchDataType=dt; if (classname) fClassName=classname; else fClassName.clear(); int idx=FindInputBlock(fSearchDataType, 0, 1); TObject* pObj=NULL; if (idx>=0) { HLTDebug("found block %d when searching for data type %s", idx, DataType2Text(dt).c_str()); if ((pObj=GetInputObject(idx, fClassName.c_str(), bForce))!=NULL) { fCurrentInputBlock=idx; } else { } } return pObj; } const TObject* AliHLTComponent::GetFirstInputObject(const char* dtID, const char* dtOrigin, const char* classname, int bForce) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt; SetDataType(dt, dtID, dtOrigin); return GetFirstInputObject(dt, classname, bForce); } const TObject* AliHLTComponent::GetNextInputObject(int bForce) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); int idx=FindInputBlock(fSearchDataType, fCurrentInputBlock+1, 1); //HLTDebug("found block %d when searching for data type %s", idx, DataType2Text(fSearchDataType).c_str()); TObject* pObj=NULL; if (idx>=0) { if ((pObj=GetInputObject(idx, fClassName.c_str(), bForce))!=NULL) { fCurrentInputBlock=idx; } } return pObj; } int AliHLTComponent::FindInputBlock(const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, int startIdx, int bObject) const { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=-ENOENT; if (fpInputBlocks!=NULL) { int idx=startIdx<0?0:startIdx; for ( ; (UInt_t)idxGetName()); } else { } //} else { } else if (bForce!=0) { HLTError("size mismatch: block size %d, indicated %d", fpInputBlocks[idx].fSize, firstWord+sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t)); } } else { HLTFatal("block descriptor empty"); } } else { HLTError("index %d out of range %d", idx, fCurrentEventData.fBlockCnt); } } else { HLTError("no input blocks available"); } return pObj; } TObject* AliHLTComponent::GetInputObject(int idx, const char* /*classname*/, int bForce) { // see header file for function documentation if (fpInputObjects==NULL) { fpInputObjects=new TObjArray(fCurrentEventData.fBlockCnt); } TObject* pObj=NULL; if (fpInputObjects) { pObj=fpInputObjects->At(idx); if (pObj==NULL) { pObj=CreateInputObject(idx, bForce); if (pObj) { fpInputObjects->AddAt(pObj, idx); } } } else { HLTFatal("memory allocation failed: TObjArray of size %d", fCurrentEventData.fBlockCnt); } return pObj; } int AliHLTComponent::CleanupInputObjects() { // see header file for function documentation if (!fpInputObjects) return 0; TObjArray* array=fpInputObjects; fpInputObjects=NULL; for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { TObject* pObj=array->At(i); // grrr, garbage collection strikes back: When read via AliHLTMessage // (CreateInputObject), and written to a TFile afterwards, the // TFile::Close calls ROOOT's garbage collection. No clue why the // object ended up in the key list and needs to be deleted if (pObj && gObjectTable->PtrIsValid(pObj)) delete pObj; } delete array; return 0; } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTComponent::GetDataType(const TObject* pObject) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt=kAliHLTVoidDataType; int idx=fCurrentInputBlock; if (pObject) { if (fpInputObjects==NULL || (idx=fpInputObjects->IndexOf(pObject))>=0) { } else { HLTError("unknown object %p", pObject); } } if (idx>=0) { if ((UInt_t)idxIndexOf(pObject))>=0) { } else { HLTError("unknown object %p", pObject); } } if (idx>=0) { if ((UInt_t)idxIndexOf(pObject))>=0) { } else { HLTError("unknown object %p", pObject); iResult=-ENOENT; } } if (idx>=0) { fOutputBlocks.push_back(fpInputBlocks[idx]); } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::Forward(const AliHLTComponentBlockData* pBlock) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; int idx=fCurrentInputBlock; if (pBlock) { if (fpInputObjects==NULL || (idx=FindInputBlock(pBlock))>=0) { } else { HLTError("unknown Block %p", pBlock); iResult=-ENOENT; } } if (idx>=0) { // check for fpInputBlocks pointer done in FindInputBlock fOutputBlocks.push_back(fpInputBlocks[idx]); } return iResult; } const AliHLTComponentBlockData* AliHLTComponent::GetFirstInputBlock(const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); fSearchDataType=dt; fClassName.clear(); int idx=FindInputBlock(fSearchDataType, 0); const AliHLTComponentBlockData* pBlock=NULL; if (idx>=0) { // check for fpInputBlocks pointer done in FindInputBlock pBlock=&fpInputBlocks[idx]; fCurrentInputBlock=idx; } return pBlock; } const AliHLTComponentBlockData* AliHLTComponent::GetFirstInputBlock(const char* dtID, const char* dtOrigin) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt; SetDataType(dt, dtID, dtOrigin); return GetFirstInputBlock(dt); } const AliHLTComponentBlockData* AliHLTComponent::GetInputBlock(int index) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); assert( 0 <= index and index < (int)fCurrentEventData.fBlockCnt ); return &fpInputBlocks[index]; } const AliHLTComponentBlockData* AliHLTComponent::GetNextInputBlock() { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); int idx=FindInputBlock(fSearchDataType, fCurrentInputBlock+1); const AliHLTComponentBlockData* pBlock=NULL; if (idx>=0) { // check for fpInputBlocks pointer done in FindInputBlock pBlock=&fpInputBlocks[idx]; fCurrentInputBlock=idx; } return pBlock; } int AliHLTComponent::FindInputBlock(const AliHLTComponentBlockData* pBlock) const { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=-ENOENT; if (fpInputBlocks!=NULL) { if (pBlock) { if (pBlock>=fpInputBlocks && pBlock=0) { } else { HLTError("unknown Block %p", pBlock); } } if (idx>=0) { // check for fpInputBlocks pointer done in FindInputBlock iSpec=fpInputBlocks[idx].fSpecification; } return iSpec; } int AliHLTComponent::PushBack(TObject* pObject, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, void* pHeader, int headerSize) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); int iResult=0; if (pObject) { AliHLTMessage msg(kMESS_OBJECT); msg.WriteObject(pObject); Int_t iMsgLength=msg.Length(); if (iMsgLength>0) { msg.SetLength(); // sets the length to the first (reserved) word iResult=InsertOutputBlock(msg.Buffer(), iMsgLength, dt, spec, pHeader, headerSize); if (iResult>=0) { HLTDebug("object %s (%p) size %d inserted to output", pObject->ClassName(), pObject, iMsgLength); } } else { HLTError("object serialization failed for object %p", pObject); iResult=-ENOMSG; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::PushBack(TObject* pObject, const char* dtID, const char* dtOrigin, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, void* pHeader, int headerSize) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt; SetDataType(dt, dtID, dtOrigin); return PushBack(pObject, dt, spec, pHeader, headerSize); } int AliHLTComponent::PushBack(void* pBuffer, int iSize, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, void* pHeader, int headerSize) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); return InsertOutputBlock(pBuffer, iSize, dt, spec, pHeader, headerSize); } int AliHLTComponent::PushBack(void* pBuffer, int iSize, const char* dtID, const char* dtOrigin, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, void* pHeader, int headerSize) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt; SetDataType(dt, dtID, dtOrigin); return PushBack(pBuffer, iSize, dt, spec, pHeader, headerSize); } int AliHLTComponent::InsertOutputBlock(void* pBuffer, int iBufferSize, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, void* pHeader, int iHeaderSize) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; int iBlkSize = iBufferSize + iHeaderSize; if (pBuffer) { if (fpOutputBuffer && iBlkSize<=(int)(fOutputBufferSize-fOutputBufferFilled)) { AliHLTUInt8_t* pTgt=fpOutputBuffer+fOutputBufferFilled; AliHLTComponentBlockData bd; FillBlockData( bd ); bd.fOffset = fOutputBufferFilled; bd.fSize = iBlkSize; bd.fDataType = dt; bd.fSpecification = spec; if (pHeader!=NULL && pHeader!=pTgt) { memcpy(pTgt, pHeader, iHeaderSize); } pTgt += (AliHLTUInt8_t) iHeaderSize; if (pBuffer!=NULL && pBuffer!=pTgt) { memcpy(pTgt, pBuffer, iBufferSize); //AliHLTUInt32_t firstWord=*((AliHLTUInt32_t*)pBuffer); //HLTDebug("copy %d bytes from %p to output buffer %p, first word %#x", iBufferSize, pBuffer, pTgt, firstWord); } fOutputBufferFilled+=bd.fSize; fOutputBlocks.push_back( bd ); //HLTDebug("buffer inserted to output: size %d data type %s spec %#x", iBlkSize, DataType2Text(dt).c_str(), spec); } else { if (fpOutputBuffer) { HLTError("too little space in output buffer: %d, required %d", fOutputBufferSize-fOutputBufferFilled, iBlkSize); } else { HLTError("output buffer not available"); } iResult=-ENOSPC; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::EstimateObjectSize(TObject* pObject) const { // see header file for function documentation if (!pObject) return -EINVAL; AliHLTMessage msg(kMESS_OBJECT); msg.WriteObject(pObject); return msg.Length(); } AliHLTMemoryFile* AliHLTComponent::CreateMemoryFile(int capacity, const char* dtID, const char* dtOrigin, AliHLTUInt32_t spec) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt; SetDataType(dt, dtID, dtOrigin); return CreateMemoryFile(capacity, dt, spec); } AliHLTMemoryFile* AliHLTComponent::CreateMemoryFile(int capacity, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTMemoryFile* pFile=NULL; if (capacity>=0 && static_cast(capacity)<=fOutputBufferSize-fOutputBufferFilled){ AliHLTUInt8_t* pTgt=fpOutputBuffer+fOutputBufferFilled; pFile=new AliHLTMemoryFile((char*)pTgt, capacity); if (pFile) { unsigned int nofBlocks=fOutputBlocks.size(); if (nofBlocks+1>fMemFiles.size()) { fMemFiles.resize(nofBlocks+1, NULL); } if (nofBlocksCloseMemoryFile(0); delete pFile; pFile=NULL; } } } else { HLTError("can not create memory file of size %d (%d available)", capacity, fOutputBufferSize-fOutputBufferFilled); } return pFile; } AliHLTMemoryFile* AliHLTComponent::CreateMemoryFile(const char* dtID, const char* dtOrigin, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, float capacity) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); AliHLTComponentDataType dt; SetDataType(dt, dtID, dtOrigin); int size=fOutputBufferSize-fOutputBufferFilled; if (capacity<0 || capacity>1.0) { HLTError("invalid parameter: capacity %f", capacity); return NULL; } size=(int)(size*capacity); return CreateMemoryFile(size, dt, spec); } AliHLTMemoryFile* AliHLTComponent::CreateMemoryFile(const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, float capacity) { // see header file for function documentation ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); int size=fOutputBufferSize-fOutputBufferFilled; if (capacity<0 || capacity>1.0) { HLTError("invalid parameter: capacity %f", capacity); return NULL; } size=(int)(size*capacity); return CreateMemoryFile(size, dt, spec); } int AliHLTComponent::Write(AliHLTMemoryFile* pFile, const TObject* pObject, const char* key, int option) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (pFile && pObject) { pFile->cd(); iResult=pObject->Write(key, option); if (iResult>0) { // success } else { iResult=-pFile->GetErrno(); if (iResult==-ENOSPC) { HLTError("error writing memory file, buffer too small"); } } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::CloseMemoryFile(AliHLTMemoryFile* pFile) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (pFile) { AliHLTMemoryFilePList::iterator element=fMemFiles.begin(); int i=0; while (element!=fMemFiles.end() && iResult>=0) { if (*element && *element==pFile) { iResult=pFile->CloseMemoryFile(); // sync memory files and descriptors if (iResult>=0) { fOutputBlocks[i].fSize=(*element)->GetSize()+(*element)->GetHeaderSize(); } delete *element; *element=NULL; return iResult; } element++; i++; } HLTError("can not find memory file %p", pFile); iResult=-ENOENT; } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::CreateEventDoneData(AliHLTComponentEventDoneData /*edd*/) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=-ENOSYS; //#warning function not yet implemented HLTWarning("function not yet implemented"); return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::ProcessEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTUInt32_t& outputBlockCnt, AliHLTComponentBlockData*& outputBlocks, AliHLTComponentEventDoneData*& edd ) { // see header file for function documentation HLTLogKeyword(GetComponentID()); ALIHLTCOMPONENT_BASE_STOPWATCH(); int iResult=0; fCurrentEvent=evtData.fEventID; fCurrentEventData=evtData; fpInputBlocks=blocks; fCurrentInputBlock=-1; fSearchDataType=kAliHLTAnyDataType; fpOutputBuffer=outputPtr; fOutputBufferSize=size; fOutputBufferFilled=0; fOutputBlocks.clear(); bool bSkipDataProcessing=false; // find special events if (fpInputBlocks) { // first look for all special events and execute in the appropriate // sequence afterwords AliHLTUInt32_t eventType=gkAliEventTypeUnknown; int indexComConfEvent=-1; int indexUpdtDCSEvent=-1; int indexSOREvent=-1; int indexEOREvent=-1; for (unsigned int i=0; i=0; i++) { if (fpInputBlocks[i].fDataType==kAliHLTDataTypeSOR) { indexSOREvent=i; } else if (fpInputBlocks[i].fDataType==kAliHLTDataTypeEOR) { indexEOREvent=i; } else if (fpInputBlocks[i].fDataType==kAliHLTDataTypeDDL) { // DDL list // this event is most likely deprecated } else if (fpInputBlocks[i].fDataType==kAliHLTDataTypeComConf) { indexComConfEvent=i; } else if (fpInputBlocks[i].fDataType==kAliHLTDataTypeUpdtDCS) { indexUpdtDCSEvent=i; } else if (fpInputBlocks[i].fDataType==kAliHLTDataTypeEvent) { eventType=fpInputBlocks[i].fSpecification; bSkipDataProcessing|=(fpInputBlocks[i].fSpecification==gkAliEventTypeConfiguration); bSkipDataProcessing|=(fpInputBlocks[i].fSpecification==gkAliEventTypeReadPreprocessor); } } if (indexSOREvent>=0) { // start of run if (fpRunDesc==NULL) { fpRunDesc=new AliHLTRunDesc; if (fpRunDesc) { if ((iResult=CopyStruct(fpRunDesc, sizeof(AliHLTRunDesc), indexSOREvent, "AliHLTRunDesc", "SOR"))>0) { HLTDebug("set run decriptor, run no %d", fpRunDesc->fRunNo); SetCDBRunNo(fpRunDesc->fRunNo); } } else { iResult=-ENOMEM; } } else { HLTWarning("already received SOR event run no %d, ignoring SOR", fpRunDesc->fRunNo); } } if (indexEOREvent>=0) { if (fpRunDesc!=NULL) { if (fpRunDesc) { AliHLTRunDesc rundesc; if ((iResult=CopyStruct(&rundesc, sizeof(AliHLTRunDesc), indexEOREvent, "AliHLTRunDesc", "SOR"))>0) { if (fpRunDesc->fRunNo!=rundesc.fRunNo) { HLTWarning("run no mismatch: SOR %d, EOR %d", fpRunDesc->fRunNo, rundesc.fRunNo); } else { HLTDebug("EOR run no %d", fpRunDesc->fRunNo); } } AliHLTRunDesc* pRunDesc=fpRunDesc; fpRunDesc=NULL; delete pRunDesc; } } else { HLTWarning("did not receive SOR, ignoring EOR"); } } if (indexComConfEvent>=0 || eventType==gkAliEventTypeConfiguration) { TString cdbEntry; if (indexComConfEvent>=0 && fpInputBlocks[indexComConfEvent].fPtr!=NULL && fpInputBlocks[indexComConfEvent].fSize>0) { cdbEntry.Append(reinterpret_cast(fpInputBlocks[indexComConfEvent].fPtr), fpInputBlocks[indexComConfEvent].fSize); } HLTDebug("received component configuration command: entry %s", cdbEntry.IsNull()?"none":cdbEntry.Data()); int tmpResult=Reconfigure(cdbEntry[0]==0?NULL:cdbEntry.Data(), fChainId.c_str()); if (tmpResult<0) { HLTWarning("reconfiguration of component %p (%s) failed with error code %d", this, GetComponentID(), tmpResult); } } if (indexUpdtDCSEvent>=0 || eventType==gkAliEventTypeReadPreprocessor) { TString modules; if (fpInputBlocks[indexUpdtDCSEvent].fPtr!=NULL && fpInputBlocks[indexUpdtDCSEvent].fSize>0) { modules.Append(reinterpret_cast(fpInputBlocks[indexUpdtDCSEvent].fPtr), fpInputBlocks[indexUpdtDCSEvent].fSize); } HLTDebug("received preprocessor update command: detectors %s", modules.IsNull()?"ALL":modules.Data()); int tmpResult=ReadPreprocessorValues(modules[0]==0?"ALL":modules.Data()); if (tmpResult<0) { HLTWarning("preprocessor update of component %p (%s) failed with error code %d", this, GetComponentID(), tmpResult); } } } AliHLTComponentBlockDataList blockData; { // dont delete, sets the scope for the stopwatch guard // do not use ALIHLTCOMPONENT_DA_STOPWATCH(); macro // in order to avoid 'shadowed variable' warning AliHLTStopwatchGuard swguard2(fpStopwatches!=NULL?reinterpret_cast(fpStopwatches->At((int)kSWDA)):NULL); iResult=DoProcessing(evtData, blocks, trigData, outputPtr, size, blockData, edd); } // end of the scope of the stopwatch guard if (iResult>=0 && !bSkipDataProcessing) { if (fOutputBlocks.size()>0) { //HLTDebug("got %d block(s) via high level interface", fOutputBlocks.size()); // sync memory files and descriptors AliHLTMemoryFilePList::iterator element=fMemFiles.begin(); int i=0; while (element!=fMemFiles.end() && iResult>=0) { if (*element) { if ((*element)->IsClosed()==0) { HLTWarning("memory file has not been closed, force flush"); iResult=CloseMemoryFile(*element); } } element++; i++; } if (iResult>=0) { // create the descriptor list if (blockData.size()>0) { HLTError("low level and high interface must not be mixed; use PushBack methods to insert data blocks"); iResult=-EFAULT; } else { iResult=MakeOutputDataBlockList(fOutputBlocks, &outputBlockCnt, &outputBlocks); size=fOutputBufferFilled; } } } else { iResult=MakeOutputDataBlockList(blockData, &outputBlockCnt, &outputBlocks); } if (iResult<0) { HLTFatal("component %s (%p): can not convert output block descriptor list", GetComponentID(), this); } } if (iResult<0 || bSkipDataProcessing) { outputBlockCnt=0; outputBlocks=NULL; } CleanupInputObjects(); if (iResult>=0 && !bSkipDataProcessing) { IncrementEventCounter(); } return iResult; } AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::AliHLTStopwatchGuard() : fpStopwatch(NULL), fpPrec(NULL) { // standard constructor (not for use) } AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::AliHLTStopwatchGuard(TStopwatch* pStopwatch) : fpStopwatch(pStopwatch), fpPrec(NULL) { // constructor // check for already existing guard if (fgpCurrent) fpPrec=fgpCurrent; fgpCurrent=this; // stop the preceeding guard if it controls a different stopwatch int bStart=1; if (fpPrec && fpPrec!=this) bStart=fpPrec->Hold(fpStopwatch); // start the stopwatch if the current guard controls a different one if (fpStopwatch && bStart==1) fpStopwatch->Start(kFALSE); } AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::AliHLTStopwatchGuard(const AliHLTStopwatchGuard&) : fpStopwatch(NULL), fpPrec(NULL) { // // copy constructor not for use // } AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard& AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::operator=(const AliHLTStopwatchGuard&) { // // assignment operator not for use // fpStopwatch=NULL; fpPrec=NULL; return *this; } AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard* AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::fgpCurrent=NULL; AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::~AliHLTStopwatchGuard() { // destructor // resume the preceeding guard if it controls a different stopwatch int bStop=1; if (fpPrec && fpPrec!=this) bStop=fpPrec->Resume(fpStopwatch); // stop the stopwatch if the current guard controls a different one if (fpStopwatch && bStop==1) fpStopwatch->Stop(); // resume to the preceeding guard fgpCurrent=fpPrec; } int AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::Hold(TStopwatch* pSucc) { // see header file for function documentation if (fpStopwatch!=NULL && fpStopwatch!=pSucc) fpStopwatch->Stop(); return fpStopwatch!=pSucc?1:0; } int AliHLTComponent::AliHLTStopwatchGuard::Resume(TStopwatch* pSucc) { // see header file for function documentation if (fpStopwatch!=NULL && fpStopwatch!=pSucc) fpStopwatch->Start(kFALSE); return fpStopwatch!=pSucc?1:0; } int AliHLTComponent::SetStopwatch(TObject* pSW, AliHLTStopwatchType type) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (pSW!=NULL && typeAt((int)type); if (pSW==NULL // explicit reset || pObj==NULL) { // explicit set fpStopwatches->AddAt(pSW, (int)type); } else if (pObj!=pSW) { HLTWarning("stopwatch %d already set, reset first", (int)type); iResult=-EBUSY; } } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponent::SetStopwatches(TObjArray* pStopwatches) { // see header file for function documentation if (pStopwatches==NULL) return -EINVAL; int iResult=0; for (int i=0 ; i<(int)kSWTypeCount && pStopwatches->GetEntries(); i++) SetStopwatch(pStopwatches->At(i), (AliHLTStopwatchType)i); return iResult; } AliHLTUInt32_t AliHLTComponent::GetRunNo() const { // see header file for function documentation if (fpRunDesc==NULL) return 0; return fpRunDesc->fRunNo; } AliHLTUInt32_t AliHLTComponent::GetRunType() const { // see header file for function documentation if (fpRunDesc==NULL) return 0; return fpRunDesc->fRunType; } int AliHLTComponent::CopyStruct(void* pStruct, unsigned int iStructSize, unsigned int iBlockNo, const char* structname, const char* eventname) { // see header file for function documentation int iResult=0; if (pStruct!=NULL && iStructSize>sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t)) { if (fpInputBlocks!=NULL && iBlockNofpInputBlocks[iBlockNo].fSize) copy=fpInputBlocks[iBlockNo].fSize; } if (copy!=iStructSize) { HLTWarning("%s event: mismatch in %s version (data type version %d)", eventname, structname, ALIHLT_DATA_TYPES_VERSION); if (copy>iStructSize) { copy=iStructSize; } else { memset(pTgt, 0, iStructSize); } } memcpy(pTgt, fpInputBlocks[iBlockNo].fPtr, copy); *pTgt=iStructSize; iResult=copy; } else { HLTWarning("%s event: missing data block", eventname); } } else { iResult=-ENODATA; } } else { HLTError("invalid struct"); iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } void AliHLTComponent::SetDDLBit(AliHLTEventDDL &list, Int_t ddlId, Bool_t state ) const { // see header file for function documentation // -- Detector offset Int_t ddlIdBase = TMath::FloorNint( (Double_t) ddlId / 256.0 ); // -- Word Base = 1. word of detector ( TPC has 8 words, TOF 3 ) Int_t wordBase = 0; if ( ddlIdBase <= 3 ) wordBase = ddlIdBase; else if ( ddlIdBase > 3 && ddlIdBase < 5 ) wordBase = ddlIdBase + 7; else wordBase = ddlIdBase + 9; // -- Bit index in Word Int_t bitIdx = ddlId % 32; // -- Index of word Int_t wordIdx = wordBase; // -- if TPC (3) or TOD (5) add word idx if ( ( ddlIdBase == 3 ) || ( ddlIdBase == 5 ) ) { wordIdx += TMath::FloorNint( (Double_t) ( ddlId - ( ddlIdBase * 256 ) ) / 32.0 ); } // -- Set -- 'OR' word with bit mask; if ( state ) list.fList[wordIdx] |= ( 0x00000001 << bitIdx ); // -- Unset -- 'AND' word with bit mask; else list.fList[wordIdx] &= ( 0xFFFFFFFF ^ ( 0x00000001 << bitIdx ) ); } Int_t AliHLTComponent::GetFirstUsedDDLWord(AliHLTEventDDL &list) const { // see header file for function documentation Int_t iResult = -1; for ( Int_t wordNdx = 0 ; wordNdx < gkAliHLTDDLListSize ; wordNdx++ ) { if ( list.fList[wordNdx] != 0 && iResult == -1 ) { // check for special cases TPC and TOF if ( wordNdx > 3 && wordNdx <= 10 ) { wordNdx = 10; iResult = 3; } else if ( wordNdx > 12 && wordNdx <= 14 ) { wordNdx = 14; iResult = 12; } else iResult = wordNdx; } else if ( list.fList[wordNdx] != 0 && iResult >= 0 ) { HLTError( "DDLIDs for minimum of TWO detectors ( %d, %d ) set, this function works only for ONE detector.", iResult, wordNdx ); iResult = -1; break; } } return iResult; }