// $Id$ /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Matthias Richter * * Timm Steinbeck * * for The ALICE HLT Project. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /** @file AliHLTComponentHandler.cxx @author Matthias Richter, Timm Steinbeck @date @brief Implementation of HLT component handler. */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #if __GNUC__>= 3 using namespace std; #endif //#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H #include #else //#include #include #endif //HAVE_DLFCN_H //#include "AliHLTStdIncludes.h" #include "AliHLTComponentHandler.h" #include "AliHLTComponent.h" #include "AliHLTDataTypes.h" #include "AliHLTModuleAgent.h" #include "TString.h" /** ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods */ ClassImp(AliHLTComponentHandler) AliHLTComponentHandler::AliHLTComponentHandler() : fComponentList(), fScheduleList(), fLibraryList(), fEnvironment(), fOwnedComponents(), fLibraryMode(kDynamic), fRunDesc(kAliHLTVoidRunDesc), fRunType(NULL) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt memset(&fEnvironment, 0, sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment)); fEnvironment.fStructSize=sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment); AddStandardComponents(); } AliHLTComponentHandler::AliHLTComponentHandler(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment* pEnv) : AliHLTLogging(), fComponentList(), fScheduleList(), fLibraryList(), fEnvironment(), fOwnedComponents(), fLibraryMode(kDynamic), fRunDesc(kAliHLTVoidRunDesc), fRunType(NULL) { // see header file for class documentation if (pEnv) { memcpy(&fEnvironment, pEnv, sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment)); if (pEnv->fLoggingFunc) { // the AliHLTLogging::Init method also sets the stream output // and notification handler to AliLog. This should only be done // if the logging environment contains a logging function // for redirection AliHLTLogging::Init(pEnv->fLoggingFunc); } } else { memset(&fEnvironment, 0, sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment)); fEnvironment.fStructSize=sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment); } //#ifndef __DEBUG //SetLocalLoggingLevel(kHLTLogError); //#else //SetLocalLoggingLevel(kHLTLogInfo); //#endif AddStandardComponents(); } AliHLTComponentHandler::~AliHLTComponentHandler() { // see header file for class documentation DeleteOwnedComponents(); UnloadLibraries(); if (fRunType) delete [] fRunType; fRunType=NULL; } AliHLTComponentHandler* AliHLTComponentHandler::fgpInstance=NULL; int AliHLTComponentHandler::fgNofInstances=0; AliHLTComponentHandler* AliHLTComponentHandler::CreateHandler() { // see header file for class documentation if (!fgpInstance) fgpInstance=new AliHLTComponentHandler; fgNofInstances++; return fgpInstance; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::Destroy() { // see header file for class documentation int nofInstances=0; if (fgpInstance==this) { nofInstances=fgNofInstances--; } if (nofInstances==0) delete this; return nofInstances; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::AnnounceVersion() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; #ifdef PACKAGE_STRING void HLTbaseCompileInfo( char*& date, char*& time); char* date=""; char* time=""; HLTbaseCompileInfo(date, time); if (!date) date="unknown"; if (!time) time="unknown"; HLTImportant("%s build on %s (%s)", PACKAGE_STRING, date, time); #else HLTImportant("ALICE High Level Trigger build on %s (%s) (embedded AliRoot build)", __DATE__, __TIME__); #endif return iResult; } Int_t AliHLTComponentHandler::AddComponent(AliHLTComponent* pSample) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult=0; if (pSample==NULL) return -EINVAL; if ((iResult=RegisterComponent(pSample))>=0) { //HLTDebug("sample %s (%p) managed by handler", pSample->GetComponentID(), pSample); fOwnedComponents.push_back(pSample); } return iResult; } Int_t AliHLTComponentHandler::RegisterComponent(AliHLTComponent* pSample) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult=0; if (pSample) { if (FindComponent(pSample->GetComponentID())==NULL) { iResult=InsertComponent(pSample); if (iResult>=0) { HLTInfo("component %s registered", pSample->GetComponentID()); } } else { // component already registered HLTDebug("component %s already registered, skipped", pSample->GetComponentID()); iResult=-EEXIST; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::DeregisterComponent( const char* componentID ) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; if (componentID) { HLTWarning("not yet implemented, please notify the developers if you need this function"); } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } Int_t AliHLTComponentHandler::ScheduleRegister(AliHLTComponent* pSample) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult=0; if (pSample) { fScheduleList.push_back(pSample); } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::CreateComponent(const char* componentID, void* pEnvParam, int argc, const char** argv, AliHLTComponent*& component) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=CreateComponent(componentID, component); if (iResult>=0 && component) { HLTDebug("component \"%s\" created (%p)", componentID, component); if ((iResult=component->Init(&fEnvironment, pEnvParam, argc, argv))!=0) { HLTError("Initialization of component \"%s\" failed with error %d", componentID, iResult); delete component; component=NULL; } } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::CreateComponent(const char* componentID, AliHLTComponent*& component ) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; if (componentID) { AliHLTComponent* pSample=FindComponent(componentID); if (pSample!=NULL) { component=pSample->Spawn(); if (component) { HLTDebug("component \"%s\" created (%p)", componentID, component); } else { HLTError("can not spawn component \"%s\"", componentID); iResult=-ENOENT; } } else { HLTWarning("can not find component \"%s\"", componentID); iResult=-ENOENT; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } Int_t AliHLTComponentHandler::FindComponentIndex(const char* componentID) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult=0; if (componentID) { AliHLTComponentPList::iterator element=fComponentList.begin(); while (element!=fComponentList.end() && iResult>=0) { if (strcmp(componentID, (*element)->GetComponentID())==0) { break; } element++; iResult++; } if (element==fComponentList.end()) iResult=-ENOENT; } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } AliHLTComponent* AliHLTComponentHandler::FindComponent(const char* componentID) { // see header file for class documentation AliHLTComponent* pSample=NULL; Int_t index=FindComponentIndex(componentID); if (index>=0) { pSample=(AliHLTComponent*)fComponentList.at(index); } return pSample; } Int_t AliHLTComponentHandler::InsertComponent(AliHLTComponent* pSample) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult=0; if (pSample!=NULL) { fComponentList.push_back(pSample); } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } void AliHLTComponentHandler::List() { // see header file for class documentation AliHLTComponentPList::iterator element=fComponentList.begin(); int index=0; while (element!=fComponentList.end()) { HLTInfo("%d. %s", index++, (*element++)->GetComponentID()); } } int AliHLTComponentHandler::HasOutputData( const char* componentID) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; AliHLTComponent* pSample=FindComponent(componentID); if (pSample) { AliHLTComponent::TComponentType ct=AliHLTComponent::kUnknown; ct=pSample->GetComponentType(); iResult=(ct==AliHLTComponent::kSource || ct==AliHLTComponent::kProcessor); } else { iResult=-ENOENT; } return iResult; } void AliHLTComponentHandler::SetEnvironment(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment* pEnv) { // see header file for class documentation if (pEnv) { memset(&fEnvironment, 0, sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment)); memcpy(&fEnvironment, pEnv, pEnv->fStructSizefStructSize:sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment)); fEnvironment.fStructSize=sizeof(AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment); if (fEnvironment.fLoggingFunc) { // the AliHLTLogging::Init method also sets the stream output // and notification handler to AliLog. This should only be done // if the logging environment contains a logging function // for redirection AliHLTLogging::Init(fEnvironment.fLoggingFunc); } } } AliHLTComponentHandler::TLibraryMode AliHLTComponentHandler::SetLibraryMode(TLibraryMode mode) { // see header file for class documentation TLibraryMode old=fLibraryMode; fLibraryMode=mode; return old; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::LoadLibrary( const char* libraryPath, int bActivateAgents) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; if (libraryPath) { // first activate all agents which are already loaded if (bActivateAgents) ActivateAgents(); // set the global component handler for static component registration AliHLTComponent::SetGlobalComponentHandler(this); AliHLTLibHandle hLib; AliHLTLibHandle* phSearch=FindLibrary(libraryPath); const char* loadtype=""; #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H // use interface to the dynamic linking loader // exeption does not help in Root context, the Root exeption // handler always catches the exeption before. Have to find out // how exeptions can be used in Root /*try*/ { hLib.fHandle=dlopen(libraryPath, RTLD_NOW); loadtype="dlopen"; } /* catch (...) { // error message printed further down loadtype="dlopen exeption"; } */ #else // use ROOT dynamic loader // check if the library was already loaded, as Load returns // 'failure' if the library was already loaded /*try*/ { if (phSearch) { int* pRootHandle=reinterpret_cast(phSearch->fHandle); (*pRootHandle)++; HLTDebug("instance %d of library %s loaded", (*pRootHandle), libraryPath); hLib.fHandle=pRootHandle; } if (hLib.fHandle==NULL && gSystem->Load(libraryPath)>=0) { int* pRootHandle=new int; if (pRootHandle) *pRootHandle=1; hLib.fHandle=pRootHandle; //HLTDebug("library %s loaded via gSystem", libraryPath); } loadtype="gSystem"; } /* catch (...) { // error message printed further down loadtype="gSystem exeption"; } */ #endif //HAVE_DLFCN_H if (hLib.fHandle!=NULL) { // create TString object to store library path and use pointer as handle hLib.fName=new TString(libraryPath); hLib.fMode=fLibraryMode; fLibraryList.insert(fLibraryList.begin(), hLib); if (!phSearch) { HLTImportant("library %s loaded (%s%s)", libraryPath, hLib.fMode==kStatic?"persistent, ":"", loadtype); typedef void (*CompileInfo)( char*& date, char*& time); CompileInfo fctInfo=(CompileInfo)FindSymbol(libraryPath, "CompileInfo"); if (fctInfo) { char* date=""; char* time=""; (*fctInfo)(date, time); if (!date) date="unknown"; if (!time) time="unknown"; HLTImportant("build on %s (%s)", date, time); } else { HLTImportant("no build info available (possible AliRoot embedded build)"); } } // static registration of components when library is loaded iResult=RegisterScheduledComponents(); } else { HLTError("can not load library %s (%s)", libraryPath, loadtype); #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H HLTError("dlopen error: %s", dlerror()); #endif //HAVE_DLFCN_H #ifdef __APPLE__ iResult=-EFTYPE; #else iResult=-ELIBACC; #endif } AliHLTComponent::UnsetGlobalComponentHandler(); if (iResult>=0) { // alternative dynamic registration by library agents // !!! has to be done after UnsetGlobalComponentHandler if (bActivateAgents) ActivateAgents(); } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::UnloadLibrary( const char* libraryPath ) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; if (libraryPath) { vector::iterator element=fLibraryList.begin(); while (element!=fLibraryList.end()) { TString* pName=reinterpret_cast((*element).fName); if (pName->CompareTo(libraryPath)==0) { UnloadLibrary(*element); fLibraryList.erase(element); break; } element++; } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::UnloadLibrary(AliHLTComponentHandler::AliHLTLibHandle &handle) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; fgAliLoggingFunc=NULL; TString* pName=reinterpret_cast(handle.fName); if (handle.fMode!=kStatic) { #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H // exeption does not help in Root context, the Root exeption // handler always catches the exeption before. Have to find out // how exeptions can be used in Root /*try*/ { dlclose(handle.fHandle); } /* catch (...) { HLTError("exeption caught during dlclose of library %s", pName!=NULL?pName->Data():""); } */ #else int* pCount=reinterpret_cast(handle.fHandle); if (--(*pCount)==0) { if (pName) { /** Matthias 26.04.2007 * I spent about a week to investigate a bug which seems to be in ROOT. * Under certain circumstances, TSystem::Unload crashes. The crash occured * for the first time, when libAliHLTUtil was loaded from AliHLTSystem right * after the ComponentHandler was created. It does not occur when dlopen is * used. * It has most likely to do with the garbage collection and automatic * cleanup in ROOT. The crash occurs when ROOT is terminated and before * an instance of AliHLTSystem was created. * root [0] AliHLTSystem gHLT * It does not occur when the instance was created dynamically (but not even * deleted) * root [0] AliHLTSystem* gHLT=new AliHLTSystem * * For that reason, the libraries are not unloaded here, even though there * will be memory leaks. gSystem->Unload(pName->Data()); */ } else { HLTError("missing library name, can not unload"); } delete pCount; } #endif //HAVE_DLFCN_H if (pName) { HLTDebug("unload library %s", pName->Data()); } else { HLTWarning("missing name for unloaded library"); } } handle.fName=NULL; handle.fHandle=NULL; if (pName) { delete pName; } pName=NULL; return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::UnloadLibraries() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; vector::iterator element=fLibraryList.begin(); while (element!=fLibraryList.end()) { UnloadLibrary(*element); fLibraryList.erase(element); element=fLibraryList.begin(); } return iResult; } void* AliHLTComponentHandler::FindSymbol(const char* library, const char* symbol) { // see header file for class documentation AliHLTLibHandle* hLib=FindLibrary(library); if (hLib==NULL) return NULL; void* pFunc=NULL; #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H pFunc=dlsym(hLib->fHandle, symbol); #else TString* name=reinterpret_cast(hLib->fName); pFunc=gSystem->DynFindSymbol(name->Data(), symbol); #endif return pFunc; } AliHLTComponentHandler::AliHLTLibHandle* AliHLTComponentHandler::FindLibrary(const char* library) { // see header file for class documentation AliHLTLibHandle* hLib=NULL; vector::iterator element=fLibraryList.begin(); while (element!=fLibraryList.end()) { TString* name=reinterpret_cast((*element).fName); if (name->CompareTo(library)==0) { hLib=&(*element); break; } element++; } return hLib; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::AddStandardComponents() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; AliHLTComponent::SetGlobalComponentHandler(this); AliHLTComponent::UnsetGlobalComponentHandler(); iResult=RegisterScheduledComponents(); return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::RegisterScheduledComponents() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; AliHLTComponentPList::iterator element=fScheduleList.begin(); int iLocalResult=0; while (element!=fScheduleList.end()) { iLocalResult=RegisterComponent(*element); if (iResult==0) iResult=iLocalResult; fScheduleList.erase(element); element=fScheduleList.begin(); } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::ActivateAgents(const AliHLTModuleAgent** blackList, int size) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; AliHLTModuleAgent* pAgent=AliHLTModuleAgent::GetFirstAgent(); while (pAgent && iResult>=0) { if (blackList) { int i=0; for (; iActivateComponentHandler(this); pAgent=AliHLTModuleAgent::GetNextAgent(); } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::DeleteOwnedComponents() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; AliHLTComponentPList::iterator element=fOwnedComponents.begin(); while (element!=fOwnedComponents.end()) { //DeregisterComponent((*element)->GetComponentID()); // exeption does not help in Root context, the Root exeption // handler always catches the exeption before. Have to find out // how exeptions can be used in Root /*try*/ { delete *element; } /* catch (...) { HLTError("delete managed sample %p", *element); } */ fOwnedComponents.erase(element); element=fOwnedComponents.begin(); } return iResult; } int AliHLTComponentHandler::SetRunDescription(const AliHLTRunDesc* desc, const char* runType) { // see header file for class documentation if (!desc) return -EINVAL; if (desc->fStructSize!=sizeof(AliHLTRunDesc)) { HLTError("invalid size of RunDesc struct (%ul)", desc->fStructSize); return -EINVAL; } memcpy(&fRunDesc, desc, sizeof(AliHLTRunDesc)); if (runType) { if (fRunType) delete [] fRunType; fRunType=new char[sizeof(runType)+1]; if (fRunType) { strcpy(fRunType, runType); } } return 0; }