// @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTDATATYPES_H #define ALIHLTDATATYPES_H /* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /** @file AliHLTDataTypes.h @author Matthias Richter, Timm Steinbeck, Jochen Thaeder @date @brief Data type declaration for the HLT module. */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // version no of HLT data types // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Version Description * 1 first version until June 07; implicite, not tagged * 2 introduced June 07, enhanced/cleaned/arranged structure * 3 2007-11-15 RAW DDL data type added; some inconsistencies fixed * ('void' and 'any' origins); added signed HLT basic data types * 2007-11-23 origin defines have become variables in conjunction * to be used with the operator| (AliHLTComponentDataType) * 2007-11-24 added trigger structs and ESD tree data type * 4 Component configuration and DCS update events added * gkAliHLTDDLListSize set from 29 to 30 according to new PubSub * specs * 5 Data types for Run and Event summary, and for monitoring added * 6 Common data types for TreeD and TreeR defined * kAliHLTAllDataTypes and kAliHLTDataOriginSample added * kAliHLTDataOriginEMCAL added * kAliHLTDataTypeRunType added * 7 kAliHLTDataTypeComponentStatistics, kAliHLTDataTypeComponentTable, * and AliHLTComponentStatistics have been added for optional * component block statistics * 8 new wrapper interface has been introduced, old wrapper interface * deprecated but kept for backward compatibility, the PubSub * interface is going to be compiled independently of AliHLT, new * interface provided by the libHLTinterface.so * AliHLTComponentEnvironment -> AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment */ #define ALIHLT_DATA_TYPES_VERSION 8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HLT data origin variables. // // By converting from defines to variables, the origins can be used with // the operator| // // AliHLTComponentDataType dt; // dt = kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw | gkAliHLTDataOriginTPC; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** field size of datat type origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const int kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize=4; /** invalid data origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTDataOriginVoid "\0\0\0" /** old invalid data origin, kept for backward compatibility */ # define kAliHLTVoidDataOrigin "\0\0\0" /** wildcard data type origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTDataOriginAny "***" /** old wildcard data type origin, kept for backward compatibility */ # define kAliHLTAnyDataOrigin "***" /** Data origin HLT out * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginOut[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin HLT/PubSub private internal * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginPrivate[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin TPC * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginTPC[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin PHOS * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginPHOS[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin MUON * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginMUON[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin TRD * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginTRD[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin ITS * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginITS[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin for examples * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginSample[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; /** Data origin EMCAL * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const char kAliHLTDataOriginEMCAL[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HLT common data type defines // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** field size of data type id * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const int kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize=8; /** invalid data type id * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTVoidDataTypeID "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" /** special id for all data types: any + void * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTAllDataTypesID "ALLDATA" /** special id for any valid data type id * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTAnyDataTypeID "*******" /** DDL RAW data * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTDDLRawDataTypeID {'D','D','L','_','R','A','W',' '} /** calibration data for file exchange subscriber * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTFXSCalibDataTypeID {'F','X','S','_','C','A','L',' '} /** start of run (SOR) event * @ref AliHLTRunDesc * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTSORDataTypeID {'S','T','A','R','T','O','F','R'} /** end of run (EOR) event * @ref AliHLTRunDesc * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTEORDataTypeID {'E','N','D','O','F','R','U','N'} /** run type data block * string with run type as payload * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTRunTypeDataTypeID {'R','U','N','T','Y','P','E',' '} /** DDL list event * @ref AliHLTEventDDL * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTDDLDataTypeID {'D','D','L','L','I','S','T',' '} /** EventType event * - empty payload, specification gives eventType * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTEventDataTypeID {'E','V','E','N','T','T','Y','P'} /** ComponentConfiguration event * - payload contains the CDB path as string * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTComConfDataTypeID {'C','O','M','_','C','O','N','F'} /** DCS value update event * - payload contains string of relevant detectors * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTUpdtDCSDataTypeID {'U','P','D','T','_','D','C','S'} /** ESD data block * an AliESD object of varying origin * The 'V0' at the end allows a versioning * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTESDObjectDataTypeID {'A','L','I','E','S','D','V','0'} /** ESD tree data block * TTree with an AliESD object of varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTESDTreeDataTypeID {'E','S','D','_','T','R','E','E'} /** AliRoot TreeD * - the digits tree of an AliRoot module * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTTreeDDataTypeID {'A','L','I','T','R','E','E','D'} /** AliRoot TreeR * - the rec points tree of an AliRoot module * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTTreeRDataTypeID {'A','L','I','T','R','E','E','R'} /** HW Address selection data block * - a selection list for 16 bit HW addresses * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTHwAddr16DataTypeID {'H','W','A','D','D','R','1','6'} /** Event Statistics * - event statistics for given detectors * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTEventStatisticsDataTypeID {'E','V','_','S','T','A','T','I'} /** Event Summary * - event summary * - origin : kAliHLTDataOriginOut ( HLT ) * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTEventSummaryDataTypeID {'E','V','_','S','U','M','M','A'} /** Run Statistics * - run statistics for given detectors * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTRunStatisticsDataTypeID {'R','U','N','S','T','A','T','I'} /** Run Summary * - run summary * - origin : kAliHLTDataOriginOut ( HLT ) * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTRunSummaryDataTypeID {'R','U','N','S','U','M','M','A'} /** Block Statistics * - small block statistics info added to the data stream by * the component base class * - origin kAliHLTDataOriginPrivate * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTComponentStatisticsDataTypeID {'C','O','M','P','S','T','A','T'} /** Component table * - list of components in the chain to be percolated through the chain * - each component adds it's chain id string and a generated 32bit id * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ # define kAliHLTComponentTableDataTypeID {'C','O','M','P','T','A','B','L'} /** general ROOT TObject * - a general TObject exported from the HLT analysis * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTTObjectDataTypeID {'R','O','O','T','T','O','B','J'} /** ROOT TObjArray * - a TObjArray exported from the HLT analysis * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTTObjArrayDataTypeID {'R','O','O','T','O','B','A','R'} /** ROOT TTree * - a TTree object exported from the HLT analysis * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTTTreeDataTypeID {'R','O','O','T','T','R','E','E'} /** ROOT histogram * - a histogram object exported from the HLT analysis * - class derives from TH1 (directly or indirectly) and inherits all common functionality * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTHistogramDataTypeID {'R','O','O','T','H','I','S','T'} /** ROOT TNtuple * - a TNtupl object exported from the HLT analysis * - varying origin * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ #define kAliHLTTNtupleDataTypeID {'R','O','O','T','T','U','P','L'} using namespace std; extern "C" { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Basic HLT data types // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef unsigned char AliHLTUInt8_t; typedef signed char AliHLTInt8_t; typedef unsigned short AliHLTUInt16_t; typedef signed short AliHLTInt16_t; typedef unsigned int AliHLTUInt32_t; typedef signed int AliHLTInt32_t; typedef unsigned long long AliHLTUInt64_t; typedef signed long long AliHLTInt64_t; typedef float AliHLTFloat32_t; typedef double AliHLTFloat64_t; typedef AliHLTUInt64_t AliHLTEventID_t; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HLT logging levels // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Logging severities of the HLT */ enum AliHLTComponentLogSeverity { /** no logging */ kHLTLogNone = 0, /** benchmark messages */ kHLTLogBenchmark = 0x1, /** debug messages */ kHLTLogDebug = 0x2, /** info messages */ kHLTLogInfo = 0x4, /** warning messages */ kHLTLogWarning = 0x8, /** error messages */ kHLTLogError = 0x10, /** fatal error messages */ kHLTLogFatal = 0x20, /** few important messages not to be filtered out. * redirected to kHLTLogInfo in AliRoot */ kHLTLogImportant = 0x40, /** special value to enable all messages */ kHLTLogAll = 0x7f, /** the default logging filter */ kHLTLogDefault = 0x79 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HLT data structures for data exchange and external interface // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @struct AliHLTComponentEventData * Event descriptor */ struct AliHLTComponentEventData { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; AliHLTEventID_t fEventID; AliHLTUInt32_t fEventCreation_s; AliHLTUInt32_t fEventCreation_us; AliHLTUInt32_t fBlockCnt; }; /** * @struct AliHLTComponentShmData * Shared memory descriptor. * Irrelevant for analysis components. */ struct AliHLTComponentShmData { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; AliHLTUInt32_t fShmType; AliHLTUInt64_t fShmID; }; /** * @defgroup alihlt_component_datatypes Common Component Data Types * The analysis framework defines a number of common data types for * usage in the detector modules, like e.g. ::kAliHLTAnyDataType * and ::kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw. Those data types always have * origin ::kAliHLTDataOriginAny. The correct detector origin can be * set by using operator '|' *
   * AliHLTComponentDataType dt=kAliHLTDDLRawDataTypeID|kAliHLTDataOriginTPC
* @ingroup alihlt_component */ /** * @struct AliHLTComponentDataType * Data type descriptor for data blocks transferred through the processing * chain. * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ struct AliHLTComponentDataType { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; char fID[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize]; //! char fOrigin[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]; //! }; /** * @struct AliHLTComponentBlockData * This is the decription of data blocks exchanged between components. * \b IMPORTANT: The validity of fPtr and fOffset is different for input and * output blocks: * - input blocks: The \em fPtr member always points to the beginning of the data * of size \em fSize. fOffset is ignored and should be in most * case 0. * - output blocks: The \em fPtr member is ignored by the framework. \em fOffset * must specify the start of the data relative to the output * buffer. The data block has size \em fSize. */ struct AliHLTComponentBlockData { /* size and version of the struct */ AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; /* shared memory key, ignored by processing components */ AliHLTComponentShmData fShmKey; /* offset of output data relative to the output buffer */ AliHLTUInt32_t fOffset; /* start of the data for input data blocks, fOffset to be ignored*/ void* fPtr; /* size of the data block */ AliHLTUInt32_t fSize; /* data type of the data block */ AliHLTComponentDataType fDataType; /* data specification of the data block */ AliHLTUInt32_t fSpecification; }; /** * @struct AliHLTComponentEventDoneData * */ struct AliHLTComponentEventDoneData { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; AliHLTUInt32_t fDataSize; void* fData; }; /** * @struct AliHLTRunDesc * Event descriptor. * The struct is sent with the SOR and EOR events. * * @note * The name of the member fRunType is a bit misleading. This is not * the ALICE Run Type given by the ECS to the sub-system. The member * is an internal HLT run type and a combination of the HLT running * mode and the beam type. *
   * Bit 0-2:   beam type identifier
   * Bit 3-31:  HLT mode
*/ struct AliHLTRunDesc { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; AliHLTUInt32_t fRunNo; AliHLTUInt32_t fRunType; }; /** * @struct AliHLTComponentStatistics * Small block size summary added by the AliHLTComponent base class * if component statistics are enabled (--enable-compstat). * * fLevel is retrieved from incoming block statistics and incremented. * Incoming block statistics are appended to the newly added one if * --enable-compstat=full has been chosen. */ struct AliHLTComponentStatistics { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; AliHLTUInt32_t fLevel; AliHLTUInt32_t fId; AliHLTUInt32_t fTime; AliHLTUInt32_t fCTime; AliHLTUInt32_t fInputBlockCount; AliHLTUInt32_t fTotalInputSize; AliHLTUInt32_t fOutputBlockCount; AliHLTUInt32_t fTotalOutputSize; }; /** * @struct AliHLTComponentTableEntry * Structure to be send on SOR event through the chain. Each component * adds its chain id and component arguments to the list. * The 'length' of the structure is variable and depends on the length * of the strings in the buffer at the end. */ struct AliHLTComponentTableEntry { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; /** the 32bit Id is generated by a CRC algorithm from the chain Id of the component. This is not a 100% unique id but with a high probability */ AliHLTUInt32_t fId; /** size of the chain id string in the appended buffer */ AliHLTUInt8_t fSizeChainId; /** size of the comp argument string in the appended buffer */ AliHLTUInt8_t fSizeCompArgs; /** some reserved size */ AliHLTUInt8_t fSizeReserved; /** the strings: chain id, component args, reserved */ AliHLTUInt8_t fBuffer[1]; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Trigger meta information // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** field size of fAttribute */ const int gkAliHLTBlockDAttributeCount = 8; /** field size of fCommonHeader */ const int gkAliHLTCommonHeaderCount = 8; /** size of the DDL list */ const int gkAliHLTDDLListSize = 30; /** Number of Trigger Classes of CTP in CDH */ const int gkNCTPTriggerClasses = 50; /** * @struct AliHLTEventDDL * DDL list event. * The struct is send with the DDLLIST event. * Used in the trigger structure for internal apperance of * the DLLs as well as for the HLT readout list send to DAQ * ( as DataType : kAliHLTDataTypeDDL ) */ struct AliHLTEventDDL { AliHLTUInt32_t fCount; AliHLTUInt32_t fList[gkAliHLTDDLListSize]; }; /** * @struct AliHLTEventTriggerData */ struct AliHLTEventTriggerData { AliHLTUInt8_t fAttributes[gkAliHLTBlockDAttributeCount]; AliHLTUInt64_t fHLTStatus; // Bit field AliHLTUInt32_t fCommonHeaderWordCnt; AliHLTUInt32_t fCommonHeader[gkAliHLTCommonHeaderCount]; AliHLTEventDDL fReadoutList; }; /** * @struct AliHLTComponentTriggerData * Trigger data */ struct AliHLTComponentTriggerData { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; AliHLTUInt32_t fDataSize; void* fData; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HLT Event Type Specification // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Unknown eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeUnknown = ~(AliHLTUInt32_t)0; /** SOR eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeStartOfRun=1; /** Data eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeData=2; /** EOR eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeEndOfRun=4; /** Corrupt eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeCorruptID=8; /** Calibration eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeCalibration=16; /** DataReplay eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeDataReplay=32; /** Configuration eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeConfiguration=34; /** Update DCS eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeReadPreprocessor=35; /** Tick eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeTick=64; /** Max eventType specification */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliEventTypeMax=64; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HLT defines and defaults // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** invalid event id * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTEventID_t kAliHLTVoidEventID=~(AliHLTEventID_t)0; /** invalid data specification * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTUInt32_t kAliHLTVoidDataSpec = ~(AliHLTUInt32_t)0; /** invalid run no * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTUInt32_t kAliHLTVoidRunNo = ~(AliHLTUInt32_t)0; /** invalid run type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTUInt32_t kAliHLTVoidRunType = ~(AliHLTUInt32_t)0; /** invalid run descriptor * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTRunDesc kAliHLTVoidRunDesc={sizeof(AliHLTRunDesc), kAliHLTVoidRunNo, kAliHLTVoidRunType}; /** invalid shared memory type */ const AliHLTUInt32_t gkAliHLTComponentInvalidShmType = 0; /** invalid shared memory id */ const AliHLTUInt64_t gkAliHLTComponentInvalidShmID = ~(AliHLTUInt64_t)0; /** invalid data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTVoidDataType = { sizeof(AliHLTComponentDataType), kAliHLTVoidDataTypeID, kAliHLTDataOriginVoid }; /** all data types, means any + void data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTAllDataTypes = { sizeof(AliHLTComponentDataType), kAliHLTAllDataTypesID, kAliHLTDataOriginAny }; // there is currently a problem with rootcint if the predefined ids // (commented below) are used. rootcint does not find the id if they // are char arrays defined with {} and individual chars. If strings // are used it works fine /** any data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTAnyDataType = { sizeof(AliHLTComponentDataType), kAliHLTAnyDataTypeID, kAliHLTDataOriginAny }; /** multiple output data types * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTMultipleDataType; /** data to file exchange subscriber * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeFXSCalib; /** DDL list data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeDDL; /** SOR data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeSOR; /** EOR data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeEOR; /** Run type data block * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeRunType; /** Event type specification * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeEvent; /** Configuration event data type * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeComConf; /** DCS value update event * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeUpdtDCS; /** RAW DDL data specification, origin is 'any', data publisher origin correctly * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw; /** ESD object data specification, origin is 'any' * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject; /** ESD Tree data specification, origin is 'any' * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeESDTree; /** AliRoot TreeD data specification, origin is 'any' * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeAliTreeD; /** AliRoot TreeR data specification, origin is 'any' * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeAliTreeR; /** 16 bit Hardware address selection data specification, origin is 'any' * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeHwAddr16; /** Event statistics * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeEventStatistics; /** Event summary * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeEventSummary; /** Event statistics * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeRunStatistics; /** Event summary * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeRunSummary; /** Component block statistics * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeComponentStatistics; /** Component table * To be sent on SOR event, each component adds it's chain id string * and a generated 32bit identifier to the table * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeComponentTable; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Data Types for Monitoring objects // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** general ROOT TObject * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeTObject; // {ROOTTOBJ,"***"} /** ROOT TObjArray * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeTObjArray; // {ROOTOBAR,"***"} /** ROOT TTree * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeTTree; // {ROOTTREE,"***"} /** ROOT TH1 (can be used for all histograms, they derive from TH1) * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeHistogram; // {ROOTHIST,"***"} /** ROOT TNtuple * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ extern const AliHLTComponentDataType kAliHLTDataTypeTNtuple; // {ROOTTUPL,"***"} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FXS subscriber meta information // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const int gkAliHLTFXSHeaderfOriginSize = 4; const int gkAliHLTFXSHeaderfFileIDSize = 128; const int gkAliHLTFXSHeaderfDDLNumberSize = 64; /** Header in front of the data payload, in order to sent data to the FXS. */ struct AliHLTFXSHeader { AliHLTUInt32_t fHeaderVersion; AliHLTUInt32_t fRunNumber; char fOrigin[gkAliHLTFXSHeaderfOriginSize]; char fFileID[gkAliHLTFXSHeaderfFileIDSize]; char fDDLNumber[gkAliHLTFXSHeaderfDDLNumberSize]; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Component running environment // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** logging function */ typedef int (*AliHLTfctLogging)( void* param, AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* origin, const char* keyword, const char* message); /** * @struct AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment * Running environment for analysis components. * The struct describes function callbacks for actions to be * carried out by the calling framework, like memory allocation, * property callbecks, logging, etc. * * @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ struct AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment { /** size of the structure */ AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; /** the component parameter given by the framework on creation */ void* fParam; /** allocated memory */ void* (*fAllocMemoryFunc)( void* param, unsigned long size ); /** allocate an EventDoneData structure. */ int (*fGetEventDoneDataFunc)( void* param, AliHLTEventID_t eventID, unsigned long size, AliHLTComponentEventDoneData** edd ); /** logging callback */ AliHLTfctLogging fLoggingFunc; }; #if 0 // I just keep this as a note pad. Has to be added to the end of the structure // future addition already foreseen/envisioned // IMPORTANT: don not just remove the defines as this breaks the binary // compatibility int (*fAllocShmMemoryFunc)( void* param, unsigned long size, AliHLTComponentBlockData* blockLocation ); #endif /** * @struct AliHLTComponentEnvironment * This was the original definition of the running environment. * Due to a bug in the AliRootWrapperSubscriber/SimpleComponentWrapper, * this structure can not be used any longer but is kept for backward * compatibility. * @note The external interface provided by the libHLTbase is now kept * frozen but should not be used any more. Use the interface provided * by the libHLTinterface library. * * @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface_deprecated */ struct AliHLTComponentEnvironment { AliHLTUInt32_t fStructSize; void* fParam; void* (*fAllocMemoryFunc)( void* param, unsigned long size ); int (*fGetEventDoneDataFunc)( void* param, AliHLTEventID_t eventID, unsigned long size, AliHLTComponentEventDoneData** edd ); AliHLTfctLogging fLoggingFunc; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The external interface definition // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The component handle. * Used as indification in the outside world. * @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef void* AliHLTComponentHandle; /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ const AliHLTComponentHandle kEmptyHLTComponentHandle = 0; /** * Get a system call of the interface. * @param function signature * @return pointer to system call * @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef void* (*AliHLTAnalysisFctGetInterfaceCall)(const char*); # define ALIHLTANALYSIS_INTERFACE_LIBRARY "libHLTinterface.so" # define ALIHLTANALYSIS_FCT_GETINTERFACECALL "AliHLTAnalysisGetInterfaceCall" /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctInitSystem)( unsigned long version, AliHLTAnalysisEnvironment* externalEnv, unsigned long runNo, const char* runType ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctDeinitSystem)(); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctLoadLibrary)( const char* ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctUnloadLibrary)( const char* ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctCreateComponent)( const char*, void*, int, const char**, AliHLTComponentHandle*, const char* description ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctDestroyComponent)( AliHLTComponentHandle ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctProcessEvent)( AliHLTComponentHandle, const AliHLTComponentEventData*, const AliHLTComponentBlockData*, AliHLTComponentTriggerData*, AliHLTUInt8_t*, AliHLTUInt32_t*, AliHLTUInt32_t*, AliHLTComponentBlockData**, AliHLTComponentEventDoneData** ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctGetOutputDataType)( AliHLTComponentHandle, AliHLTComponentDataType* ); /** @ingroup alihlt_wrapper_interface */ typedef int (*AliHLTExtFctGetOutputSize)( AliHLTComponentHandle, unsigned long*, double* ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Data type helper functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** exact comparison of HLT component data types * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ inline bool MatchExactly( const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt1, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt2 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize; i++ ) if ( dt1.fID[i] != dt2.fID[i] ) return false; for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize; i++ ) if ( dt1.fOrigin[i] != dt2.fOrigin[i] ) return false; return true; } /** Comparison operator for HLT component data types. * The operator takes wildcards into account, i.e. the ::kAliHLTAnyDataType, * ::kAliHLTAnyDataTypeID and ::kAliHLTDataOriginAny definitions. * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ inline bool operator==( const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt1, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt2 ) { if (MatchExactly(dt1, kAliHLTAllDataTypes)) return true; if (MatchExactly(dt2, kAliHLTAllDataTypes)) return true; bool any1=true, any2=true, void1=true, void2=true, match=true; for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize; i++ ) { any1&=(dt1.fOrigin[i]==kAliHLTDataOriginAny[i]); any2&=(dt2.fOrigin[i]==kAliHLTDataOriginAny[i]); void1&=(dt1.fOrigin[i]==kAliHLTDataOriginVoid[i]); void2&=(dt2.fOrigin[i]==kAliHLTDataOriginVoid[i]); match&=dt1.fOrigin[i]==dt2.fOrigin[i]; if (!(match || (any2 && !void1) || (any1 && !void2))) return false; } any1=true, any2=true, match=true; for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize; i++ ) { any1&=(dt1.fID[i]==kAliHLTAnyDataTypeID[i]); any2&=(dt2.fID[i]==kAliHLTAnyDataTypeID[i]); void1&=(dt1.fID[i]==kAliHLTVoidDataTypeID[i]); void2&=(dt2.fID[i]==kAliHLTVoidDataTypeID[i]); match&=dt1.fID[i]==dt2.fID[i]; if (!(match || (any2 && !void1) || (any1 && !void2))) return false; } return true; } /** Comparison operator for HLT component data types * Invers of operator== * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ inline bool operator!=( const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt1, const AliHLTComponentDataType& dt2 ) { return !(dt1==dt2); } /** merge operator for HLT component data types and origins * @ingroup alihlt_component_datatypes */ inline AliHLTComponentDataType operator|(const AliHLTComponentDataType srcdt, const char origin[kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize]) { AliHLTComponentDataType dt=srcdt; for ( int i = 0; i < kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize; i++ ) dt.fOrigin[i]=origin[i]; return dt; } #endif