//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id: AliHLTHOMERManager.cxx $ //************************************************************************** //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* * //* Primary Authors: Jochen Thaeder * //* for The ALICE HLT Project. * //* * //* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * //* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * //* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * //* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * //* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * //* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * //* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************** /** @file AliHLTHOMERManager.cxx @author Jochen Thaeder @date @brief Manger for HOMER in aliroot */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #if __GNUC__>= 3 using namespace std; #endif #define EVE_DEBUG 0 #include "AliHLTHOMERManager.h" // -- -- -- -- -- -- -- #include "AliHLTHOMERLibManager.h" #include "AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc.h" #include "AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc.h" // -- -- -- -- -- -- -- #include "AliHLTGlobalTriggerDecision.h" #include "AliHLTTriggerDecision.h" //--------------------------- ClassImp(AliHLTHOMERManager) /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Constructor / Destructor * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## AliHLTHOMERManager::AliHLTHOMERManager() : fLibManager(new AliHLTHOMERLibManager), fStateHasChanged(kTRUE), fProxyHandler(NULL), fCurrentReader(NULL), fReaderList(NULL), fSourceList(NULL), fNBlks(0), fEventID(), fCurrentBlk(0), fAsyncBlockList(NULL), fEventBuffer(NULL), fBufferTopIdx(-1), fBufferLowIdx(-1), fCurrentBufferIdx(-1), fNavigateBufferIdx(-1), fConnected(kFALSE), fTriggerString("ALL"), fNEventsNotTriggered(0), fRetryNextEvent(kFALSE) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt } //################################################################################## AliHLTHOMERManager::~AliHLTHOMERManager() { // see header file for class documentation if ( fLibManager ) { if ( fReaderList ) { TIter next(fReaderList); TObject * object = NULL; while ( ( object = next()) ) fLibManager->DeleteReader(static_cast(object) ); fReaderList->Clear(); delete fReaderList; } fReaderList = NULL; delete fLibManager; } fLibManager = NULL; if ( fProxyHandler != NULL ) delete fProxyHandler; fProxyHandler = NULL; if ( fSourceList != NULL ) delete fSourceList; fSourceList = NULL; if ( fEventBuffer ) { fEventBuffer->Clear(); delete fEventBuffer; } fEventBuffer = NULL; if ( fAsyncBlockList ) { fAsyncBlockList->Clear(); delete fAsyncBlockList; } fAsyncBlockList = NULL; } //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::Initialize() { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; // -- Initialize ProxyHandler if ( !fProxyHandler ) fProxyHandler = new AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler(); if ( fProxyHandler ) { iResult = fProxyHandler->Initialize(); if (iResult) HLTError(Form("Initialize of ProxyHandler failed.")); } else { iResult = -1; HLTError(Form("Creating of ProxyHandler failed.")); } // -- Initialize ReaderList // List ist not owner, as reader have to be created/deleted by the LibManager if( !fReaderList ) fReaderList = new TList(); // -- Initialize asynchronous BlockList if( !fAsyncBlockList ) { fAsyncBlockList = new TList(); fAsyncBlockList->SetOwner(kFALSE); } // -- Initialize Event Buffer and EventID array if ( !fEventBuffer ) { fEventBuffer = new TClonesArray( "TList", BUFFERSIZE ); } for ( Int_t idx = 0; idx < BUFFERSIZE; ++idx ) { new ((*fEventBuffer)[idx]) TList( ); (reinterpret_cast((*fEventBuffer)[idx]))->SetOwner(kTRUE); fEventID[idx] = 0; } return iResult; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Source Handling * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::CreateSourcesList() { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; if ( fSourceList != NULL ) delete fSourceList; fSourceList = NULL; fSourceList = new TList(); fSourceList->SetOwner( kTRUE ); iResult = fProxyHandler->FillSourceList( fSourceList ); if ( iResult < 0 ) { HLTWarning(Form("There have been errors, while creating the sources list.")); } else if ( iResult > 0 ) { HLTWarning(Form("No active services found.")); } else if ( fSourceList->IsEmpty() ) { HLTWarning(Form("No active services in the list.")); iResult = 2; } else { HLTInfo(Form("New sources list created.")); // -- New SourceList has been created // --> All Sources are new --> State has changed fStateHasChanged = kTRUE; } return iResult; } //################################################################################## void AliHLTHOMERManager::SetSourceState( AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc * source, Bool_t state ) { // see header file for class documentation if ( source->IsSelected() != state ) { source->SetState( state ); fStateHasChanged = kTRUE; } return; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Connection Handling - public * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::ConnectHOMER( TString detector ){ // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; // -- Check if LibManager is present if ( ! fLibManager ) { HLTError(Form("No LibManager present.")); return -1; } // -- Check if already connected and state has not changed if ( fStateHasChanged == kFALSE && IsConnected() ) { HLTInfo(Form("No need for reconnection.")); return 0; } // -- If already connected, disconnect before connect // or if ReaderList already filled if ( IsConnected() || fReaderList->GetSize() != 0 ) DisconnectHOMER(); // -- Create the Readoutlist UShort_t* sourcePorts = new UShort_t [fSourceList->GetEntries()]; const Char_t ** sourceHostnames = new const Char_t* [fSourceList->GetEntries()]; UInt_t sourceCount = 0; CreateReadoutList( sourceHostnames, sourcePorts, sourceCount, detector ); if ( sourceCount == 0 ) { HLTError(Form("No sources selected, aborting.")); return -2; } // *** // *** Connect to data sources // *** for (UInt_t idx = 0; idx < sourceCount; idx++) { HLTInfo(Form("Adding source %d as %s : %d", idx, sourceHostnames[idx], sourcePorts[idx])); fReaderList->Add(dynamic_cast(fLibManager->OpenReader(sourceHostnames[idx], sourcePorts[idx]))); AliHLTHOMERReader *reader = static_cast(fReaderList->Last()); if ( !reader ) { HLTError(Form("Adding reader failed, aborting")); return -3; } if ( (iResult = reader->GetConnectionStatus()) ) { // -- Connection to source failed HLTError(Form("Error establishing connection to TCP source %s:%hu: %s (%d)", sourceHostnames[idx], sourcePorts[idx], strerror(iResult), iResult)); if( !(TString(sourceHostnames[idx]).CompareTo("localhost")) ) { HLTInfo("The failed connection is on localhost. is SSH tunnel up????? "); HLTInfo(Form("Do: 'ssh -L %d:alihlt-vobox0.cern.ch:%d cernUser@lxplus.cern.ch -fN'", sourcePorts[idx], sourcePorts[idx])); } // -- Remove reader fReaderList->RemoveLast(); if ( reader ) fLibManager->DeleteReader( reader ); reader = NULL; HLTInfo(Form("Removed source %d, %s : %d from sourceList", idx, sourceHostnames[idx], sourcePorts[idx])); } else { // -- Connection succeded fConnected = kTRUE; HLTInfo(Form("Connection established to source %s on port %d", sourceHostnames[idx], sourcePorts[idx])); } } // for (Int_t idx = 0; idx < sourceCount; idx++) { delete[] sourceHostnames; delete[] sourcePorts; return iResult; } //################################################################################## void AliHLTHOMERManager::DisconnectHOMER(){ // see header file for class documentation if ( ! IsConnected() ) return; if ( fReaderList && fLibManager ) { TIter next(fReaderList); TObject * object = NULL; while ( ( object = next()) ) fLibManager->DeleteReader(static_cast(object) ); fReaderList->Clear(); delete fReaderList; fReaderList = NULL; } fStateHasChanged = kTRUE; fConnected = kFALSE; HLTInfo(Form("Connection closed.")); return; } //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::ReconnectHOMER( TString detector="" ){ // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; if ( IsConnected() ) DisconnectHOMER(); iResult = ConnectHOMER(detector); if ( iResult ) { HLTError(Form("Error reconnecting.")); } return iResult; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Event Handling - public * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::NextEvent(){ // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; Int_t iRetryCount = 0; if ( !IsConnected() || fStateHasChanged ) ConnectHOMER(); if ( !IsConnected() ) { HLTWarning(Form( "Not connected yet." )); return -1; } // -- Reset asyncronous BlockList fAsyncBlockList->Clear(); // *** // *** Loop over all readers and get new event data // *** TIter next(fReaderList); TObject * object = NULL; while( (object = next()) ) { fCurrentReader = static_cast(object); // -- Read next event data and error handling for HOMER (error codes and empty blocks) while ( 1 ) { iResult = fCurrentReader->ReadNextEvent( 40000000 /*timeout in us*/); if ( iResult == 111 || iResult == 32 || iResult == 6 ) { HLTError(Form("No connection to source %d: %s (%d)", fCurrentReader->GetErrorConnectionNdx(), strerror(iResult), iResult)); break; } else if ( iResult == 110 ) { HLTError(Form("Timeout occured, reading event from source %d: %s (%d)", fCurrentReader->GetErrorConnectionNdx(), strerror(iResult), iResult)); break; } else if ( iResult == 56 ) { ++iRetryCount; if ( iRetryCount >= 20 ) { HLTError(Form("Retry Failed: Error reading event from source %d: %s (%d), returning", fCurrentReader->GetErrorConnectionNdx(), strerror(iResult), iResult)); break; } else { HLTError(Form("Retry: Error reading event from source %d: %s (%d), making another attempt (no %d out of 20)", fCurrentReader->GetErrorConnectionNdx(), strerror(iResult), iResult, iRetryCount)); //break; continue; } } else if ( iResult ) { HLTError(Form("General Error reading event from source %d: %s (%d), giving up", fCurrentReader->GetErrorConnectionNdx(), strerror(iResult), iResult)); fConnected = kFALSE; break; } else { break; } } // while( 1 ) { // -- Check if event could be read if ( iResult ) continue; // -- Handle Blocks from current reader iResult = HandleBlocks(); if ( iResult ) { HLTError(Form("Handling of blocks failed.")); } } // while( (object = next()) ) { // -- Check if NextEvent should be recalled, // to catch the next event with a trigger if ( fRetryNextEvent ) { usleep(1000000); fRetryNextEvent = kFALSE; HLTInfo(Form("Checked trigger of %d events, without triggering", fNEventsNotTriggered)); return NextEvent(); } else return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Buffer Handling - public * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::NavigateEventBufferBack() { // see header file for class documentation // -- reached the end of the buffer if ( fNavigateBufferIdx == fBufferLowIdx ) return -1; Int_t newIdx = fNavigateBufferIdx - 1; if ( newIdx == -1 ) newIdx = BUFFERSIZE-1; fCurrentBufferIdx = fNavigateBufferIdx = newIdx; return newIdx; } //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::NavigateEventBufferFwd() { // see header file for class documentation // -- reached the top of the buffer if ( fNavigateBufferIdx == fBufferTopIdx ) return -1; Int_t newIdx = fNavigateBufferIdx + 1; if ( newIdx == BUFFERSIZE ) newIdx = 0; fCurrentBufferIdx = fNavigateBufferIdx = newIdx; return newIdx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Connection Handling - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## void AliHLTHOMERManager::CreateReadoutList( const char** sourceHostnames, UShort_t *sourcePorts, UInt_t &sourceCount, TString detector ){ // see header file for class documentation AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc * source= NULL; // -- Read all sources and check if they should be read out TIter next( fSourceList ); while ( ( source = dynamic_cast(next()) ) ) { // -- If detector NO detector name given if ( ! detector.CompareTo("ALL") ) { // -- Continue if source is not selected if ( ! source->IsSelected() ) continue; } // -- DetectorName given else { // -- Continue if detector name doesn't match if ( detector.CompareTo(source->GetDetector()) ) continue; else source->Select(); } Bool_t exists = kFALSE; // -- Loop over existing entries and check if entry is already in readout list for ( UInt_t ii = 0; ii < sourceCount; ii++ ){ if ( !strcmp( sourceHostnames[ii], source->GetHostname().Data() ) && sourcePorts[ii] == source->GetPort() ) { exists = kTRUE; break; } } // -- Add new entires to readout list if ( ! exists ) { sourcePorts[sourceCount] = source->GetPort(); sourceHostnames[sourceCount] = source->GetHostname().Data(); sourceCount++; } } // while ( ( source = (AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc*)next() ) ) { fStateHasChanged = kFALSE; return; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Buffer Handling - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## void AliHLTHOMERManager::AddBlockListToBuffer() { // see header file for class documentation // -- Check if event is already in buffer ULong_t eventID = static_cast(fCurrentReader->GetEventID()); if ( fEventID[fBufferTopIdx] == eventID ) { HLTInfo(Form("Event 0x%016LX (%Lu) already in buffer.", eventID, eventID)); return; } // -- Check if event should be selected on basis of trigger string if( fTriggerString.CompareTo("ALL") ){ if ( !CheckTriggerDecision() ) { HLTInfo(Form("Event 0x%016LX (%Lu) is not triggered by %s.", eventID, eventID, fTriggerString.Data())); return; } } else { HLTInfo("No trigger selection."); } // -- Set Top mark ++fBufferTopIdx; if ( fBufferTopIdx == BUFFERSIZE ) fBufferTopIdx = 0; // -- Change the low mark if necessary if ( fBufferLowIdx == -1 ) fBufferLowIdx = 0; else if ( fBufferTopIdx == fBufferLowIdx ) { ++fBufferLowIdx; if ( fBufferLowIdx == BUFFERSIZE ) fBufferLowIdx = 0; } fNavigateBufferIdx = fCurrentBufferIdx = fBufferTopIdx; // -- Fill EventID fEventID[fBufferTopIdx] = eventID; // -- Clear Buffer slot (reinterpret_cast((*fEventBuffer)[fBufferTopIdx]))->Clear(); GetFirstBlk(); // -- Fill block list do { // -- Create new block AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block = new AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc(); block->SetBlock( GetBlk(), GetBlkSize(), GetBlkOrigin(), GetBlkType(), GetBlkSpecification() ); // -- Check sources list if block is requested if ( CheckIfRequested( block ) ) { (reinterpret_cast((*fEventBuffer)[fBufferTopIdx]))->Add( block ); } else { // XXX HACK Jochen (reinterpret_cast((*fEventBuffer)[fBufferTopIdx]))->Add( block ); // delete block; // block = NULL; } } while( GetNextBlk() ); return; } //################################################################################## void AliHLTHOMERManager::AddToAsyncBlockList() { // see header file for class documentation HLTInfo("Adding blocks to the asynchroneous block list"); GetFirstBlk(); // -- Fill block list do { // -- Create new block AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block = new AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc(); block->SetBlock( GetBlk(), GetBlkSize(), GetBlkOrigin(), GetBlkType(), GetBlkSpecification() ); // -- Check sources list if block is requested if ( CheckIfRequested( block ) ) fAsyncBlockList->Add( block ); else { // XXX HACK Jochen fAsyncBlockList->Add( block ); // delete block; // block = NULL; } } while( GetNextBlk() ); return; } //################################################################################## TList* AliHLTHOMERManager::GetBlockListEventBuffer( Int_t idx ) { // see header file for class documentation if ( idx == -1 ) return NULL; return reinterpret_cast((*fEventBuffer)[idx]); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Block Handling - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERManager::HandleBlocks() { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; // -- Get blockCnt and eventID fNBlks = static_cast(fCurrentReader->GetBlockCnt()); ULong_t eventID = static_cast(fCurrentReader->GetEventID()); fCurrentBlk = 0; // -- Check if blocks present if ( fNBlks == 0 ) { HLTWarning(Form("Event 0x%016LX (%Lu) with no blocks", eventID, eventID)); return -1; } HLTInfo(Form("Event 0x%016LX (%Lu) with %lu blocks", eventID, eventID, fNBlks)); #if 1// EVE_DEBUG // Loop for Debug only for ( ULong_t ii = 0; ii < fNBlks; ii++ ) { Char_t tmp1[9], tmp2[5]; memset( tmp1, 0, 9 ); memset( tmp2, 0, 5 ); void *tmp11 = tmp1; ULong64_t* tmp12 = static_cast(tmp11); *tmp12 = fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataType(ii); void *tmp21 = tmp2; ULong_t* tmp22 = static_cast(tmp21); *tmp22 = fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataOrigin(ii); HLTInfo(Form( "Block %lu length: %lu - type: %s - origin: %s - spec 0x%08X", ii, fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataLength(ii), tmp1, tmp2, fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataSpec(ii) )); } // end for ( ULong_t ii = 0; ii < fNBlks; ii++ ) { #endif // -- Check if blocks are from syncronous source if ( IsSyncBlocks() ) AddBlockListToBuffer(); else AddToAsyncBlockList(); return iResult; } //################################################################################## Bool_t AliHLTHOMERManager::IsSyncBlocks() { // see header file for class documentation Bool_t bResult = kFALSE; GetFirstBlk(); do { // if ( !GetBlkType().CompareTo("ALIESDV0") || if ( !GetBlkType().CompareTo("ALIESDV0") || !GetBlkType().CompareTo("CLUSTERS") ) { bResult = kTRUE; break; } if ( !GetBlkType().CompareTo("ROOTTOBJ") ) { AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc blockDesc; blockDesc.SetBlock( GetBlk(), GetBlkSize(), GetBlkOrigin(), GetBlkType(), GetBlkSpecification() ); if ( !blockDesc.GetClassName().CompareTo("AliHLTGlobalTriggerDecision") ) { bResult = kTRUE; break; } } } while( GetNextBlk() ); return bResult; } //################################################################################## void* AliHLTHOMERManager::GetBlk( Int_t ndx ) { // see header file for class documentation // Get pointer to current block in current event if ( !fCurrentReader || !IsConnected() ) { HLTError(Form("Not connected yet.")); return NULL; } if ( ndx < static_cast(fNBlks) ) return const_cast (fCurrentReader->GetBlockData(ndx)); else return NULL; } //################################################################################## ULong_t AliHLTHOMERManager::GetBlkSize( Int_t ndx ) { // see header file for class documentation if ( !fCurrentReader || !IsConnected() ) { HLTError(Form("Not connected yet.")); return 0; } if ( ndx < static_cast(fNBlks) ) return static_cast (fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataLength(ndx)); else return 0; } //################################################################################## TString AliHLTHOMERManager::GetBlkOrigin( Int_t ndx ) { // see header file for class documentation TString origin = ""; // -- Check for Connection if ( !fCurrentReader || ! IsConnected() ) { HLTError(Form("Not connected yet.")); return origin; } // -- Check block index if ( ndx >= static_cast(fNBlks) ) { HLTError(Form("Block index %d out of range.", ndx )); return origin; } // -- Get origin union{ UInt_t data; Char_t array[4]; } reverseOrigin; reverseOrigin.data = static_cast(fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataOrigin(ndx)); // -- Reverse the order for (Int_t ii = 3; ii >= 0; ii-- ) if ( reverseOrigin.array[ii] != ' ') origin.Append( reverseOrigin.array[ii] ); origin.Remove( TString::kTrailing, ' ' ); return origin; } //################################################################################## TString AliHLTHOMERManager::GetBlkType( Int_t ndx ) { // see header file for class documentation TString type = ""; // -- Check for Connection if ( !fCurrentReader || ! IsConnected() ) { HLTError(Form("Not connected yet.")); return type; } // -- Check block index if ( ndx >= static_cast(fNBlks) ) { HLTError(Form("Block index %d out of range.", ndx )); return type; } // -- Get type union{ ULong64_t data; Char_t array[8]; } reverseType; reverseType.data = static_cast (fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataType(ndx)); // -- Reverse the order for (Int_t ii = 7; ii >= 0; ii-- ) if ( reverseType.array[ii] != ' ') type.Append( reverseType.array[ii] ); type.Remove( TString::kTrailing, ' ' ); return type; } //################################################################################## ULong_t AliHLTHOMERManager::GetBlkSpecification( Int_t ndx ) { // see header file for class documentation // -- Check for Connection if ( !fCurrentReader || ! IsConnected() ) { HLTError(Form("Not connected yet.")); return 0; } // -- Check block index if ( ndx >= static_cast(fNBlks) ) { HLTError(Form("Block index %d out of range.", ndx )); return 0; } return static_cast(fCurrentReader->GetBlockDataSpec(ndx)); } //################################################################################## Bool_t AliHLTHOMERManager::CheckIfRequested( AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block ) { // see header file for class documentation Bool_t requested = kFALSE; AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc * source= NULL; // -- Read all sources and check if they should be read out TIter next( fSourceList ); while ( ( source = dynamic_cast(next()) ) ) { // -- Check if source is selected if ( ! source->IsSelected() ) continue; // -- Check if detector matches if ( source->GetSourceName().CompareTo( block->GetBlockName() ) ) continue; requested = kTRUE; break; } // while ( ( source = dynamic_cast(next()) ) ) { #if EVE_DEBUG if ( requested ) { HLTInfo(Form("Block requested : %s", block->GetBlockName().Data())); } else { HLTInfo(Form("Block NOT requested : %s", block->GetBlockName().Data())); } #endif return requested; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Trigger Handling - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Bool_t AliHLTHOMERManager::CheckTriggerDecision() { // see header file for class documentation Bool_t triggered = kFALSE; if ( !fCurrentReader || !IsConnected() ) { HLTError(Form("Not connected yet.")); return NULL; } AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc blockDesc; GetFirstBlk(); // -- Fill block list Bool_t foundTriggerBlock = kFALSE; do { if ( (GetBlkType().CompareTo("ROOTTOBJ") == 0) ) { blockDesc.SetBlock( GetBlk(), GetBlkSize(), GetBlkOrigin(), GetBlkType(), GetBlkSpecification() ); if ( ! blockDesc.GetClassName().CompareTo("AliHLTGlobalTriggerDecision") ) { foundTriggerBlock = kTRUE; break; } } } while( GetNextBlk() ); if ( !foundTriggerBlock ) { HLTError(Form("No trigger decision object found")); return kFALSE; } // -- Get the global decision object AliHLTGlobalTriggerDecision* globalDecision = static_cast(blockDesc.GetTObject()); if ( fTriggerString.CompareTo("HLTGlobalTrigger") == 0 ) { triggered = globalDecision->EventTriggered(); } else { for (Int_t idx = 0; idx < globalDecision->NumberOfInputObjects(); idx++) { const AliHLTTriggerDecision* triggerDecision = reinterpret_cast(globalDecision->InputObject(idx)); if ( !(fTriggerString.CompareTo(triggerDecision->Description())) ) { triggered = triggerDecision->EventTriggered(); break; } } // for (Int_t idx = 0; idx < globalDecision->NumberOfInputObjects(); idx++) { } if ( triggered ) { fRetryNextEvent = kFALSE; fNEventsNotTriggered = 0; } else { fRetryNextEvent = kTRUE; ++fNEventsNotTriggered; } return triggered; }