//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id: AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler.cxx $ //************************************************************************** //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* * //* Primary Authors: Jochen Thaeder * //* for The ALICE HLT Project. * //* * //* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * //* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * //* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * //* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * //* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * //* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * //* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************** /** @file AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler.cxx @author Jochen Thaeder @date @brief HOMER proxy handler for HomerManger */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #if __GNUC__>= 3 using namespace std; #endif #include "TDOMParser.h" #include "TSocket.h" #include "TSystem.h" // -- -- -- -- -- -- -- #include "AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler.h" // -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ClassImp(AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler) /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Constructor / Destructor * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler() : fRealm(kHLT), fXmlRpcResponse(""), fSourceList(NULL) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt } //################################################################################## AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::~AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler() { // see header file for class documentation } //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::Initialize() { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0 ; IdentifyRealm(); return iResult; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Source List - public * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::FillSourceList(TList *srcList) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; fSourceList = srcList; iResult = RequestXmlRpcResponse(); if (!iResult) iResult = ProcessXmlRpcResponse(); if (iResult < 0) { HLTError(Form("Filling SourceList failed.")); } return iResult; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Realms - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## const Char_t *AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::fgkHOMERProxyNode[] = { "portal-dcs0.internal", "alihlt-dcs0.cern.ch", "alihlt-vobox0.cern.ch", "alihlt-gw0.kip.uni-heidelberg.de", "localhost", "portal-dcs1.internal", "alihlt-dcs1.cern.ch", "alihlt-vobox1.cern.ch", "alihlt-gw1.kip.uni-heidelberg.de", "localhost" }; //################################################################################## void AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::IdentifyRealm() { // see header file for class documentation TString hostIP(gSystem->GetHostByName(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostAddress()); if ( hostIP.Contains("10.162.") ) fRealm = kHLT; else if ( hostIP.Contains("10.160.") || hostIP.Contains("10.161.") ) fRealm = kACR; else if ( hostIP.Contains("129.206.") ) fRealm = kKIP; else if ( hostIP.Contains("137.138") || hostIP.Contains("128.141") || hostIP.Contains("127.0.") ) fRealm = kGPN; else { fRealm = kLoc; } return; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Proxy Communication - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::RequestXmlRpcResponse() { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; // -- open socket // ---------------- Int_t proxyPort = 19999; TSocket *socket = new TSocket(fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm], proxyPort); if ( ! socket->IsValid() ) { HLTWarning(Form("Failed to create socket to %s:%d,",fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm], proxyPort)); HLTWarning(Form("trying %s:%d now.", fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm+kHOMERRealmsMax],proxyPort)); socket = new TSocket(fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm+kHOMERRealmsMax], proxyPort); if ( ! socket->IsValid() ) { HLTError(Form("Failed to create socket to %s:%d and %s:%d.", fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm], proxyPort, fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm+kHOMERRealmsMax],proxyPort)); fRealm = -1; return -1; } else fRealm = fRealm+kHOMERRealmsMax; } // -- send request // ----------------- Char_t reqMsg[] = "PUT / HTTP/1.1\r\n\ User-Agent: curl/7.18.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8g zlib/ libidn/1.1\r\n\ Host: localhost:10000\r\n\ Accept: */*\r\n\ Content-type: text/xml\r\n\ Content-Length: 68\r\n\ \r\ngetTcpDumpServices\r\n"; iResult = socket->SendRaw( reqMsg, strlen(reqMsg) ); if ( iResult < 1 || iResult != static_cast(strlen(reqMsg))) { HLTError(Form("Error sending! -- send length %d -- msg length %d.", iResult, static_cast(strlen(reqMsg)) )); socket->Close(); return iResult; } // -- receive answer // ------------------- const Int_t bufferSize = 1024; Char_t buffer[bufferSize]; Bool_t isXmlRpc = kFALSE; fXmlRpcResponse = ""; // -- loop for getting full xmlRPC response while(1) { Int_t bufferLength = 0; // -- loop for reading until end of line while (1) { iResult = socket->RecvRaw(&buffer[bufferLength], 1); if ( iResult < 0) { HLTError(Form("Error reading form socket.")); socket->Close(); return iResult; } // -- Checking for end of line if ( buffer[bufferLength] == 10 ) { buffer[bufferLength] = 0; break; } ++bufferLength; } TString bufferString(buffer); // -- Checking for start of XML response if ( bufferString.BeginsWith("") ) break; } // -- close socket socket->Close(); return 0; } //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::ProcessXmlRpcResponse() { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; // -- Parse XML RPC Response // --------------------------- TDOMParser xmlParser; xmlParser.SetValidate(kFALSE); HLTDebug(Form("XMLResponse: %s",fXmlRpcResponse.Data())); iResult = xmlParser.ParseBuffer(fXmlRpcResponse.Data(), fXmlRpcResponse.Length()); if ( iResult < 0 ) { HLTError(Form("Parsing buffer with error: %s", xmlParser.GetParseCodeMessage(xmlParser.GetParseCode()) )); return iResult; } TXMLNode * node = xmlParser.GetXMLDocument()->GetRootNode()-> GetChildren()->GetChildren()->GetChildren()->GetChildren(); if ( strcmp( node->GetNodeName(), "string" ) ) { HLTError(Form("No node 'string' in XmlRpcResponse.")); return -1; } // -- Parse Content // ------------------ // -- Get Content TString xmlContent(node->GetText() ); HLTDebug(Form("XMLContent: %s",xmlContent.Data())); iResult = xmlParser.ParseBuffer(xmlContent.Data(), xmlContent.Length()); if ( iResult < 0 ) { HLTError(Form("Parsing buffer with error: %s", xmlParser.GetParseCodeMessage(xmlParser.GetParseCode()) )); return iResult; } if ( !xmlParser.GetXMLDocument()->GetRootNode()->HasChildren() ) { HLTWarning(Form("No Services active.")); return 1; } // -- Loop over all service nodes TXMLNode* serviceNode = xmlParser.GetXMLDocument()->GetRootNode()->GetChildren(); TXMLNode* prevServiceNode = NULL; do { prevServiceNode = serviceNode; // -- Add service to list iResult = AddService( serviceNode->GetChildren() ); if ( iResult > 0 ) { HLTWarning(Form("Incomplete Service not added.")); iResult = 0; } } while ( ( serviceNode = prevServiceNode->GetNextNode() ) && !iResult ); return iResult; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Source Resolving - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //################################################################################## Int_t AliHLTHOMERProxyHandler::AddService(TXMLNode *innerNode) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; HLTInfo(Form(">> New service")); TXMLNode* serviceNode = innerNode; // -- Loop over all service properties and // read them from the service tag // ----------------------------------------- TString hostname = ""; Int_t port = 0; TString dataType = ""; TString dataOrigin = ""; TString dataSpecification = ""; TXMLNode* prevInnerNode = NULL; // -- Retrieve hostname and port // ------------------------------- do { prevInnerNode = innerNode; if ( ! strcmp(innerNode->GetNodeName(), "text" ) ) continue; // -- hostname if ( ! strcmp( innerNode->GetNodeName(), "address") ) { HLTInfo(Form(" > %s ++ %s", innerNode->GetNodeName(), innerNode->GetText() )); hostname = innerNode->GetText(); } else if ( ! strcmp( innerNode->GetNodeName(), "port") ) { HLTInfo(Form(" > %s ++ %s", innerNode->GetNodeName(), innerNode->GetText() )); TString portS(innerNode->GetText()); if ( portS.IsDigit() ) port = portS.Atoi(); else { HLTError(Form("Port %s is not a digit.", portS.Data())); iResult = -1; } } } while ( ( innerNode = prevInnerNode->GetNextNode() ) && !iResult ); // -- Change hostame from service with proxy, if outside HLT if ( fRealm != kHLT && fRealm != kHLT+kHOMERRealmsMax ) hostname = fgkHOMERProxyNode[fRealm]; // -- Get Data Specifications from blocks // ---------------------------------------- do { prevInnerNode = serviceNode; if ( strcmp( serviceNode->GetNodeName(), "blocks") ) continue; TXMLNode* blocks = serviceNode->GetChildren(); if ( ! blocks ) { HLTError(Form("No blocks present")); return 1; } TXMLNode* blockNode = blocks->GetNextNode(); TXMLNode* prevBlockNode = NULL; if ( ! blockNode ) { HLTError(Form("No block present in the blocks tag")); return 1; } // -- blocks loop do { prevBlockNode = blockNode; if ( strcmp( blockNode->GetNodeName(), "block") ) continue; TXMLNode *dataNode = blockNode->GetChildren(); TXMLNode *prevDataNode = NULL; if ( ! dataNode ) { HLTError(Form("No data specification tags present in block tag.")); return 1; } // -- data spec loop do { prevDataNode = dataNode; if ( ! strcmp(dataNode->GetNodeName(), "text" ) ) continue; HLTInfo(Form(" %s ++ %s", dataNode->GetNodeName(), dataNode->GetText() )); if ( ! strcmp( dataNode->GetNodeName(), "dataorigin") ) { dataOrigin = dataNode->GetText(); } else if ( ! strcmp( dataNode->GetNodeName(), "datatype") ) { dataType = dataNode->GetText(); } else if ( ! strcmp( dataNode->GetNodeName(), "dataspecification") ) { dataSpecification = dataNode->GetText(); } } while ( ( dataNode = prevDataNode->GetNextNode() ) && !iResult ); // -- data spec loop // -- Check the service properties // --------------------------------- // -- Check for completeness of the source properties if ( hostname.IsNull() || !port || dataOrigin.IsNull() || dataType.IsNull() || dataSpecification.IsNull() ) { HLTWarning(Form("Service provides not all values:\n\thostname\t\t %s\n\tport\t\t\t %d\n\tdataorigin\t\t %s\n\tdatatype\t\t %s\n\tdataspecification\t 0x%08X", hostname.Data(), port, dataOrigin.Data(), dataType.Data(), dataSpecification.Atoi())); return 1; } // -- Create new source // ---------------------- AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc * source = new AliHLTHOMERSourceDesc(); source->SetService( hostname, port, dataOrigin, dataType, dataSpecification ); fSourceList->Add( source ); HLTInfo(Form( "New Source added : %s", source->GetSourceName().Data())); } while ( ( blockNode = prevBlockNode->GetNextNode() ) && !iResult ); // -- blocks loop } while ( ( serviceNode = prevInnerNode->GetNextNode() ) && !iResult ); return iResult; }