// $Id$ /** @file AliHLTMessage.cxx @author Matthias Richter (customization of Root TMessage ) @date @brief Serialization of Root objects in the ALICE HLT. */ // This is the original Root TMessage implementation with a few minor // modifications, original revision: // root/net: v5-14-00 $: TMessage.cxx,v 1.6 2004/05/07 09:51:58 brun // Author: Fons Rademakers 19/12/96 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TMessage // // // // Message buffer class used for serializing objects and sending them // // over a network. This class inherits from TBuffer the basic I/O // // serializer. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliHLTMessage.h" #include "TVirtualStreamerInfo.h" #include "Bytes.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TProcessID.h" #include "TClass.h" extern "C" void R__zip (Int_t cxlevel, Int_t *nin, char *bufin, Int_t *lout, char *bufout, Int_t *nout); extern "C" void R__unzip(Int_t *nin, UChar_t *bufin, Int_t *lout, char *bufout, Int_t *nout); const Int_t kMAXBUF = 0xffffff; Bool_t AliHLTMessage::fgEvolution = kFALSE; ClassImp(AliHLTMessage) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliHLTMessage::AliHLTMessage(UInt_t what) : # ifdef ROOT_TBufferFile TBufferFile(kWrite), # else TBuffer(kWrite), # endif AliHLTLogging(), fWhat(what), fClass(0), fCompress(0), fBufComp(0), fBufCompCur(0), fCompPos(0) , fBufUncompressed(0) , fBitsPIDs(0) , fInfos(NULL) , fEvolution(kFALSE) { // Create a AliHLTMessage object for storing objects. The "what" integer // describes the type of message. Predifined ROOT system message types // can be found in MessageTypes.h. Make sure your own message types are // unique from the ROOT defined message types (i.e. 0 - 10000 are // reserved by ROOT). In case you OR "what" with kMESS_ACK, the message // will wait for an acknowledgement from the remote side. This makes // the sending process synchronous. In case you OR "what" with kMESS_ZIP, // the message will be compressed in TSocket using the zip algorithm // (only if message is > 256 bytes). // space at the beginning of the message reserved for the message length UInt_t reserved = 0; *this << reserved; *this << what; SetBit(kCannotHandleMemberWiseStreaming); } const Int_t AliHLTMessage::fgkMinimumSize=30; UInt_t AliHLTMessage::fgkDefaultBuffer[2]={0,0}; //______________________________________________________________________________ AliHLTMessage::AliHLTMessage(void *buf, Int_t bufsize) : # if defined(ROOT_TBufferFile) TBufferFile(kRead, bufsize>fgkMinimumSize?bufsize:sizeof(fgkDefaultBuffer), bufsize>fgkMinimumSize?buf:&fgkDefaultBuffer, 0), # else TBuffer(kRead, bufsize>fgkMinimumSize?bufsize:sizeof(fgkDefaultBuffer), bufsize>fgkMinimumSize?buf:&fgkDefaultBuffer, 0), # endif AliHLTLogging(), fWhat(0), fClass(0), fCompress(0), fBufComp(0), fBufCompCur(0), fCompPos(0) , fBufUncompressed(0) , fBitsPIDs(0) , fInfos(NULL) , fEvolution(kFALSE) { // Create a AliHLTMessage object for reading objects. The objects will be // read from buf. Use the What() method to get the message type. // skip space at the beginning of the message reserved for the message length fBufCur += sizeof(UInt_t); *this >> fWhat; if (fWhat & kMESS_ZIP) { // if buffer has kMESS_ZIP set, move it to fBufComp and uncompress fBufComp = fBuffer; fBufCompCur = fBuffer + bufsize; fBuffer = 0; Uncompress(); // Matthias Sep 2008 // NOTE: this is not done in TMessage and will lead to the deletion // of the buffer. This is not allowed in case of HLT where the // buffer is handled by the framework. In general, I think this // is a very bad idea to do it like that in TMessage fBufComp = NULL; fBufCompCur = 0; } if (fWhat == kMESS_OBJECT) { InitMap(); fClass = ReadClass(); // get first the class stored in message SetBufferOffset(sizeof(UInt_t) + sizeof(fWhat)); ResetMap(); } else { fClass = 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliHLTMessage::~AliHLTMessage() { // Clean up compression buffer. Reset(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::EnableSchemaEvolutionForAll(Bool_t enable) { // Static function enabling or disabling the automatic schema evolution. // By default schema evolution support is off. fgEvolution = enable; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHLTMessage::UsesSchemaEvolutionForAll() { // Static function returning status of global schema evolution. return fgEvolution; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::ForceWriteInfo(TVirtualStreamerInfo *info, Bool_t /* force */) { // Force writing the TStreamerInfo to the message. if (fgEvolution || fEvolution) { if (!fInfos) fInfos = new TList(); fInfos->Add(info); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::Forward() { // Change a buffer that was received into one that can be send, i.e. // forward a just received message. if (IsReading()) { SetWriteMode(); SetBufferOffset(fBufSize); SetBit(kCannotHandleMemberWiseStreaming); if (fBufComp) { fCompPos = fBufCur; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::IncrementLevel(TVirtualStreamerInfo *info) { // Increment level. TBufferFile::IncrementLevel(info); if (fgEvolution || fEvolution) { if (!fInfos) fInfos = new TList(); fInfos->Add(info); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::Reset() { // Reset the message buffer so we can use (i.e. fill) it again. SetBufferOffset(sizeof(UInt_t) + sizeof(fWhat)); ResetMap(); if (fBufComp) { delete [] fBufComp; fBufComp = 0; fBufCompCur = 0; fCompPos = 0; } if (fBufUncompressed) { delete [] fBufUncompressed; fBufUncompressed=NULL; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::SetLength() const { // Set the message length at the beginning of the message buffer. if (IsWriting()) { char *buf = Buffer(); *((UInt_t*)buf) = (UInt_t)(Length() - sizeof(UInt_t)); if (fBufComp) { buf = fBufComp; *((UInt_t*)buf) = (UInt_t)(CompLength() - sizeof(UInt_t)); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::SetWhat(UInt_t what) { // Using this method one can change the message type a-posteriory. // In case you OR "what" with kMESS_ACK, the message will wait for // an acknowledgement from the remote side. This makes the sending // process synchronous. fWhat = what; char *buf = Buffer(); buf += sizeof(UInt_t); // skip reserved length space tobuf(buf, what); if (fBufComp) { buf = fBufComp; buf += sizeof(UInt_t); // skip reserved length space tobuf(buf, what | kMESS_ZIP); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::SetCompressionLevel(Int_t level) { // Set the message compression level. Can be between 0 and 9 with 0 // being no compression and 9 maximum compression. In general the default // level of 1 is the best compromise between achieved compression and // cpu time. Compression will only happen when the message is > 256 bytes. if (level < 0) level = 0; if (level > 9) level = 9; if (level != fCompress && fBufComp) { delete [] fBufComp; fBufComp = 0; fBufCompCur = 0; fCompPos = 0; } fCompress = level; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliHLTMessage::Compress() { // Compress the message. The message will only be compressed if the // compression level > 0 and the if the message is > 256 bytes. // Returns -1 in case of error (when compression fails or // when the message increases in size in some pathological cases), // otherwise returns 0. if (fCompress == 0) { // no compression specified if (fBufComp) { delete [] fBufComp; fBufComp = 0; fBufCompCur = 0; fCompPos = 0; } return 0; } if (fBufComp && fCompPos == fBufCur) { // the message was already compressed return 0; } // remove any existing compressed buffer before compressing modified message if (fBufComp) { delete [] fBufComp; fBufComp = 0; fBufCompCur = 0; fCompPos = 0; } if (Length() <= (Int_t)(256 + 2*sizeof(UInt_t))) { // this message is too small to be compressed return 0; } Int_t hdrlen = 2*sizeof(UInt_t); Int_t messlen = Length() - hdrlen; Int_t nbuffers = messlen / kMAXBUF; Int_t chdrlen = 3*sizeof(UInt_t); // compressed buffer header length Int_t buflen = TMath::Max(512, chdrlen + messlen + 9*nbuffers); fBufComp = new char[buflen]; char *messbuf = Buffer() + hdrlen; char *bufcur = fBufComp + chdrlen; Int_t noutot = 0; Int_t nzip = 0; Int_t nout, bufmax; for (Int_t i = 0; i <= nbuffers; i++) { if (i == nbuffers) bufmax = messlen - nzip; else bufmax = kMAXBUF; R__zip(fCompress, &bufmax, messbuf, &bufmax, bufcur, &nout); if (nout == 0 || nout >= messlen) { //this happens when the buffer cannot be compressed delete [] fBufComp; fBufComp = 0; fBufCompCur = 0; fCompPos = 0; return -1; } bufcur += nout; noutot += nout; messbuf += kMAXBUF; nzip += kMAXBUF; } fBufCompCur = bufcur; fCompPos = fBufCur; bufcur = fBufComp; tobuf(bufcur, (UInt_t)(CompLength() - sizeof(UInt_t))); Int_t what = fWhat | kMESS_ZIP; tobuf(bufcur, what); tobuf(bufcur, Length()); // original uncompressed buffer length return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliHLTMessage::Uncompress() { // Uncompress the message. The message will only be uncompressed when // kMESS_ZIP is set. Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise. if (!fBufComp || !(fWhat & kMESS_ZIP)) return -1; Int_t buflen; Int_t hdrlen = 2*sizeof(UInt_t); UChar_t *bufcur = (UChar_t*)fBufComp + hdrlen; frombuf((char *&)bufcur, &buflen); fBuffer = new char[buflen]; fBufUncompressed = fBuffer; fBufSize = buflen; fBufCur = fBuffer + sizeof(UInt_t) + sizeof(fWhat); fBufMax = fBuffer + fBufSize; char *messbuf = fBuffer + hdrlen; Int_t nin, nout, nbuf; Int_t noutot = 0; while (1) { nin = 9 + ((Int_t)bufcur[3] | ((Int_t)bufcur[4] << 8) | ((Int_t)bufcur[5] << 16)); nbuf = (Int_t)bufcur[6] | ((Int_t)bufcur[7] << 8) | ((Int_t)bufcur[8] << 16); R__unzip(&nin, bufcur, &nbuf, messbuf, &nout); if (!nout) break; noutot += nout; if (noutot >= buflen - hdrlen) break; bufcur += nin; messbuf += nout; } fWhat &= ~kMESS_ZIP; fCompress = 1; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTMessage::WriteObject(const TObject *obj) { // Write object to message buffer. // When support for schema evolution is enabled the list of TStreamerInfo // used to stream this object is kept in fInfos. This information is used // by TSocket::Send that sends this list through the socket. This list is in // turn used by TSocket::Recv to store the TStreamerInfo objects in the // relevant TClass in case the TClass does not know yet about a particular // class version. This feature is implemented to support clients and servers // with either different ROOT versions or different user classes versions. if (fgEvolution || fEvolution) { if (fInfos) fInfos->Clear(); else fInfos = new TList(); } fBitsPIDs.ResetAllBits(); WriteObjectAny(obj, TObject::Class()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliHLTMessage::WriteProcessID(TProcessID *pid) { // Check if the ProcessID pid is already in the message. // If not, then: // - mark bit 0 of fBitsPIDs to indicate that a ProcessID has been found // - mark bit uid+1 where uid id the uid of the ProcessID if (fBitsPIDs.TestBitNumber(0)) return 0; if (!pid) pid = TProcessID::GetPID(); if (!pid) return 0; fBitsPIDs.SetBitNumber(0); UInt_t uid = pid->GetUniqueID(); fBitsPIDs.SetBitNumber(uid+1); return 1; } AliHLTMessage* AliHLTMessage::Stream(TObject* pSrc, Int_t compression, unsigned verbosity) { /// Helper function to stream an object into an AliHLTMessage /// The returned instance must be cleaned by the caller /// /// Get the data and data size from the message: /// first check /// pMsg->CompLength(); /// pMsg->CompBuffer(); /// if that is NULL /// pMsg->Length(); /// pMsg->Buffer(); /// /// Note: accessing scheme will be change din the future to just have the two /// latter ones. if (!pSrc) return NULL; AliHLTLogging log; AliHLTMessage* pMsg=new AliHLTMessage(kMESS_OBJECT); if (!pMsg) { log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogError, "AliHLTMessage", "Stream" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "memory allocation failed"); return NULL; } pMsg->SetCompressionLevel(compression); pMsg->WriteObject(pSrc); if (pMsg->Length()>0) { // Matthias Sep 2008 // NOTE: AliHLTMessage does implement it's own SetLength method // which is not architecture independent. The original SetLength // stores the size always in network byte order. // I'm trying to remember the rational for that, might be that // it was just some lack of knowledge. Want to change this, but // has to be done carefully to be backward compatible. pMsg->SetLength(); // sets the length to the first (reserved) word // does nothing if the level is 0 pMsg->Compress(); if (pMsg->CompBuffer()) { pMsg->SetLength(); // set once more to have the byte order if (verbosity>0) log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogInfo, "AliHLTMessage", "Stream" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "object %p type %s streamed: size %d", pSrc, pSrc->GetName(), pMsg->CompLength()); } else { if (verbosity>0) log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogInfo, "AliHLTMessage", "Stream" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "object %p type %s streamed: size %d", pSrc, pSrc->GetName(), pMsg->Length()); } } return pMsg; } TObject* AliHLTMessage::Extract(const void* pBuffer, unsigned bufferSize, unsigned verbosity) { /// Helper function to extract an object from a buffer. /// The returned object must be cleaned by the caller AliHLTLogging log; if (!pBuffer || bufferSize0) log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogWarning, "AliHLTMessage", "Extract" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "invalid input buffer %p %d", pBuffer, bufferSize); return NULL; } AliHLTUInt32_t firstWord=*((AliHLTUInt32_t*)pBuffer); if (firstWord==bufferSize-sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t) && firstWord>=34 /*thats the minimum size of a streamed TObject*/) { AliHLTMessage msg((AliHLTUInt8_t*)pBuffer, bufferSize); TClass* objclass=msg.GetClass(); TObject* pObject=msg.ReadObject(objclass); if (pObject && objclass) { if (verbosity>0) log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogInfo, "AliHLTMessage", "Extract" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "object %p type %s created", pObject, objclass->GetName()); return pObject; } else { if (verbosity>0) log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogWarning, "AliHLTMessage", "Extract" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "failed to create object from buffer of size %d", bufferSize); } } else { if (verbosity>0) log.LoggingVarargs(kHLTLogWarning, "AliHLTMessage", "Extract" , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "not a streamed TObject: block size %d, indicated %d", bufferSize, firstWord+sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t)); } return NULL; }