//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTMODULEAGENT_H #define ALIHLTMODULEAGENT_H /* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /** @file AliHLTModuleAgent.h @author Matthias Richter @date @brief Agent helper class for component libraries. @note The class is used in Offline (AliRoot) context */ // see below for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #include #include #include #include #include "AliHLTLogging.h" #include "AliHLTConfiguration.h" #include "AliHLTConfigurationHandler.h" #include "AliHLTComponentHandler.h" class AliRunLoader; class AliRawReader; class AliRawStream; class AliHLTOUTHandler; class AliHLTOUT; class AliHLTModulePreprocessor; /** * @class AliHLTModuleAgent * @brief Agent helper class for HLT sub modules, e.g. PHOS, TPC, Trigger * * This class implements the agent base class for the HLT sub modules. * The agent of a library gives information on the features of the library/ * components, like the configurations to run and other component libraries * it depends on. * @note There must not be more than one agent per module/library. * * If a run loader is available, reconstruction is performed on simulated * data as part of AliSimulation, if only the raw reader is present, * on raw data as part of AliReconstruction. The configurations * can adapt to the two cases. * * All HLT component libraries are loaded on demand through the HLT steering * instance (@ref AliHLTSystem). A library can implement an agent derived * from this base class, and has to define one global object of this agent * in the code. The agent will be registered automatically, and the features * can be queried when required. * * This is usually done during running the AliRoot reconstruction (see AliRoot * documentation on AliSimulation and AliReconstruction ). * The HLT implemets the @ref AliHLTSimulation and @ref * AliHLTReconstructor which hold the HLT steering object. Several flags can * be specified as options via the SetRunHLT method of * AliSimulation and the SetOption method of * AliReconstruction, including the component libraries to be loaded. * * @section alihltmoduleagent_interface Agent interface * The child can implement the following functions: * - @ref GetDetectorMask
* DetectorMask for which reconstruction is run. * * - @ref CreateConfigurations
* Create HLT configuration forming an HLT analysis chain.
* Reconstruction of raw data or simulated data from digits needs * usually different configurations. If a run loader is available, * reconstruction is performed on simulated data, on raw data if Run * loader is NULL and only the raw reader present. * * - @ref GetReconstructionChains
* Configurations run during event reconstruction.
* Define chains to be run during the recunstruction step, * Depending on the availability of AliRoot run loader or raw reader *
* * - @ref GetRequiredComponentLibraries
* can indicate further libraries which are required for running the * chains (e.g. if components of another library are used). * * - @ref RegisterComponents
* register componens, this can be used to avoid the component * registration via global objects * @see @ref alihltcomponent-handling *
* - @ref GetHandlerDescription
* the agent can announce which part of the HLTOUT data can be treated * by the library and through which method. Different types of handlers * are defined to fit the various formats of the HLTOUT data. * @see AliHLTOUTHandlerType * * - @ref GetOutputHandler
* Return AliHLTOUTHandler for a given data type and specification. * This is mainly intended to treat detector proprietary data. * * @section alihltmoduleagent_references References * @see @ref AliHLTReconstructor interface to the AliRoot reconstruction * @see @ref AliHLTAgentSample agent for the libAliHLTSample library * * @ingroup alihlt_system */ class AliHLTModuleAgent : public TObject, public AliHLTLogging { public: /** * standard constructor. The agent is automatically registered in the * global agent manager */ AliHLTModuleAgent(const char* id); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTModuleAgent(); /** * Get module id. * The module id is a string specifying the detector, or module. The * library must follow the naming scheme \em libAliHLTModule.so, e.g. * \em libAliHLTTPC.so if the module is 'TPC' */ const char* GetModuleId() const; /** * Print status info. * Short summary on registered agents. This function acts globally on the * list of agents if no specific agent is specified. */ static void PrintStatus(const char* agent=NULL); /** * Get the first agent in the list * @return pointer to first agent in the list, NULL if empty */ static AliHLTModuleAgent* GetFirstAgent(); /** * Get the next agent in the list * @return pointer to next agent in the list, NULL if end of list */ static AliHLTModuleAgent* GetNextAgent(); /** * Get string of blank separated Module Ids */ static string GetAgentIds(); /** * Activate a component handler for this agent. * The @ref RegisterComponents method will be called in order to allow * the agent to register components. Once activated, the function can * be called repeatedly with the same handler and gently ignores the * invocation. In the current stage of development, only one handler * can be activated per agent. This is sufficient for the current * operation, but can be extended. * @param [in] pHandler the component handler instance */ int ActivateComponentHandler(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler); /** * Return detector mask for which reconstruction is run in this module. */ virtual UInt_t GetDetectorMask() const; /** * Register all configurations belonging to this module with the * AliHLTConfigurationHandler. The agent can adapt the configurations * to be registered to the current AliRoot setup by checking the * runloader and the raw reader.
* The presence of Run loader and raw reader determines the mode of the * HLT reconstruction. If a run loader is available, reconstruction is * performed on simulated data, a raw reader might be available in that * case also. When running embedded into AliReconstruction, the Run loader * is always NULL and the raw gives access to data. The configurations * can adapt to the two cases. * * @param [in] handler the configuration handler * @param [in] rawReader AliRoot RawReader instance * @param [in] runloader AliRoot runloader * @return neg. error code if failed */ virtual int CreateConfigurations(AliHLTConfigurationHandler* handler, AliRawReader* rawReader=NULL, AliRunLoader* runloader=NULL) const; /** * Get the top configurations for event reconstruction. * A top configuration describes a processing chain. It can simply be * described by the last configuration(s) in the chain. * The agent can adapt the configurations to be registered to the current * AliRoot setup by checking the run loader and the raw reader. * @param [in] rawReader AliRoot RawReader instance * @param [in] runloader AliRoot runloader * @return string containing the top configurations separated by blanks */ virtual const char* GetReconstructionChains(AliRawReader* rawReader=NULL, AliRunLoader* runloader=NULL) const; /** * Component libraries which the configurations of this agent depend on.
* @note This is not the right place to specify libraries which this component * library depends. Dependencies must be linked or loaded before. * @return list of component libraries as a blank-separated string. */ virtual const char* GetRequiredComponentLibraries() const; /** * Register components. * This method can be used to register components for the module instead * of the 'static object approach'. Registration is done by passing a * sample object to the AliHLTComponentHandler via * - @ref AliHLTComponentHandler::RegisterComponent
* The sample object is owned by the agent, make sure to delete it. * - @ref AliHLTComponentHandler::AddComponent
* Same functionality but handler deletes the object at the end. * * @param [in] pHandler instance of the component handler */ virtual int RegisterComponents(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler) const; /** * Define QA plugins * @return blank separated list of class names */ virtual const char* GetQAPlugins() const; /** * IDs for output handlers. * The agent can provide output handlers in order to treat the output * data coming from the HLTOUT nodes. */ enum AliHLTOUTHandlerType { kUnknownOutput =0, /** output is in ESD format */ kEsd, /** agent provides data for a RawReader * From the data block one or more output blocks can be * created idenditcal to the ddl format. The blocks are * provided to subsequent analysis by a RawReader instance. * The data block can be processed in order to provide the * raw data, e.g. in case of lossless compression. */ kRawReader, /** agent can create a raw stream * The agent directly generates a detector specific RawStream * object. This is used for pre-analyzed data which will not * be converted back to the raw format. */ kRawStream, /** agent provides a chain * The data block is fed into an analysis chain, the treatment * depends on the components in the chain. */ kChain, /** agent provides detector specific handler */ kProprietary, kLastOutputHandler }; /** * Output handler description. * \em fModule: module name specific for the handler type * - kRawReader: DDL no printed in ascii format * - kRawStream: class name of the RawStream class * - kChain: blank separated list of chains * - kProprietary: name of the handler class */ class AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc { public: AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc() : fHType(kUnknownOutput), fDt(kAliHLTVoidDataType), fModule() {} AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc(AliHLTOUTHandlerType handlerType, AliHLTComponentDataType dt, const char* module) : fHType(handlerType), fDt(dt), fModule(module) {} AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc(const AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc& src) : fHType(src.fHType), fDt(src.fDt), fModule(src.fModule) {} AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc& operator=(const AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc& src) { if (this==&src) return *this; fHType=src.fHType; fDt=src.fDt; fModule=src.fModule; return *this; } ~AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc() {} bool operator==(const AliHLTOUTHandlerType handlerType) const { return fHType==handlerType; } /** * Two descriptors are equal if all members match. */ bool operator==(const AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc& desc) const { return fDt==desc.fDt && fHType==desc.fHType && fModule==desc.fModule; } operator AliHLTOUTHandlerType() {return fHType;} operator AliHLTComponentDataType() {return fDt;} private: /** type of the handler */ AliHLTOUTHandlerType fHType; //!transient /** data type treated by the handler */ AliHLTComponentDataType fDt; //!transient /** class or chain name */ TString fModule; //!transient }; static const AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc fgkVoidHandlerDesc; //! initializer /** * Get handler description for a data block. * Depending on the data type and data specification the handler must * provide information * - if it can handle the data block, and * - details how it will handle it, mainly the type of the handler * @ref AliHLTOUTHandlerType * * @param [in] dt data type of the block * @param [in] spec specification of the block * @param [out] desc handler description * @return 1 if the agent can provide a handler, 0 if not */ virtual int GetHandlerDescription(AliHLTComponentDataType dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc& desc) const; /** * Get handler for a data block of the HLTOUT data. * The agent can also provide an overloaded @ref DeleteOutputHandler * function to implement customized clean up. It is also possible to * return the same instance of a handler for different data blocks.
* * The framework first collects the handlers for all data blocks, and * calls the @ref AliHLTOUTHandler::ProcessData method afterwords for * each handler. * @param [in] dt data type of the block * @param [in] spec specification of the block * @return pointer to handler */ virtual AliHLTOUTHandler* GetOutputHandler(AliHLTComponentDataType dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec); /** * Delete an HLTOUT handler. * This is the final cleanup. The framwork makes sure that the handler is * not used any further outside the agent. Even if the agent returned the * same handler several times, cleanup is invoked only once. The default * implementation just deletes the object. * @param pInstance pointer to handler */ virtual int DeleteOutputHandler(AliHLTOUTHandler* pInstance); /** * Get raw stream for a data block. * @param [in] dt data type of the block * @param [in] spec specification of the block * @param [in] pData data control object * @return Rawstream object, NULL if no Rawstream available for data type/spec */ // this method is likely to be moved to a specific implementation // of AliHLTOUTHandler // virtual AliRawStream* GetRawStream(AliHLTComponentDataType dt, // AliHLTUInt32_t spec, // const AliHLTOUT* pData); /** * Get the preprocessor for this component library. * Create an instance of the preprocessor for this component library. * The caller will delete it after useage. * @return pointer to AliHLTModulePreprocessor object. */ virtual AliHLTModulePreprocessor* GetPreprocessor(); /** * Old method kept for backward compatibility, redirected to @ref * GetReconstructionChains. */ const char* GetTopConfigurations(AliRunLoader* runloader=NULL) const { return GetReconstructionChains(NULL,runloader); } protected: private: /** standard constructor prohibited */ AliHLTModuleAgent(); /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTModuleAgent(const AliHLTModuleAgent&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTModuleAgent& operator=(const AliHLTModuleAgent&); /** * Register agent in the global list. * @return neg. error code if failed */ static int Register(AliHLTModuleAgent* pAgent); /** * Unregister agent in the global list. * @return neg. error code if failed */ static int Unregister(AliHLTModuleAgent* pAgent); /** the list of active agents */ static AliHLTModuleAgent* fgAnchor; //! transient /** next element in the list */ AliHLTModuleAgent* fpNext; //! transient /** the current object link (list position) */ static AliHLTModuleAgent* fgCurrent; //! transient /** number of agents */ static int fgCount; //! transient /** instance of the active component handler */ AliHLTComponentHandler* fpComponentHandler; //! transient /** id of the module */ TString fModuleId; //! transient ClassDef(AliHLTModuleAgent, 3); }; #endif