// $Id$ //************************************************************************** //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* * //* Primary Authors: Matthias Richter * //* for The ALICE HLT Project. * //* * //* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * //* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * //* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * //* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * //* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * //* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * //* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************** /// @file AliHLTTrackGeometry.cxx /// @author Matthias Richter /// @date 2011-05-20 /// @brief Desciption of a track by a sequence of track points /// #include "AliHLTTrackGeometry.h" #include "AliHLTSpacePointContainer.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TH2.h" #include #include #include /** ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods */ ClassImp(AliHLTTrackGeometry) AliHLTTrackGeometry::AliHLTTrackGeometry() : TObject(), AliHLTLogging() , fTrackPoints() , fSelectionMasks() , fTrackId(-1) , fVerbosity(0) { /// standard constructor } AliHLTTrackGeometry::AliHLTTrackGeometry(const AliHLTTrackGeometry& src) : TObject(src), AliHLTLogging() , fTrackPoints(src.fTrackPoints) , fSelectionMasks(src.fSelectionMasks) , fTrackId(src.fTrackId) , fVerbosity(src.fVerbosity) { /// copy constructor } AliHLTTrackGeometry& AliHLTTrackGeometry::operator=(const AliHLTTrackGeometry& src) { /// assignment operator if (this!=&src) { fTrackPoints.assign(src.fTrackPoints.begin(), src.fTrackPoints.end()); fSelectionMasks.assign(src.fSelectionMasks.begin(), src.fSelectionMasks.end()); fTrackId=src.fTrackId; fVerbosity=src.fVerbosity; } return *this; } AliHLTTrackGeometry::~AliHLTTrackGeometry() { /// destructor } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::AddTrackPoint(const AliHLTTrackPoint& point, AliHLTUInt32_t selectionMask) { /// add a track point to the list vector::const_iterator element = find(fTrackPoints.begin(), fTrackPoints.end(), point); if (element==fTrackPoints.end()) { fTrackPoints.push_back(point); if (std::find(fSelectionMasks.begin(), fSelectionMasks.end(), selectionMask)==fSelectionMasks.end()) { fSelectionMasks.push_back(selectionMask); } } else { HLTError("track point of id %08x already existing", point.GetId()); return -EEXIST; } return 0; } void AliHLTTrackGeometry::Clear(Option_t * /*option*/) { // internal cleanup } void AliHLTTrackGeometry::Print(Option_t *option) const { // print info Print(cout, option); } void AliHLTTrackGeometry::Print(ostream& out, Option_t */*option*/) const { // print to stream out << "AliHLTTrackGeometry::Print" << endl; } void AliHLTTrackGeometry::Draw(Option_t *option) { /// Inherited from TObject, draw the track float scale=250; float center[2]={0.5,0.5}; int markerColor=1; int markerSize=1; int verbosity=0; TString strOption(option); std::auto_ptr tokens(strOption.Tokenize(" ")); if (!tokens.get()) return; for (int i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { if (!tokens->At(i)) continue; const char* key=""; TString arg=tokens->At(i)->GetName(); key="scale="; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { arg.ReplaceAll(key, ""); scale=arg.Atof(); continue; } key="centerx="; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { arg.ReplaceAll(key, ""); center[0]=arg.Atof(); continue; } key="centery="; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { arg.ReplaceAll(key, ""); center[1]=arg.Atof(); continue; } key="markercolor="; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { arg.ReplaceAll(key, ""); markerColor=arg.Atoi(); continue; } key="markersize="; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { arg.ReplaceAll(key, ""); markerSize=arg.Atoi(); continue; } key="verbosity="; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { arg.ReplaceAll(key, ""); verbosity=arg.Atoi(); continue; } } bool bFirstPoint=true; float firstalpha=0.0; for (vector::const_iterator point=fTrackPoints.begin(); point!=fTrackPoints.end(); point++) { float alpha=GetPlaneAlpha(point->GetId()); float r=GetPlaneR(point->GetId()); float cosa=TMath::Cos(alpha); float sina=TMath::Sin(alpha); float x = r*sina + point->GetU()*cosa; float y =-r*cosa + point->GetU()*sina; if (verbosity>0) { HLTInfo("ID 0x%08x: x=% .4f y=% .4f alpha=% .4f", point->GetId(), r, point->GetU(), alpha); } int color=markerColor; if (bFirstPoint) { bFirstPoint=false; TMarker* m=new TMarker(x/(2*scale)+center[0], y/(2*scale)+center[1], 29); m->SetMarkerSize(2); m->SetMarkerColor(2); m->Draw("same"); firstalpha=alpha; } else { color+=int(9*TMath::Abs(alpha-firstalpha)/TMath::Pi()); } TMarker* m=new TMarker(x/(2*scale)+center[0], y/(2*scale)+center[1], point->GetV()>0?2:5); m->SetMarkerColor(color); m->SetMarkerSize(markerSize); m->Draw("same"); } } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::SetAssociatedSpacePoint(UInt_t planeId, UInt_t spacepointId, int status, float fdU, float fdV) { /// set the spacepoint associated with a track point vector::iterator element = find(fTrackPoints.begin(), fTrackPoints.end(), planeId); if (element==fTrackPoints.end()) return -ENOENT; element->SetAssociatedSpacePoint(spacepointId, status); element->SetResidual(0, fdU); element->SetResidual(1, fdV); return 0; } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::GetAssociatedSpacePoint(UInt_t planeId, UInt_t& spacepointId) const { /// get the spacepoint associated with a track point /// return status flag if found, -ENOENT if no associated spacepoint found vector::const_iterator element = find(fTrackPoints.begin(), fTrackPoints.end(), planeId); if (element==fTrackPoints.end()) return -ENOENT; if (!element->HaveAssociatedSpacePoint()) return -ENODATA; return element->GetAssociatedSpacePoint(spacepointId); } const AliHLTTrackGeometry::AliHLTTrackPoint* AliHLTTrackGeometry::GetTrackPoint(AliHLTUInt32_t id) const { /// get const pointer to track point vector::const_iterator element = find(fTrackPoints.begin(), fTrackPoints.end(), id); if (element==fTrackPoints.end()) return NULL; return &(*element); } AliHLTTrackGeometry::AliHLTTrackPoint* AliHLTTrackGeometry::GetTrackPoint(AliHLTUInt32_t id) { /// get const pointer to track point vector::iterator element = find(fTrackPoints.begin(), fTrackPoints.end(), id); if (element==fTrackPoints.end()) return NULL; return &(*element); } AliHLTSpacePointContainer* AliHLTTrackGeometry::ConvertToSpacePoints(bool /*bAssociated*/) const { /// create a collection of all points HLTError("implementation of child method missing"); return NULL; } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::AssociateSpacePoints(AliHLTSpacePointContainer& points) { /// associate the track space points to the calculated track points vector ids; points.GetClusterIDs(ids); if (ids.size()>0) return 0; int result=AssociateSpacePoints(&ids[0], ids.size(), points); if (result>0) { HLTInfo("associated %d of %d space point(s) to track points", result, ids.size()); } return result; } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::AssociateSpacePoints(const AliHLTUInt32_t* trackpoints, AliHLTUInt32_t nofPoints, AliHLTSpacePointContainer& points) { /// associate the track space points to the calculated track points if (nofPoints==0) return 0; if (trackpoints==NULL) return -EINVAL; int count=0; for (int i=nofPoints-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!points.Check(trackpoints[i])) { HLTWarning("can not find point id %08x", trackpoints[i]); continue; } float xyz[3]={points.GetX(trackpoints[i]), points.GetY(trackpoints[i]), points.GetZ(trackpoints[i])}; AliHLTUInt32_t planeId=0; int result=FindMatchingTrackPoint(trackpoints[i], xyz, planeId); if (result<0) { if (GetVerbosity()>0) HLTWarning("no associated track point found for space point id %08x x=%f y=%f z=%f", trackpoints[i], xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); continue; } else if (result==0) { HLTWarning("associated track point for space pointid %08x x=%f y=%f z=%f occupied", trackpoints[i], xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); continue; } vector::const_iterator element = find(fTrackPoints.begin(), fTrackPoints.end(), planeId); SetAssociatedSpacePoint(planeId, trackpoints[i], 1, xyz[1]-element->GetU(), xyz[2]-element->GetV()); if (points.GetTrackID(trackpoints[i])<0 && GetTrackId()>=0) { points.SetTrackID(GetTrackId(), trackpoints[i]); HLTDebug("associating unused cluster %08x with track %d", trackpoints[i], GetTrackId()); } count++; } return count; } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::AssociateUnusedSpacePoints(AliHLTSpacePointContainer& points) { /// associate the track space points to the calculated track points int count=0; for (vector::iterator mask=fSelectionMasks.begin(); mask!=fSelectionMasks.end(); mask++) { int subcount=0; const vector* selectedPoints=points.GetClusterIDs(*mask); if (!selectedPoints) { HLTWarning("space point collection does not contain data for mask 0x%08x", *mask); continue; } for (vector::const_iterator id=selectedPoints->begin(); id!=selectedPoints->end(); id++) { if (points.GetTrackID(*id)>=0) continue; float xyz[3]={points.GetX(*id), points.GetY(*id), points.GetZ(*id)}; AliHLTUInt32_t planeId=0; int result=FindMatchingTrackPoint(*id, xyz, planeId); if (result<0) { //HLTWarning("no associated track point found for space point id %08x x=%f y=%f z=%f", *id, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); continue; } else if (result==0) { //HLTWarning("associated track point for space pointid %08x x=%f y=%f z=%f occupied", *id, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); continue; } SetAssociatedSpacePoint(planeId, *id, 1); if (points.GetTrackID(*id)<0 && GetTrackId()>=0) { points.SetTrackID(GetTrackId(), *id); HLTDebug("associating unused cluster %08x with track %d", *id, GetTrackId()); } subcount++; } if (fVerbosity>0) { HLTInfo("associated %d of %d spacepoint(s) from selection 0x%08x to track %d", subcount, selectedPoints->size(), *mask, GetTrackId()); } count+=subcount; } return count; } int AliHLTTrackGeometry::FillResidual(int coordinate, TH2* histo) const { // fill residual histogram const vector& trackPoints=TrackPoints(); for (vector::const_iterator trackpoint=trackPoints.begin(); trackpoint!=trackPoints.end(); trackpoint++) { if (!trackpoint->HaveAssociatedSpacePoint()) continue; histo->Fill(GetPlaneR(trackpoint->GetId()), trackpoint->GetResidual(coordinate)); } return 0; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const AliHLTTrackGeometry& p) { p.Print(out); return out; }