# $Id$ # Makefile template for the Alice HLT external interface # be aware of the two different meanings of 'MODULE' # 1. AliRoot classifies each detector and main sub-package as a module # so for all HLT library packages MODULE is equal HLT # 2. The HLT stand-alone build system knows about sub-modules # e.g. for libHLTinterface, MODULE=HLTinterface MODULE = HLTinterface SUBDIRS = . test EXTRA_DIST = HLTinterface-LinkDef.h AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMODULE=$(MODULE) \ -I$(top_srcdir)/BASE # library definition lib_LTLIBRARIES = libHLTinterface.la # version info for the library LIBRARY_VERSION = '0:0:0' # MODDIR is set by the AliRoot build system and denotes the topdir # of the module, we must set it since the package definition libHLTinterface.pkg # includes another common configuration file MODDIR = $(top_srcdir) PKGDEF = $(MODDIR)/libHLTinterface.pkg include $(top_srcdir)/libHLTinterface.pkg # library sources libHLTinterface_la_SOURCES = $(MODULE_SRCS) # library headers pkginclude_HEADERS = $(MODULE_HDRS) # linker flags libHLTinterface_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/BASE/libHLTbase.la libHLTinterface_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(LIBRARY_VERSION) # automatic generation of data and time of library build COMPILE_INFO = HLTinterfaceCompileInfo.cxx # set the file name for the generated root dictionary DICTCPP = HLTinterface-DICT.cxx nodist_libHLTinterface_la_SOURCES = $(COMPILE_INFO) \ $(DICTCPP) CLEANFILES = $(COMPILE_INFO) include $(top_srcdir)/make.dict $(COMPILE_INFO): Makefile.am @echo '//automatically generated compilation info' > $@ @echo '//!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!' >> $@ @echo '//add changes in Makefile.am' >> $@ @echo 'void $(MODULE)CompileInfo( char*& date, char*& time)' >> $@ @echo '{date=__DATE__; time=__TIME__; return;}' >> $@