// -*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id: AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent.h 27447 2008-07-19 21:59:56Z richterm $ #ifndef ALIHLTESDMCEVENTPUBLISHERCOMPONENT_H #define ALIHLTESDMCEVENTPUBLISHERCOMPONENT_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * /** @file AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent.h @author Jochen Thaeder @date @brief Component for publishing ESD and MC events. @note The class is used in Offline (AliRoot) context */ #include "AliHLTFilePublisher.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TString.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliHLTMCEvent.h" /** * @class AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent * An HLT data source component which publishes AliESDEvent and AliMCEvent objects * out of a series of datapaths.
* *

General properties:

* * Component ID: \b ESDMCEventPublisher
* Library: \b libAliHLTUtil.so
* Input Data Types: none
* Output Data Types: according to arguments
* - AliESDEvent -> kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject * - HLTESD -> kAliHLTDataOriginHLT * - ESD -> kAliHLTDataOriginOffline * * - AliMCEvent -> kAliHLTDataTypeMCObject * -> kAliHLTDataOriginOffline * * - AliHLTMCEvent -> kAliHLTDataTypeMCObject * -> kAliHLTDataOriginHLT * * *

Mandatory arguments:

* * \li -entrytype Type of events to publish
* Can be one, all or some of :
* - ESD
* - MC (publishes both AliHLTMCEvent and AliMCEvent)
* - MCFAST (publishes both AliHLTMCEvent and AliMCEvent created from FastSim)
* * \li -datapath Path to list of data files
* - AliESDs.root
* - Kinematics.root
* - galice.root
* - TrackRefs.root
* *

Optional arguments:

* \li -dataspec Specification
* Data specification treated as decimal number or hex number if * prepended by '0x'
* If not given void spec ist used. Otherwise each Bit corresponds to * the detectorID specified at ALICE-INT-2007-016, Table 1 * * \li -applyParticleCuts Apply particle cuts before filling in AliHLTMCEvent
* * \li -skip-esd-object object
* remove object from ESD content before publishing, can be a blank separated list of * objects, but don't forget to enclose multiple names in quotes * *


* * Configuration by component arguments. * *

Default CDB entries:

* The component loads no CDB entries. * *


* The component does not process any event data. * *

Memory consumption:

* The component does not process any event data. * *

Output size:

* According to the available data. The component is an AliHLTDataSource * and inteded to be used in the AliHLTSystem framework only. The component * implements the standard AliHLTSystem adaptive buffer allocation. * * The component needs at least one argument \em -datapath. * It can occur multiple times. The \em -entrytype and \em -dataspec * parameters are valid for all data paths * * All files are broken up and published in individual events. Then one data * block is pulished for each entrytype. * * @ingroup alihlt_util_components */ class AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent : public AliHLTFilePublisher { public: /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Constructor / Destructor * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** standard constructor */ AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent(); /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Public functions to implement AliHLTComponent's interface. * These functions are required for the registration process * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** interface function, see @ref AliHLTComponent for description */ const char* GetComponentID(); void GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ); /** interface function, see @ref AliHLTComponent for description */ AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); protected: /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Protected functions to implement AliHLTComponent's interface. * These functions provide initialization as well as the actual processing * capabilities of the component. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Init method. * Overwrites the AliHLTFilePublisher::DoInit() method. * @param argc size of the argument array * @param argv agument array for component initialization * @return number of processed members of the argv
* -EINVAL unknown argument
* -EPROTO parameter for argument missing
*/ Int_t DoInit( int argc, const char** argv ); /** * Deinit method. Calls also the one of AliHLTFilePublisher. */ Int_t DoDeinit(); /** * Data processing method for the component. * The component uses the @ref alihltcomponent-high-level-interface * to put serialized Root object into the output stream. Despite of that it * implements the low-level DumpEvent method in order to allow child classes * to use the low-level method. * @param evtData event data structure * @param trigData trigger data structure * @param outputPtr not used * @param size not used * @param outputBlocks not used * @return */ Int_t GetEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, vector& outputBlocks); using AliHLTFilePublisher::GetEvent; private: /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Private functions to implement AliHLTComponent's interface. * These functions provide initialization as well as the actual processing * capabilities of the component. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent(const AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent& operator=(const AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent&); /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper functions - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Add output datatypes according to the fPublish* flags * - AliESDEvent -> kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject * - HLTESD -> kAliHLTDataOriginHLT * - ESD -> kAliHLTDataOriginOffline * * - AliMCEvent -> kAliHLTDataTypeMCObject * -> kAliHLTDataOriginOffline */ void AddDataTypesToOutputlist(); /** Insert datafiles according to the fPublish* flags * into folders. * @return negative number in error case */ Int_t InsertFiles(); /** Open all files for current folder. Get ESD tree's and TreeE. * @return negative number in error case */ Int_t OpenCurrentFileList(); /** Close all files for current folder. * @return negative number in error case */ Int_t CloseCurrentFileList(); /** clone an ESD by copying all objects but skip the specified ones */ Int_t CopyESDObjects(AliESDEvent* pTgt, const AliESDEvent* pSrc, const char* skippedObjects) const; /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Members - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** The current folder, containing 1 set of files */ TObjLink *fpCurrentFolder; //! transient /** List of files in current folder*/ TList *fpCurrentFileList; //! transient /** Event in current folder ( inside files ) */ UInt_t fCurrentEvent; // see above /** Number of event in current folder ( inside files ) */ UInt_t fNEventsInFolder; // see above /** List containing TObjStrings * -> Contain paths to reconstructed data */ TList fFolderList; //! see above /** Data specification */ AliHLTUInt32_t fSpecification; // see above /** Publish class AliESDEvent, containing normal ESD */ Bool_t fPublishESD; // see above /** Publish class AliESDEvent, containing normal HLTESD */ Bool_t fPublishHLTESD; // see above /** Publish class AliMCEvent */ Bool_t fPublishMC; // see above /** Fill AliMCEvent without TrackRefs, out of Fast Simulation */ Bool_t fFastMC; // see above /** Pointer to ESD tree in current file */ TTree* fpTreeESD; //! transient /** Pointer to HLT ESD tree in current file */ TTree* fpTreeHLTESD; //! transient /** Pointer to TreeE tree in current galice file */ TTree* fpTreeE; //! transient /** Pointer to TreeK tree in current kinematics file * - changes every event */ TTree* fpTreeK; //! transient /** Pointer to TreeTR tree in current track refernce file * - changes every event */ TTree* fpTreeTR; //! transient /* Ptr to current AliESDEvent, to be shipped out*/ AliESDEvent* fpESD; //! transient /* Ptr to current HLT - AliESDEvent, to be shipped out*/ AliESDEvent* fpHLTESD; //! transient /* Ptr for ESD with selected objects, to be shipped out*/ AliESDEvent* fpESDClone; //! transient /* Ptr to current AliMCEvent, to be shipped out*/ AliMCEvent* fpMC; //! transient /* Ptr to current AliHLTMCEvent, to be shipped out*/ AliHLTMCEvent* fpHLTMC; //! transient /* Maximum required output size */ UInt_t fOutputSize; //! transient /** Apply particle cuts, before filling in AliHLTMCEvent */ Bool_t fApplyParticleCuts; // see above /// list of ESD objects to be skipped TString fSkippedEsdObjects; //! transient ClassDef(AliHLTESDMCEventPublisherComponent, 0) }; #endif