// $Id$ /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Matthias Richter * * for The ALICE HLT Project. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /** @file AliHLTFilePublisher.cxx @author Matthias Richter @date @brief HLT file publisher component implementation. */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #if __GNUC__>= 3 using namespace std; #endif #include "AliHLTFilePublisher.h" #include "AliLog.h" //#include #include #include /** ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods */ ClassImp(AliHLTFilePublisher) AliHLTFilePublisher::AliHLTFilePublisher() : AliHLTDataSource(), fpCurrent(NULL), fEvents(), fMaxSize(0), fOpenFilesAtStart(false), fOutputDataTypes() { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt // make the lists owners of their objects in order to automatically // de-allocate the objects fEvents.SetOwner(); } AliHLTFilePublisher::~AliHLTFilePublisher() { // see header file for class documentation // file list and file name list are owner of their objects and // delete all the objects } const char* AliHLTFilePublisher::GetComponentID() { // see header file for class documentation return "FilePublisher"; } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTFilePublisher::GetOutputDataType() { // see header file for class documentation if (fOutputDataTypes.size()==0) return kAliHLTVoidDataType; else if (fOutputDataTypes.size()==1) return fOutputDataTypes[0]; return kAliHLTMultipleDataType; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& tgtList) { // see header file for class documentation tgtList.assign(fOutputDataTypes.begin(), fOutputDataTypes.end()); HLTInfo("%s %p provides %d output data types", GetComponentID(), this, fOutputDataTypes.size()); return fOutputDataTypes.size(); } void AliHLTFilePublisher::GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ) { // see header file for class documentation constBase=fMaxSize; inputMultiplier=1.0; } AliHLTComponent* AliHLTFilePublisher::Spawn() { // see header file for class documentation return new AliHLTFilePublisher; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::DoInit( int argc, const char** argv ) { // see header file for class documentation //HLTDebug("%d %s", argc, argv[0]); int iResult=0; TString argument=""; int bMissingParam=0; int bHaveDatatype=0; int bHaveSpecification=0; fOpenFilesAtStart = false; AliHLTComponentDataType currDataType=kAliHLTVoidDataType; AliHLTUInt32_t currSpecification=kAliHLTVoidDataSpec; EventFiles* pCurrEvent=NULL; for (int i=0; i=0; i++) { argument=argv[i]; if (argument.IsNull()) continue; // -datafile if (argument.CompareTo("-datafile")==0) { if ((bMissingParam=(++i>=argc))) break; if (!bHaveDatatype) { HLTWarning("no data type available so far, please set data type and specification before the file name. The first available data type will be set for all files preceding it"); } FileDesc* pDesc=new FileDesc(argv[i], currDataType, currSpecification); if (pDesc) { iResult=InsertFile(pCurrEvent, pDesc); } else { iResult=-ENOMEM; } // -datafilelist } else if (argument.CompareTo("-datafilelist")==0) { if ((bMissingParam=(++i>=argc))) break; HLTWarning("-datafilelist option not yet implemented"); // -datatype } else if (argument.CompareTo("-datatype")==0) { currDataType=kAliHLTVoidDataType; if ((bMissingParam=(++i>=argc))) break; memcpy(&currDataType.fID, argv[i], TMath::Min(kAliHLTComponentDataTypefIDsize, (Int_t)strlen(argv[i]))); if ((bMissingParam=(++i>=argc))) break; memcpy(&currDataType.fOrigin, argv[i], TMath::Min(kAliHLTComponentDataTypefOriginSize, (Int_t)strlen(argv[i]))); // add all different data types to the list AliHLTComponentDataTypeList::iterator element=fOutputDataTypes.begin(); while (element!=fOutputDataTypes.end() && *element!=currDataType) element++; if (element==fOutputDataTypes.end()) fOutputDataTypes.push_back(currDataType); if (bHaveDatatype==0 && pCurrEvent && iResult>=0) { // this is a workaround to make old tutorials working which contain // the arguments in the wrong sequence TList& files=*pCurrEvent; // type conversion operator defined TObjLink *flnk=files.FirstLink(); while (flnk) { FileDesc* pFileDesc=dynamic_cast(flnk->GetObject()); if (pFileDesc) { pFileDesc->SetDataType(currDataType); } flnk=flnk->Next(); } } bHaveDatatype=1; // -dataspec } else if (argument.CompareTo("-dataspec")==0) { if ((bMissingParam=(++i>=argc))) break; TString parameter(argv[i]); parameter.Remove(TString::kLeading, ' '); // remove all blanks if (parameter.IsDigit()) { currSpecification=(AliHLTUInt32_t)parameter.Atoi(); } else if (parameter.BeginsWith("0x") && parameter.Replace(0,2,"",0).IsHex()) { sscanf(parameter.Data(),"%x", &currSpecification); } else { HLTError("wrong parameter for argument %s, number expected", argument.Data()); iResult=-EINVAL; } if (bHaveSpecification==0 && pCurrEvent && iResult>=0) { // this is a workaround to make old tutorials working which contain // the arguments in the wrong sequence TList& files=*pCurrEvent; // type conversion operator defined TObjLink *flnk=files.FirstLink(); while (flnk) { FileDesc* pFileDesc=dynamic_cast(flnk->GetObject()); if (pFileDesc) { pFileDesc->SetSpecification(currSpecification); } flnk=flnk->Next(); } } bHaveSpecification=1; // -nextevent } else if (argument.CompareTo("-nextevent")==0) { InsertEvent(pCurrEvent); } else if (argument.CompareTo("-open_files_at_start")==0) { fOpenFilesAtStart = true; } else { if ((iResult=ScanArgument(argc-i, &argv[i]))==-EINVAL) { HLTError("unknown argument %s", argument.Data()); break; } else if (iResult==-EPROTO) { bMissingParam=1; break; } else if (iResult>=0) { i+=iResult; iResult=0; } } } InsertEvent(pCurrEvent); if (bMissingParam) { HLTError("missing parameter for argument %s", argument.Data()); iResult=-EINVAL; } if (fEvents.GetSize()==0) { HLTError("the publisher needs at least one file argument"); iResult=-EINVAL; } if (iResult>=0) iResult=OpenFiles(fOpenFilesAtStart); if (iResult<0) { fEvents.Clear(); } return iResult; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::InsertFile(EventFiles* &pCurrEvent, FileDesc* pDesc) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; if (pDesc) { if (pCurrEvent==NULL) { pCurrEvent=new EventFiles; if (pCurrEvent!=NULL) { } else { iResult=-ENOMEM; } } if (iResult>=0 && pCurrEvent!=NULL) { HLTDebug("Insert file %p to event %p", pDesc, pCurrEvent); pCurrEvent->Add(pDesc); } } else { iResult=-EINVAL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::InsertEvent(EventFiles* &pEvent) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; if (pEvent) { HLTDebug("Inserted event %p", pEvent); fEvents.Add(pEvent); pEvent=NULL; } return iResult; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::ScanArgument(int argc, const char** argv) { // see header file for class documentation // there are no other arguments than the standard ones if (argc==0 && argv==NULL) { // this is just to get rid of the warning "unused parameter" } return -EINVAL; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::OpenFiles(bool keepOpen) { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; TObjLink *lnk=fEvents.FirstLink(); while (lnk && iResult>=0) { EventFiles* pEventDesc=dynamic_cast(lnk->GetObject()); if (pEventDesc) { HLTDebug("open files for event %p", pEventDesc); TList& files=*pEventDesc; // type conversion operator defined TObjLink *flnk=files.FirstLink(); int eventSize=0; while (flnk && iResult>=0) { FileDesc* pFileDesc=dynamic_cast(flnk->GetObject()); if (pFileDesc) { int size=pFileDesc->OpenFile(); if (not keepOpen) pFileDesc->CloseFile(); if (size<0) { iResult=size; HLTError("can not open file %s", pFileDesc->GetName()); } else { eventSize+=size; } } flnk=flnk->Next(); } HLTDebug("event %p size %d", pEventDesc, eventSize); if (fMaxSizeNext(); } return iResult; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::DoDeinit() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; fEvents.Clear(); return iResult; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::GetEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& /*evtData*/, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& /*trigData*/, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ) { // see header file for class documentation // process data events only if (!IsDataEvent()) return 0; AliHLTUInt32_t capacity=size; size=0; int iResult=0; TObjLink *lnk=fpCurrent; if (lnk==NULL) lnk=fEvents.FirstLink(); fpCurrent=lnk; if (lnk) { EventFiles* pEventDesc=dynamic_cast(lnk->GetObject()); if (pEventDesc) { HLTDebug("publishing files for event %p", pEventDesc); TList& files=*pEventDesc; // type conversion operator defined TObjLink *flnk=files.FirstLink(); int iTotalSize=0; while (flnk && iResult>=0) { FileDesc* pFileDesc=dynamic_cast(flnk->GetObject()); if (not fOpenFilesAtStart) pFileDesc->OpenFile(); TFile* pFile=NULL; if (pFileDesc && (pFile=*pFileDesc)!=NULL) { int iCopy=pFile->GetSize(); pFile->Seek(0); if (iCopy+iTotalSize<=(int)capacity) { if (pFile->ReadBuffer((char*)outputPtr+iTotalSize, iCopy)!=0) { // ReadBuffer returns 1 in case of failure and 0 in case of success iResult=-EIO; } else { AliHLTComponentBlockData bd; FillBlockData(bd); bd.fPtr=outputPtr; bd.fOffset=iTotalSize; bd.fSize=iCopy; bd.fDataType=*pFileDesc; // type conversion operator defined bd.fSpecification=*pFileDesc; // type conversion operator defined outputBlocks.push_back(bd); iTotalSize+=iCopy; // TString msg; // msg.Form("get file %s ", pFile->GetName()); // msg+="data type \'%s\'"; // PrintDataTypeContent(bd.fDataType, msg.Data()); } } else { // output buffer too small, update GetOutputDataSize for the second trial fMaxSize=iCopy; iResult=-ENOSPC; } if (not fOpenFilesAtStart) pFileDesc->CloseFile(); } else { HLTError("no file available"); iResult=-EFAULT; } flnk=flnk->Next(); } size=iTotalSize; } else { HLTError("can not get event descriptor from list link"); iResult=-EFAULT; } } else { iResult=-ENOENT; } if (iResult>=0 && fpCurrent) fpCurrent=fpCurrent->Next(); return iResult; } // AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTFilePublisher::GetCurrentDataType() const // { // return kAliHLTVoidDataType; // } // AliHLTUInt32_t AliHLTFilePublisher::GetCurrentSpecification() const // { // return 0; // } AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc::FileDesc(const char* name, AliHLTComponentDataType dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec) : TObject(), fName(name), fpInstance(NULL), fDataType(dt), fSpecification(spec) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt } AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc::~FileDesc() { // see header file for class documentation CloseFile(); } void AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc::CloseFile() { // see header file for class documentation if (fpInstance) { // Unfortunately had to use AliLog mechanisms rather that AliHLTLogging because // AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc does not derive from AliHLTLogging. It would // become a rather heavy class if it did. #ifdef __DEBUG AliDebugGeneral("AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc", 2, Form("File %s has been closed.", fName.Data()) ); #endif delete fpInstance; } fpInstance=NULL; } int AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc::OpenFile() { // see header file for class documentation int iResult=0; TString fullFN= fName + "?filetype=raw"; fpInstance = new TFile(fullFN); if (fpInstance) { if (fpInstance->IsZombie()==0) { iResult=fpInstance->GetSize(); #ifdef __DEBUG AliDebugGeneral("AliHLTFilePublisher::FileDesc", 2, Form("File %s has been opened.", fName.Data()) ); #endif } else { iResult=-ENOENT; } } return iResult; }