// -*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTFILEPUBLISHER_H #define ALIHLTFILEPUBLISHER_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * // @file AliHLTFilePublisher.h // @author Matthias Richter // @date // @brief An HLT file publishing (data source) component. // @note The class is used in Offline (AliRoot) context // #include "AliHLTDataSource.h" #include class TFile; /** * @class AliHLTFilePublisher * An HLT data source component which publishes data from one or a sequence * of files.
* *

General properties:

* * Component ID: \b FilePublisher
* Library: \b libAliHLTUtil.so
* Input Data Types: none
* Output Data Types: according to arguments
* *

Mandatory arguments:

* * \li -datafile filename * \li -datafilelist configfile
* read arguments from a configfile * \li -datatype datatype dataorigin
* data type ID and origin, e.g. -datatype 'CLUSTERS' 'TPC ' * \li -dataspec specification
* data specification treated as decimal number or hex number if * prepended by '0x' * *

Optional arguments:

* \li -open_files_at_start * Opens all files during component initialisation rather than as needed * during event processing. Note: this feature may result in the system * running out of file handles if a large number of files was specified. * \li -nextevent * indicate files published by the next event * *


* * Configuration by component arguments. * *

Default CDB entries:

* The component loads no CDB entries. * *


* The component does not process any event data. * *

Memory consumption:

* The component does not process any event data. * *

Output size:

* According to the available data. The component is an AliHLTDataSource * and inteded to be used in the AliHLTSystem framework only. The component * implements the standard AliHLTSystem adaptive buffer allocation. * * The component needs at least one argument \em -datafile or \em -datafilelist. * Both can occur multiple times. The \em -datatype and \em -dataspec * parameters are valid for all files until the next occurrence of * \em -datatype/spec. * All files er published within one event, unless the \em -nexevent specifies * where to break into multiple events. * * @ingroup alihlt_util_components */ class AliHLTFilePublisher : public AliHLTDataSource { public: /** standard constructor */ AliHLTFilePublisher(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTFilePublisher(); const char* GetComponentID(); AliHLTComponentDataType GetOutputDataType(); int GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& tgtList); void GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ); AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); /** * Open all files. * Opens all files for all events from the event list @ref fEvents and adds TFile * objects to the internal list. It also calculates the maximum event size required. * @param keepOpen If this flag is true then the files are kept open, otherwise * this method will close the files afterwards. */ int OpenFiles(bool keepOpen); /** Get List of Events, needed in the RootFilePublisher.*/ TList* GetEventList() { return &fEvents;} /** Set if root files instead of raw files should be read, * needed in the RootFilePublisher. * @param isRaw kTRUE if raw file, kFALSE for rootfile */ void SetIsRawFile( Bool_t isRaw ) { fIsRaw = isRaw; } protected: /** * Init method. */ virtual int DoInit( int argc, const char** argv ); /// inherited from AliHLTComponent: argument scan int ScanConfigurationArgument(int argc, const char** argv); /** * Deinit method. */ int DoDeinit(); /** * Data processing method for the component. * @param [in] evtData event data structure * @param [in] trigData trigger data structure * @param [in] outputPtr pointer to target buffer * @param [in,out] size input: size of target buffer * output:size of produced data * @param [in] outputBlocks list to receive output block descriptors * @return */ int GetEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ); using AliHLTDataSource::GetEvent; /** * Scan one argument and adjacent parameters. * Can be overloaded by child classes in order to add additional arguments * beyond the standard arguments of the file publisher. The method is called * whenever a non-standard argument is recognized. * @param argc size of the argument array * @param argv agument array for component initialization * @return number of processed members of the argv
* -EINVAL unknown argument
* -EPROTO parameter for argument missing
*/ virtual int ScanArgument(int argc, const char** argv); /** * Get the data type which is set for the current file */ //AliHLTComponentDataType GetCurrentDataType() const; /** * Get the data specification which is set for the current file */ //AliHLTUInt32_t GetCurrentSpecification() const; private: /** prohibit copy constructor */ AliHLTFilePublisher(const AliHLTFilePublisher&); /** prohibit assignment operator */ AliHLTFilePublisher& operator=(const AliHLTFilePublisher&); protected: /** * File descriptor. */ class FileDesc : public TObject { public: /** constructor not implemented */ FileDesc(); /** constructor to use */ FileDesc(const char* name, AliHLTComponentDataType dt, AliHLTUInt32_t spec, Bool_t isRaw=kTRUE); /** destructor */ ~FileDesc(); /** * Open the file. * @return size of the file, neg. error code if failed */ int OpenFile(); /** * Close the file handle. */ void CloseFile(); /** * Get name of the file. */ const char* GetName() const {return fName.Data();} /** * Set data type. */ int SetDataType(AliHLTComponentDataType dt) {fDataType=dt; return 0;} /** * Set data specification */ int SetSpecification(AliHLTUInt32_t spec) {fSpecification=spec; return 0;} // implicite type conversions operator TFile*() const {return fpInstance;} operator AliHLTComponentDataType() const {return fDataType;} operator AliHLTUInt32_t() const {return fSpecification;} private: /** prohibited copy constructor */ FileDesc(FileDesc&); /** prohibited copy operator */ FileDesc& operator=(FileDesc&); /** is raw (kTRUE) or root (kFALSE) file */ Bool_t fIsRaw; //! transient /** file name */ TString fName; //! transient /** file instance */ TFile* fpInstance; //! transient /** data type */ AliHLTComponentDataType fDataType; //! transient /** data specification */ AliHLTUInt32_t fSpecification; //! transient }; /** * Compound to store all files and meta information for one event. */ class EventFiles : public TObject { public: /** constructor */ EventFiles() : fFiles(), fSize(0) {fFiles.SetOwner();} /** destructor */ ~EventFiles() {} /** * Add a file descriptor */ void Add(TObject* pObj) {fFiles.Add(pObj);} operator TList&() {return fFiles;} operator TList*() {return &fFiles;} private: /** list of file names for the event */ TList fFiles; //! transient /** size of all the files in that event */ Int_t fSize; //! transient }; /** * Insert a file descriptor into the event descriptor. * If the event descriptor is NULL it is created before the file descriptor * is inserted. * @param pCurrEvent reference of the event descriptor pointer * @param pDesc file decriptor * @return neg. error value if failed */ int InsertFile(EventFiles* &pCurrEvent, FileDesc* pDesc); /** * Insert an event. * The event descriptor is added to the list and the reference is cleared. * @param pEvent event decriptor * @return neg. error value if failed */ int InsertEvent(EventFiles* &pEvent); /** the current event */ TObjLink *fpCurrent; //! transient /** the list of events to be published */ TList fEvents; //! transient /** the maximum buffer size i.e. size of the biggest file */ Int_t fMaxSize; //! transient /** Flag specifying if all the files should be opened during initialisation. */ bool fOpenFilesAtStart; //! transient /** output data types */ AliHLTComponentDataTypeList fOutputDataTypes; //! transient /** Is raw file (kTRUE) [default] or root file (kFALSE). */ Bool_t fIsRaw; //! transient ClassDef(AliHLTFilePublisher, 0) }; #endif