//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTOUTPUBLISHERCOMPONENT_H #define ALIHLTOUTPUBLISHERCOMPONENT_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * /** @file AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent.h @author Matthias Richter @date 2008-06-11 @brief A data publisher for data block out of the HLTOUT data */ #include "AliHLTOfflineDataSource.h" /** * @class AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent * A data publisher component for data blocks out of the HLTOUT data. * All data blocks forwarded to the HLTOUT (either real or simulated), * are encoded in HOMER format and stored in the HLT data links, or * eventually the HLT digit file in case of simulation. * * This component publishes data blocks out of the HLTOUT data. To the * subscribing components the data blocks seem to come directly from * the producing component in the HLT analysis chain. The HLTOUT is just * a transparent transport layer. Filter rules by data type and * specification can be applied. * *

General properties:

* * Component ID: \b AliHLTOUTPublisher
* Library: \b libAliHLTUtil.so
* Input Data Types: none
* Output Data Types: according to parameters and content of the HLTOUT
* *

Mandatory arguments:

* * *

Optional arguments:

* * \li -datatype id origin
* e.g. -datatype 'ESD_TREE' 'TPC '
* \b Note: due to the 4-character data origin it might be necessary to * append a blank to the detectorname, e.g. TPC -> 'TPC ' * * \li -origin origin
* e.g. -origin 'TPC ', \b Note: the filter rule has type id 'ANY' * * \li -typeid id
* e.g. -typeid ESD_TREE, \b Note: the filter rule has origin 'ANY' * * \li -dataspec specification
* data specification treated as decimal number or hex number if * prepended by '0x' * * \li -verbose
* print out some more info messages, mainly for the sake of tutorials * *


* * Configuration by component arguments. * *

Default CDB entries:

* The component loads no CDB entries. * *


* The component does not process any event data. * *

Memory consumption:

* The component does not process any event data. * *

Output size:

* According to the available and selected data. The component is an * AliHLTDataSource and inteded to be used in the AliHLTSystem framework * only. The component implements the standard AliHLTSystem adaptive * buffer allocation. * * By default, all blocks will be published. By means of the \em -datatype, * \em -origin, and \em -typeid arguments, the blocks can be selected. A list * of filter rules can be built up by multiple usage of the arguments. Each * time a new filter rule is added. * * No filtering by the data specification is applied unless then \em * -specification argument is used. The specification applies to to the * current filter rule, regardless of the sequence of -datatype/-specification * arguments. * * @ingroup alihlt_util_components */ class AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent : public AliHLTOfflineDataSource { public: /** standard constructor */ AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent(); const char* GetComponentID(); AliHLTComponentDataType GetOutputDataType(); int GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& tgtList); void GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ); virtual AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); protected: int DoInit( int argc, const char** argv ); int DoDeinit(); /** * Data source method. * @param evtData event data structure * @param trigData trigger data structure * @param outputPtr pointer to target buffer * @param size input: size of target buffer * output:size of produced data * @param outputBlocks list to receive output block descriptors * @return neg. error code if failed */ int GetEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ); using AliHLTOfflineDataSource::GetEvent; protected: private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent(const AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent& operator=(const AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent&); /** filtering rules, only the data type and specification members are use */ AliHLTComponentBlockDataList fFilterRules; //! transient /** maximum output size */ int fMaxSize; //! ClassDef(AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent, 0); }; #endif