// $Id: AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent.cxx 36709 2009-11-12 16:57:55Z odjuvsla $ /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Authors: Oystein Djuvsland * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterizer.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterAnalyser.h" #include "AliHLTCaloRecPointDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloRecPointHeaderStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloDigitContainerDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloDefinitions.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloRecoParamHandler.h" #include "TString.h" /** @file AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent.cxx @author Oystein Djuvsland @date @brief A clusterizer component for PHOS HLT */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt ClassImp(AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent); AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent(TString det): AliHLTCaloProcessor(), AliHLTCaloConstantsHandler(det), fDataOrigin('\0'), fAnalyserPtr(0), fRecoParamsPtr(0), fDigitsPointerArray(0), fOutputDigitsArray(0), fClusterizerPtr(0), fDigitCount(0), fCopyDigitsToOuput(kTRUE) { //See headerfile for documentation } AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::~AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent() { //See headerfile for documentation delete fAnalyserPtr; if (fClusterizerPtr) { delete fClusterizerPtr; fClusterizerPtr = 0; } } int AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::DoEvent(const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& /*trigData*/, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, std::vector& outputBlocks) { //See headerfile for documentation if (blocks == 0) return 0; UInt_t offset = 0; UInt_t mysize = 0; Int_t nRecPoints = 0; Int_t nDigits = 0; Int_t digCount = 0; UInt_t availableSize = size; AliHLTUInt8_t* outBPtr; outBPtr = outputPtr; const AliHLTComponentBlockData* iter = 0; unsigned long ndx; UInt_t specification = 0; AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct *digitDataPtr = 0; // Adding together all the digits, should be put in standalone method for ( ndx = 0; ndx < evtData.fBlockCnt; ndx++ ) { iter = blocks+ndx; if (iter->fDataType == (AliHLTCaloDefinitions::fgkDigitDataType|fDataOrigin)) { // Update the number of digits nDigits = iter->fSize/sizeof(AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct); availableSize -= iter->fSize; specification = specification|iter->fSpecification; digitDataPtr = reinterpret_cast(iter->fPtr); // We copy the digits to the digit buffer used by the clusterizer // This is convinient since we want the digits from all DDLs before starting // Could be changed if this is a bottle neck. for (Int_t i = 0; i < nDigits; i++) { fDigitsPointerArray[digCount] = digitDataPtr; digCount++; digitDataPtr++; } } } if (digCount > 0) { AliHLTCaloClusterHeaderStruct* caloClusterHeaderPtr = reinterpret_cast(outBPtr); caloClusterHeaderPtr->fNDigits = digCount; outBPtr += sizeof(AliHLTCaloClusterHeaderStruct); mysize += sizeof(AliHLTCaloClusterHeaderStruct); // Sort the digit pointers // qsort(fDigitsPointerArray, digCount, sizeof(AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct*), CompareDigits); if (fCopyDigitsToOuput) { // Copy the digits to the output fOutputDigitsArray = reinterpret_cast(outBPtr); for (Int_t n = 0; n < digCount; n++) { memcpy(outBPtr, fDigitsPointerArray[n], sizeof(AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct)); //fOutputDigitsArray[n] = reinterpret_cast(outBPtr); outBPtr = outBPtr + sizeof(AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct); } } // Update the size of the output we have used, needs to be removed if we don't push the digits mysize += digCount*sizeof(AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct); // Do the clusterisation nRecPoints = fClusterizerPtr->ClusterizeEvent(digCount); HLTDebug("Number of rec points found: %d", nRecPoints); // Give the cluster output to the analyser fAnalyserPtr->SetCaloClusterData(reinterpret_cast(outBPtr)); // Give the rec points to the analyser (input) fAnalyserPtr->SetRecPointArray(fClusterizerPtr->GetRecPoints(), nRecPoints); // Give the digits to the analyser //fAnalyserPtr->SetDigitDataArray(fOutputDigitsArray); fAnalyserPtr->SetDigitDataArray(fDigitsPointerArray); // Then we create the clusters Int_t nClusters = fAnalyserPtr->CreateClusters(nRecPoints, size, mysize); if (nClusters < 0) { HLTError("Error in clusterisation"); caloClusterHeaderPtr->fNClusters = 0; } else { caloClusterHeaderPtr->fNClusters = nClusters; } HLTDebug("Number of clusters: %d", nRecPoints); AliHLTComponentBlockData bd; FillBlockData( bd ); bd.fOffset = offset; bd.fSize = mysize; bd.fDataType = kAliHLTDataTypeCaloCluster | fDataOrigin; bd.fSpecification = specification; outputBlocks.push_back( bd ); } size = mysize; return 0; } int AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::Reconfigure(const char* cdbEntry, const char* /*chainId*/) { // see header file for class documentation const char* path="HLT/ConfigPHOS/ClusterizerComponent"; if (cdbEntry) path = cdbEntry; return ConfigureFromCDBTObjString(cdbEntry); } int AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::ScanConfigurationArgument(int argc, const char **argv) { //See header file for documentation if (argc <= 0) return 0; int i=0; TString argument=argv[i]; if (argument.CompareTo("-digitthreshold") == 0) { if (++i >= argc) return -EPROTO; argument = argv[i]; fClusterizerPtr->SetEmcMinEnergyThreshold(argument.Atof()); return 1; } if (argument.CompareTo("-recpointthreshold") == 0) { if (++i >= argc) return -EPROTO; argument = argv[i]; fClusterizerPtr->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(argument.Atof()); return 1; } if (argument.CompareTo("-cutonsinglecell") == 0) { if (++i >= argc) return -EPROTO; argument = argv[i]; fAnalyserPtr->SetCutOnSingleCellClusters(true, argument.Atof()); return 1; } if (argument.CompareTo("-sortbyposition") == 0) { fClusterizerPtr->SetSortDigitsByPosition(); return 1; } return 0; } int AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::DoInit(int argc, const char** argv ) { //See headerfile for documentation fDigitsPointerArray = new AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct*[fCaloConstants->GetNXCOLUMNSMOD()*fCaloConstants->GetNZROWSMOD()]; fClusterizerPtr = new AliHLTCaloClusterizer(fCaloConstants->GetDETNAME()); fClusterizerPtr->SetDigitArray(fDigitsPointerArray); fClusterizerPtr->SetSortDigitsByEnergy(); fAnalyserPtr = new AliHLTCaloClusterAnalyser(); if (fCaloConstants->GetDETNAME() == "PHOS") { fAnalyserPtr->SetClusterType(kPHOSCluster); } else if (fCaloConstants->GetDETNAME() == "EMCAL") { fAnalyserPtr->SetClusterType(kEMCALClusterv1); } else { fAnalyserPtr->SetClusterType(kUndef); } InitialiseGeometry(); if (fRecoParamsPtr) { if (!fRecoParamsPtr->GetParametersFromCDB()) { fAnalyserPtr->SetRecoParamHandler(fRecoParamsPtr); fClusterizerPtr->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(fRecoParamsPtr->GetRecPointThreshold()); fClusterizerPtr->SetEmcMinEnergyThreshold(fRecoParamsPtr->GetRecPointMemberThreshold()); } } // // const char *path = "HLT/ConfigPHOS/ClusterizerComponent"; // ConfigureFromCDBTObjString(path); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { ScanConfigurationArgument(i, argv); } return 0; } int AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::DoDeinit() { // See header file for documentation if (fDigitsPointerArray) { delete [] fDigitsPointerArray; fDigitsPointerArray = 0; } if (fClusterizerPtr) { delete fClusterizerPtr; fClusterizerPtr = 0; } if (fAnalyserPtr) { delete fAnalyserPtr; fAnalyserPtr = 0; } return 0; } Int_t AliHLTCaloClusterizerComponent::CompareDigits(const void *dig0, const void *dig1) { // See header file for documentation return (*((AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct**)(dig0)))->fID - (*((AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct**)(dig1)))->fID; //return (*((AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct**)(dig0)))->fID - (*((AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct**)(dig1)))->fID; }