/************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Svein Lindal * * for The ALICE HLT Project. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /// @file AliHLTEveCalo.cxx /// @author Svein Lindal /// @brief Calorimeter base class for the HLT EVE display #include "TCollection.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "AliHLTEveCalo.h" #include "AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "AliHLTEveBase.h" #include "TEveBoxSet.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "TVector3.h" #include "AliEveHLTEventManager.h" #include "TEveManager.h" #include "AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterReader.h" #include "TEveTrans.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TRefArray.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" ClassImp(AliHLTEveCalo); AliHLTEveCalo::AliHLTEveCalo(Int_t nm, TString name) : AliHLTEveBase(name), fBoxSetDigits(NULL), fBoxSetClusters(NULL), fNModules(nm), fClustersArray(NULL), fName(name), fPadTitles(NULL), fInvMassCanvas(NULL) { // Constructor. SetMaxHistograms(9); fPadTitles = new TString[GetMaxHistograms()]; for(int i = 0; i < GetMaxHistograms(); i++) { fPadTitles[i] = ""; } fClustersArray = new TRefArray(); } AliHLTEveCalo::~AliHLTEveCalo() { //Destructor if(fBoxSetDigits) delete fBoxSetDigits; fBoxSetDigits = NULL; if(fBoxSetClusters) delete fBoxSetClusters; fBoxSetClusters = NULL; if(fPadTitles) delete [] fPadTitles; fPadTitles = NULL; } void AliHLTEveCalo::ProcessBlock(AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block) { //See header file for documentation if ( block->GetDataType().CompareTo("ROOTHIST") == 0 ) { ProcessHistogram(block); } else { if ( block->GetDataType().CompareTo("CALOCLUS") == 0 ){ //cout <<"Skipping calo clusters"<GetDataType().CompareTo("DIGITTYP") == 0 ) { //ProcessDigits( block); // } else if ( block->GetDataType().CompareTo("CHANNELT") == 0 ) { //ProcessClusters( block ); } else if (!block->GetDataType().CompareTo("ALIESDV0")) { ProcessEsdBlock(block); } } } void AliHLTEveCalo::ProcessHistogram(AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block ) { //See header file for documentation if(!fCanvas) { fCanvas = CreateCanvas(Form("%s QA", fName.Data()), Form("%s QA", fName.Data())); fCanvas->Divide(3, 3); } if(!fInvMassCanvas) { fInvMassCanvas = CreateCanvas(Form("%s IM", fName.Data()), Form("%s IM", fName.Data())); fInvMassCanvas->Divide(3, 2); } AddHistogramsToCanvas(block, fCanvas, fHistoCount); } // void AliHLTEveCalo::ProcessDigits(AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc* block) { // //See header file for documentation // AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct *ds = reinterpret_cast (block->GetData()); // UInt_t nDigits = block->GetSize()/sizeof(AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct); // for(UInt_t i = 0; i < nDigits; i++, ds++) { // Float_t x = (ds->fX - 32)* 2.2; // Float_t z = (ds->fZ - 28) * 2.2; // fBoxSetDigits[4-ds->fModule].AddBox(x, 0, z, 2.2, ds->fEnergy*200, 2.2); // fBoxSetDigits[4-ds->fModule].DigitValue(static_cast(ds->fEnergy*10)); // } // } void AliHLTEveCalo::ProcessEsdBlock(AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block) { AliESDEvent * event = dynamic_cast(block->GetTObject()); if (event) { ProcessEvent(event); } else { cout << "problem getting the event!"<(fClustersArray->At(ic)); ProcessESDCluster(cluster); } } void AliHLTEveCalo::ProcessClusters(AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc* block) { //See header file for documentation AliHLTCaloClusterHeaderStruct *dh = reinterpret_cast (block->GetData()); AliHLTCaloClusterReader * clusterReader = new AliHLTCaloClusterReader(); clusterReader->SetMemory(dh); AliHLTCaloClusterDataStruct * ds; while( (ds = clusterReader->NextCluster()) ){ AddClusters(ds->fGlobalPos, ds->fModule, ds->fEnergy); } AliHLTCaloDigitDataStruct *dg = clusterReader->GetDigits(); UInt_t nDigits = clusterReader->GetNDigits();; for(UInt_t i = 0; i < nDigits; i++, dg++) { AddDigits(dg->fX, dg->fZ, dg->fModule, dg->fEnergy); } } void AliHLTEveCalo::UpdateElements() { //See header file for documentation if(fCanvas) fCanvas->Update(); if(fInvMassCanvas) fInvMassCanvas->Update(); if(fBoxSetDigits) { for(int im = 0; im < fNModules; im++) { fBoxSetDigits[im].ElementChanged(); } } if(fBoxSetClusters) { for(int im = 0; im < fNModules; im++) { fBoxSetClusters[im].ElementChanged(); } } } void AliHLTEveCalo::ResetElements(){ //See header file for documentation fHistoCount = 0; if ( fBoxSetDigits ){ for(int im = 0; im < fNModules; im++){ fBoxSetDigits[im].Reset(); } } if ( fBoxSetClusters ){ for(int im = 0; im < fNModules; im++){ fBoxSetClusters[im].Reset(); } } } Int_t AliHLTEveCalo::GetPadNumber(TString name) { for(int i = 0; i < GetMaxHistograms(); i++) { if (!fPadTitles[i].CompareTo(name)){ return i+1; } else if (!fPadTitles[i].CompareTo("")) { //cout <<"in empty title"<GetPadNUmber():returning one"<cd(++fHistoCount); histo->SetAxisRange(histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(histo->FindFirstBinAbove(0, 1) - 3), histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo->FindLastBinAbove(0, 1) + 3), "X"); //histo->Fit("gaus", "", "", histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(histo->FindFirstBinAbove(0, 1)), histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo->FindLastBinAbove(0, 1))); histo->Draw(); } void AliHLTEveCalo::AddHistogramsToCanvas(AliHLTHOMERBlockDesc * block, TCanvas * canvas, Int_t &/*cdCount*/) { //See header file for documentation if ( ! block->GetClassName().CompareTo("TObjArray")) { TIter next((TObjArray*)(block->GetTObject())); TObject *object; while (( object = (TObject*) next())) { TString name = static_cast(object)->GetName(); if(name.Contains("InvMass")){ DrawInvMassHistogram(static_cast(object)); } else { Int_t iPad = GetPadNumber(name); canvas->cd(iPad); //Check if histo is 2D histo TH2F* histo2 = dynamic_cast(object); if(histo2){ Int_t lb = histo2->FindLastBinAbove(0,1); if(lb > -1) { histo2->SetAxisRange(0, histo2->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo2->FindLastBinAbove(0, 1) + 3), "X"); histo2->SetAxisRange(0, histo2->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo2->FindLastBinAbove(0, 2) + 3), "Y"); } histo2->Draw("COLZ"); } //Must be 1D histo else { TH1F* histo = dynamic_cast(object); if (histo) { TString name2 = histo->GetName(); if(name2.Contains("Energy")) { histo->SetAxisRange(0, histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo->FindLastBinAbove(0, 1) + 3), "X"); } histo->Draw(); } else { cout <<"AliHLTEveCaloBase::AddHistogramsTocCanvas: Histogram neither TH1F nor TH2F"<GetClassName().CompareTo("TH1F")) { TH1F* histo = reinterpret_cast(block->GetTObject()); if(histo) { Int_t iPad = GetPadNumber(histo->GetName()); canvas->cd(iPad); histo->Draw(); } } else if ( ! block->GetClassName().CompareTo("TH2F")) { TH2F *histo = reinterpret_cast(block->GetTObject()); if(histo) { Int_t iPad = GetPadNumber(histo->GetName()); canvas->cd(iPad); histo->Draw(); } } canvas->cd(); }