#ifndef ALIL3ITSVERTEXERZ_H #define ALIL3ITSVERTEXERZ_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // High Level Trigger ITS vertexer // This class is a fast version of the off-line AliITSVertexerZ. // The two main differences with respect to the off-line vertexer // are the splitting of the clusters in phi bins and the filling // of local arrays instead of root histograms. // // Origin: Cvetan Cheshkov, CERN, Cvetan.Cheshkov@cern.ch //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliITSVertexerZ.h" class TString; class TTree; class AliITSgeom; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AliHLTITSVertexerZ : public AliITSVertexerZ { public: AliHLTITSVertexerZ(); AliHLTITSVertexerZ(TString filename,Float_t x0=0., Float_t y0=0.); AliESDVertex* FindVertexForCurrentEvent(Int_t evnumb); AliESDVertex* FindVertexForCurrentEvent(AliITSgeom *geom,TTree *tR); ClassDef(AliHLTITSVertexerZ,1) //HLT ITS vertexer }; typedef AliHLTITSVertexerZ AliL3ITSVertexerZ; // for backward compatibility #endif