//-*- Mode: C++ -*- #ifndef ALIHLTJETBASE_H #define ALIHLTJETBASE_H /* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /** @file AliHLTJETBase.h @author Jochen Thaeder @date @brief Base functionality for HLT JET package */ #include "AliHLTLogging.h" #include "TObject.h" enum GridIndex_t { kIdxPrimary, kIdxOutter, kIdxEtaPrimary, kIdxPhiPrimary, kIdxPhiOutter }; enum EtaPhiIndex_t { kIdxEta, kIdxPhi, kIdxPt }; enum TrackType_t { kTrackMC, kTrackESD, kTrackAOD }; /** XXXX STILL TRUE??? Different type of how to add tracks to a jet 0 : check for radius compared to every track in selected cell -- default 1 : check for radius compared to center of selected cell 2 : take whole cell */ enum FinderType_t { kSquareCellRegion, kRadiusCellRegion, kRadius, kSquareArea }; /** * @class AliHLTJETBase * This class contains a Seed for the JetFinder * */ class AliHLTJETBase : public TObject, public AliHLTLogging { public: /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Constructor / Destructor * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Standard constructor */ AliHLTJETBase(); /** Destructor */ ~AliHLTJETBase(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTJETBase(const AliHLTJETBase&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTJETBase& operator=(const AliHLTJETBase&); /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Members - private * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ClassDef(AliHLTJETBase, 0) }; #endif #if 0 */ static Int_t GetCellIndex( const Double_t* aEtaPhi, Int_t* aGridIndex ); static void XYZtoRPhiEta( const Double_t *xyz, Double_t *rpe ); static void XYZEtoRPhiEtaPt( const Double_t *xyze, Double_t *rpep ); static void XYZEtoRPhiEtaPt( const Float_t *xyze, Double_t *rpep ); static void XYZEtoEPhiEtaPt( const Double_t *xyze, Double_t *epep ); static void XYZEtoEPhiEtaPt( const Float_t *xyze, Double_t *epep ); static Double_t GetPtFromXYZ( const Double_t *pxpypz ); static Double_t GetPtFromXYZ( const Float_t *pxpypz ); static Double_t GetPhiFromXYZ( const Double_t *xyz ); static Double_t GetPhiFromXYZ( const Float_t *xyz ); static Double_t GetEtaFromXYZ( const Double_t *xyz ); static Double_t GetEtaFromXYZ( const Float_t *xyz ); static Double_t GetDistance2( const Double_t eta1, const Double_t phi1, const Double_t eta2, const Double_t phi2); #endif