// -*- Mode: C++ -*- #ifndef ALIHLTMUONDECISION_H #define ALIHLTMUONDECISION_H /* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // $Id$ /// /// @file AliHLTMUONDecision.h /// @author Artur Szostak /// @date 12 May 2008 /// @brief Declaration of a dHLT decision object in ROOT object format. /// #include "TObject.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" class AliHLTMUONTrack; class AliHLTMUONMansoTrack; /** * AliHLTMUONDecision stores converted dHLT raw trigger decision data as a ROOT object. * Both AliHLTMUONSinglesDecisionBlockStruct and AliHLTMUONPairsDecisionBlockStruct * data blocks are converted into this class by the AliHLTMUONRootifierComponent. * This class is mainly for testing or as a helper object for dHLT specific analysis, * since it is sometimes easier to store and handle ROOT objects. */ class AliHLTMUONDecision : public TObject { /** * Stream operator for usage with std::ostream classes. * Allows usage such as: * AliHLTMUONDecision t; std::cout << t; */ friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& stream, const AliHLTMUONDecision& decision ); public: /** * The AliTrackDecision class stores per track trigger information. */ class AliTrackDecision : public TObject { /** * Stream operator for usage with std::ostream classes. */ friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const AliTrackDecision& decision); public: /** * Constructor for new single track trigger decision object. * \param pt The calculated pT value used for the trigger decision. * \param passedLowCut Flag indicating if the track passed the low pT cut. * \param passedHighCut Flag indicating if the track passed the high pT cut. * \param track Pointer to the associated track object. */ AliTrackDecision( Float_t pt = -1, Bool_t passedLowCut = kFALSE, Bool_t passedHighCut = kFALSE, const TObject* track = NULL ) : TObject(), fTrack(track), fPt(pt), fPassedLowCut(passedLowCut), fPassedHighCut(passedHighCut) {} /** * Copy constructor performs shallow copy of object since we * do not take ownership of the track object. */ AliTrackDecision(const AliTrackDecision& obj) : TObject(obj), fTrack(obj.fTrack), fPt(obj.fPt), fPassedLowCut(obj.fPassedLowCut), fPassedHighCut(obj.fPassedHighCut) {} /** * Asignment operators performs shallow copy of object since we * do not take ownership of the track object. */ AliTrackDecision& operator = (const AliTrackDecision& obj) { if (this==&obj) return *this; TObject::operator = (obj); fTrack = obj.fTrack; fPt = obj.fPt; fPassedLowCut = obj.fPassedLowCut; fPassedHighCut = obj.fPassedHighCut; return *this; } /** * Default destructor. */ virtual ~AliTrackDecision() {} /** * Returns the track associated with the trigger decision or NULL if none found. */ const TObject* Track() const { return fTrack; } /** * Returns the track associated with the trigger decision as a Manso track object. * NULL is returned if no track is found or the track object is not a Manso track. */ const AliHLTMUONMansoTrack* MansoTrack() const; /** * Returns the track associated with the trigger decision as a full track object. * NULL is returned if no track is found or the track object is not a full track. */ const AliHLTMUONTrack* FullTrack() const; /** * Returns the calculated pT value used for the trigger decision. */ Float_t Pt() const { return fPt; } /** * Returns kTRUE if the track passed the low pT cut, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t PassedLowPtCut() const { return fPassedLowCut; } /** * Returns kTRUE if the track passed the high pT cut, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t PassedHighPtCut() const { return fPassedHighCut; } /// Print method inherited from TObject. virtual void Print(Option_t* option = NULL) const; // Methods inherited from TObject virtual Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; } Int_t Compare(const TObject* obj) const; // Implement comparison operators. bool operator == (const AliTrackDecision& d) const { return fTrack == d.fTrack and fPt == d.fPt and fPassedLowCut == d.fPassedLowCut and fPassedHighCut == d.fPassedHighCut; } bool operator != (const AliTrackDecision& d) const { return not this->operator == (d); } private: const TObject* fTrack; ///< Track associated with this decision. Float_t fPt; ///< Calculated pT value used for decision (GeV/c). Bool_t fPassedLowCut; ///< Indicates if the track passed the low pT cut. Bool_t fPassedHighCut; ///< Indicates if the track passed the high pT cut. ClassDef(AliHLTMUONDecision::AliTrackDecision, 4); // A single track dHLT trigger decision object. }; /** * The AliPairDecision class stores trigger information about a track pair. */ class AliPairDecision : public TObject { /** * Stream operator for usage with std::ostream classes. */ friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const AliPairDecision& decision); public: /** * Constructor for new track pair trigger decision object. * \param mass The invariant mass of the track pair. * \param passedLowCut Indicates if the pair passed the low mass cut. * \param passedHighCut Indicates if the pair passed the high mass cut. * \param unlike Indicates if the tracks have opposite sign. * \param lowPtCount The number of tracks in the pair that passed the low pT cut. * Should be in the range [0..2]. * \param highPtCount The number of tracks in the pair that passed the high pT cut. * Should be in the range [0..2]. * \param trackA Pointer to the first associated track object. * \param trackB Pointer to the second associated track object. */ AliPairDecision( Float_t mass = -1, Bool_t passedLowCut = kFALSE, Bool_t passedHighCut = kFALSE, Bool_t unlike = kFALSE, UChar_t lowPtCount = 0, UChar_t highPtCount = 0, const TObject* trackA = NULL, const TObject* trackB = NULL ) : TObject(), fTrackA(trackA), fTrackB(trackB), fMass(mass), fPassedLowCut(passedLowCut), fPassedHighCut(passedHighCut), fUnlike(unlike), fLowPtCount(lowPtCount), fHighPtCount(highPtCount) {} /** * Copy constructor performs shallow copy of object since we * do not take ownership of the track objects. */ AliPairDecision(const AliPairDecision& obj) : TObject(obj), fTrackA(obj.fTrackA), fTrackB(obj.fTrackB), fMass(obj.fMass), fPassedLowCut(obj.fPassedLowCut), fPassedHighCut(obj.fPassedHighCut), fUnlike(obj.fUnlike), fLowPtCount(obj.fLowPtCount), fHighPtCount(obj.fHighPtCount) {} /** * Asignment operators performs shallow copy of object since we * do not take ownership of the track objects. */ AliPairDecision& operator = (const AliPairDecision& obj) { if (this==&obj) return *this; TObject::operator = (obj); fTrackA = obj.fTrackA; fTrackB = obj.fTrackB; fMass = obj.fMass; fPassedLowCut = obj.fPassedLowCut; fPassedHighCut = obj.fPassedHighCut; fUnlike = obj.fUnlike; fLowPtCount = obj.fLowPtCount; fHighPtCount = obj.fHighPtCount; return *this; } /** * Default destructor. */ virtual ~AliPairDecision() {} /** * Returns the first track associated with the track pair trigger decision * or NULL if none found. */ const TObject* TrackA() const { return fTrackA; } /** * Returns the first track associated with the pair decision as a Manso track object. * NULL is returned if no track is found or the track object is not a Manso track. */ const AliHLTMUONMansoTrack* MansoTrackA() const; /** * Returns the first track associated with the pair decision as a full track object. * NULL is returned if no track is found or the track object is not a full track. */ const AliHLTMUONTrack* FullTrackA() const; /** * Returns the second track associated with the track pair trigger decision * or NULL if none found. */ const TObject* TrackB() const { return fTrackB; } /** * Returns the second track associated with the pair decision as a Manso track object. * NULL is returned if no track is found or the track object is not a Manso track. */ const AliHLTMUONMansoTrack* MansoTrackB() const; /** * Returns the second track associated with the pair decision as a full track object. * NULL is returned if no track is found or the track object is not a full track. */ const AliHLTMUONTrack* FullTrackB() const; /** * Returns the calculated invariant mass value used for the trigger decision. */ Float_t Mass() const { return fMass; } /** * Returns kTRUE if the track pair passed the low invariant mass cut, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t PassedLowMassCut() const { return fPassedLowCut; } /** * Returns kTRUE if the track pair passed the high invariant mass cut, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t PassedHighMassCut() const { return fPassedHighCut; } /** * Returns kTRUE if the track pair has unlike sign, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t UnlikeSign() const { return fUnlike; } /** * Returns kTRUE if the track pair has like sign, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t LikeSign() const { return not fUnlike; } /** * Returns the number of tracks in the pair that passed the low pT cut. * Can be one of 0, 1 or 2. */ UChar_t NumberPassedLowPtCut() const { return fLowPtCount; } /** * Returns the number of tracks in the pair that passed the high pT cut. * Can be one of 0, 1 or 2. */ UChar_t NumberPassedHighPtCut() const { return fHighPtCount; } /** * Returns kTRUE if both tracks passed the low pT cut, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t BothPassedLowPtCut() const { return NumberPassedLowPtCut() == 2; } /** * Returns kTRUE if both tracks passed the high pT cut, else kFALSE. */ Bool_t BothPassedHighPtCut() const { return NumberPassedHighPtCut() == 2; } /// Print method inherited from TObject. virtual void Print(Option_t* option = NULL) const; // Methods inherited from TObject virtual Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; } Int_t Compare(const TObject* obj) const; // Implement comparison operators. bool operator == (const AliPairDecision& d) const { return fTrackA == d.fTrackA and fTrackB == d.fTrackB and fMass == d.fMass and fPassedLowCut == d.fPassedLowCut and fPassedHighCut == d.fPassedHighCut and fUnlike == d.fUnlike and fLowPtCount == d.fLowPtCount and fHighPtCount == d.fHighPtCount; } bool operator != (const AliPairDecision& d) const { return not this->operator == (d); } private: const TObject* fTrackA; ///< The first track associated with this pair decision. const TObject* fTrackB; ///< The second track associated with this pair decision. Float_t fMass; ///< The invariant mass used for the trigger decision. (GeV/c^2) Bool_t fPassedLowCut; ///< Indicates if the track passed the low mass cut. Bool_t fPassedHighCut; ///< Indicates if the track passed the high mass cut. Bool_t fUnlike; ///< Indicates if the track pair has unlike sign. UChar_t fLowPtCount; ///< The number of tracks in the pair that passed the low pT cut. UChar_t fHighPtCount; ///< The number of tracks in the pair that passed the high pT cut. ClassDef(AliHLTMUONDecision::AliPairDecision, 4); // A track pair dHLT trigger decision object. }; /** * Constructor for creating a dHLT decision object. * \param nLowPt Number of tracks above low pT cut. * \param nHiPt Number of tracks above high pT cut. * \param nUnlikeAnyPt Number of track pairs with unlike sign. * \param nUnlikeLowPt Number of unlike sign track pairs with pT > low cut. * \param nUnlikeHighPt Number of unlike sign track pairs with pT > high cut. * \param nLikeAnyPt Number of track pairs with like sign. * \param nLikeLowPt Number of like sign track pairs with pT > low cut. * \param nLikeHighPt Number of like sign track pairs with pT > high cut. * \param nMassAny Number of unlike sign track pairs with invariant mass > low cut. * \param nMassLow Number of unlike sign track pairs with invariant mass > low mass cut and pT > low pT cut. * \param nMassHigh Number of unlike sign track pairs with invariant mass > high mass cut and pT > high pT cut. */ AliHLTMUONDecision( UInt_t nLowPt = 0, UInt_t nHiPt = 0, UInt_t nUnlikeAnyPt = 0, UInt_t nUnlikeLowPt = 0, UInt_t nUnlikeHighPt = 0, UInt_t nLikeAnyPt = 0, UInt_t nLikeLowPt = 0, UInt_t nLikeHighPt = 0, UInt_t nMassAny = 0, UInt_t nMassLow = 0, UInt_t nMassHigh = 0 ); /** * Default destructor. */ virtual ~AliHLTMUONDecision() {} /** * Returns the number of single low pT triggers. */ UInt_t NumberOfLowPtTriggers() const { return fNlowPt; } /** * Returns the number of single high pT triggers. */ UInt_t NumberOfHighPtTriggers() const { return fNhighPt; } /** * Returns the number of unlike sign pt triggers. */ UInt_t NumberOfUnlikePairs() const { return fNunlikeAnyPt; } /** * Returns the number of unlike sign pT triggers, where both tracks have pT > low cut. */ UInt_t NumberOfUnlikeLowPtPairs() const { return fNunlikeLowPt; } /** * Returns the number of unlike sign pT triggers, where both tracks have pT > high cut. */ UInt_t NumberOfUnlikeHighPtPairs() const { return fNunlikeHighPt; } /** * Returns the number of like sign pt triggers. */ UInt_t NumberOfLikePairs() const { return fNlikeAnyPt; } /** * Returns the number of like sign pT triggers, where both tracks have pT > low cut. */ UInt_t NumberOfLikeLowPtPairs() const { return fNlikeLowPt; } /** * Returns the number of like sign pT triggers, where both tracks have pT > high cut. */ UInt_t NumberOfLikeHighPtPairs() const { return fNlikeHighPt; } /** * Returns the number of invariant mass triggers. */ UInt_t NumberOfMassTriggers() const { return fNmassAny; } /** * Returns the number of invariant mass triggers, * where invariant mass > low cut and both tracks have pT > low cut. */ UInt_t NumberOfLowMassTriggers() const { return fNmassLow; } /** * Returns the number of invariant mass triggers, * where invariant mass > high cut and both tracks have pT > high cut. */ UInt_t NumberOfHighMassTriggers() const { return fNmassHigh; } /** * Returns the total number of single tracks that formed part of this trigger decision. */ Int_t NumberOfTracks() const { return fTrackDecisions.GetEntriesFast(); } /** * Returns the i'th trigger decision for a single track. * \param i Should be in the range [0 .. NumberOfTracks()-1] */ const AliTrackDecision* SingleTrackDecision(Int_t i) const { return static_cast(fTrackDecisions.At(i)); } /** * Returns the total number of track pairs that formed part of this trigger decision. */ Int_t NumberOfPairs() const { return fPairDecisions.GetEntriesFast(); } /** * Returns the i'th trigger decision for a track pair. * \param i Should be in the range [0 .. NumberOfPairs()-1] */ const AliPairDecision* TrackPairDecision(Int_t i) const { return static_cast(fPairDecisions.At(i)); } /// Add a single track decision to the dHLT trigger. void AddDecision(const AliTrackDecision* decision); /// Add a single track decision to the dHLT trigger. void AddDecision( Float_t pt, Bool_t passedLowCut, Bool_t passedHighCut, const TObject* track ); /// Add a track pair decision to the dHLT trigger. void AddDecision(const AliPairDecision* decision); /// Add a track pair decision to the dHLT trigger. void AddDecision( Float_t mass, Bool_t passedLowCut, Bool_t passedHighCut, Bool_t unlike, UChar_t lowPtCount, UChar_t highPtCount, const TObject* trackA, const TObject* trackB ); /** * Prints the details of the dHLT decision to screen. * @param option A case sensitive string that can contain one of the * following strings: * "compact" - Prints just the trigger scalars. * "detail" - Prints also the track decision list in a compact format. * "all" - Prints all decision information and also the track decision details. * If the string contains an empty option or NULL then the default is * to print compactly. */ virtual void Print(Option_t* option = NULL) const; // Methods inherited from TObject virtual Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; } Int_t Compare(const TObject* obj) const; // Implement comparison operators. bool operator == (const AliHLTMUONDecision& track) const; bool operator != (const AliHLTMUONDecision& track) const { return not this->operator == (track); } private: // Do not allow copying of this class. AliHLTMUONDecision(const AliHLTMUONDecision& track); AliHLTMUONDecision& operator = (const AliHLTMUONDecision& track); UInt_t fNlowPt; ///< Number of low pt triggers. UInt_t fNhighPt; ///< Number of high pt triggers. /// Number of unlike sign pt triggers for both tracks having any pt. UInt_t fNunlikeAnyPt; /// Number of unlike sign low pt triggers where both tracks have pt > low cut. UInt_t fNunlikeLowPt; /// Number of unlike sign high pt triggers where both tracks have pt > high cut. UInt_t fNunlikeHighPt; /// Number of like sign pt triggers where both tracks have any pt. UInt_t fNlikeAnyPt; /// Number of like sign low pt triggers where both tracks have pt > low cut. UInt_t fNlikeLowPt; /// Number of like sign high pt triggers where both tracks have pt > high cut. UInt_t fNlikeHighPt; /// Number of pairs that have invariant mass > low mass cut, any pt and unlike sign. UInt_t fNmassAny; /// Number of pairs that have invariant mass > low mass cut, pt > low pt cut and unlike sign. UInt_t fNmassLow; /// Number of pairs that have invariant mass > high mass cut, pt > high pt cut and unlike sign. UInt_t fNmassHigh; TClonesArray fTrackDecisions; ///< Array of single track decision objects. TClonesArray fPairDecisions; ///< Array of track pair decision objects. ClassDef(AliHLTMUONDecision, 4); // Decision object containing data converted from raw internal dHLT data structures. }; #endif // ALIHLTMUONDECISION_H