/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /// /// @file AliHLTMUONAgent.cxx /// @author Artur Szostak /// @date 28 May 2007 /// @brief Implementation of the AliHLTMUONAgent class. /// #include "AliHLTMUONAgent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONConstants.h" #include "AliHLTMUONRecHitsSource.h" #include "AliHLTMUONTriggerRecordsSource.h" #include "AliHLTMUONDigitPublisherComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONRootifierComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONTriggerReconstructorComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONFullTrackerComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONDecisionComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONESDMaker.h" #include "AliHLTMUONEmptyEventFilterComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONDataCheckerComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONClusterFinderComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONRawDataHistoComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONClusterHistoComponent.h" #include "AliHLTOUTHandlerChain.h" #include "AliHLTOUTHandlerIgnore.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMUON.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TString.h" // The single global instance of the dimuon HLT agent. AliHLTMUONAgent AliHLTMUONAgent::fgkInstance; AliHLTOUTHandlerChain AliHLTMUONAgent::fgkESDMakerChain("libAliHLTMUON.so chains=dHLT-make-esd"); AliHLTOUTHandlerChain AliHLTMUONAgent::fgkRootifyDumpChain("libAliHLTMUON.so chains=dHLT-rootify-and-dump"); AliHLTOUTHandlerIgnore AliHLTMUONAgent::fgkDataIgnoreHandler; Int_t AliHLTMUONAgent::fgMuonModuleLoaded = 0; bool AliHLTMUONAgent::fgRunRootifyChain = false; ClassImp(AliHLTMUONAgent); bool AliHLTMUONAgent::IsMuonModuleLoaded() { /// Checks to see if the MUON module is loaded or not. // If the check was already done then use the cached value. if (fgMuonModuleLoaded > 0) return true; if (fgMuonModuleLoaded < 0) return false; if (gAlice != NULL) { // Search for a module in gAlice deriving from AliMUON. TIter next(gAlice->Modules()); TObject* mod = NULL; while ((mod = next()) != NULL) { if (mod->InheritsFrom(AliMUON::Class())) { fgMuonModuleLoaded = 1; return true; } } } fgMuonModuleLoaded = -1; return false; } AliHLTMUONAgent::AliHLTMUONAgent() : AliHLTModuleAgent("MUON") { /// /// Default constructor. /// } AliHLTMUONAgent::~AliHLTMUONAgent() { /// /// Default destructor. /// } const char* AliHLTMUONAgent::GetReconstructionChains(AliRawReader* rawReader, AliRunLoader* runloader ) const { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTModuleAgent. /// Returns the top processing chain configurations for local event /// reconstruction. /// @param [in] rawReader AliRoot rawreader instance. /// @param [in] runloader AliRoot runloader /// @return string containing the top configurations separated by blanks. /// /// If rawReader is not NULL then the standard dHLT chain is run taking /// data from raw DDL data. Otherwise runloader is checked and if it is /// not NULL then a dHLT chain is run with input data from digits. if (rawReader != NULL) { // Check if there is any data from the tracker and trigger. bool dataFromTracker = false; bool dataFromTrigger = false; rawReader->Select("MUONTRK", 0, 19); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (rawReader->ReadHeader()) dataFromTracker = true; } rawReader->Select("MUONTRG", 0, 1); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (rawReader->ReadHeader()) dataFromTrigger = true; } rawReader->Reset(); // If raw data was found for our detector then select the // appropriate chain. if (dataFromTracker and dataFromTrigger) return "dHLT-sim-fromRaw"; } if (runloader != NULL) { // IsMuonModuleLoaded() is used to check if the muon module was loaded // If there is no AliMUON module in the simulation then do not run the // MUON HLT chain. if (IsMuonModuleLoaded() and runloader->GetLoader("MUONLoader") != NULL) return "dHLT-sim"; } return ""; } const char* AliHLTMUONAgent::GetRequiredComponentLibraries() const { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTModuleAgent. /// Returns a list of libraries which the configurations registered by /// this module agent depend on. /// @return list of component libraries as a blank-separated string. /// // List of libraries that we depend on. static const char* libs[] = { "libCore.so", // "libCint.so", "libGraf.so", "libRIO.so", "libNet.so", "libHist.so", "libMatrix.so", "libMathCore.so", "libMinuit.so", "libTree.so", "libGraf3d.so", "libGpad.so", "libPhysics.so", "libGui.so", "libProofPlayer.so", "libProof.so", "libThread.so", "libGeom.so", "libEG.so", "libTreePlayer.so", "libXMLIO.so", "libVMC.so", "libESD.so", "libCDB.so", "libSTEERBase.so", "libSTEER.so", "libGui.so", "libRAWDatasim.so", "libRAWDatarec.so", "libRAWDatabase.so", "libMUONcore.so", "libMUONraw.so", "libMUONbase.so", "libMUONgeometry.so", "libMUONmapping.so", "libMUONcalib.so", "libMUONsim.so", "libMUONtrigger.so", "libMUONevaluation.so", "libMUONrec.so", "libANALYSIS.so", "libANALYSISalice.so", "libHLTbase.so", "libAliHLTUtil.so", NULL }; // First check if the library is not already loaded. If it is then we have // no reason to declare it as needed, so that we do not load it again. static TString result; for (const char** lib = libs; *lib != NULL; lib++) { const char* list = gSystem->GetLibraries(*lib, "", kFALSE); if (list == NULL) continue; // Check if not found, i.e. result was an empty string. // If so then add the library to the required list. if (list[0] == '\0') { result += *lib; result += " "; } } return result.Data(); } int AliHLTMUONAgent::CreateConfigurations( AliHLTConfigurationHandler* handler, AliRawReader* rawReader, AliRunLoader* runloader ) const { /// Register all processing configurations belonging to the dimuon HLT /// library with the AliHLTConfigurationHandler. /// @param [in] handler the configuration handler /// @param [in] rawReader AliRoot rawreader instance. /// @param [in] runloader AliRoot runloader /// @return Zero on success and error code if failed. /// /// Chains available: /// dHLT-sim - standard dHLT simulation chain. /// dHLT-sim-fromRaw - standard dHLT chain taking raw DDL data as input. /// dHLT-sim-fromMC - dHLT chain taking Monte Carlo hit data as input. /// So hit reconstruction is not checked, just the tracker. if (handler == NULL) return 0; const char* trackerId = AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoTrackerFSMId(); const char* fullTrackerId = AliHLTMUONConstants::FullTrackerId(); const char* decCompId = AliHLTMUONConstants::DecisionComponentId(); if (rawReader != NULL) { // Implement the dHLT-sim-fromRaw dHLT simulation chain reading // from raw data. const char* rawPubComp = "AliRawReaderPublisher"; const char* cmd1 = "-minid 2560 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000001"; const char* cmd2 = "-minid 2561 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000002"; const char* cmd3 = "-minid 2562 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000004"; const char* cmd4 = "-minid 2563 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000008"; const char* cmd5 = "-minid 2564 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000010"; const char* cmd6 = "-minid 2565 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000020"; const char* cmd7 = "-minid 2566 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000040"; const char* cmd8 = "-minid 2567 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000080"; const char* cmd9 = "-minid 2568 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000100"; const char* cmd10 = "-minid 2569 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000200"; const char* cmd11 = "-minid 2570 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000400"; const char* cmd12 = "-minid 2571 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x000800"; const char* cmd13 = "-minid 2572 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x001000"; const char* cmd14 = "-minid 2573 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x002000"; const char* cmd15 = "-minid 2574 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x004000"; const char* cmd16 = "-minid 2575 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x008000"; const char* cmd17 = "-minid 2576 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x010000"; const char* cmd18 = "-minid 2577 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x020000"; const char* cmd19 = "-minid 2578 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x040000"; const char* cmd20 = "-minid 2579 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x080000"; const char* cmd21 = "-minid 2816 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x100000"; const char* cmd22 = "-minid 2817 -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON' -dataspec 0x200000"; handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL1", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd1); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL2", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd2); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL3", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd3); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL4", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd4); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL5", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd5); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL6", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd6); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL7", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd7); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL8", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd8); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL9", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd9); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL10", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd10); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL11", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd11); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL12", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd12); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL13", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd13); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL14", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd14); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL15", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd15); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL16", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd16); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL17", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd17); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL18", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd18); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL19", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd19); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL20", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd20); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL21", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd21); handler->CreateConfiguration("RawDDL22", rawPubComp, NULL, cmd22); const char* hrId = AliHLTMUONConstants::HitReconstructorId(); const char* trId = AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerReconstructorId(); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL1", hrId, "RawDDL1", "-ddl 1 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL2", hrId, "RawDDL2", "-ddl 2 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL3", hrId, "RawDDL3", "-ddl 3 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL4", hrId, "RawDDL4", "-ddl 4 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL5", hrId, "RawDDL5", "-ddl 5 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL6", hrId, "RawDDL6", "-ddl 6 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL7", hrId, "RawDDL7", "-ddl 7 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL8", hrId, "RawDDL8", "-ddl 8 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL9", hrId, "RawDDL9", "-ddl 9 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL10", hrId, "RawDDL10", "-ddl 10 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL11", hrId, "RawDDL11", "-ddl 11 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL12", hrId, "RawDDL12", "-ddl 12 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL13", hrId, "RawDDL13", "-ddl 13 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL14", hrId, "RawDDL14", "-ddl 14 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL15", hrId, "RawDDL15", "-ddl 15 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL16", hrId, "RawDDL16", "-ddl 16 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL17", hrId, "RawDDL17", "-ddl 17 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL18", hrId, "RawDDL18", "-ddl 18 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL19", hrId, "RawDDL19", "-ddl 19 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL20", hrId, "RawDDL20", "-ddl 20 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL21", trId, "RawDDL21", "-ddl 21 -cdb -suppress_partial_triggers"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoRawDDL22", trId, "RawDDL22", "-ddl 22 -cdb -suppress_partial_triggers"); const char* recoSrcs = "RecoRawDDL13 RecoRawDDL14 RecoRawDDL15 RecoRawDDL16 RecoRawDDL17" " RecoRawDDL18 RecoRawDDL19 RecoRawDDL20 RecoRawDDL21 RecoRawDDL22"; handler->CreateConfiguration("MansoTrackerForRaw", trackerId, recoSrcs, ""); handler->CreateConfiguration("DecisionForRaw", decCompId, "MansoTrackerForRaw", ""); TString outputSrcs = "DecisionForRaw MansoTrackerForRaw "; outputSrcs += recoSrcs; handler->CreateConfiguration("dHLT-sim-fromRaw", "BlockFilter", outputSrcs, ""); // For reconstruction using full tracker. const char* recoSrcsFull = " RecoRawDDL1 RecoRawDDL2 RecoRawDDL3 RecoRawDDL4 RecoRawDDL5 RecoRawDDL6 " " RecoRawDDL7 RecoRawDDL8 RecoRawDDL9 RecoRawDDL10 RecoRawDDL11 RecoRawDDL12 " " RecoRawDDL13 RecoRawDDL14 RecoRawDDL15 RecoRawDDL16 RecoRawDDL17 " " RecoRawDDL18 RecoRawDDL19 RecoRawDDL20 RecoRawDDL21 RecoRawDDL22 "; handler->CreateConfiguration("FullTrackerForRaw", fullTrackerId, recoSrcsFull, "-cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DecisionForRawFullTrk", decCompId, "FullTrackerForRaw", ""); TString outputSrcsFull = "DecisionForRawFullTrk FullTrackerForRaw "; outputSrcsFull += recoSrcsFull; handler->CreateConfiguration("dHLT-sim-fromRaw-fullTracker", "BlockFilter", outputSrcsFull, ""); } if (IsMuonModuleLoaded() and runloader != NULL) { // Implement the dHLT-sim dHLT simulation chain reading from // simulated digits. const char* digitPub = AliHLTMUONConstants::DigitPublisherId(); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL13", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 13"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL14", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 14"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL15", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 15"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL16", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 16"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL17", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 17"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL18", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 18"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL19", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 19"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL20", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 20"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL21", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 21"); handler->CreateConfiguration("DigitDDL22", digitPub, NULL, "-simdata -ddl 22"); const char* hrId = AliHLTMUONConstants::HitReconstructorId(); const char* trId = AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerReconstructorId(); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL13", hrId, "DigitDDL13", "-ddl 13 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL14", hrId, "DigitDDL14", "-ddl 14 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL15", hrId, "DigitDDL15", "-ddl 15 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL16", hrId, "DigitDDL16", "-ddl 16 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL17", hrId, "DigitDDL17", "-ddl 17 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL18", hrId, "DigitDDL18", "-ddl 18 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL19", hrId, "DigitDDL19", "-ddl 19 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL20", hrId, "DigitDDL20", "-ddl 20 -cdb"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL21", trId, "DigitDDL21", "-ddl 21 -cdb -suppress_partial_triggers"); handler->CreateConfiguration("RecoDDL22", trId, "DigitDDL22", "-ddl 22 -cdb -suppress_partial_triggers"); const char* recoSrcs = "RecoDDL13 RecoDDL14 RecoDDL15 RecoDDL16 RecoDDL17" " RecoDDL18 RecoDDL19 RecoDDL20 RecoDDL21 RecoDDL22"; handler->CreateConfiguration("MansoTracker", trackerId, recoSrcs, ""); handler->CreateConfiguration("Decision", decCompId, "MansoTracker", ""); TString outputSrcs = "Decision MansoTracker "; outputSrcs += recoSrcs; handler->CreateConfiguration("dHLT-sim", "BlockFilter", outputSrcs.Data(), ""); // Implement the dHLT-sim-fromMC dHLT simulation chain reading // Monte Carlo geant hits and putting those into a tracker component. const char* rhsId = AliHLTMUONConstants::RecHitsSourceId(); const char* trsId = AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerRecordsSourceId(); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL13", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane left -chamber 7"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL14", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane right -chamber 7"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL15", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane left -chamber 8"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL16", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane right -chamber 8"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL17", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane left -chamber 9"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL18", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane right -chamber 9"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL19", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane left -chamber 10"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HitsDDL20", rhsId, NULL, "-simdata -plane right -chamber 10"); handler->CreateConfiguration("TrigRecsDDL21", trsId, NULL, "-hitdata -plane left"); handler->CreateConfiguration("TrigRecsDDL22", trsId, NULL, "-hitdata -plane right"); const char* dataSrcs = "HitsDDL13 HitsDDL14 HitsDDL15 HitsDDL16 HitsDDL17" " HitsDDL18 HitsDDL19 HitsDDL20 TrigRecsDDL21 TrigRecsDDL22"; handler->CreateConfiguration("MansoTrackerForMC", trackerId, dataSrcs, ""); handler->CreateConfiguration("DecisionForMC", decCompId, "MansoTrackerForMC", ""); outputSrcs = "DecisionForMC MansoTrackerForMC "; outputSrcs += dataSrcs; handler->CreateConfiguration("dHLT-sim-fromMC", "BlockFilter", outputSrcs.Data(), ""); } // Create a chain for generating AliESDEvent objects from dHLT raw reconstructed data. handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubTrigRecs", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'TRIGRECS' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubMansoTracks", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'MANTRACK' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubTracks", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'TRACKS ' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration( "dHLT-make-esd", AliHLTMUONConstants::ESDMakerId(), "HLTOUTPubTrigRecs HLTOUTPubMansoTracks HLTOUTPubTracks", "-make_minimal_esd" ); // Create a chain for rootifying the raw dHLT data and dumping to file. // This is used during AliRoot reconstruction. handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubTrigDbg", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'TRIGRDBG' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubHits", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'RECHITS ' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubClusters", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'CLUSTERS' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubChannels", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'CHANNELS' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubCandidates", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'MNCANDID' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubSingles", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'DECIDSIN' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration("HLTOUTPubPairs", "AliHLTOUTPublisher", NULL, "-datatype 'DECIDPAR' 'MUON'"); handler->CreateConfiguration( "HLTOUTConverter", AliHLTMUONConstants::RootifierComponentId(), "HLTOUTPubTrigRecs HLTOUTPubTrigDbg HLTOUTPubHits HLTOUTPubClusters" " HLTOUTPubChannels HLTOUTPubMansoTracks HLTOUTPubCandidates" " HLTOUTPubTracks HLTOUTPubSingles HLTOUTPubPairs", "" ); handler->CreateConfiguration( "dHLT-rootify-and-dump", "ROOTFileWriter", "HLTOUTConverter", "-concatenate-events -datafile dHLTRawData.root -specfmt" ); return 0; } int AliHLTMUONAgent::RegisterComponents(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler) const { /// /// Registers all available components of this module. /// @param [in] pHandler instance of the component handler. /// if (pHandler == NULL) return -EINVAL; pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONRecHitsSource); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONTriggerRecordsSource); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONDigitPublisherComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONRootifierComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONTriggerReconstructorComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONFullTrackerComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONDecisionComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONESDMaker); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONEmptyEventFilterComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONDataCheckerComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONClusterFinderComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONRawDataHistoComponent); pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTMUONClusterHistoComponent); return 0; } int AliHLTMUONAgent::GetHandlerDescription( AliHLTComponentDataType dt, #ifdef __DEBUG AliHLTUInt32_t spec, #else AliHLTUInt32_t /*spec*/, #endif AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc& desc ) const { /// Get handler decription for MUON data in the HLTOUT data stream. if (dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerRecordsBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoTracksBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TracksBlockDataType() ) { HLTDebug("Indicating we can handle data type = %s and specification" " = 0x%8.8X with dHLT-make-esd chain", AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text(dt).c_str(), spec ); desc = AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc(kChain, dt, "dHLT-make-esd"); return 1; } if (dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerRecordsBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TrigRecsDebugBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::RecHitsBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::ClusterBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::ChannelBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoTracksBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoCandidatesBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TracksBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::SinglesDecisionBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::PairsDecisionBlockDataType() ) { if (fgRunRootifyChain) { HLTDebug("Indicating we can handle data type = %s and specification" " = 0x%8.8X with dHLT-rootify-and-dump chain", AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text(dt).c_str(), spec ); desc = AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc(kChain, dt, "dHLT-rootify-and-dump"); return 1; } else { HLTDebug("Indicating we will ignore data type = %s and specification = 0x%8.8X", AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text(dt).c_str(), spec ); desc = AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc(kProprietary, dt, "AliHLTOUTHandlerIgnore"); return 1; } } if (dt == kAliHLTDataTypeEvent) { HLTDebug("Indicating we will ignore data type = %s and specification = 0x%8.8X", AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text(dt).c_str(), spec ); desc = AliHLTOUTHandlerDesc(kProprietary, dt, "AliHLTOUTHandlerIgnore"); return 1; } return 0; } AliHLTOUTHandler* AliHLTMUONAgent::GetOutputHandler( AliHLTComponentDataType dt, #ifdef __DEBUG AliHLTUInt32_t spec #else AliHLTUInt32_t /*spec*/ #endif ) { /// Get specific handler for MUON data in the HLTOUT data stream. HLTDebug("Trying to create HLTOUT handler for data type = %s and" " specification = 0x%8.8X", AliHLTComponent::DataType2Text(dt).c_str(), spec ); if (dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerRecordsBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoTracksBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TracksBlockDataType() ) { return &fgkESDMakerChain; } if (dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TriggerRecordsBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TrigRecsDebugBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::RecHitsBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::ClusterBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::ChannelBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoTracksBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::MansoCandidatesBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::TracksBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::SinglesDecisionBlockDataType() or dt == AliHLTMUONConstants::PairsDecisionBlockDataType() ) { if (fgRunRootifyChain) { return &fgkRootifyDumpChain; } else { return &fgkDataIgnoreHandler; } } if (dt == kAliHLTDataTypeEvent) { return &fgkDataIgnoreHandler; } return NULL; } int AliHLTMUONAgent::DeleteOutputHandler(AliHLTOUTHandler* pInstance) { /// Deletes the HLTOUT handlers. In this case since the handlers are /// allocated statically, we just check that the right pointer was /// given and exit. HLTDebug("Trying to delete HLTOUT handler: %p", pInstance); if (pInstance != &fgkESDMakerChain or pInstance != &fgkRootifyDumpChain or pInstance != &fgkDataIgnoreHandler ) { return -EINVAL; } return 0; }