/************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: * * Indranil Das * * Artur Szostak * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /// /// @file AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent.cxx /// @author Indranil Das | , Artur Szostak /// @date 28 May 2007 /// @brief Implementation of the hit Reconstruction processing component. /// /// The HitRec Component is designed to deal the rawdata inputfiles to findout the /// the reconstructed hits. The output is send to the output block for further /// processing. /// /// Author : Indranil Das ( indra.das@saha.ac.in || indra.ehep@gmail.com ) /// #include "AliHLTMUONRecHitsBlockStruct.h" #include "AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent.h" #include "AliHLTMUONHitReconstructor.h" #include "AliHLTMUONConstants.h" #include "AliHLTMUONUtils.h" #include "AliHLTMUONDataBlockWriter.h" #include "AliHLTMUONHitReconstructor.h" #include "AliHLTLogging.h" #include "AliHLTSystem.h" #include "AliHLTDefinitions.h" #include #include #include #include #include "TMap.h" //STEER #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" //MUON #include "AliMUONGeometryTransformer.h" #include "AliMUONCalibrationData.h" #include "AliMUONVCalibParam.h" //MUON/mapping #include "AliMpCDB.h" #include "AliMpPad.h" #include "AliMpSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpDDLStore.h" #include "AliMpDEIterator.h" #include "AliMpVSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpDEManager.h" #include "AliMpDetElement.h" ClassImp(AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent) AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent() : AliHLTMUONProcessor(), fHitRec(NULL), fDDL(-1), fLutSize(0), fLut(NULL), fIdToEntry(), fMaxEntryPerBusPatch(), fWarnForUnexpecedBlock(false), fUseIdealGain(false), fWarnIfPadSkipped(false) { /// /// Default constructor. /// } AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::~AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent() { /// /// Default destructor. /// if (fHitRec != NULL) { delete fHitRec; } if (fLut != NULL) { delete [] fLut; } } const char* AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::GetComponentID() { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. Returns the component ID. /// return AliHLTMUONConstants::HitReconstructorId(); } void AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list) { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTProcessor. Returns the list of expected input data types. /// list.clear(); list.push_back( AliHLTMUONConstants::DDLRawDataType() ); } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::GetOutputDataType() { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. Returns the output data type. /// return kAliHLTMultipleDataType; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list) { /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. Returns the output data types. assert( list.empty() ); list.push_back( AliHLTMUONConstants::RecHitsBlockDataType() ); list.push_back( AliHLTMUONConstants::ClusterBlockDataType() ); list.push_back( AliHLTMUONConstants::ChannelBlockDataType() ); return list.size(); } void AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier) { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. Returns an estimate of the expected output data size. /// constBase = sizeof(AliHLTMUONRecHitsBlockWriter::HeaderType) + 1024*1024; inputMultiplier = 1; } AliHLTComponent* AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::Spawn() { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. Creates a new object instance. /// return new AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::DoInit(int argc, const char** argv) { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. /// Parses the command line parameters and initialises the component. /// HLTInfo("Initialising dHLT hit reconstruction component."); // Inherit the parents functionality. int result = AliHLTMUONProcessor::DoInit(argc, argv); if (result != 0) return result; // Must make sure that fHitRec and fLut is deleted if it is still // allocated for whatever reason. FreeMemory(); // Initialise fields with default values then parse the command line. fDDL = -1; fIdToEntry.clear(); fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.clear(); fWarnForUnexpecedBlock = false; fUseIdealGain = false; fWarnIfPadSkipped = false; const char* lutFileName = NULL; bool useCDB = false; typedef AliHLTMUONHitReconstructor HR; HR::ERecoveryMode recoveryMode = HR::kDontTryRecover; AliHLTInt32_t dccut = -1; bool skipParityErrors = false; bool dontPrintParityErrors = false; bool makeClusters = false; bool makeChannels = false; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { // To keep the legacy behaviour we need to have the following check // for -cdbpath here, before ArgumentAlreadyHandled. if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cdbpath") == 0) { useCDB = true; } if (ArgumentAlreadyHandled(i, argv[i])) continue; if (strcmp( argv[i], "-ddl" ) == 0) { if (fDDL != -1) { HLTWarning("DDL number was already specified." " Will replace previous value given by -ddl or -ddlid." ); } if (argc <= i+1) { HLTError("The DDL number was not specified. Must be in the range [13..20]."); return -EINVAL; } char* cpErr = NULL; unsigned long num = strtoul( argv[i+1], &cpErr, 0 ); if (cpErr == NULL or *cpErr != '\0') { HLTError("Cannot convert '%s' to DDL a number.", argv[i+1] ); return -EINVAL; } if (num < 13 or 20 < num) { HLTError("The DDL number must be in the range [13..20]."); return -EINVAL; } fDDL = num - 1; // convert to range [12..19] i++; continue; } // -ddl argument if (strcmp( argv[i], "-ddlid" ) == 0) { if (fDDL != -1) { HLTWarning("DDL number was already specified." " Will replace previous value given by -ddl or -ddlid." ); } if ( argc <= i+1 ) { HLTError("DDL equipment ID number not specified. It must be in the range [2572..2579]" ); return -EINVAL; } char* cpErr = NULL; unsigned long num = strtoul(argv[i+1], &cpErr, 0); if (cpErr == NULL or *cpErr != '\0') { HLTError("Cannot convert '%s' to a DDL equipment ID Number.", argv[i+1]); return -EINVAL; } fDDL = AliHLTMUONUtils::EquipIdToDDLNumber(num); // Convert to DDL number in the range 0..21 if (fDDL < 12 or 19 < fDDL) { HLTError("The DDL equipment ID number must be in the range [2572..2579]."); return -EINVAL; } i++; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-lut" ) == 0) { if (lutFileName != NULL) { HLTWarning("LUT path was already specified." " Will replace previous value given by -lut." ); } if (argc <= i+1) { HLTError("The lookup table filename was not specified."); return -EINVAL; } lutFileName = argv[i+1]; i++; continue; } // -lut argument if (strcmp( argv[i], "-cdb" ) == 0) { useCDB = true; continue; } // -cdb argument if (strcmp( argv[i], "-dccut" ) == 0) { if (dccut != -1) { HLTWarning("DC cut parameter was already specified." " Will replace previous value given by -dccut." ); } if ( argc <= i+1 ) { HLTError("No DC cut value was specified. It should be a positive integer value." ); return -EINVAL; } char* cpErr = NULL; dccut = AliHLTInt32_t( strtol(argv[i+1], &cpErr, 0) ); if (cpErr == NULL or *cpErr != '\0' or dccut < 0) { HLTError("Cannot convert '%s' to a valid DC cut value." " Expected a positive integer value.", argv[i+1] ); return -EINVAL; } i++; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-warn_on_unexpected_block" ) == 0) { fWarnForUnexpecedBlock = true; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-tryrecover" ) == 0) { if (argc > i+1) { // There might be an optional parameter so check // if it is a recognised one. If not then assume it // is the next argument, so no error message. if (strcmp(argv[i+1], "full") == 0) { recoveryMode = HR::kRecoverFull; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i+1], "skip") == 0) { recoveryMode = HR::kRecoverJustSkip; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i+1], "parityerrors") == 0) { recoveryMode = HR::kRecoverFromParityErrorsOnly; i++; } else { recoveryMode = HR::kRecoverFull; } } else { recoveryMode = HR::kRecoverFull; } continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-skipparityerrors" ) == 0) { skipParityErrors = true; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-dontprintparityerrors" ) == 0) { dontPrintParityErrors = true; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-useidealgain" ) == 0) { fUseIdealGain = true; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-makeclusters" ) == 0) { makeClusters = true; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-makechannels" ) == 0) { makeChannels = true; continue; } if (strcmp( argv[i], "-warnifpadskipped" ) == 0) { fWarnIfPadSkipped = true; continue; } HLTError("Unknown option '%s'", argv[i]); return -EINVAL; } // for loop try { fHitRec = new AliHLTMUONHitReconstructor(); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { HLTError("Could not allocate more memory for the hit reconstructor component."); return -ENOMEM; } if (dccut != -1 and useCDB) { HLTWarning("The -cdb or -cdbpath parameter was specified, which indicates that" " this component should read from the CDB, but then the -dccut argument" " was also used. Will override the value from CDB with the command" " line DC cut parameter given." ); } if (lutFileName != NULL and useCDB == true) { HLTWarning("The -cdb or -cdbpath parameter was specified, which indicates that" " this component should read from the CDB, but then the -lut argument" " was also used. Will ignore the -lut option and load from CDB anyway." ); } if (lutFileName == NULL) useCDB = true; if (fDDL == -1 and not DelaySetup()) { HLTWarning("DDL number not specified. Cannot check if incomming data is valid."); } if (useCDB) { if (not DelaySetup()) { HLTInfo("Loading lookup table information from CDB for DDL %d (ID = %d).", fDDL+1, AliHLTMUONUtils::DDLNumberToEquipId(fDDL) ); result = ReadLutFromCDB(); if (result != 0) { // Error messages already generated in ReadLutFromCDB. FreeMemory(); // Make sure we cleanup to avoid partial initialisation. return result; } fHitRec->SetLookUpTable(fLut, &fIdToEntry, &fMaxEntryPerBusPatch); } } else { HLTInfo("Loading lookup table information from file %s.", lutFileName); result = ReadLookUpTable(lutFileName); if (result != 0) { // Error messages already generated in ReadLookUpTable. FreeMemory(); // Make sure we cleanup to avoid partial initialisation. return result; } fHitRec->SetLookUpTable(fLut, &fIdToEntry, &fMaxEntryPerBusPatch); } if (dccut == -1) { if (not DelaySetup()) { HLTInfo("Loading DC cut parameters from CDB for DDL %d (ID = %d).", fDDL+1, AliHLTMUONUtils::DDLNumberToEquipId(fDDL) ); result = ReadDCCutFromCDB(); if (result != 0) { // Error messages already generated in ReadDCCutFromCDB. FreeMemory(); // Make sure we cleanup to avoid partial initialisation. return result; } } else { // Print the debug messages here since ReadDCCutFromCDB does not get called, // in-which the debug messages would have been printed. HLTDebug("Using DC cut parameter of %d ADC channels.", fHitRec->GetDCCut()); } } else { fHitRec->SetDCCut(dccut); HLTDebug("Using DC cut parameter of %d ADC channels.", fHitRec->GetDCCut()); } fHitRec->TryRecover(recoveryMode); fHitRec->SkipParityErrors(skipParityErrors); fHitRec->DontPrintParityErrors(dontPrintParityErrors); fHitRec->GenerateClusterInfo(makeClusters); fHitRec->GenerateChannelInfo(makeChannels); fHitRec->DDLNumber(fDDL); HLTDebug("dHLT hit reconstruction component is initialized."); return 0; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::DoDeinit() { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. Performs a cleanup of the component. /// HLTInfo("Deinitialising dHLT hit reconstruction component."); FreeMemory(); return 0; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::Reconfigure( const char* cdbEntry, const char* componentId ) { /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. This method will reload CDB configuration /// entries for this component from the CDB. /// \param cdbEntry If this is NULL then it is assumed that all CDB entries should /// be reloaded. Otherwise a particular value for 'cdbEntry' will trigger /// reloading of the LUT if the path contains 'MUON/' and reloading of the DC /// cut parameter if 'cdbEntry' equals "HLT/ConfigMUON/HitReconstructor". /// \param componentId The name of the component in the current chain. bool startsWithMUON = TString(cdbEntry).Index("MUON/", 5, 0, TString::kExact) == 0; bool givenConfigPath = strcmp(cdbEntry, AliHLTMUONConstants::HitReconstructorCDBPath()) == 0; if (cdbEntry == NULL or startsWithMUON or givenConfigPath) { HLTInfo("Reading new configuration entries from CDB for component '%s'.", componentId); } if (cdbEntry == NULL or startsWithMUON) { // First clear the current LUT data and then load in the new values. if (fLut != NULL) { delete [] fLut; fLut = NULL; fLutSize = 0; } fIdToEntry.clear(); fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.clear(); int result = ReadLutFromCDB(); if (result != 0) return result; fHitRec->SetLookUpTable(fLut, &fIdToEntry, &fMaxEntryPerBusPatch); } if (cdbEntry == NULL or not startsWithMUON) { int result = ReadDCCutFromCDB(); if (result != 0) return result; } return 0; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::ReadPreprocessorValues(const char* modules) { /// Inherited from AliHLTComponent. /// Updates the configuration of this component if either HLT or MUON have /// been specified in the 'modules' list. TString mods = modules; if (mods.Contains("ALL") or (mods.Contains("HLT") and mods.Contains("MUON"))) { return Reconfigure(NULL, GetComponentID()); } if (mods.Contains("HLT")) { return Reconfigure(AliHLTMUONConstants::HitReconstructorCDBPath(), GetComponentID()); } if (mods.Contains("MUON")) { return Reconfigure("MUON/*", GetComponentID()); } return 0; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::DoEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ) { /// /// Inherited from AliHLTProcessor. Processes the new event data. /// // Initialise the LUT and DC cut parameter from CDB if we were requested // to initialise only when the first event was received. if (DelaySetup()) { // Use the specification given by the first data block if we // have not been given a DDL number on the command line. if (fDDL == -1) { bool blockFound = false; for (AliHLTUInt32_t n = 0; n < evtData.fBlockCnt and not blockFound; n++) { if (blocks[n].fDataType != AliHLTMUONConstants::DDLRawDataType()) continue; blockFound = true; fDDL = AliHLTMUONUtils::SpecToDDLNumber(blocks[n].fSpecification); if (fDDL == -1) { HLTError("Received a data block with a specification (0x%8.8X)" " indicating multiple DDL data sources, but we must only" " receive raw DDL data from one tracking station DDL.", blocks[n].fSpecification ); return -EPROTO; } } if (not blockFound) { HLTError("The initialisation from CDB of the component has" " been delayed to the first received event. However," " no raw DDL data blocks have been found in the first event." ); return -ENOENT; } } // Check that the LUT was not already loaded in DoInit. if (fLut == NULL) { HLTInfo("Loading lookup table information from CDB for DDL %d (ID = %d).", fDDL+1, AliHLTMUONUtils::DDLNumberToEquipId(fDDL) ); int result = ReadLutFromCDB(); if (result != 0) return result; fHitRec->SetLookUpTable(fLut, &fIdToEntry, &fMaxEntryPerBusPatch); } // Check that the DC cut was not already loaded in DoInit. if (fHitRec->GetDCCut() == -1) { HLTInfo("Loading DC cut parameters from CDB for DDL %d (ID = %d).", fDDL+1, AliHLTMUONUtils::DDLNumberToEquipId(fDDL) ); int result = ReadDCCutFromCDB(); if (result != 0) return result; } DoneDelayedSetup(); } if (fLut == NULL) { HLTFatal("Lookup table not loaded! Cannot continue processing data."); return -ENOENT; } // Process an event unsigned long totalSize = 0; // Amount of memory currently consumed in bytes. HLTDebug("Processing event %llu with %u input data blocks.", evtData.fEventID, evtData.fBlockCnt ); // Loop over all input blocks in the event for (AliHLTUInt32_t n = 0; n < evtData.fBlockCnt; n++) { HLTDebug("Handling block: %u, with fDataType = '%s', fPtr = %p and fSize = %u bytes.", n, DataType2Text(blocks[n].fDataType).c_str(), blocks[n].fPtr, blocks[n].fSize ); if (blocks[n].fDataType != AliHLTMUONConstants::DDLRawDataType() or not AliHLTMUONUtils::IsTrackerDDL(blocks[n].fSpecification) ) { // Log a message indicating that we got a data block that we // do not know how to handle. if (fWarnForUnexpecedBlock) HLTWarning("Received a data block of a type we cannot handle: '%s', spec: 0x%X", DataType2Text(blocks[n].fDataType).c_str(), blocks[n].fSpecification ); #ifdef __DEBUG else HLTDebug("Received a data block of a type we cannot handle: '%s', spec: 0x%X", DataType2Text(blocks[n].fDataType).c_str(), blocks[n].fSpecification ); #endif continue; } if (fDDL != -1) { AliHLTInt32_t receivedDDL = AliHLTMUONUtils::SpecToDDLNumber(blocks[n].fSpecification); if (receivedDDL != fDDL) { HLTWarning("Received raw data from DDL %d (ID = %d)," " but expect data only from DDL %d (ID = %d).", receivedDDL+1, AliHLTMUONUtils::DDLNumberToEquipId(receivedDDL), fDDL+1, AliHLTMUONUtils::DDLNumberToEquipId(fDDL) ); } } // Create a new output data block and initialise the header. AliHLTMUONRecHitsBlockWriter block(outputPtr+totalSize, size-totalSize); if (not block.InitCommonHeader()) { HLTError("There is not enough space in the output buffer for the new data block." " We require at least %u bytes, but have %u bytes left.", sizeof(AliHLTMUONRecHitsBlockWriter::HeaderType), block.BufferSize() ); break; } AliHLTUInt32_t totalDDLSize = blocks[n].fSize / sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t); AliHLTUInt32_t ddlRawDataSize = totalDDLSize - fHitRec->GetkDDLHeaderSize(); AliHLTUInt32_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast(blocks[n].fPtr) + fHitRec->GetkDDLHeaderSize(); AliHLTUInt32_t nofHit = block.MaxNumberOfEntries(); #ifdef DEBUG HLTDebug("=========== Dumping DDL payload buffer =========="); for (AliHLTUInt32_t j = 0; j < totalDDLSize; j++) HLTDebug("buffer[%d] : %x",j,buffer[j]); HLTDebug("================== End of dump ================="); #endif // DEBUG if (not fHitRec->Run(buffer, ddlRawDataSize, block.GetArray(), nofHit)) { HLTError("Error while processing the hit reconstruction algorithm."); if (DumpDataOnError()) DumpEvent(evtData, blocks, trigData, outputPtr, size, outputBlocks); size = totalSize; // Must tell the framework how much buffer space was used. return -EIO; } // nofHit should now contain the number of reconstructed hits actually found // and filled into the output data block, so we can set this number. assert( nofHit <= block.MaxNumberOfEntries() ); block.SetNumberOfEntries(nofHit); HLTDebug("Number of reconstructed hits found is %d", nofHit); // Fill a block data structure for our output block. AliHLTComponentBlockData bd; FillBlockData(bd); bd.fPtr = outputPtr; // This block's start (offset) is after all other blocks written so far. bd.fOffset = totalSize; bd.fSize = block.BytesUsed(); bd.fDataType = AliHLTMUONConstants::RecHitsBlockDataType(); bd.fSpecification = blocks[n].fSpecification; outputBlocks.push_back(bd); // Increase the total amount of data written so far to our output memory totalSize += block.BytesUsed(); if (fHitRec->GenerateClusterInfo()) { // Create a new output clusters data block and initialise the header. AliHLTMUONClustersBlockWriter clustblock(outputPtr+totalSize, size-totalSize); if (not clustblock.InitCommonHeader()) { HLTError("There is not enough space in the output buffer for the new clusters data block." " We require at least %u bytes, but have %u bytes left.", sizeof(AliHLTMUONClustersBlockWriter::HeaderType), clustblock.BufferSize() ); break; } AliHLTUInt32_t nofClusters = clustblock.MaxNumberOfEntries(); bool filledOk = fHitRec->FillClusterData(clustblock.GetArray(), nofClusters); // nofClusters should now contain the number of clusters filled. assert( nofClusters <= clustblock.MaxNumberOfEntries() ); clustblock.SetNumberOfEntries(nofClusters); // Fill a block data structure for our output block. AliHLTComponentBlockData bdc; FillBlockData(bdc); bdc.fPtr = outputPtr; // This block's start (offset) is after all other blocks written so far. bdc.fOffset = totalSize; bdc.fSize = clustblock.BytesUsed(); bdc.fDataType = AliHLTMUONConstants::ClusterBlockDataType(); bdc.fSpecification = blocks[n].fSpecification; outputBlocks.push_back(bdc); // Increase the total amount of data written so far to our output memory totalSize += clustblock.BytesUsed(); if (not filledOk) { HLTError("We have overflowed the output buffer space for the new clusters data block."); break; } } if (fHitRec->GenerateChannelInfo()) { // Create a new output channels data block and initialise the header. AliHLTMUONChannelsBlockWriter channelblock(outputPtr+totalSize, size-totalSize); if (not channelblock.InitCommonHeader()) { HLTError("There is not enough space in the output buffer for the new channels data block." " We require at least %u bytes, but have %u bytes left.", sizeof(AliHLTMUONChannelsBlockWriter::HeaderType), channelblock.BufferSize() ); break; } AliHLTUInt32_t nofChannels = channelblock.MaxNumberOfEntries(); bool filledOk = fHitRec->FillChannelData(channelblock.GetArray(), nofChannels); // nofChannels should now contain the number of channels filled. assert( nofChannels <= channelblock.MaxNumberOfEntries() ); channelblock.SetNumberOfEntries(nofChannels); // Fill a block data structure for our output block. AliHLTComponentBlockData bdc; FillBlockData(bdc); bdc.fPtr = outputPtr; // This block's start (offset) is after all other blocks written so far. bdc.fOffset = totalSize; bdc.fSize = channelblock.BytesUsed(); bdc.fDataType = AliHLTMUONConstants::ChannelBlockDataType(); bdc.fSpecification = blocks[n].fSpecification; outputBlocks.push_back(bdc); // Increase the total amount of data written so far to our output memory totalSize += channelblock.BytesUsed(); if (not filledOk) { HLTError("We have overflowed the output buffer space for the new channels data block."); break; } } } // Finally we set the total size of output memory we consumed. size = totalSize; return 0; } void AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::FreeMemory() { /// Deletes any allocated objects if they are allocated else nothing is /// done for objects not yet allocated. /// This is used as a helper method to make sure the corresponding pointers /// are NULL and we get back to a well defined state. if (fHitRec != NULL) { delete fHitRec; fHitRec = NULL; } if (fLut != NULL) { delete [] fLut; fLut = NULL; fLutSize = 0; } fIdToEntry.clear(); fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.clear(); } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::ReadLookUpTable(const char* lutFileName) { /// Read in the lookup table from a text file. /// Note that this method could leave fLut allocated which is cleaned up /// by DoInit with a call to FreeMemory(). assert( fLut == NULL ); assert( fLutSize == 0 ); assert( fIdToEntry.empty() ); assert( fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.empty() ); std::ifstream file(lutFileName); if (not file.good()) { HLTError("Could not open the LUT file %s", lutFileName); return -ENOENT; } // First count the number of lines of text in the LUT file before decoding. // This is not the most optimal. It would be better to read and decode at the // same time but we are not allowed to use STL and ROOT containers are too // heavy for this task. At least this is done only at the start of run. std::string str; AliHLTUInt32_t lineCount = 0; while (std::getline(file, str)) lineCount++; if (not file.eof()) { HLTError("There was a problem reading the LUT file %s", lutFileName); return -EIO; } if (lineCount == 0) { HLTWarning("The LUT file %s was empty.", lutFileName); } // Add one extra LUT line for the first element which is used as a sentinel value. lineCount++; try { fLut = new AliHLTMUONHitRecoLutRow[lineCount]; fLutSize = lineCount; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { HLTError("Could not allocate more memory for the lookuptable."); return -ENOMEM; } // Initialise the sentinel value. fLut[0].fDetElemId = 0; fLut[0].fIX = 0; fLut[0].fIY = 0; fLut[0].fRealX = 0.0; fLut[0].fRealY = 0.0; fLut[0].fRealZ = 0.0; fLut[0].fHalfPadSize = 0.0; fLut[0].fPlane = -1; fLut[0].fPed = -1; fLut[0].fSigma = -1; fLut[0].fA0 = -1; fLut[0].fA1 = -1; fLut[0].fThres = -1; fLut[0].fSat = -1; // Clear the eof flag and start reading from the beginning of the file again. file.clear(); file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); if (not file.good()) { HLTError("There was a problem seeking in the LUT file %s", lutFileName); return -EIO; } AliHLTInt32_t idManuChannel,buspatchId; for (AliHLTUInt32_t i = 1; i < fLutSize; i++) { if (std::getline(file, str).fail()) { HLTError("There was a problem reading line %d of LUT file %s", i, lutFileName); return -EIO; } int result = sscanf( str.c_str(), "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%d\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%d\t%d", &idManuChannel, &fLut[i].fDetElemId, &fLut[i].fIX, &fLut[i].fIY, &fLut[i].fRealX, &fLut[i].fRealY, &fLut[i].fRealZ, &fLut[i].fHalfPadSize, &fLut[i].fPlane, &fLut[i].fPed, &fLut[i].fSigma, &fLut[i].fA0, &fLut[i].fA1, &fLut[i].fThres, &fLut[i].fSat ); if (result != 15) { HLTError("Line %d in LUT file %s does not contain 15 elements.", i, lutFileName); return -EIO; } buspatchId = (idManuChannel>>17) & 0x7FF; fIdToEntry[idManuChannel] = i; fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[buspatchId] = fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[buspatchId] + 1; } MaxEntryPerBusPatch::iterator it; for(it=fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.begin();it!=fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.end();it++){ HLTDebug("fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[%d] : %d",it->first,it->second); fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[it->first] = AliHLTInt32_t(0.05*(it->second));///< for 10% occupancy HLTDebug("fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[%d] : %d",it->first,it->second); } return 0; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::ReadLutFromCDB() { /// Reads LUT from CDB. /// To override the default CDB path and / or run number the /// SetCDBPathAndRunNo(cdbPath, run) method should be called before this /// method. assert( fLut == NULL ); assert( fLutSize == 0 ); assert( fIdToEntry.empty() ); assert( fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.empty() ); if (fDDL == -1) { HLTError("No DDL number specified for which to load LUT data from CDB."); return -EINVAL; } std::vector lutList; AliHLTMUONHitRecoLutRow lut; AliHLTUInt32_t iEntry = 0; int result = FetchMappingStores(); // Error message already generated in FetchMappingStores. if (result != 0) return result; AliMpDDLStore* ddlStore = AliMpDDLStore::Instance(); AliMpSegmentation* mpSegFactory = AliMpSegmentation::Instance(); if (mpSegFactory == NULL) { HLTError("Could not find segmentation mapping (AliMpSegmentation) instance."); return -EIO; } // Only load geometry if not already loaded. if (AliGeomManager::GetGeometry() == NULL) { AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); } AliMUONGeometryTransformer chamberGeometryTransformer; if (not chamberGeometryTransformer.LoadGeometryData()) { HLTError("Failed to load geomerty data."); return -ENOENT; } AliMUONCalibrationData calibData(AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetRun()); bool skippedPads = false; Int_t chamberId; for(Int_t iCh = 6; iCh < 10; iCh++) { chamberId = iCh; AliMpDEIterator it; for ( it.First(chamberId); ! it.IsDone(); it.Next() ) { Int_t detElemId = it.CurrentDEId(); int iDDL = ddlStore->GetDetElement(detElemId)->GetDdlId(); if (iDDL != fDDL) continue; for (Int_t iCath = 0 ; iCath <= 1 ; iCath++) { AliMp::CathodType cath; if(iCath == 0) cath = AliMp::kCath0; else cath = AliMp::kCath1; const AliMpVSegmentation* seg = mpSegFactory->GetMpSegmentation(detElemId, cath); AliMp::PlaneType plane = seg->PlaneType(); Int_t maxIX = seg->MaxPadIndexX(); Int_t maxIY = seg->MaxPadIndexY(); Int_t idManuChannel, manuId, channelId, buspatchId; AliHLTFloat32_t padSizeX, padSizeY; AliHLTFloat32_t halfPadSize; Double_t realX, realY, realZ; Double_t localX, localY, localZ; Float_t calibA0Coeff,calibA1Coeff,pedestal,sigma; Float_t thresold,saturation; // Pad Info of a slat to print in lookuptable for (Int_t iX = 0; iX<= maxIX ; iX++) for (Int_t iY = 0; iY<= maxIY ; iY++) { #ifndef HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION if (not seg->HasPadByIndices(iX,iY)) continue; #else // old AliMpPad functionality < r 31742 if (not seg->HasPad(AliMpIntPair(iX,iY))) continue; #endif #ifndef HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION AliMpPad pad = seg->PadByIndices(iX,iY, kFALSE); #else // old AliMpPad functionality < r 31742 AliMpPad pad = seg->PadByIndices(AliMpIntPair(iX,iY), kFALSE); #endif // Getting Manu id #ifndef HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION manuId = pad.GetManuId(); #else // old AliMpPad functionality < r 31742 manuId = pad.GetLocation().GetFirst(); #endif manuId &= 0x7FF; // 11 bits if (calibData.Gains(detElemId, manuId) == NULL) continue; if (calibData.Pedestals(detElemId, manuId) == NULL) continue; buspatchId = ddlStore->GetBusPatchId(detElemId,manuId); // Getting channel id #ifndef HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION channelId = pad.GetManuChannel(); #else // old AliMpPad functionality < r 31742 channelId = pad.GetLocation().GetSecond(); #endif channelId &= 0x3F; // 6 bits idManuChannel = buspatchId << 11; idManuChannel = (idManuChannel | manuId) << 6; idManuChannel |= channelId; #ifndef HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION localX = pad.GetPositionX(); localY = pad.GetPositionY(); #else // old AliMpPad functionality < r 31769 localX = pad.Position().X(); localY = pad.Position().Y(); #endif //HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION localZ = 0.0; chamberGeometryTransformer.Local2Global( detElemId,localX,localY,localZ, realX,realY,realZ ); #ifndef HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION padSizeX = AliHLTFloat32_t( pad.GetDimensionX() ); padSizeY = AliHLTFloat32_t( pad.GetDimensionY() ); #else // old AliMpPad functionality < r 31769 padSizeX = AliHLTFloat32_t( pad.Dimensions().X() ); padSizeY = AliHLTFloat32_t( pad.Dimensions().Y() ); #endif //HAVE_NOT_MUON_ALIMPPAD_GETPOSITION if (fUseIdealGain) { calibA0Coeff = 1.0; calibA1Coeff = 0.0; thresold = 0; saturation = 0; } else { calibA0Coeff = (calibData.Gains(detElemId, manuId))->ValueAsFloat(channelId, 0); calibA1Coeff = (calibData.Gains(detElemId, manuId))->ValueAsFloat(channelId, 1); thresold = (calibData.Gains(detElemId, manuId))->ValueAsFloat(channelId, 2); saturation = (calibData.Gains(detElemId, manuId))->ValueAsFloat(channelId, 4); } pedestal = (calibData.Pedestals(detElemId, manuId))->ValueAsFloat(channelId, 0); sigma = (calibData.Pedestals(detElemId, manuId))->ValueAsFloat(channelId, 1); // Check if any of the values fetched from the calibration data are // invalid. If they are then skip this pad. if (calibA0Coeff == AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue() or calibA1Coeff == AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue() or thresold == AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue() or saturation == AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue() or pedestal == AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue() or sigma == AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue() ) { if (fWarnIfPadSkipped) { HLTWarning("Skipping pad on detection element %d, MANU %d, channel %d, since" " the calibration data contains invalid values in that channel.", detElemId, manuId, channelId ); } skippedPads = true; continue; } if (plane == 0) halfPadSize = padSizeX; else halfPadSize = padSizeY; fIdToEntry[idManuChannel] = iEntry+1; fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[buspatchId] = fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[buspatchId] + 1; lut.fDetElemId = detElemId; lut.fIX = iX; lut.fIY = iY; lut.fRealX = realX; lut.fRealY = realY; lut.fRealZ = realZ; lut.fHalfPadSize = halfPadSize; lut.fPlane = plane; lut.fPed = pedestal; lut.fSigma = sigma; lut.fA0 = calibA0Coeff; lut.fA1 = calibA1Coeff; lut.fThres = Int_t(thresold); lut.fSat = Int_t(saturation); HLTDebug("lut : detele : %d, id : %d, manu : %d, channel : %d, iX : %d, iY: %d, (X,Y) : (%f, %f), padsize : %f, plane : %d, ped : %f, sigma : %f", lut.fDetElemId,idManuChannel,manuId,channelId,lut.fIX,lut.fIY,lut.fRealX,lut.fRealY,lut.fHalfPadSize,lut.fPlane,lut.fPed,lut.fSigma ); lutList.push_back(lut); iEntry++; } // iX, iY loop } // iCath loop } // detElemId loop } // ichamber loop if (skippedPads and not fWarnIfPadSkipped) { HLTWarning("Skipped pads since they contained invalid calibration values." " Use the -warnifpadskipped argument to generate detailed information" " about which pads were skipped." ); } try { // Use iEntry+1 since we add one extra LUT line for the first element // which is used as a sentinel value. fLut = new AliHLTMUONHitRecoLutRow[iEntry+1]; fLutSize = iEntry+1; HLTDebug("Address of new LUT buffer at fLut = %p", fLut); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { HLTError("Could not allocate more memory for the lookuptable."); //lutList.clear(); not necessary, implicitly done during stack cleanup. return -ENOMEM; } // Initialise the sentinel value. fLut[0].fDetElemId = 0; fLut[0].fIX = 0; fLut[0].fIY = 0; fLut[0].fRealX = 0.0; fLut[0].fRealY = 0.0; fLut[0].fRealZ = 0.0; fLut[0].fHalfPadSize = 0.0; fLut[0].fPlane = -1; fLut[0].fPed = -1; fLut[0].fSigma = -1; fLut[0].fA0 = -1; fLut[0].fA1 = -1; fLut[0].fThres = -1; fLut[0].fSat = -1; for (AliHLTUInt32_t i = 0; i < iEntry; i++) fLut[i+1] = lutList[i]; lutList.clear(); MaxEntryPerBusPatch::iterator it; for(it=fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.begin();it!=fMaxEntryPerBusPatch.end();it++){ HLTDebug("fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[%d] : %d",it->first,it->second); fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[it->first] = AliHLTInt32_t(0.05*(it->second));///< for 10% occupancy HLTDebug("fMaxEntryPerBusPatch[%d] : %d",it->first,it->second); } return 0; } int AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::ReadDCCutFromCDB() { /// Reads the DC cut parameter from the CDB. const char* pathToEntry = AliHLTMUONConstants::HitReconstructorCDBPath(); TMap* map = NULL; int result = FetchTMapFromCDB(pathToEntry, map); if (result != 0) return result; Int_t value = 0; result = GetPositiveIntFromTMap(map, "dccut", value, pathToEntry, "DC cut"); if (result != 0) return result; assert(fHitRec != NULL); fHitRec->SetDCCut(value); HLTDebug("Using DC cut parameter of %d ADC channels.", fHitRec->GetDCCut()); return 0; } bool AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent::GenerateLookupTable( AliHLTInt32_t ddl, const char* filename, const char* cdbPath, Int_t run ) { /// Generates a ASCII text file containing the lookup table (LUT) from /// the CDB, which can be used for the hit reconstructor component later. /// @param ddl Must be the DDL for which to generate the DDL, /// in the range [13..20]. /// @param filename The name of the LUT file to generate. /// @param cdbPath The CDB path to use. /// @param run The run number to use for the CDB. /// @return True if the generation of the LUT file succeeded. AliHLTMUONHitReconstructorComponent comp; if (ddl < 12 or 19 < ddl) { std::cerr << "ERROR: the DDL number must be in the range [12..19]." << std::endl; return false; } comp.fDDL = ddl; if (comp.SetCDBPathAndRunNo(cdbPath, run) != 0) return false; if (comp.ReadLutFromCDB() != 0) return false; char str[1024*4]; std::fstream file(filename, std::ios::out); if (not file) { std::cerr << "ERROR: could not open file: " << filename << std::endl; return false; } assert( comp.fLut != NULL ); for (IdManuChannelToEntry::iterator id = comp.fIdToEntry.begin(); id != comp.fIdToEntry.end(); id++ ) { AliHLTInt32_t idManuChannel = id->first; AliHLTInt32_t row = id->second; assert( AliHLTUInt32_t(row) < comp.fLutSize ); sprintf(str, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%.15e\t%.15e\t%.15e\t%.15e\t%d\t%.15e\t%.15e\t%.15e\t%.15e\t%d\t%d", idManuChannel, comp.fLut[row].fDetElemId, comp.fLut[row].fIX, comp.fLut[row].fIY, comp.fLut[row].fRealX, comp.fLut[row].fRealY, comp.fLut[row].fRealZ, comp.fLut[row].fHalfPadSize, comp.fLut[row].fPlane, comp.fLut[row].fPed, comp.fLut[row].fSigma, comp.fLut[row].fA0, comp.fLut[row].fA1, comp.fLut[row].fThres, comp.fLut[row].fSat ); file << str << endl; if (file.fail()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: There was an I/O error when writing to the file: " << filename << std::endl; return false; } } return true; }