#ifndef AliHLTMUONMANSOTRACKERFSMCOMPONENT_H #define AliHLTMUONMANSOTRACKERFSMCOMPONENT_H /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: * * Artur Szostak * * Indranil Das * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /// /// @file AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent.h /// @author Artur Szostak , /// Indranil Das /// @date 18 Sep 2007 /// @brief Tracker component for the dimuon HLT using the Manso algorithm. /// /// The tracker component performs minimal track reconstruction in stations 4 & 5. /// It uses the Manso algorithm implemented as a finite state machine. /// #include "AliHLTMUONProcessor.h" #include "AliHLTMUONDataTypes.h" #include "AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMCallback.h" #if __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ < 3 #define std #endif class AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSM; //class AliHLTMUONMansoTracksBlockWriter; extern "C" { struct AliHLTMUONRecHitStruct; } // extern C /** * @class AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent * @brief Dimuon HLT tracker using the Manso tracking algorithm implemented as a FSM. * * This is a tracker component for the muon spectrometer. It performs minimal track * reconstruction in stations 4 & 5. * The Manso algorithm is used, implemented as a finite state machine (FSM). * This makes the component fast, insensitive to residual missalignment and gives * reasonable pT resolution for improved event selectivity. * However, because of its minimalism and simplicity, it does suffer from an increased * fake track rate, in particular for higher multiplicity events. * This should not pose a problem at all for p+p or peripheral A+A events, while * central events should and will be triggered anyway. * *

General properties:

* * Component ID: \b MUONMansoTrackerFSM
* Library: \b libAliHLTMUON.so
* Input Data Types: ('RECHITS ', 'MUON'); ('TRIGRECS', 'MUON')
* Output Data Types: ('MANTRACK', 'MUON'); ('MNCANDID', 'MUON')
* *

Mandatory arguments:

* None.
* *

Optional arguments:

* \li -zmiddle number
* Sets the value for the Z coordinate for the middle of the magnetic field. * The number should be a floating point number representing the Z * coordinate in centimeters (cm). * A reasponable value is around -975cm (the default).
* \li -bfieldintegral number
* Sets the value for the dipole's magnetic field integral. * The number should be a floating point number representing the integral * in units of Tesla meters (T.m). * The value can be negative or possitive to indicate the dipole's polarity.
* \li -a7 number
* \li -a8 number
* \li -a9 number
* \li -a10 number
* \li -b7 number
* \li -b8 number
* \li -b9 number
* \li -b10 number
* These allow one to set the A and B region of interest parameters used by the * tracker to search for correlated hits on subsequent chambers. * The number indicated after -a* or -b* indicates the chamber to set the parameter for. * i.e. "-a7 123" will set the A parameter for chamber 7 to the value of 123. * The region of interest parameters are defined as follows: Rs = a*Rp + b, * where Rs is the region of interest radius and Rp is the distance from the beam line * to the centre of the region of interest (in cm). * The number should be a floating point number in each case and the values * for the B parameters should always be positive.
* \li -z7 number
* \li -z8 number
* \li -z9 number
* \li -z10 number
* \li -z11 number
* \li -z13 number
* These allow one to set the Z coordinate used for the chamber position in the * trackers internal calculations. * The number after -z* indicates the chamber number to set the value for. * Thus, "-z11 -123" sets chamber 11's Z coordinate position to -123 cm. * The number should be a floating point number in each case and negative, * since the spectrometer is located in the negative Z direction. * The units are in centimeters (cm). * The default values are the nominal chamber Z coordinates.
* \li -warn_on_unexpected_block
* This will cause the component to generate warnings when it receives data block * types it does not know how to handle. Without this option the component only * generates debug messages when they are compiled in.
* \li -cdbpath path
* This allows one to override the path to use for the CDB location. * path must be a valid CDB URI. By default the HLT system framework * sets the CDB path.
* \li -run number
* This allows one to override the run number to use. number must be * a positive integer number. By default the HLT system framework sets the * run number.
* \li -delaysetup
* If indicated then part of the initialisation of the component is forcefully * delayed to the first event received, i.e. the Start-of-Run event.
* \li -dumponerror
* This flag will cause the component to dump the data blocks it received if * an error occurs during the processing of an event.
* \li -dumppath path
* Allows one to specify the path in which to dump the received data blocks * if an error occurs.
* \li -makecandidates
* Indicates if the Manso track candidates data block should be generated. * This kind of information is useful for debugging.
* *

Standard configuration:

* This component should normally be configured with no extra options. * It will automatically load the required reconstruction parameters from the CDB.
* *

Default CDB entries:

* The component loads the reconstruction parameters from the MUON subdirectory * in the CDB. * The magnetic field integral, A and B region of interest parameters, * and nominal Z coordinates are stored in a TMap under HLT/ConfigMUON/MansoTrackerFSM. * *


* Can achieve about 3kHz processing rate for nominal event sizes containing * 150 tracks per event. * *

Memory consumption:

* Minimal memory consumption on the order of megabytes. * 5 Mbytes should be more than enough. * *

Output size:

* Output size is about equivalent to the incoming reconstructed hit and trigger * record input data. * * @ingroup alihlt_dimuon_component */ class AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent : public AliHLTMUONProcessor, public AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMCallback { public: AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent(); virtual ~AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent(); // Public functions to implement the AliHLTProcessor interface. // These functions are required for the registration process. virtual const char* GetComponentID(); virtual void GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); virtual AliHLTComponentDataType GetOutputDataType(); virtual int GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); virtual void GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier); virtual AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); // Inherited from AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMCallback: virtual void RequestClusters( AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSM* tracker, AliHLTFloat32_t left, AliHLTFloat32_t right, AliHLTFloat32_t bottom, AliHLTFloat32_t top, AliHLTMUONChamberName chamber, const void* tag ); virtual void EndOfClusterRequests(AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSM* tracker); virtual void FoundTrack(AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSM* tracker); virtual void NoTrackFound(AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSM* tracker); protected: // Protected functions to implement the AliHLTProcessor interface. // These functions provide initialization as well as the actual processing // capabilities of the component. virtual int DoInit(int argc, const char** argv); virtual int Reconfigure(const char* cdbEntry, const char* componentId); virtual int ReadPreprocessorValues(const char* modules); virtual int DoDeinit(); virtual int DoEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ); using AliHLTProcessor::DoEvent; private: // Do not allow copying of this class. AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent(const AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent& /*obj*/); AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent& operator = (const AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent& /*obj*/); void Reset(); void FreeMemory(); void AddRecHits( AliHLTUInt32_t specification, const AliHLTMUONRecHitStruct* recHits, AliHLTUInt32_t count ); void ResetCanLoadFlags(); bool AtLeastOneCanLoadFlagsIsSet() const; /** * Reads this component's configuration parameters from the CDB. * These include the middle of the dipole Z coordinate (zmiddle), the * integrated magnetic field of the dipole, Z coordinates of the chambers * and the region of interest parameters used during the tracking. * \note Only those parameters are loaded from CDB for which the fCanLoadxyz * flags are true. * \return 0 if no errors occured and negative error code compatible with * the HLT framework on errors. */ int ReadConfigFromCDB(); AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSM* fTracker; //! Tracker to do the actual work. AliHLTUInt32_t fTrackCount; //! Number of tracks currently found. /*AliHLTMUONMansoTracksBlockWriter*/void* fBlock; //! The current data block we are writing. class AliRecHitBlockInfo { public: AliRecHitBlockInfo(AliHLTUInt32_t count = 0, const AliHLTMUONRecHitStruct* data = NULL) : fCount(count), fData(data) {} // Perform a shallow copy. AliRecHitBlockInfo(const AliRecHitBlockInfo& obj) : fCount(obj.fCount), fData(obj.fData) {} AliRecHitBlockInfo& operator = (const AliRecHitBlockInfo& obj) { if(&obj == this) return *this; fCount = obj.fCount; fData = obj.fData; return *this; } AliHLTUInt32_t Count() const { return fCount; } const AliHLTMUONRecHitStruct* Data() const { return fData; } private: AliHLTUInt32_t fCount; // Number of elements in fData. const AliHLTMUONRecHitStruct* fData; // Pointer to the array of rec hits. }; //std::vector fRecHitBlock[4]; //! Arrays of rec hit block data. AliHLTUInt32_t fRecHitBlockArraySize; ///< The array size of each array in fRecHitBlock. AliHLTUInt32_t fRecHitBlockCount[4]; ///< The number of records actually stored in fRecHitBlock[i]. // The following are 4 dynamic arrays of AliRecHitBlockInfo structures. // These arrays will all have the same size = fRecHitBlockArraySize. // The array itself is actually allocated only once and the pointer stored in fRecHitBlock[0], // while the other pointers fRecHitBlock[i] {i>0} will just be set relative to fRecHitBlock[0]. // The allocated memory is: 4 * fRecHitBlockArraySize * sizeof(AliRecHitBlockInfo). AliRecHitBlockInfo* fRecHitBlock[4]; //! Arrays of rec hit block data. bool fWarnForUnexpecedBlock; ///< Flag indicating if we should log a warning if we got a block of an unexpected type. bool fCanLoadZmiddle; ///< Indicates if the zmiddle parameter can be loaded from CDB. bool fCanLoadBL; ///< Indicates if the bfieldintegral parameter can be loaded from CDB. bool fCanLoadA[4]; ///< Indicates if the roi_paramA_chamber[7..10] parameter can be loaded from CDB. bool fCanLoadB[4]; ///< Indicates if the roi_paramB_chamber[7..10] parameter can be loaded from CDB. bool fCanLoadZ[6]; ///< Indicates if the chamber[7..11,13]postion parameter can be loaded from CDB. ClassDef(AliHLTMUONMansoTrackerFSMComponent, 0); // Manso tracker component implemented as a finite state machine (FSM). }; #endif // AliHLTMUONMANSOTRACKERFSMCOMPONENT_H