/************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Oystein Djuvsland * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzer.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSRcuCellEnergyDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSBaseline.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSProcessor.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TFile.h" //#include #include #include /** * Class does baseline analysis * * @file AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent.cxx * @author Oystein Djuvsland * @date * @brief A baseline analyzer for PHOS HLT */ // see below for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt const AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::fgkInputDataTypes[]={kAliHLTVoidDataType,{0,"",""}}; AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent gAliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent; AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent() :AliHLTPHOSProcessor(), fBaselineAnalyzerPtr(0), fTreePtr(0), fBaselineArrayPtr(0), fEvCnt(0), fWriteInterval(100), fFillInterval(100), fFilename(0), fDirectory(0), fHistPath(0), fRunNb(0), fCalculateAll(false) { //See header file for documentation } AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::~AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent() { //See header file for documentation } int AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::Deinit() { //See header file for documentation fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->CalculateChannelsBaselineRMS(); char filename [256]; sprintf(filename, "%s/run%d_baselineTree_%d.root", fDirectory, fRunNb,fEvCnt/fWriteInterval); if( CheckFileLog( __FILE__ , filename, "w") == true) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->WriteAccumulatedBaselines(filename); DoneWritingLog( __FILE__ , filename); } sprintf(filename, "%s/run%d_channelHistograms.root", fHistPath, fRunNb); if( CheckFileLog( __FILE__ , filename, "w") == true) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->WriteChannelHistograms(filename); DoneWritingLog( __FILE__ , filename); } sprintf(filename, "%s/run%d_RMSHistogram.root", fHistPath, fRunNb); if( CheckFileLog( __FILE__ , filename, "w") == true) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->WriteRMSHistogram(filename); DoneWritingLog( __FILE__ , filename); } if(fCalculateAll) { CalculateAll(); } if(fBaselineAnalyzerPtr) { delete fBaselineAnalyzerPtr; fBaselineAnalyzerPtr = 0; } if(fTreePtr) { fTreePtr = 0; } if(fFilename) { delete fFilename; fFilename = 0; } return 0; } const char* AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::GetComponentID() { //See header file for documentation return "PhosBaselineAnalyzer"; } void AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::GetInputDataTypes(vector& list) { //Get datatypes for input const AliHLTComponentDataType* pType=fgkInputDataTypes; while (pType->fID!=0) { list.push_back(*pType); pType++; } } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::GetOutputDataType() { //See header file for documentation return AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkBaselineDataType; } void AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier) { //See header file for documentation constBase = 30; inputMultiplier = 1; } int AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::DoEvent(const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& /*trigData*/, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& /*size*/, //TODO: I think that not setting the size explicitly to zero when returning from this method may be a subtle bug in this component. Please check. std::vector& /*outputBlocks*/) { AliHLTUInt8_t* outBPtr; outBPtr = outputPtr; const AliHLTComponentBlockData* iter = 0; unsigned long ndx; for( ndx = 0; ndx < evtData.fBlockCnt; ndx++ ) { iter = blocks+ndx; if(iter->fDataType != AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkCellEnergyDataType) { Logging(kHLTLogWarning, __FILE__ , "wrong datatype" , "dat is not of type fgkCellEnergyDataType"); continue; } fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->CalculateRcuBaselines(reinterpret_cast(iter->fPtr)); } fEvCnt++; //PushBack(fDigitArrayPtr, kAliHLTAnyDataType, (AliHLTUInt32_t)0); if(fEvCnt % fFillInterval == 0) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->FillTree(); } if(fEvCnt % fWriteInterval == 0) { char filename [256]; sprintf(filename, "%s/run%d_baselineTree_%d.root", fDirectory, fRunNb,fEvCnt/fWriteInterval - 1); //:CheckFileLog(const char *origin, const char *filename, const char opt) if( (CheckFileLog( __FILE__ , filename, "w") == true)) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->WriteAccumulatedBaselines(filename); delete fTreePtr; fTreePtr = new TTree("baselineTree", "Baselines"); fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->SetRootObjects(fTreePtr, fBaselineArrayPtr); DoneWritingLog( __FILE__ , filename); } return 0; } } int AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::DoInit(int argc, const char** argv ) { //See header file for documentation Bool_t pathSet = false; Bool_t histPathSet = false; Bool_t nSamplesSet = false; fFilename = new char[50]; fDirectory = new char[50]; fHistPath = new char[50]; /* fstream runNbFile; runNbFile.open("/opt/HLT-public/rundir/runNumber.txt"); runNbFile >> fRunNb; runNbFile.close(); */ fBaselineAnalyzerPtr = new AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzer(); fTreePtr = new TTree("baselineTree", "Baselines"); fBaselineArrayPtr = new TClonesArray("AliHLTPHOSBaseline",N_XCOLUMNS_MOD*N_ZROWS_MOD*N_GAINS); fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->SetRootObjects(fTreePtr, fBaselineArrayPtr); fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->SetMaxCrazyDifference(15); fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->SetMaxSignal(120); for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if(!strcmp("-totalbaselineoutput", argv[i])) { fCalculateAll = true; strcpy(fFilename, argv[i+1]); } if(!strcmp("-path", argv[i])) { strcpy(fDirectory, argv[i+1]); pathSet = true; } if( !strcmp("-histpath", argv[i])) { strcpy(fHistPath, argv[i+1]); histPathSet = true; } if(!strcmp("-nsamples", argv[i])) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->SetNumberOfSamples(atoi(argv[i+1])); nSamplesSet = true; } if(!strcmp("-maxsignal", argv[i])) { fBaselineAnalyzerPtr->SetMaxSignal(atoi(argv[i+1])); } } fWriteInterval = 100; fFillInterval = 100; if(fCalculateAll) { CalculateAll(); } return 0; } AliHLTComponent* AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::Spawn() { //See header file for documentation return new AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent(); } void AliHLTPHOSBaselineAnalyzerComponent::CalculateAll() { //See header file for documentation AliHLTPHOSBaseline *baselineObject = 0; TChain* chain = new TChain("baselineTree"); TTree* totalTree = new TTree("baselineTree", "Baselines"); TClonesArray* baselineArray = new TClonesArray("AliHLTPHOSBaseline", N_XCOLUMNS_MOD*N_ZROWS_MOD*N_GAINS); TClonesArray* totalBaselineArray = new TClonesArray("AliHLTPHOSBaseline", N_XCOLUMNS_MOD*N_ZROWS_MOD*N_GAINS); char filepath [50]; Float_t tmpBaselines[N_XCOLUMNS_MOD][N_ZROWS_MOD][N_GAINS][2]; for(int x = 0; x < N_XCOLUMNS_MOD; x++) { for(int z = 0; z < N_ZROWS_MOD; z++) { for(int gain = 0; gain < N_GAINS; gain++) { for(int d = 0; d < 2; d++) { tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][d] = 0; } } } } sprintf(filepath, "%s/run%d*", fDirectory, fRunNb); Logging(kHLTLogInfo, __FILE__ , "Adding files" , "Adding files from %s", filepath); chain->Add(filepath); Logging(kHLTLogInfo, __FILE__ , "Adding files " , "Gives a total number of %d file",chain->GetEntries()); chain->SetBranchAddress("Baselines", &baselineArray); totalTree->Branch("Baselines", &totalBaselineArray); Int_t nEntries = 0; Int_t totEntries = 0; Float_t baseline = 0; Float_t oldBaseline = 0; Int_t x = 0; Int_t z = 0; Int_t gain = 0; for(int i = 0; i < chain->GetEntries(); i++) { chain->GetEntry(i); for(int j = 0; j < baselineArray->GetEntriesFast(); j++) { baselineObject = (AliHLTPHOSBaseline*)baselineArray->At(j); x = baselineObject->GetX(); z = baselineObject->GetZ(); gain = baselineObject->GetGain(); nEntries = baselineObject->GetEntries(); baseline = baselineObject->GetBaseline(); oldBaseline = tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][0]; totEntries = (Int_t)tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][1]; tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][0] = (oldBaseline*totEntries + baseline)/(totEntries + 1); tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][1] = totEntries + 1; } } Int_t n = 0; for(x = 0; x < (Int_t)N_XCOLUMNS_MOD; x++) { for(z = 0; z < (Int_t)N_ZROWS_MOD; z++) { for(gain = 0; gain < (Int_t)N_GAINS; gain++) { baselineObject = (AliHLTPHOSBaseline*)totalBaselineArray->New(n); baselineObject->SetBaseline(tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][0]); baselineObject->SetX(x); baselineObject->SetZ(z); baselineObject->SetGain(gain); if( tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][1] == 0) { Logging(kHLTLogWarning, __FILE__ , "zero entries", " for x:= %d, z=%d, gain = %d, Setting baseline to 40", x, z, gain); baselineObject->SetBaseline(40); continue; } baselineObject->SetEntries( Int_t(tmpBaselines[x][z][gain][1]) ); n++; } } } totalTree->Fill(); if(CheckFileLog(__FILE__, fFilename, "w") == true) { TFile *outfile = new TFile(fFilename,"recreate"); totalTree->Write(); outfile->Close(); DoneWritingLog(__FILE__ , fFilename); delete outfile; } }