/************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the Experimental Nuclear * * Physics Group, Dep. of Physics * * University of Oslo, Norway, 2007 * * * * Author: Per Thomas Hille for the ALICE HLT Project.* * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * Please report bugs to perthi@fys.uio.no * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSFourier.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSValidCellDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSRcuCellEnergyDataStruct.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSSharedMemoryInterface.h" #include "AliHLTPHOSRcuFFTDataStruct.h" AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent gAliHLTPHOSFourierComponent; AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent(): AliHLTPHOSRcuProcessor(),fFourierPtr(0), fShmPtr(0),fOutPtr(0) { fFourierPtr = new AliHLTPHOSFourier(); fShmPtr = new AliHLTPHOSSharedMemoryInterface(); } AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::~AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent() { } int AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::Deinit() { Logging(kHLTLogInfo, "HLT", "PHOS", ",Deinitializing AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent"); return 0; } const char* AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::GetComponentID() { return "PhosFourier"; // "PhosFourier" } AliHLTComponent* AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::Spawn() { return new AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent; } void AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::GetInputDataTypes( vector& list) { list.clear(); list.push_back(AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkCellEnergyDataType); /* const AliHLTComponentDataType* pType=fgkInputDataTypes; while (pType->fID!=0) { list.push_back(*pType); pType++; } */ } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::GetOutputDataType() { return AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkFourierTransform; // return AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkCellEnergyDataType; // return kAliHLTMultipleDataType; } /* int AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& tgtList) { tgtList.clear(); tgtList.push_back(AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkFourierTransform); // tgtList.push_back(kAliHLTDataTypeHwAddr16); return tgtList.size(); } */ void AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier) { // constBase =1; // inputMultiplier = 1; // constBase = 30; // inputMultiplier = 1.2; inputMultiplier = 0.1; } int AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::DoInit(int /*argc*/, const char** /*argv*/) { cout << "AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::DoInit !!!!!!!!!! " << endl; return 0; } /* int AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::DoDeinit() { } */ int AliHLTPHOSFourierComponent::DoEvent(const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& /*trigData*/, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ) { fPhosEventCount ++; AliHLTPHOSValidCellDataStruct *currentChannel =0; UInt_t offset = 0; UInt_t mysize = 0; UInt_t tSize = 0; const AliHLTComponentBlockData* iter = NULL; unsigned long ndx; UInt_t specification = 0; for( ndx = 0; ndx < evtData.fBlockCnt; ndx++ ) { iter = blocks+ndx; if(iter->fDataType != AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkCellEnergyDataType) { continue; } specification = specification|iter->fSpecification; AliHLTPHOSRcuCellEnergyDataStruct *cellDataPtr = (AliHLTPHOSRcuCellEnergyDataStruct*)( iter->fPtr); AliHLTPHOSRcuFFTDataStruct *fourierOutPtr = (AliHLTPHOSRcuFFTDataStruct*)outputPtr; fShmPtr->SetMemory(cellDataPtr); currentChannel = fShmPtr->NextChannel(); while(currentChannel != 0) { Int_t *data; Int_t nsamples = 0; data= fShmPtr->GetRawData(nsamples); fFourierPtr->ProcessFourier(data, nsamples, currentChannel->fZ, currentChannel->fX, currentChannel->fGain ); currentChannel = fShmPtr->NextChannel(); } *fourierOutPtr = fFourierPtr->GetPSD(); for(int i=0; i < 500; i++) { if(i%16 == 0) { printf("\n"); } cout << fourierOutPtr->fGlobalAccumulatedPSD[1][i] << "\t"; } mysize += sizeof(AliHLTPHOSRcuFFTDataStruct); AliHLTComponentBlockData bd; bd.fOffset = offset; bd.fSize = mysize; bd.fDataType = AliHLTPHOSDefinitions::fgkFourierTransform; // bd.fSpecification = 0xFFFFFFFF; // bd.fSpecification = specification; bd.fSpecification = 1; outputBlocks.push_back( bd ); cout <<"size left is "<< size <<" FourierComponenet: offset ="<< offset << "mysize =" << mysize << "specification =" << specification < size ) { cout <<"HLT::AliHLTFourierComponent::DoEvent Too much data Data written over allowed buffer. Amount written:"<< tSize<<"allowed amount"<< size << endl; Logging( kHLTLogFatal, "HLT::AliHLTFourierComponent::DoEvent", "Too much data", "Data written over allowed buffer. Amount written: %lu, allowed amount: %lu." , tSize, size ); return EMSGSIZE; } } return 0; }