// $Id$ /** * Analyze RCU RAW data ddl files. * * Usage: * aliroot -b -q -l check-ddl.C'("filename")' | tee check-ddl.C * * Check an RCU ddl file and print out the channel content by using * the AliAltroDecoder. * * \b Note: The channel data has to be read in reverse order and is: * - length of a bunch * - end time bin of the bunch * - bunch data * * E.g. *
 * ---------- channel ----------
 * 10       314     3       300
 * 432      3
* means two bunches, one at 432 signal 300 and one at 314 signal 10. * * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no * @ingroup alihlt_rcu */ void check_ddl(const char* filename=NULL) { if (!filename) { cout << "usage: aliroot -b -l -q check-ddl.C'(\"filename\")'" << endl; return; } TString param=filename; param+="?filetype=raw"; TFile file(param); if (file.IsZombie()) { cout << "can not open file " << filename << endl; return; } TArrayC buffer(file.GetSize()); if (file.ReadBuffer(buffer.GetArray(), buffer.GetSize())) { cout << "error reading file " << filename << endl; return; } AliAltroDecoder decoder; if (decoder.SetMemory((UChar_t*)buffer.GetArray(), (UInt_t)buffer.GetSize())<0) { cout << "error setting up decoder " << endl; return; } if (!decoder.Decode()) { cout << "error decoding file " << filename << endl; return; } cout << "RCU trailer size: " << decoder.GetRCUTrailerSize() << endl; AliAltroData channel; while (decoder.NextChannel(&channel)) { cout << "---------- channel " << channel.GetHadd() << " ----------" << endl; decoder.PrintInfo(channel, channel.GetDataSize(), 4); } }