/** \class AliHLTTPCCATracker
// AliHLTTPCCATracker
// Author: Ivan Kisel
// Copyright © ALICE HLT Group
*/ #define WRITETRACKS 1 #include #include "AliHLTTPCRootTypes.h" #include "AliHLTTPCSpacePointData.h" #include "AliHLTTPCLogging.h" #include "AliHLTTPCVertex.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTrackArray.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTransform.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCATracker.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTrackSegmentData.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TFrame.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TEllipse.h" #include "TText.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif static TList *listHisto; static TH1F *h_NClusters; static TH2F *h_ClustersXY[10]; static Int_t h_Event; //#define DRAW #ifdef DRAW static TApplication *myapp; static TCanvas *YX, *ZX; static bool ask = false; #endif //DRAW ClassImp(AliHLTTPCCATracker) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliHLTTPCCATracker::AliHLTTPCCATracker() { //Default constructor fVertex = NULL; fTrack = NULL; fHit = NULL; fVolume = NULL; fRow = NULL; fBench = (Bool_t)true; fVertexConstraint = (Bool_t)true; fParamSet[0]=0; fParamSet[1]=0; //JMT 2006/11/13 fOutputPtr= NULL; fOutputNTracks=0; fOutputSize=0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliHLTTPCCATracker::~AliHLTTPCCATracker() { // Destructor. if(fVolume) { delete [] fVolume; } if(fRow) { delete [] fRow; } if(fHit) { delete [] fHit; } if(fTrack) { delete fTrack; } //JMT 2006/11/13 if(fOutputPtr){ fOutputPtr = NULL; delete fOutputPtr; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliHLTTPCCATracker::CACreateHistos() { // IK histogramming static bool first_call = true; if (first_call){ first_call = false; h_Event = 0; TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; TDirectory *histodir = gROOT->mkdir("histodir"); histodir->cd(); h_NClusters = new TH1F("h_NClusters", "Number of clusters in event", 100, 0.0, 1000.0); h_ClustersXY[0] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_0", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 0", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[1] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_1", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 1", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[2] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_2", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 2", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[3] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_3", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 3", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[4] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_4", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 4", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[5] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_5", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 5", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[6] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_6", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 6", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[7] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_7", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 7", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[8] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_8", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 8", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); h_ClustersXY[9] = new TH2F("h_ClustersXY_9", "Clusters in XY plane Ev 9", 100, 50.0, 300.0, 100, -100.0, 100.0); listHisto = gDirectory->GetList(); curdir->cd(); #ifdef DRAW myapp = new TApplication("myapp", 0, 0); gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); gStyle->SetCanvasBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); YX = new TCanvas ("YX", "YX (Pad-Row) window", -10, 0, 680, 400); YX->Range(-50.0, 80.0, 50.0, 250.0); YX->Clear(); YX->Draw(); ZX = new TCanvas ("ZX", "ZX window", -700, 0, 680, 400); ZX->Range(-250.0, 80.0, 250.0, 250.0); ZX->Clear(); ZX->Draw(); #ifdef XXX char symbol; if (ask){ do{ std::cin.get(symbol); if (symbol == 'r') ask = false; } while (symbol != '\n'); } #endif //XXX #endif //DRAW } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliHLTTPCCATracker::CAWriteHistos() { // IK Open the output file and write histogramms TFile *outfile = new TFile("ConfMapper_histo.root", "RECREATE"); TIter hiter(listHisto); while (TObject *obj = hiter()) obj->Write(); outfile->Close(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliHLTTPCCATracker::ReadHits(UInt_t count, AliHLTTPCSpacePointData* hits ) { //read hits Int_t nhit=(Int_t)count; vector vec_hits; vec_hits.clear(); for (Int_t i=0;ifX; hit.y = pSP->fY; hit.z = pSP->fZ; hit.errx = 1.0;//pSP->fSigmaY2; if (patch <= 3) hit.erry = 10.0;//1.0;//pSP->fSigmaY2; else hit.erry = 10.0;//pSP->fSigmaY2; hit.errz = 1.0;//pSP->fSigmaZ2; hit.index = i; hit.counter = 0; vec_hits.push_back(hit); } #ifdef DRAW TMarker *mhit = new TMarker(0.0, 0.0, 6); mhit->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); for (Int_t i = patch_first_hit_ind; i <= patch_last_hit_ind; i++) { YX->cd(); mhit->DrawMarker(vec_hits[i].y, vec_hits[i].x); ZX->cd(); mhit->DrawMarker(vec_hits[i].z, vec_hits[i].x); } delete mhit; YX->cd(); YX->Update(); YX->Draw(); ZX->cd(); ZX->Update(); ZX->Draw(); #endif //DRAW return; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliHLTTPCCATracker::CAFindPatchTracks(Int_t patch) { #ifdef DRAW TLine *line = new TLine(); line->SetLineColor(kBlack); #endif //DRAW Double_t dist01, dist12, dist02, mindist, chi2, minchi2; CAHit *ph0, *ph1, *ph2, *phbest, *next; Double_t x, y, z, ty, tz, cov_y, cov_ty, cov_yty, cov_z, cov_tz, cov_ztz, ye, ze, dx, dy, dz, sy2, sz2; for (Int_t i1 = patch_first_hit_ind; i1 < patch_last_hit_ind; i1++) // counter != 0){ // the previous hit exists x = ph1->x; y = ph1->y; z = ph1->z; dx = (ph1->x-ph0->x); // assume different x !!! if (abs(dx) < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001; ty = (ph1->y-ph0->y)/dx; tz = (ph1->z-ph0->z)/dx; cov_y = ph1->erry*ph1->erry; cov_ty = (ph0->erry*ph0->erry + ph1->erry*ph1->erry)/(dx*dx); cov_yty = (ph1->erry*ph1->erry)/dx; cov_z = ph1->errz*ph1->errz; cov_tz = (ph0->errz*ph0->errz + ph1->errz*ph1->errz)/(dx*dx); cov_ztz = (ph1->errz*ph1->errz)/dx; } for (Int_t i2 = i1+1; i2 <= patch_last_hit_ind; i2++) { ph2 = &(vec_hits[i2]); if (ph2->x < ph1->x) continue; // no backward direction! dist12 = sqrt((ph1->x-ph2->x)*(ph1->x-ph2->x) + (ph1->y-ph2->y)*(ph1->y-ph2->y) + (ph1->z-ph2->z)*(ph1->z-ph2->z)); if (dist12 < mindist){ if (ph1->counter == 0){ mindist = dist12; phbest = ph2; } else{ // calculate chi2 distance between the hit and the line dx = (ph2->x-x); // assume different x !!! if (abs(dx) < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001; ye = y + ty*dx; ze = z + tz*dx; sy2 = cov_y + 2.0*cov_yty*dx + cov_ty*dx*dx; sz2 = cov_z + 2.0*cov_ztz*dx + cov_tz*dx*dx; dy = ph2->y - ye; dz = ph2->z - ze; chi2 = (dy*dy)/(sy2+ph2->erry*ph2->erry) + (dz*dz)/(sz2+ph2->errz*ph2->errz); // check the straight line model if (chi2 < minchi2){ mindist = dist12; phbest = ph2; } } } } if (phbest != NULL){// closest hit found // exchange jbest with the next hit Double_t x_tmp = next->x; Double_t y_tmp = next->y; Double_t z_tmp = next->z; Double_t errx_tmp = next->errx; Double_t erry_tmp = next->erry; Double_t errz_tmp = next->errz; Int_t index_tmp = next->index; Int_t counter_tmp = next->counter; next->x = phbest->x; next->y = phbest->y; next->z = phbest->z; next->errx = phbest->errx; next->erry = phbest->erry; next->errz = phbest->errz; next->index = phbest->index; next->counter = phbest->counter; phbest->x = x_tmp; phbest->y = y_tmp; phbest->z = z_tmp; phbest->errx = errx_tmp; phbest->erry = erry_tmp; phbest->errz = errz_tmp; phbest->index = index_tmp; phbest->counter = counter_tmp; if (ph1->counter == 0) ph1->counter = 1; next->counter = ph1->counter+1; ph0 = ph1; dist01 = mindist; #ifdef DRAW YX->cd(); line->DrawLine(ph1->y, ph1->x, next->y, next->x); ZX->cd(); line->DrawLine(ph1->z, ph1->x, next->z, next->x); #endif //DRAW } } #ifdef DRAW delete line; YX->cd(); YX->Update(); YX->Draw(); ZX->cd(); ZX->Update(); ZX->Draw(); #endif //DRAW CATrack tr; tr.nhits = 0; tr.chi2 = 0.0; tr.ndf = -4; tr.vec_ihits.clear(); patch_first_track_ind = vec_patch_tracks.size(); patch_last_track_ind = patch_first_track_ind - 1; CAHit *my_phf; // collect tracks for (Int_t ihr = patch_last_hit_ind; ihr >= patch_first_hit_ind; ihr--){ CAHit* phit = &(vec_hits[ihr]); if ((phit->counter < 5)&&(tr.nhits == 0)) continue; // do not collect short tracks if ((phit->counter != 0)&&(tr.nhits == 0))// store the first hit my_phf = phit; if (phit->counter != 0){//add hit to the track tr.nhits++; tr.vec_ihits.push_back(ihr); if (tr.nhits == 2){ // calculate initial track parameters CAHit* phit0 = &(vec_hits[tr.vec_ihits[0]]); CAHit* phit1 = &(vec_hits[tr.vec_ihits[1]]); tr.x = phit1->x; tr.y = phit1->y; tr.z = phit1->z; Double_t dx = (phit1->x-phit0->x); // assume different x !!! if (abs(dx) < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001; tr.ty = (phit1->y-phit0->y)/dx; tr.tz = (phit1->z-phit0->z)/dx; tr.cov_y = phit1->erry*phit1->erry; tr.cov_ty = (phit0->erry*phit0->erry + phit1->erry*phit1->erry)/(dx*dx); tr.cov_yty = (phit1->erry*phit1->erry)/dx; tr.cov_z = phit1->errz*phit1->errz; tr.cov_tz = (phit0->errz*phit0->errz + phit1->errz*phit1->errz)/(dx*dx); tr.cov_ztz = (phit1->errz*phit1->errz)/dx; } if (tr.nhits > 2){ // propagate the track Double_t dx = (phit->x-tr.x); // assume different x !!! if (abs(dx) < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001; Double_t ye = tr.y + tr.ty*dx; Double_t ze = tr.z + tr.tz*dx; Double_t cov_y = tr.cov_y + 2.0*tr.cov_yty*dx + tr.cov_ty*dx*dx; Double_t cov_yty = tr.cov_yty + tr.cov_ty*dx; Double_t cov_ty = tr.cov_ty; Double_t cov_z = tr.cov_z + 2.0*tr.cov_ztz*dx + tr.cov_tz*dx*dx; Double_t cov_ztz = tr.cov_ztz + tr.cov_tz*dx; Double_t cov_tz = tr.cov_tz; Double_t dy = phit->y - ye; Double_t dz = phit->z - ze; // add the measurement Double_t w = 1.0/(phit->erry*phit->erry + cov_y); tr.y = ye + cov_y*dy*w; tr.ty = tr.ty + cov_yty*dy*w; tr.cov_y = cov_y - cov_y*cov_y*w; tr.cov_yty = cov_yty - cov_y*cov_yty*w; tr.cov_ty = cov_ty -cov_yty*cov_yty*w; tr.chi2 += dy*dy*w; tr.ndf += 1; w = 1.0/(phit->errz*phit->errz + cov_z); tr.z = ze + cov_z*dz*w; tr.tz = tr.tz + cov_ztz*dz*w; tr.cov_z = cov_z - cov_z*cov_z*w; tr.cov_ztz = cov_ztz - cov_z*cov_ztz*w; tr.cov_tz = cov_tz -cov_ztz*cov_ztz*w; tr.x += dx; tr.chi2 += dz*dz*w; tr.ndf += 1; } } if (phit->counter == 1){// store the track tr.good = 1; tr.used = 0; tr.next = -1; tr.patch = patch; Double_t trdist = sqrt((my_phf->x-phit->x)*(my_phf->x-phit->x)+ (my_phf->y-phit->y)*(my_phf->y-phit->y)+ (my_phf->z-phit->z)*(my_phf->z-phit->z)); if ((trdist > 1.0)&&(tr.chi2/tr.ndf < 10.0)){ vec_patch_tracks.push_back(tr); patch_last_track_ind++; } // reset the track tr.nhits = 0; tr.chi2 = 0.0; tr.ndf = -4; tr.vec_ihits.clear(); } } // sort tracks according (currently) to number of hits //sort(vec_patch_tracks.begin(), vec_patch_tracks.end(), compareNhits); //don't need to sort here #ifdef DRAW TLine *trline = new TLine(); trline->SetLineColor(kGreen); for (Int_t itr = patch_first_track_ind; itr <= patch_last_track_ind; itr++){ CATrack *ptr = &(vec_patch_tracks[itr]); CAHit* phitf = &(vec_hits[ptr->vec_ihits.back()]); CAHit* phitl = &(vec_hits[ptr->vec_ihits.front()]); YX->cd(); Double_t yf = ptr->y + ptr->ty*(phitf->x-ptr->x); Double_t yl = ptr->y + ptr->ty*(phitl->x-ptr->x); trline->DrawLine(yf, phitf->x, yl, phitl->x); ZX->cd(); Double_t zf = ptr->z + ptr->tz*(phitf->x-ptr->x); Double_t zl = ptr->z + ptr->tz*(phitl->x-ptr->x); trline->DrawLine(zf, phitf->x, zl, phitl->x); } delete trline; YX->cd(); YX->Update(); YX->Draw(); ZX->cd(); ZX->Update(); ZX->Draw(); #endif //DRAW return; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliHLTTPCCATracker::CAFindSliceTracks() { Int_t ntracks = vec_patch_tracks.size(); // merge patch tracks into slice tracks // start with the longest tracks in the first patches // sort tracks according (currently) to patch and within patch - number of hits sort(vec_patch_tracks.begin(), vec_patch_tracks.end(), compareCATracks); for (Int_t itr1 = 0; itr1 < ntracks-1; itr1++){ CATrack *ptr1 = &(vec_patch_tracks[itr1]); Double_t maxdisty = 10.0; Double_t maxdistz = 5.0; Double_t mindist = 10.0; Int_t next = -1; #ifdef XXX for (Int_t itr2 = itr1+1; itr2 < ntracks; itr2++){ CATrack *ptr2 = &(vec_patch_tracks[itr2]); if (ptr2->patch == ptr1->patch) continue; // the same patch - no prolongation if (ptr2->patch > ptr1->patch+1) break; // sorted tracks - no prolongation skippeng over patches if (ptr2->used == 1) continue; // already matched CAHit* phitf2 = &(vec_hits[ptr2->vec_ihits.back()]); CAHit* phitl2 = &(vec_hits[ptr2->vec_ihits.front()]); // extrapolate tr1 to the both ends of tr2 Double_t dyf = ptr1->y + ptr1->ty*(phitf2->x-ptr1->x) - phitf2->y; Double_t dyl = ptr1->y + ptr1->ty*(phitl2->x-ptr1->x) - phitl2->y; Double_t dzf = ptr1->z + ptr1->tz*(phitf2->x-ptr1->x) - phitf2->z; Double_t dzl = ptr1->z + ptr1->tz*(phitl2->x-ptr1->x) - phitl2->z; // roughly similar tracks ? if ((abs(dyf) > maxdisty)||(abs(dyl) > maxdisty)||(abs(dzf) > maxdistz)||(abs(dzl) > maxdistz)) continue; // roughly parallel tracks ? Double_t dist = sqrt((dyf-dyl)*(dyf-dyl)+(dzf-dzl)*(dzf-dzl)); if (dist > mindist) continue; mindist = dist; next = itr2; } #endif // found track prolongations? if (next != -1){ CATrack *ptr2 = &(vec_patch_tracks[next]); ptr1->next = next; ptr2->used = 1; } } CATrack tr; tr.nhits = 0; tr.chi2 = 0.0; tr.ndf = -4; tr.vec_ihits.clear(); //collect tracks for (Int_t itr = 0; itr < ntracks; itr++){ CATrack *ptr = &(vec_patch_tracks[itr]); if (ptr->used) continue; // start with a track not used in prolongations Int_t first = 1; do{ if (first == 1){ first = 0; } else{ ptr = &(vec_patch_tracks[ptr->next]); } for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < ptr->nhits; ih++){ tr.vec_ihits.push_back(ptr->vec_ihits[ih]); tr.nhits++; } }while(ptr->next != -1); //sort hits according to increasing x sort(tr.vec_ihits.begin(), tr.vec_ihits.end(), compareCAHitsX); vec_slice_tracks.push_back(tr); tr.nhits = 0; tr.chi2 = 0.0; tr.ndf = -4; tr.vec_ihits.clear(); } #ifdef DRAW TLine *trline = new TLine(); trline->SetLineColor(kRed); #endif //DRAW #if WRITETRACKS UInt_t size = 0; UInt_t nTracks = 0; #endif for (vector::iterator trIt = vec_slice_tracks.begin(); trIt != vec_slice_tracks.end(); trIt++){ CAHit* phit0 = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[trIt->nhits-1]]); CAHit* phit1 = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[trIt->nhits-2]]); trIt->x = phit1->x; trIt->y = phit1->y; trIt->z = phit1->z; Double_t dx = (phit1->x-phit0->x); // assume different x !!! if (abs(dx) < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001; trIt->ty = (phit1->y-phit0->y)/dx; trIt->tz = (phit1->z-phit0->z)/dx; trIt->cov_y = phit1->erry*phit1->erry; trIt->cov_ty = (phit0->erry*phit0->erry + phit1->erry*phit1->erry)/(dx*dx); trIt->cov_yty = (phit1->erry*phit1->erry)/dx; trIt->cov_z = phit1->errz*phit1->errz; trIt->cov_tz = (phit0->errz*phit0->errz + phit1->errz*phit1->errz)/(dx*dx); trIt->cov_ztz = (phit1->errz*phit1->errz)/dx; for (Int_t ih = trIt->nhits-3; ih >= 0; ih--){ CAHit* phit = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[ih]]); // propagate the track Double_t dx = (phit->x-trIt->x); // assume different x !!! if (abs(dx) < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001; Double_t ye = trIt->y + trIt->ty*dx; Double_t ze = trIt->z + trIt->tz*dx; Double_t cov_y = trIt->cov_y + 2.0*trIt->cov_yty*dx + trIt->cov_ty*dx*dx; Double_t cov_yty = trIt->cov_yty + trIt->cov_ty*dx; Double_t cov_ty = trIt->cov_ty; Double_t cov_z = trIt->cov_z + 2.0*trIt->cov_ztz*dx + trIt->cov_tz*dx*dx; Double_t cov_ztz = trIt->cov_ztz + trIt->cov_tz*dx; Double_t cov_tz = trIt->cov_tz; Double_t dy = phit->y - ye; Double_t dz = phit->z - ze; // add the measurement Double_t w = 1.0/(phit->erry*phit->erry + cov_y); trIt->y = ye + cov_y*dy*w; trIt->ty = trIt->ty + cov_yty*dy*w; trIt->cov_y = cov_y - cov_y*cov_y*w; trIt->cov_yty = cov_yty - cov_y*cov_yty*w; trIt->cov_ty = cov_ty -cov_yty*cov_yty*w; trIt->chi2 += dy*dy*w; trIt->ndf += 1; w = 1.0/(phit->errz*phit->errz + cov_z); trIt->z = ze + cov_z*dz*w; trIt->tz = trIt->tz + cov_ztz*dz*w; trIt->cov_z = cov_z - cov_z*cov_z*w; trIt->cov_ztz = cov_ztz - cov_z*cov_ztz*w; trIt->cov_tz = cov_tz -cov_ztz*cov_ztz*w; trIt->chi2 += dz*dz*w; trIt->ndf += 1; trIt->x += dx; } trIt->good = 1; trIt->used = 0; trIt->next = -1; trIt->patch = -1; //if (trIt->chi2/trIt->ndf < 1.0) //trIt->good = 0; // JMT 2006/11/13 Write Tracks to container #if WRITETRACKS CAHit* firstHit = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[0]]); CAHit* lastHit = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[trIt->nhits-1]]); Float_t xFirst = (Float_t) firstHit->x; Float_t yFirst = (Float_t) trIt->y + trIt->ty*(xFirst-trIt->x); float_t zFirst = (Float_t) trIt->z + trIt->tz*(xFirst-trIt->x); Float_t xLast = (Float_t) lastHit->x; Float_t yLast = (Float_t) trIt->y + trIt->ty*(xLast-trIt->x); Float_t zLast = (Float_t) trIt->z + trIt->tz*(xLast-trIt->x); fOutputPtr->fX = xFirst; fOutputPtr->fY = yFirst; fOutputPtr->fZ = zFirst; fOutputPtr->fPt = -9876.0; fOutputPtr->fPterr = 1; fOutputPtr->fLastX = xLast; fOutputPtr->fLastY = yLast; fOutputPtr->fLastZ = zLast; fOutputPtr->fPsi = atan(trIt->ty); fOutputPtr->fTgl = trIt->tz; fOutputPtr->fPsierr = 1; fOutputPtr->fTglerr = 1; fOutputPtr->fCharge = 1; fOutputPtr->fNPoints = 0; Byte_t *tmpP = (Byte_t *)fOutputPtr; tmpP += sizeof(AliHLTTPCTrackSegmentData); //+fOutputPtr->fNPoints*sizeof(UInt_t); size += sizeof(AliHLTTPCTrackSegmentData); //+fOutputPtr->fNPoints*sizeof(UInt_t); fOutputPtr = (AliHLTTPCTrackSegmentData*)tmpP; nTracks++; #endif #ifdef DRAW CAHit* phitf = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[0]]); CAHit* phitl = &(vec_hits[trIt->vec_ihits[trIt->nhits-1]]); Double_t xf = phitf->x; Double_t yf = trIt->y + trIt->ty*(xf-trIt->x); Double_t zf = trIt->z + trIt->tz*(xf-trIt->x); Double_t xl = phitl->x; Double_t yl = trIt->y + trIt->ty*(xl-trIt->x); Double_t zl = trIt->z + trIt->tz*(xl-trIt->x); YX->cd(); trline->DrawLine(yf, xf, yl, xl); ZX->cd(); trline->DrawLine(zf, xf, zl, xl); #endif //DRAW } #if WRITETRACKS fOutputNTracks = nTracks; fOutputSize = size; cout << "NTRACKS=" << nTracks << endl; cout << "SIZEoF=" << sizeof(AliHLTTPCTrackSegmentData) << endl; cout << "SIZE=" << fOutputSize << endl; #endif #ifdef DRAW delete trline; YX->cd(); YX->Update(); YX->Draw(); ZX->cd(); ZX->Update(); ZX->Draw(); #endif //DRAW return; }