// @(#) $Id$ // Original: AliL3ConfMapTrack.cxx,v 1.16 2005/06/14 10:55:21 cvetan // Author: Anders Vestbo , Uli Frankenfeld //*-- Copyright © ALICE HLT Group #include "AliHLTTPCRootTypes.h" #include "AliHLTTPCLogging.h" #include "AliHLTTPCVertex.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapFit.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTransform.h" #include "AliHLTTPC.h" /** \class AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack
// AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack
// Track class for conformal mapper
*/ #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif ClassImp(AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack) AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack() { //Constructor fChiSq[0] = 0.; fChiSq[1] = 0.; } AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::~AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack() { //deconstructor } void AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::DeleteCandidate() { //Deletes this track by resetting all its parameters. Does not delete //the object itself. AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *curHit = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fFirstHit; AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *nextHit; while(curHit != 0) { nextHit = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)curHit->GetNextTrackHit(); curHit->SetNextTrackHit(0); curHit = nextHit; } UInt_t *hit_numbers = GetHitNumbers(); for(Int_t i=0; iSetUsage(usage); } return; } void AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::Reset() { //Resets the fit parameters of this track. //xy-plane fs11Xy = 0; fs12Xy = 0; fs22Xy = 0; fg1Xy = 0; fg2Xy = 0; fChiSq[0] = 0.; //sz-plane fs11Sz = 0; fs12Sz = 0; fs22Sz = 0; fg1Sz = 0; fg2Sz = 0; fChiSq[1] = 0; SetLength(0); SetNHits(0); } void AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::UpdateParam(AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *thisHit) { //Function to update fit parameters of track //Also, it updates the hit pointers. //Increment the number of hits assigned to this track: //fNHits++; Int_t nhits = GetNHits(); nhits++; SetNHits(nhits); //SetNHits(nhits++); //Set the hit pointers: //if(fNHits == 1) if(GetNHits()==1) fFirstHit = thisHit; else ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fLastHit)->SetNextTrackHit(thisHit); fLastHit = thisHit; fs11Xy = fs11Xy + thisHit->GetXYWeight() ; fs12Xy = fs12Xy + thisHit->GetXYWeight() * thisHit->GetXprime() ; fs22Xy = fs22Xy + thisHit->GetXYWeight() * pow((thisHit->GetXprime()),2) ; fg1Xy = fg1Xy + thisHit->GetXYWeight() * thisHit->GetYprime() ; fg2Xy = fg2Xy + thisHit->GetXYWeight() * thisHit->GetXprime() * thisHit->GetYprime() ; fddXy = fs11Xy * fs22Xy - pow((fs12Xy),2) ; if ( fddXy != 0 ) { fa1Xy = ( fg1Xy * fs22Xy - fg2Xy * fs12Xy ) / fddXy ; fa2Xy = ( fg2Xy * fs11Xy - fg1Xy * fs12Xy ) / fddXy ; } // Now in the sz plane fs11Sz = fs11Sz + thisHit->GetZWeight() ; fs12Sz = fs12Sz + thisHit->GetZWeight() * thisHit->GetS() ; fs22Sz = fs22Sz + thisHit->GetZWeight() * thisHit->GetS() * thisHit->GetS() ; fg1Sz = fg1Sz + thisHit->GetZWeight() * thisHit->GetZ() ; fg2Sz = fg2Sz + thisHit->GetZWeight() * thisHit->GetS() * thisHit->GetZ() ; fddSz = fs11Sz * fs22Sz - fs12Sz * fs12Sz ; if ( fddSz != 0 ) { fa1Sz = ( fg1Sz * fs22Sz - fg2Sz * fs12Sz ) / fddSz ; fa2Sz = ( fg2Sz * fs11Sz - fg1Sz * fs12Sz ) / fddSz ; } } void AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::Fill(AliHLTTPCVertex *vertex,Double_t max_Dca) { //Fill track variables with or without fit. //fRadius = sqrt(fa2Xy*fa2Xy+1)/(2*fabs(fa1Xy)); Double_t radius = sqrt(fa2Xy*fa2Xy+1)/(2*fabs(fa1Xy)); SetRadius(radius); //fPt = (Double_t)(AliHLTTPCTransform::GetBFieldValue() * fRadius); Double_t pt = (Double_t)(AliHLTTPCTransform::GetBFieldValue() * GetRadius()); SetPt(pt); if(GetPt() > max_Dca) //go for fit of helix in real space { AliHLTTPCConfMapFit *fit = new AliHLTTPCConfMapFit(this,vertex); ComesFromMainVertex(AliHLTTPC::DoVertexFit()); fit->FitHelix(); //AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *lHit = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fLastHit; AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *fHit = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fFirstHit; SetLastPoint(fHit->GetX(),fHit->GetY(),fHit->GetZ()); UpdateToFirstPoint(); delete fit; } else if(GetPt() == 0) LOG(AliHLTTPCLog::kError,"AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack::Fill","Tracks")<UncheckedAt(i); lab=fabs(c->fMCTrackID[0]); Int_t j; for (j=0; jmax) {max=s[i].max; lab=s[i].lab;} delete[] s; for (i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (fabs(c->fMCTrackID[1]) == lab || fabs(c->fMCTrackID[2]) == lab ) max++; } //check if more than 10% of the clusters are incorrectly assigned (fake track): if (1.-Float_t(max)/num_of_clusters > 0.10) { return -lab; } Int_t tail=Int_t(0.08*174); if (num_of_clusters < tail) return lab; max=0; for (i=1; i<=tail; i++) { AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *c = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fPoints->UncheckedAt(num_of_clusters-i); if (lab == fabs(c->fMCTrackID[0]) || lab == fabs(c->fMCTrackID[1]) || lab == fabs(c->fMCTrackID[2])) max++; } if (max < Int_t(0.5*tail)) { //printf("Wrong innermost clusters\n"); return -lab; } return lab; */ }