// @(#) $Id$ // Original: AliHLTConfMapper.cxx,v 1.26 2005/06/14 10:55:21 cvetan Exp $ /** \class AliHLTTPCConfMapper
// AliHLTTPCConfMapper
// Conformal mapping base class
// Author: Anders Vestbo 
// Copyright © ALICE HLT Group
*/ #include #include "AliHLTTPCRootTypes.h" #include "AliHLTTPCSpacePointData.h" #include "AliHLTTPCLogging.h" #include "AliHLTTPCVertex.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTrackArray.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTransform.h" #include "AliHLTTPCConfMapper.h" #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif ClassImp(AliHLTTPCConfMapper) AliHLTTPCConfMapper::AliHLTTPCConfMapper() : fBench(kTRUE), fNTracks(0), fVertex(NULL), fVertexFinder(kFALSE), fHit(NULL), fTrack(NULL), fMaxDca(0.0), // no clue whether this is reasonable, but at least better than without initialization fVolume(NULL), fRow(NULL), fNumRowSegment(0), fNumPhiSegment(0), fNumEtaSegment(0), fNumRowSegmentPlusOne(0), fNumPhiSegmentPlusOne(0), fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne(0), fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne(0), fBounds(0), fPhiHitsOutOfRange(0), fEtaHitsOutOfRange(0), fPhiMin(0), fPhiMax(0), fEtaMin(0), fEtaMax(0), fRowMin(0), fRowMax(0), fVertexConstraint(kTRUE) { //Default constructor fParamSet[0]=0; fParamSet[1]=0; } AliHLTTPCConfMapper::AliHLTTPCConfMapper(const AliHLTTPCConfMapper&) : fBench(kTRUE), fNTracks(0), fVertex(NULL), fVertexFinder(kFALSE), fHit(NULL), fTrack(NULL), fMaxDca(0.0), // no clue whether this is reasonable, but at least better than without initialization fVolume(NULL), fRow(NULL), fNumRowSegment(0), fNumPhiSegment(0), fNumEtaSegment(0), fNumRowSegmentPlusOne(0), fNumPhiSegmentPlusOne(0), fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne(0), fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne(0), fBounds(0), fPhiHitsOutOfRange(0), fEtaHitsOutOfRange(0), fPhiMin(0), fPhiMax(0), fEtaMin(0), fEtaMax(0), fRowMin(0), fRowMax(0), fVertexConstraint(kTRUE) { // dummy copy constructor //HLTFatal("copy constructor untested"); } AliHLTTPCConfMapper& AliHLTTPCConfMapper::operator=(const AliHLTTPCConfMapper&) { // dummy assignment operator //HLTFatal("assignment operator untested"); return *this; } AliHLTTPCConfMapper::~AliHLTTPCConfMapper() { // Destructor. if(fVolume) { delete [] fVolume; } if(fRow) { delete [] fRow; } if(fHit) { delete [] fHit; } if(fTrack) { delete fTrack; } } void AliHLTTPCConfMapper::InitVolumes() { //Data organization. //Allocate volumes, set conformal coordinates and pointers. //Should be done after setting the track parameters fNumRowSegmentPlusOne = AliHLTTPCTransform::GetNRows();//NumRows[0]; //Maximum 32. fNumPhiSegmentPlusOne = fNumPhiSegment+1; fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne = fNumEtaSegment+1; fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne = fNumPhiSegmentPlusOne*fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne; fBounds = fNumRowSegmentPlusOne * fNumPhiSegmentPlusOne * fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne; //Allocate volumes: if(fVolume) delete [] fVolume; if(fRow) delete [] fRow; LOG(AliHLTTPCLog::kInformational,"AliHLTTPCConfMapper::InitVolumes","Memory")<GetAngle(sector) - 10/todeg; fPhiMax = 10*AliHLTTPCTransform::ToRad();//fParam->GetAngle(sector) + 10/todeg; fNTracks=0; fMainVertexTracks = 0; fClustersUnused = 0; fEtaHitsOutOfRange=0; fPhiHitsOutOfRange=0; fNumRowSegment = fRowMax - fRowMin; //number of rows to be considered by tracker LOG(AliHLTTPCLog::kInformational,"AliHLTTPCConfMapper::InitSector","B-field") <<"Tracker initializing with a magnetic field of "<Reset(); } Bool_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::ReadHits(UInt_t count, AliHLTTPCSpacePointData* hits ) { //read hits Int_t nhit=(Int_t)count; for (Int_t i=0;iAt(j); AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *thisHit = &(fHit[j]); thisHit->Setup(fVertex); Int_t localrow = thisHit->GetPadRow(); if(localrow < fRowMin || localrow > fRowMax) continue; //Get indexes: thisHit->SetPhiIndex((Int_t)((thisHit->GetPhi()-fPhiMin)/phiSlice +1)); if(thisHit->GetPhiIndex()<1 || thisHit->GetPhiIndex()>fNumPhiSegment) { //cout << "Phiindex: " << thisHit->phiIndex << " " << thisHit->GetPhi() << endl; fPhiHitsOutOfRange++; continue; } thisHit->SetEtaIndex((Int_t)((thisHit->GetEta()-fEtaMin)/etaSlice + 1)); if(thisHit->GetEtaIndex()<1 || thisHit->GetEtaIndex()>fNumEtaSegment) { //cout << "Etaindex: " << thisHit->etaIndex << " " << thisHit->GetEta() << endl; fEtaHitsOutOfRange++; continue; } localcounter++; volumeIndex = (localrow-fRowMin)*fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne + thisHit->GetPhiIndex()*fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne+thisHit->GetEtaIndex(); if(fVolume[volumeIndex].first == NULL) fVolume[volumeIndex].first = (void *)thisHit; else ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)fVolume[volumeIndex].last)->SetNextVolumeHit(thisHit); fVolume[volumeIndex].last = (void *)thisHit; //set row pointers if(fRow[(localrow-fRowMin)].first == NULL) fRow[(localrow-fRowMin)].first = (void *)thisHit; else ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)(fRow[(localrow-fRowMin)].last))->SetNextRowHit(thisHit); fRow[(localrow-fRowMin)].last = (void *)thisHit; } if(fClustersUnused>0 && localcounter==0) LOG(AliHLTTPCLog::kError,"AliHLTTPCConfMapper::SetPointers","Parameters") < 2) fGoodDist=goodDist; SetMaxAngleTracklet(maxangle, vc); } void AliHLTTPCConfMapper::ClusterLoop() { //Loop over hits, starting at outermost padrow, and trying to build segments. //Check if there are not enough clusters to make a track in this sector //Can happen in pp events. if(fClustersUnused < fMinPoints[fVertexConstraint]) return; Int_t rowsegm,lastrow = fRowMin + fMinPoints[fVertexConstraint]; AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit; //Loop over rows, and try to create tracks from the hits. //Starts at the outermost row, and loops as long as a track can be build, due to length. for(rowsegm = fRowMax; rowsegm >= lastrow; rowsegm--) { if(fRow[(rowsegm-fRowMin)].first && ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fRow[(rowsegm-fRowMin)].first)->GetPadRow() < fRowMin + 1) break; for(hit = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)fRow[(rowsegm-fRowMin)].first; hit!=0; hit=hit->GetNextRowHit()) { if(hit->GetUsage() == true) continue; else CreateTrack(hit); } } return; } void AliHLTTPCConfMapper::CreateTrack(AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit) { //Tries to create a track from the initial hit given by ClusterLoop() AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *closesthit = NULL; AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack *track = NULL; Int_t point; Int_t tracks = fNTracks; fNTracks++; track = (AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack*)fTrack->NextTrack(); //reset hit parameters: track->Reset(); UInt_t *trackhitnumber = track->GetHitNumbers(); //set conformal coordinates if we are looking for non vertex tracks if(!fVertexConstraint) { hit->SetAllCoord(hit); } //fill fit parameters of initial track: track->UpdateParam(hit); //here the number of hits is incremented. trackhitnumber[track->GetNumberOfPoints()-1] = hit->GetHitNumber(); Double_t dx,dy; //create tracklets: for(point=1; pointGetX() - ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)hit)->GetX(); dy = ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)closesthit)->GetY() - ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)hit)->GetY(); //track->fLength += (Double_t)sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ; Double_t length = track->GetLength()+(Double_t)sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ); track->SetLength(length); //closesthit->SetS(track->fLength); closesthit->SetS(track->GetLength()); //update fit parameters track->UpdateParam(closesthit); trackhitnumber[track->GetNumberOfPoints()-1] = closesthit->GetHitNumber(); hit = closesthit; } else { //closest hit does not exist: track->DeleteCandidate(); fTrack->RemoveLast(); fNTracks--; point = fTrackletLength[fVertexConstraint]; } } //tracklet is long enough to be extended to a track if(track->GetNumberOfPoints() == fTrackletLength[fVertexConstraint]) { track->SetProperties(true); if(TrackletAngle(track) > fMaxAngleTracklet[fVertexConstraint]) {//proof if the first points seem to be a beginning of a track track->SetProperties(false); track->DeleteCandidate(); fTrack->RemoveLast(); fNTracks--; } else//good tracklet ->proceed, follow the trackfit { tracks++; //define variables to keep the total chi: Double_t xyChi2 = track->GetChiSq1(); Double_t szChi2 = track->GetChiSq2(); for(point = fTrackletLength[fVertexConstraint]; point <= fNumRowSegment; point++) { track->SetChiSq1(fHitChi2Cut[fVertexConstraint]); closesthit = GetNextNeighbor((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)track->GetLastHit(),track); if(closesthit) { //keep total chi: Double_t lxyChi2 = track->GetChiSq1()-track->GetChiSq2(); xyChi2 += lxyChi2; closesthit->SetXYChi2(lxyChi2); //update track length: track->SetLength(closesthit->GetS()); szChi2 += track->GetChiSq2(); closesthit->SetSZChi2(track->GetChiSq2()); track->UpdateParam(closesthit); trackhitnumber[track->GetNumberOfPoints()-1] = closesthit->GetHitNumber(); //add closest hit to track closesthit->SetUsage(true); closesthit->SetTrackNumber(tracks-1); }//closesthit else { //closest hit does not exist point = fNumRowSegment; //continue with next hit in segment }//else }//create tracks //store track chi2: track->SetChiSq1(xyChi2); track->SetChiSq2(szChi2); Double_t normalizedchi2 = (track->GetChiSq1()+track->GetChiSq2())/track->GetNumberOfPoints(); //remove tracks with not enough points already now if(track->GetNumberOfPoints() < fMinPoints[fVertexConstraint] || normalizedchi2 > fTrackChi2Cut[fVertexConstraint]) { track->SetProperties(false); fNTracks--; track->DeleteCandidate(); fTrack->RemoveLast(); tracks--; } else { fClustersUnused -= track->GetNumberOfPoints(); track->ComesFromMainVertex(fVertexConstraint); //mark track as main vertex track or not track->SetSector(2); //only needed for testing purposes. track->SetRowRange(fRowMin,fRowMax); if(fVertexConstraint) fMainVertexTracks++; } }//good tracklet } return; } AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *AliHLTTPCConfMapper::GetNextNeighbor(AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *starthit, AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack *track) { //When forming segments: Finds closest hit to input hit //When forming tracks: Find closest hit to track fit. Double_t dist,closestdist = fMaxDist[fVertexConstraint]; AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit = NULL; AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *closesthit = NULL; Int_t subrowsegm; Int_t subphisegm; Int_t subetasegm; Int_t volumeIndex; Int_t testhit; Int_t maxrow = starthit->GetPadRow()-1; Int_t minrow; if(track) //finding hit close to trackfit { minrow = starthit->GetPadRow()-fRowScopeTrack[fVertexConstraint]; } else { minrow = starthit->GetPadRow()-fRowScopeTracklet[fVertexConstraint]; } //make a smart loop Int_t loopeta[25] = {0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1, 0,0,-1,-1,1,1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,2,2,2,2,2}; Int_t loopphi[25] = {0,-1,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,1, -2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-2,-1,0,1,2,-2,-1,0,1,2}; if(minrow < fRowMin) minrow = fRowMin; if(maxrow < fRowMin) return 0; //reached the last padrow under consideration else { //loop over sub rows for(subrowsegm=maxrow; subrowsegm>=minrow; subrowsegm--) { //loop over subsegments, in the order defined above. for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) { subphisegm = starthit->GetPhiIndex() + loopphi[i]; if(subphisegm < 0 || subphisegm >= fNumPhiSegment) continue; /* if(subphisegm<0) subphisegm += fNumPhiSegment; else if(subphisegm >=fNumPhiSegment) subphisegm -= fNumPhiSegment; */ //loop over sub eta segments subetasegm = starthit->GetEtaIndex() + loopeta[i]; if(subetasegm < 0 || subetasegm >=fNumEtaSegment) continue;//segment exceeds bounds->skip it //loop over hits in this sub segment: volumeIndex=(subrowsegm-fRowMin)*fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne + subphisegm*fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne + subetasegm; if(volumeIndex<0) {//debugging LOG(AliHLTTPCLog::kError,"AliHLTTPCConfMapper::GetNextNeighbor","Memory")<GetNextVolumeHit()) { if(!hit->GetUsage()) {//hit was not used before //set conformal mapping if looking for nonvertex tracks: if(!fVertexConstraint) { hit->SetAllCoord(starthit); } if(track)//track search - look for nearest neighbor to extrapolated track { // BEGINN ############################################## MODIFIY JMT #if 1 if (fVertexConstraint) { if(!VerifyRange(starthit,hit)) continue; } #else if(!VerifyRange(starthit,hit)) continue; #endif // END ################################################# MODIFIY JMT testhit = EvaluateHit(starthit,hit,track); if(testhit == 0)//chi2 not good enough, keep looking continue; else if(testhit==2)//chi2 good enough, return it return hit; else closesthit = hit;//chi2 acceptable, but keep looking }//track search else //tracklet search, look for nearest neighbor { if((dist=CalcDistance(starthit,hit)) < closestdist) { // BEGINN ############################################## MODIFIY JMT #if 1 if (fVertexConstraint) { if(!VerifyRange(starthit,hit)) continue; } #else if(!VerifyRange(starthit,hit)) continue; #endif // END ################################################# MODIFIY JMT closestdist = dist; closesthit = hit; //if this hit is good enough, return it: if(closestdist < fGoodDist) return closesthit; } else continue;//sub hit was farther away than a hit before }//tracklet search }//hit not used before else continue; //sub hit was used before }//loop over hits in sub segment }//loop over sub segments }//loop over subrows }//else //closest hit found: if(closesthit)// && closestdist < mMaxDist) return closesthit; else return 0; } Int_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::EvaluateHit(AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *starthit,AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit,AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack *track) { //Check if space point gives a fit with acceptable chi2. Double_t temp,dxy,lchi2,dx,dy,slocal,dsz,lszChi2; temp = (track->GetA2Xy()*hit->GetXprime()-hit->GetYprime()+track->GetA1Xy()); dxy = temp*temp/(track->GetA2Xy()*track->GetA2Xy() + 1.); //Calculate chi2 lchi2 = (dxy*hit->GetXYWeight()); if(lchi2 > track->GetChiSq1())//chi2 was worse than before. return 0; //calculate s and the distance hit-line dx = starthit->GetX()-hit->GetX(); dy = starthit->GetY()-hit->GetY(); //slocal = track->fLength+sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); slocal = track->GetLength()+sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); temp = (track->GetA2Sz()*slocal-hit->GetZ()+track->GetA1Sz()); dsz = temp*temp/(track->GetA2Sz()*track->GetA2Sz()+1); //calculate chi2 lszChi2 = dsz*hit->GetZWeight(); lchi2 += lszChi2; //check whether chi2 is better than previous one: if(lchi2 < track->GetChiSq1()) { track->SetChiSq1(lchi2); track->SetChiSq2(lszChi2); hit->SetS(slocal); //if chi2 good enough, stop here: if(lchi2 < fGoodHitChi2[fVertexConstraint]) return 2; return 1; } return 0; } Double_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::CalcDistance(const AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit1,const AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit2) const { //Return distance between two clusters, defined by Pablo Double_t phidiff = fabs( hit1->GetPhi() - hit2->GetPhi() ); if (phidiff > AliHLTTPCTransform::Pi()) phidiff = AliHLTTPCTransform::TwoPi() - phidiff; return AliHLTTPCTransform::ToDeg()*fabs((Float_t)((hit1->GetPadRow() - hit2->GetPadRow()) * (phidiff + fabs( hit1->GetEta() - hit2->GetEta())))); } Bool_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::VerifyRange(const AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit1,const AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *hit2) const { //Check if the hit are within reasonable range in phi and eta Double_t dphi,deta;//maxphi=0.1,maxeta=0.1; dphi = fabs(hit1->GetPhi() - hit2->GetPhi()); if(dphi > AliHLTTPCTransform::Pi()) dphi = fabs(AliHLTTPCTransform::TwoPi() - dphi); if(dphi > fMaxPhi) return false; deta = fabs(hit1->GetEta() - hit2->GetEta()); if(deta > fMaxEta) return false; return true; } Double_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::TrackletAngle(AliHLTTPCConfMapTrack *track,Int_t n) const { // Returns the angle 'between' the last three points (started at point number n) on this track. if(n > track->GetNumberOfPoints()) n = track->GetNumberOfPoints(); if(n<3) return 0; Double_t x1[2]; Double_t x2[2]; Double_t x3[2]; Double_t angle1,angle2; Int_t counter=0; for(track->StartLoop(); track->LoopDone(); track->GetNextHit()) { AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *p = (AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint*)track->GetCurrentHit(); if( (n-1) == counter) { x1[0] = p->GetX(); x1[1] = p->GetY(); } else if( (n-2) == counter) { x2[0] = p->GetX(); x2[1] = p->GetY(); } else if( (n-3) == counter) { x3[0] = p->GetX(); x3[1] = p->GetY(); } counter++; } angle1 = atan2(x2[1]-x3[1],x2[0]-x3[0]); angle2 = atan2(x1[1]-x2[1],x1[0]-x2[0]); return fabs(angle1-angle2); /* Double_t x1[2]; Double_t x2[2]; Double_t angle1,angle2; TObjArray *hits = track->GetHits(); if (n > track->GetNumberOfPoints()) { n = track->GetNumberOfPoints(); } if (n<3) return 0; x1[0] = ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetX() - ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-3))->GetX(); x1[1] = ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetY() - ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-3))->GetY(); x2[0] = ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-1))->GetX() - ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetX(); x2[1] = ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-1))->GetY() - ((AliHLTTPCConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetY(); angle1 = atan2(x1[1],x1[0]); angle2 = atan2(x2[1],x1[0]); return fabs(angle1-angle2); */ } Int_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::FillTracks() { //Fill track parameters. Which basically means do a fit of helix in real space, //which should be done in order to get nice tracks. Int_t numoftracks = fNTracks; if(fNTracks == 0) { LOG(AliHLTTPCLog::kError,"AliHLTTPCConfMapper::FillTracks","fNTracks")<Sort(); for(Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); track->Fill(fVertex,fMaxDca); } return 1; } Double_t AliHLTTPCConfMapper::CpuTime() { //Return the Cputime in seconds. struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); return tv.tv_sec+(((Double_t)tv.tv_usec)/1000000.); }