// XEmacs -*-C++-*- // @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTTPCDIGITREADERPACKED_H #define ALIHLTTPCDIGITREADERPACKED_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * /** @file AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked.h @author Timm Steinbeck, Jochen Thaeder, Matthias Richter, Kenneth Aamodt @date @brief A digit reader implementation for simulated, packed TPC 'raw' data. */ //#define ENABLE_PAD_SORTING 1 #include "AliHLTTPCDigitReader.h" #include class AliRawReaderMemory; class AliTPCRawStream; /** * @class AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked * A digit reader implementation for simulated, packed TPC 'raw' data. * Includes reordering of the pads by default, sorting (and time and * memory consuming intermediate storing of the data) can be disabled * by @ref SetUnsorted() with argument kTRUE. * * @ingroup alihlt_tpc */ class AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked : public AliHLTTPCDigitReader{ public: /** standard constructor */ AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked(); /** * Init the reader with a data block. * The function fetches the first and last row for the readout partition * from @ref AliHLTTPCTransform. * @param ptr pointer to data buffer * @param size size of the data buffer * @param patch patch (readout partition) number within the slice * @param slice sector no (0 to 35) */ Int_t InitBlock(void* ptr,ULong_t size, Int_t patch, Int_t slice); void SetUnsorted(bool unsorted){fUnsorted=unsorted;} Bool_t NextSignal(); Int_t GetRow(); Int_t GetPad(); Int_t GetSignal(); Int_t GetTime(); bool NextChannel(); int NextBunch(); AliHLTUInt32_t GetAltroBlockHWaddr() const; int GetBunchSize(); const UInt_t* GetSignals(); Int_t GetTimeOfUnsortedSignal(); protected: private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked(const AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked& operator=(const AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked&); // Initialize AliROOT TPC raw stream parsing class AliRawReaderMemory *fRawMemoryReader; //!transient AliTPCRawStream *fTPCRawStream; //!transient //#if ENABLE_PAD_SORTING Int_t fCurrentRow; //!transient Int_t fCurrentPad; //!transient Int_t fCurrentBin; //!transient Int_t fRowOffset; //!transient Int_t fNRows; //!transient Int_t fNMaxRows; //!transient Int_t fNMaxPads; //!transient Int_t fNTimeBins; //!transient Int_t *fData; //!transient //#endif // ENABLE_PAD_SORTING Bool_t fUnsorted; //!transient vector fDataBunch; Bool_t fNextChannelFlag; Int_t fCurrentPatch; ClassDef(AliHLTTPCDigitReaderPacked, 3) }; #endif