// @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTTPCESDWRITERCOMPONENT_H #define ALIHLTTPCESDWRITERCOMPONENT_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /** @file AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent.h @author Matthias Richter @date @brief Writer component to store tracks of the HLT TPC conformal mapping tracker in the AliESD format */ // see below for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #include "AliHLTRootFileWriterComponent.h" #include "AliHLTProcessor.h" // forward declarations class TTree; class AliESDEvent; class AliHLTTPCTrackArray; /** * @class AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent * This class translates incoming track segments structures from the TPC * conformal mapping tracker (datatype TRAKSEGS/TPC) or tracks in global * coordinates from the AliHLTTPCGlobalMergerComponent (TRACKS/TPC) into * the ESD format. * * The \em TPCEsdWriter writes it to a ROOT file, the \em TPCEsdConverter * to a TTree and sends the whole object to the output stream with data * type @ref kAliHLTDataTypeESDTree and origin TPC. * * In case of TRAKSEGS, the component can only process data block containing * data of one slice, but it can read an unlimeted number of data blocks. * * componentid: \b TPCEsdWriter
* componentid: \b TPCEsdConverter
* componentlibrary: \b libAliHLTTPC.so
* Arguments TPCEsdWriter:
* * \li -datafile filename
* file name base * \li -directory directory
* target directory * * Arguments TPCEsdConverter:
* * \li -notree * write ESD directly to output (@ref kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject) * \li -tree * write ESD directly to TTree and to output (@ref kAliHLTDataTypeESDTree), * this is the default behavior. * *
 * Example usage (HLT configuration file):
 *         \
 *             \AliRootWrapperSubscriber -eventmodulo 1
 *                 -componentid TPCEsdWriter
 *                 -componentlibrary libAliHLTTPC.so
 *                 -componentargs "-datafile AliESDs.root"
 *            \
 *            \TR0-SC\
 *            \master\
 *            \
 *        \
* * @see AliHLTFileWriter and AliHLTRootFileWriterComponent for more parameters */ class AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent : public AliHLTLogging { public: /** standard constructor */ AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent(); /** destructor */ ~AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent(); /** * class AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent::AliWriter * The writer component of the AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent. */ class AliWriter : public AliHLTRootFileWriterComponent { public: /** standard constructor */ AliWriter(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliWriter(); /** * The id of the component. * @return component id (string) */ const char* GetComponentID() {return "TPCEsdWriter";}; void GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); /** * Spawn function. * @return new class instance */ AliHLTComponent* Spawn() {return new AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent::AliWriter;} protected: /** * Data processing method for the component. * The function can be overloaded by specific ROOT file writer * components. * @param evtData event data structure * @param blocks input data block descriptors * @param trigData trigger data structure */ int DumpEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData ); using AliHLTRootFileWriterComponent::DumpEvent; /** * Scan one argument and adjacent parameters. * @param argc size of the argument array * @param argv agument array for component initialization * @return number of processed members of the argv
* -EINVAL unknown argument
* -EPROTO parameter for argument missing
*/ int ScanArgument(int argc, const char** argv); private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliWriter(const AliWriter&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliWriter& operator=(const AliWriter&); /** * Init the writer. * The DoInit function is not available for this child class. InitWriter is the * corresponding function for classes derived from AliHLTFileWriter. */ int InitWriter(); /** * Init the writer. * The DoDeinit function is not available for this child class. CloseWriter is the * corresponding function for classes derived from AliHLTFileWriter. */ int CloseWriter(); /** the ESD tree */ TTree* fTree; //! transient value /** the ESD */ AliESDEvent* fESD; //! transient value /** pointer to the basic ESD conversion methods */ AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent* fBase; //! transient value }; /** * class AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent::AliConverter * The converter component of the AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent. * */ class AliConverter : public AliHLTProcessor { public: /** standard constructor */ AliConverter(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliConverter(); // interface methods of base class const char* GetComponentID() {return "TPCEsdConverter";}; void GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); AliHLTComponentDataType GetOutputDataType(); void GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier); AliHLTComponent* Spawn() {return new AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent::AliConverter;} protected: // interface methods of base class int DoInit(int argc, const char** argv); int DoDeinit(); int DoEvent(const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ); using AliHLTProcessor::DoEvent; private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliConverter(const AliConverter&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliConverter& operator=(const AliConverter&); /** pointer to the basic ESD conversion methods */ AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent* fBase; //! transient value /** write object to TTree or directly */ int fWriteTree; //!transient }; protected: /** * Process the input data blocks. * @param pTree tree to be filled * @param pESD ESD to be filled * @param blocks data block descriptor array * @param nBlocks size of the array * @param pMinSlice [OUT] receives the minimum slice no * @param pMaxSlice [OUT] receives the maximum slice no * @return neg. error code if failed */ int ProcessBlocks(TTree* pTree, AliESDEvent* pESD, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, int nBlocks, int* pMinSlice=NULL, int* pMaxSlice=NULL); /** * Covert tracks to AliTPCtracks (AliKalmanTracks) and add them to ESD. * @param pTracks array of tracks * @param pESD pointer to ESD * @return neg. error code if failed */ int Tracks2ESD(AliHLTTPCTrackArray* pTracks, AliESDEvent* pESD); private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent(const AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent& operator=(const AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent&); ClassDef(AliHLTTPCEsdWriterComponent, 1) }; #endif